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Charged: An Otherwordly Reverse Harem (The Otherworlds Series Book 1)

Page 26

by Gillian Zane

  “Why aren’t you inside getting to know Nash and Mea? They’re great people and Nasha is basically our only friend.”

  “Because I’m getting to know you, Von,” she responded.

  “What is there to know? I’m just another version of him.” He gestured with his head in Roc’s direction.

  “I’m not buying that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I know I’ve only known Roc for a few weeks, and you and Finn for only half of that, but all of you seem to be very different people. Similar, yes, but you have your own personalities.”

  “I don’t feel like I have much of my own,” Von said quietly.

  “That might change in the future. You guys have plenty of time to figure things out along the way. I’m sure in a few years, if given the inclination, you’ll have set yourselves apart.” Bobbie felt proud of herself, channeling her inner counselor. It was becoming apparent that Von was having an existential crisis. She wasn’t too familiar with what that entailed, having friends that could generally give no fucks, and were materialistic by nature, but she got it. Wasn’t she having her own life crisis on the day Roc abducted her?

  “If we grow too different, it’ll cause nothing but problems. There’ll be issues. Roc already doesn’t like that we’re autonomous. What will happen then?” He took in a deep breath as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

  “I think you’re overthinking things, Von. There’s no going back now. You’re here, now we have to see where things take us.”

  “Roc said the same thing.”

  “That’s because I’m rubbing off on him,” Bobbie laughed and it coaxed a smile out of Von.

  “Bobbie, Mea wants me to take her to the small town on the other side of the peak. Do you want to come?” Roc stepped out onto the balcony, with Mea and Nasha hovering behind him. She looked to Von who was still gazing out on the mountains.

  “I think I’m going to stay here with Von,” Bobbie said and Roc nodded quickly like that was a good idea. She glided over to him, placed a hand on his shoulder and got on her tiptoes to plant a light kiss on his lips.

  “Try to figure out what’s got him so,” Roc waved his hand in Von’s general direction.

  “On it,” she whispered.

  He slid an arm around her and pulled her in for a hug, dipping his head down and capturing her mouth for a deep kiss. Bobbie shuddered against him as the charge ramped up between them. She broke away with a gasp and pushed at his chest.

  “Better go now,” she laughed.

  “Right, we shouldn’t be gone that long and we’ll bring something back to eat.”

  Bobbie’s stomach growled as she watched Nasha, Mea, and Roc walk across the scary ass transparent bridge to board Roc’s transport.

  “Hungry?” Von asked.

  “Starving, and I don’t know if I can wait until they get back,” she sighed.

  “Let’s go find the kitchen. Nasha dismissed his staff when I showed up, so we’ve been living off nutritional tablets, but they should still have a stocked kitchen.”


  The naughty thing about Von

  Von and Bobbie wandered through the palace at a leisurely pace. He showed her things the overeager Mea had forgotten, mostly art pieces which were commissioned by some famous artist a few centuries ago. He even brought her down to the bowels of the palace, where it sat on natural hot springs that were used as a communal swimming and bathing area.

  When they finally wandered up to the kitchens, Bobbie was famished, but Von made her sit on the counter and observe as he pressed button after button, calling up items. Nothing in the room looked like an Earth kitchen.

  “Before Roc was of age, there was one school break where he spent the majority of his time in the kitchens. Since our mother loved cooking and food so much, he thought if he learned to cook he might find a piece of her to hold on to. Every now and again he liked to try out something new, but the kitchen staff gets nervous when he goes down there. This is a rare treat. I haven’t tried it before, I only have Roc’s memories.”

  “What are you making?”

  “Something like your Earth’s pasta, but not made with grains.”

  “As long as it’s as yummy as pasta, I have a thing for carbs.” She patted her stomach in a self-detracting manner and Von frowned.

  “I do not understand your joke, Bobbie,” he said.

