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The Rule of 3 [Club Libertine 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Diane Leyne

  Club Libertine 9

  The Rule of 3

  Teacher and sub Sarah Marks volunteered to teach an intro to BDSM session and is paired with Dom Nicholas “Ice” Della Corte. Their attraction is immediate and explosive, but Nick isn’t ready for a relationship. Her best friend Peter “Fire” Firenelli is ready for love. He’s tired of being just friends with Sarah and hopes she’ll see him as a potential Dom.

  Making things even more complicated: Nick is wary because he has been nursing a broken heart for two years. The breakup cost him the woman and man he loved. What’s worse: that man is Peter, who tried to expose a gold-digger and lost his best friend and lover.

  With the men being stubborn, it’s up to Sarah to figure out how to make things work, so she invokes the Rule of 3. Can the two men be able to step up to the table and let bygones be bygones for the woman they both love?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 28,211 words


  Club Libertine 9

  Diane Leyne


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Diane Leyne

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-886-7

  First E-book Publication: June 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  It’s time to go back to Club Libertine. Club Libertine was the first series I ever created and I’ll always have a soft spot for the men and women there. I hope you enjoy visiting it again!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  About the Author


  Club Libertine 9


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Sarah Marks walked into the conference room with some trepidation. She surveyed the room and didn’t recognize a single person, which was only to be expected. She’d only been living in Seattle a little over four months, since the school year had begun the previous September. She’d joined the Collars and Cuffs based on a recommendation from a Dom back in Chicago where she was from. It was a small suburban club not far from where she lived and worked. It wasn’t fancy. It certainly was no Club Libertine, but it was cosy and suited her.

  She’d been flattered when she’d been asked to represent her club at the semi-annual summit of Northwestern BDSM clubs. Now she was nervous to face everyone alone. She looked around the room. There were several reps from the various clubs, including Club Libertine, Leather Heaven, Rosy Cheeks, Spanked, The Pussy Kat Club, The Dungeon, and others. She was the only rep from Collars and Cuffs.

  She wasn’t supposed to be alone, though. But her partner had come down with a case of food poisoning and now she was alone in a room full of Doms. Peter had said he would try and join her midday, but had made no promises.

  As she entered, she paused and surveyed the room. The Doms turned to look at her like sharks scenting blood. One Dom in particular caught her attention. He was tall and broad with short, dark hair. Even from a distance, she could see that his eyes were such a strange, silvery color, so light they looked like ice. He was leaning against the wall up near the podium at the front of the room. From the time she entered, he never took his gaze off her as she made her way into the meeting room. Something about his expression made her shiver, although she wasn’t sure if it was a shiver of fear or anticipation or both.

  She tried to ignore the predatory gazes, his in particular, but it wasn’t the only one. She was a sub, alone, which made her prey to the Doms. She looked around the room for a place to sit.

  She could see that some of the Doms had brought their subs, so she wasn’t the only one, but she was the only one without a Dom. Of course, she wasn’t collared, since she didn’t actually have a Dom of her own, but Peter would have been able to fill that role if he hadn’t gotten sick.

  She wondered if the subs were also here as club representatives or just as adjuncts to their Doms. They were all sitting in chairs and not at their Doms’ feet, which she took as a positive sign.

  She walked over to a seat in the back and placed her briefcase down on the seat at the end of the row. She was just about as far away from him, the Dom with the silver eyes, as she could get and still be in the room. Then she walked over to the table with the refreshments. There was coffee and tea, of course. Also several types of juice, milk and even soda. There was food, too, thank goodness. She’d been running late and had skipped breakfast. Not that it wouldn’t hurt to cut some calories, but she knew that skipping a meal wasn’t the right way t
o do it. It would also affect her concentration.

  She looked down at the table. There were various pastries, muffins and bagels. Bagels. Perfect. She cut one open and placed it in the toaster while she got herself a glass of orange juice. While she was waiting for the bagel to brown, she got a sort of prickly feeling between her shoulder blades. It was like someone was watching her. It was silly, she knew. Sure, people had looked at her curiously when she’d arrived, but she was just one of many now as she waited her turn.

  The feeling of being watched wouldn’t go away and she found her hand shaking slightly, resulting in her pouring far too much juice into the little glass. She was going to have to remember to take a sip before she tried to carry it back to her seat. But now, the bagel was ready. She slathered it with the low-fat cream cheese and reached out for her glass of juice.

  Just as she grasped the glass, she sensed movement and looked up, causing the excess juice to slosh out over her hand. Looking around, she saw silver eyes staring down at her. He grinned, or maybe he just bared his teeth at her. A grin sounded…pleasant. His expression was more feral, as if he’d scented his prey and was now stalking it.

  She froze as he reached out and took her glass of orange juice in one hand and the hand itself in the other.

  Then he lifted her juice-covered hand to his mouth. One by one, he licked her fingers clean. Sara felt her breath quicken, and she could feel her nipples harden and her clit tingle.

  She looked around quickly. Was anyone watching? Most people were focused on their own meals, but she could see a couple of subs staring longingly and a few Doms licking their own lips. She shivered as she realized that these voyeurs only increased her own arousal. Damned room full of kinksters!

  But these thoughts fled as quickly as they had surfaced and her entire focus returned to the man in front of her. Damn. She wished she spilled the whole glass. Down her breasts. And on her clit.

  His mouth was sinful, his tongue wicked as he caressed her fingers until they were all clean. Then he put her index and middle fingers into his mouth and sucked hard once, twice, three times before he released them. She felt her knees start to buckle at the responding feeling in her pussy. She was right. He was a dangerous, dangerous man.

  Before they could even exchange a word, she heard the meeting being called to order. Silver Eyes put his arm around her waist and guided her to her seat. There was an empty one beside her briefcase, so he settled her there, handed her the juice, and then walked away. Stopped. Came back and kissed her hard on the mouth and then walked up to the front of the room and resumed his position against the wall near the podium.

  * * * *

  From his position at the front of the room, Nick Della Corte could observe the attendees. The BDSM lifestyle had received a lot of attention in the media lately thanks to those books. In some ways it seemed to be gaining more general acceptance, but the more publicity it got, the more the crazies came out, too.

  “So what do you think, Nick? Everything under control?” Sean O’Malley was Nick’s boss and the number two man at Whelan Corp.

  “So far, so good. No one who wasn’t invited. No sign of anyone trying to crash.”

  “Good, good. Although, this will be a lot easier than at the conference next year.”

  “Yeah, once the public gets involved, we have a whole new level of risk to monitor for. Between those who think we should all be fitted for chastity devices and re-educated, those who think that it’s a sexual free-for-all, and those who confuse what we do with abuse…Hell, are you sure about the conference?”

  “Yup. And even more importantly, so is Mac. You’ve done good work in the two years you’ve been here, Nick. We’ll talk later. Mac and I like your proposal for revamping security across all the clubs and on the island. We’ll talk about that after this conference is done, but I wanted to let you know that we’re going to give you the green light.”

  Nick nodded coolly, but inside he was doing handsprings. He had to get himself under control. That was in the future. For now, he was concerned with the logistics of this particularly event. And he was on the lookout for one Sarah Marks again. It wasn’t because he thought she was a troublemaker, but because of how his cock reacted whenever he saw her. It had started when he saw her photo while he’d been reviewing the files on the attendees.

  “Sara Marks.”

  “Huh?” Nick turned in shock to Sean.

  “Sara Marks. That’s the name of the sub whose fingers you were licking earlier. Nice girl, or rather woman. Belongs to Collars and Cuffs, I understand, the club Peter belongs to.”

  At Peter’s name, Nick stiffened. He wanted to walk away from the conversation, but this was Sean, his boss and his friend.

  “So I understand.” He tried to keep his tone casual as if he hadn’t looked at her photo more times that he cared to admit, even to himself. There was something about her that called to him. He wasn’t sure what it was. She was beautiful, but he’d seem more beautiful subs. He didn’t even know if she was an accomplished sub, or what she liked.