  “Well, um, carbs, or carbohydrates, they’re considered not good for you on Earth. There are all these no-carb diets that are always the rage, so when you eat carbs, well, you know, you get fat.” She grimaced and threw her hands up, feeling kind of awkward and she didn’t know why.

  “That sounds like a ridiculous diet, no carbohydrates. Doesn’t the body need carbohydrates to survive?”

  “I guess, maybe you just shouldn’t eat them in excess,” she shrugged and he nodded his understanding.

  “Do you think you are fat, Bobbie?” Von placed the odd instrument he was using to cook down and walked to where Bobbie sat on the counter.

  “I’m not exactly a light-weight,” she laughed nervously.

  “Neither am I, but what I’m asking is if you do not like the way you look?”

  “It’s a fatal flaw. Show me one person that likes the way they look, Von,” she sighed.

  “I think you are the most stunning creature I’ve ever laid eyes on,” he said and placed a hand on either side of her and met her eyes.

  “You’ve had to have seen better looking.” She looked away embarrassed.

  “Never, and it pains me that you don’t see it. You have four men fawning over you, Bobbie. That must mean something.”

  “It’s only because of the charge,” she whispered.

  “It started with the charge, but now it’s all about you.” Bobbie thought he might kiss her. That he might take advantage of the moment and finally bind them together. He didn’t, not even a touch. He went back to his side of the counter and continued to prepare the strange meal while Bobbie watched.

  They lapsed into a comfortable silence, only broken as Von explained what he was doing, or what item he was using. When he was finished, they ate in the kitchen at a small table in the corner. It wasn’t the best meal Bobbie had eaten, but it was nice. It was normal, which wasn’t something that was her usual M.O. in recent weeks. Yet, something kept her distracted while they ate. Why hadn’t he touched her? With the others, it had gone from zero to sixty in a moment, from easy camaraderie to passion explosion. She felt like she was doing something wrong and finally worked up the nerve to ask him.

  “Why haven’t you touched me?”

  Von twisted between his fingers the small utensil that was used like a fork. It was longer than what Bobbie was used to, and it had two prongs at the end, almost like something used with fondue. His mood was contemplative as he thought over her question. As if he didn’t know a reason, or couldn’t grasp the words to convey the reasons.

  “I don’t think what we have is the same as what you have with the others.” His voice was low, but she heard him clearly. “I’ve felt you, through the bond that I share with them. I feel what they feel, I understand their wants. But—”

  “If you don’t feel the same, I understand. Von, we just met, I get it,” Bobbie interrupted him. “I don’t want to pressure you.” She felt horrible. She already had three guys, and here she was trying to push another guy into her bed. She hadn’t wanted him to finish his thought because of fear of embarrassment, or what he might say. Even with the others fawning over her, a rejection would still be devastating. Bobbie was never good with rejection.

  “No, not at all, Bobbie.” He got out of his chair and stood above Bobbie, looking down at her. He lifted his hand like he wanted to touch her, but dropped it to his side as if something was holding him back.

  “Then what is it?” she asked.

  “I can’t be like them. I think something went wrong with my split,” he sighed and began to pace.

  “You mean,
like you feel different, or is there something wrong with you physically?” A million complications streamed through Bobbie’s head. Was he sick? Or maybe he had an issue with his man parts? She had seen an ad that said erectile dysfunction affected one in every four men. That would be rather on point if this was the case.

  “Nothing physical, it’s all up here.” he tapped his head.

  “Oh! Look, if you’re having anxiety, or something like that, I get it. You don’t even want to know what kind of issues I’ve had before. I was seeing a therapist a few years back because I had this weird fear of escalators and thought I might get sucked into the bottom, and of course they have escalators that go to the 2nd floor lobby at my work. The therapist told me it was more about my job than an actual escalator…” Bobbie was rambling because she was nervous. “And then when I was dating this guy Liam, he would make these passive aggressive statements about my weight and I started to have panic attacks.”

  “Please do not talk about people you have been with,” he said quietly.

  “Look, I’m only saying you don’t have to be ashamed of whatever is going on in your head. I’m sure whatever it is, we can work through it.”

  “I think this might be more than can be dealt with.”

  “Just tell me, Von. I won’t get all judgmental, I promise.” Bobbie stood in the way of his pacing.

  “I need you to…” he trailed off and looked away.

  “What?” she prodded.

  “Take control. I can’t do it, I don’t know what’s stopping me, but I can’t do it. I dream of you—" Again his voice faded.

  “What do I do in your fantasies?”

  “You dominate me,” Von admitted quietly. Bobbie stepped back, her mouth in a little O shape. Of all the things, she hadn’t expected this. She had a tiny bit of experience with a bit of domination and submission play between lovers. It didn’t last longer because the guy wanted her to be the submissive, and she wasn’t a very good submissive. She was all about letting a man take control in bed, but she wanted to kick it her way at times as well, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to let a man tie her up and slap her around. That was not her thing.

  But thinking about what Von had said, and thinking about turning things around a little caused a shiver to trickle down her spine. He wanted her to take control of him.

  “Von?” He wouldn’t meet her eyes.

  “Yes?” He stared down at his hands.

  “Come here,” she said in a voice that was low but demanding. His eyes shot up and found hers and she crooked a finger at him. “I want you to kiss me, now.” She hoped this was dominant enough. She wasn’t used to be a dominating person, often taking the middle road.

  He walked toward her slowly, until they were only a breath apart, but still he held back.

  “Are you sure?” His insecurity played out across his face, but all Bobbie could feel was the anticipation of the nearness, the spark sliding underneath her skin, waiting to explode out of her.

  “Kiss me now.”

  He obeyed. His soft lips descended on hers, teasing the charge from underneath her skin as it erupted around them. He slipped his tongue over her lips, coaxing them open with a trepidatious prodding. She sighed against his mouth, finally feeling finished, whole. Her hands went to his shoulders, holding him in place as their energy coalesced and became one.

  “You are truly perfection,” Von whispered as they broke away, their breathing slightly strained, their bodies alive with the shared attraction.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she smiled, her gaze trailing down his body and landing on the erection that strained against the tight pants he wore. Well, there was no E.D. for this guy. She slipped a hand across the clothing she wore, letting the soft fabric pull away from her body, as she let it fall to the floor. Von’s eye followed her every movement.

  “I want you to pleasure me, Von,” she said, embracing the role he wanted her to take.

  “What do you want me to do to you?”

  “I want your mouth, here.” She touched herself, sliding her fingers across the bit of fabric that covered her pussy, making it pull away and join the other fabric on the ground. Her fingers parted the lips of her sex and felt how wet she had become from the anticipation of what they were about to do.

  “Yes.” Von’s eyes were huge and the thrill of power she had over him had her body pulsing with arousal. She moved a chair to the side, and took a seat on the table, spreading her legs and placing them next to her on the table.

  “Pull up a seat and dine on my pussy, Von,” she said, holding back a giggle at her raunchy talk. He wasted no time, grabbing a chair and sitting between her legs. It was only moments before his mouth was on her, hesitant at first as he licked cautiously, but as he got his bearing, he found her clit and sucked it into his mouth.

  Bobbie moaned his name, and plunged her fingers into his hair, urging him in the right direction.

  “More, use your fingers,” she cried and he did as told, adding his fingers to the mix, inserting them inside of her as his mouth continued to work her in a way that was intensely erotic. Bobbie moved her hips to his rhythms as the warm flood of pleasure took her over. She became a writhing and moaning being with nothing to worry about but the act they were engaged in. She thrashed as Von worked her body with an expertise that should be taught in a classroom, it was so good.

  “Fuck me, now, fuck me, Von.” Cold air hit her pussy as Von sat up. He stood and pulled at his pants. The moment his dick was free of the material, it was pressing against her entrance, but he paused, looking down at her.

  “Now, I want you inside of me,” she ordered and he did as she bid. He entered her, and the world around Bobbie exploded. The room was lit up with blue light as their sparks became an entity of its own. He threw his head back and howled and Bobbie heard three other voices join him. They were finally all together. Five becomes one.