  “She doesn’t have a Dom, you know. I hear she liked bondage and is a bit of a pain slut but rarely has sex with her play partners. She’s got a reputation for being picky that way, but she’s very well liked. If she wanted one, there’d be a line up. She’s very popular with the Doms. The subs, too, for that matter. I hear she’s a really nice person. A teacher, I think, and just moved to this part of the world last year for a job.”

  Nick looked at Sean. “Do you know this much about all the attendees?”

  “No, only the ones I see my head of security licking orange juice off of. I asked a couple of questions. It wasn’t hard to find out about her. She’s new on the scene here but had one long-term Dom back in Chicago. I can get you a copy of her play profile if you are interested?”

  Nick felt himself blushing.

  “Ah, you already have a copy of her profile, don’t you?”

  Nick nodded, hoping, wishing, and even praying for an emergency so he would have a reason to run from Sean and this interrogation.

  “Well, things seem to be going smoothly here and I know you have staff on duty. If you get a chance, talk to her. Make a play date. It’s been two years. Don’t you think you’ve waited long enough?”


  “I know everything, Nick. Everything. You were hurt. Badly. But life goes on. She’s not Jackie. And yes, she knows Peter. They play at the same club. Deal with it. Don’t spend two more years brooding about the past. Start living again. That’s an order.”

  And then Sean was gone, and Nick had a thousand thoughts running through is brain. Sean knew about what happened between him and Peter and Jackie? Hell. Of course he did. Sean was head of Security for Whelan Corp. He wasn’t going to hire a Head of Security for the BDSM clubs without checking him out thoroughly. He wanted to be angry, but he couldn’t be. He’d have done no less in Sean’s position.

  Start living again? What the hell did that mean? He was living. He had a job and…a job. He had a job, one he was good at, but that wasn’t a life. He should be happy that he was interested in a woman again. From the first time he’d seen her photo, Sarah had affected him. He’d hoped, feared that when he saw her in person at the session, he wouldn’t feel the same way.

  But now that he could see her in person, he realized that her photo hadn’t done her justice. Her profile had told him she was five eight and that her hair was brown and her eyes blue. She’d worn a ponytail in the photo. In real life, she wore it loose. It hung halfway down her back and he could already imagine what it would feel like wrapped around his hands as he held her in place while he fucked her face.

  It also didn’t properly convey the lushness of her figure with her bounteous tits and rounded ass. He was a big guy and he hated playing with stick figures. The current craze to try to emulate famine victims just perplexed him. Why would he want to put a woman over his knee and spank her if he was worried about breaking her in two? Where was the fu
n in that? And forget anything more than spanking. Give him a nice, rounded backside any day of the week, to leave his mark on.

  Damn Sean for encouraging him. He should be thinking about his job and not the thought of bending Ms. Marks over a spanking bench and working her over.

  Given her fair skin, he’d be willing to bet that Miss Sarah Marks had an ass just made for flogging. He wanted to mark Marks. He grinned to himself. Then he shifted, wishing he could adjust his cock in his pants, but he was in full view of half the audience. Instead, he tried to think of something other than the woman in the back row who was still looking a little bemused from his earlier attentions.

  Basketball. Sharks. Long division. Indy 500. Puppies. Rocky Mountains. Oil change. Kittens. Trains. Tunnels. His cock buried in her pussy. Okay, that didn’t help.

  Luckily, it was time for the session to start. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his earpiece. Unfortunately, not everyone in the world was as tolerant of differences as they were, and it didn’t pay to take chances. He was there to oversee security, not pick up subs, although, if the day went as he hoped, he would be able to do both.

  He scanned the room again as Mac Whelan kicked things off.

  The day would be divided into two parts. In the morning, they’d talk about common business, including the increased need to screen potential members as well as the increased number of prospective members, many of whom had no real idea about how a BDSM club worked or even how the lifestyle worked. The afternoon would be devoted to new tools, techniques and equipment.


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