  It took only three thrusts, three long and hard thrusts, and Bobbie could not contain herself. She came, and she dragged Von with her, and with him came Roc, Tam, and Finn. She felt them as if they were inside of her as well. They erupted. The sparks surged around them, and Von poured himself into her body. Finally, complete.


  Five becomes one

  They found a bedroom after they had managed to get back into their clothes and stumble down the hallway. But the moment he saw the big bed with the oversized headboard and footboard, Von’s heartbeat sped up and he looked at his Charge Mate with all the need and want in his eyes he could convey.

  After more fumbling, she had him on the bed and restrained and her gorgeous body was riding him, doing things to him that he hadn’t even imagined. He did want to touch her, but being in this position, unable to do anything but let her take control had him turned inside out. As he neared release, she laughed and disengaged her body from him, swatting at his dick coated with her juices.

  She did this three times in a row, and he felt he was about to explode, but the pain that was building in his cock was exquisite.

  “Am I doing this right?” she whispered as she dragged her nails over his chest, causing him to curse her name and praise her with one sound.

  “There is nothing you can do wrong,” Roc said as he opened the door and took in the sight of his glorious Charge Mate antagonizing Von.

  “Roc,” she squealed getting off the bed and throwing herself in his arms, her body damp with sweat and arousal.

  “Pr’iveni,” he crooned and ran his hands over her body, cupping her breasts. “Get back on the bed, I thought I’d join you two,” he said in a tone that made both Von and Bobbie tremble in anticipation.

  “What were you doing to him?” Roc asked.

  “I was—“

  “Show me,” he said and she did as bid, climbing across the bed and straddling Von.

  “Are you ready,” she crooned and lowered herself back onto him, making Von thrash against the covers. “Don’t come until we’re ready,” she moaned as she beg
an to rock back and forth on top of him.

  Von tore his eyes from the glorious creature that rose up and down over him to see his twin undressing, his eyes on both of them. His eyes were hungry as he stalked across the room, his body nude and ready. Even though they looked alike, even though he was once part of this man, Von was so different now. Where Roc conquered, Von surrendered, like they were two sides of a coin. The man crawled over the bed, positioning himself behind their Charge Mate. Bobbie continued to pump her body up and down on Von’s cock, even as Roc pressed her forward, her full body making contact with Von’s chest.

  She cried out in excitement, and Von could feel what she was reacting to as Roc’s body spread Von’s legs further and the head of Roc’s cock joined his own dick at Bobbie’s core. He gently thrust into her, and Von threw his head back with a growl as he felt Roc begin to pump deeper and deeper into her. Once again, he felt one with Roc, combined as they were in the body of their Charge Mate. She rode them as one, they rocked into her as one and Von felt a cohesion that he hadn’t felt in a long time. Roc’s hands gripped his hips for leverage and the three of them fell into a chaotic rhythm that had their hair standing up with the electricity and their words of pleasure translated to no more than strange keening.

  When Bobbie shouted she was ready and he could come, he was surprised by how he instantly reacted, emptying inside of her like it was planned. Like it was choreographed and rehearsed. Like it was fated.

  Bobbie awoke and stretched out on the bed, finding herself alone. She frowned, looking around for some indication of where the men were, but it wasn’t like they could leave her a note. She couldn’t read their language, which was one more reminder that she wasn’t as cohesive of a fit on this planet as she wanted to be.

  Wanted to be.

  That was a different thought. When had she transitioned from willing captive, to hopeful immigrant? Probably somewhere between the many orgasms, and the way her men treated her. And they treated her well. She ran a hand over her body, which was sore in places, and overstimulated in others. Her nipples were almost rubbed raw and when her hands brushed over them, she shivered. They were unbelievably sensitive from all the attention they had been getting lately. She wouldn’t be surprised if she could come from someone merely playing with them. The thought made the fire inside of her begin to burn again and she smiled at her wantonness.


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