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Ruined by the Marquess: A Forced Marriage Historical Romance (Arranged Marriage Historical Romance Traditional Regency Romance) (Alpha Male Matchmaking Romance Historical Victorian Romance)

Page 3

by Paige Parker

  William looked at Katherine and was taken aback to see the hurt in her huge brown eyes. Had he done the right thing by compromising her reputation? He understood that she was angry with him after the way he’d acted. But what if she held him responsible for forcing her into a marriage that she didn’t want?

  Chapter 5

  Katherine looked at her reflection in the mirror. Dressed in an ivory silk gown that accentuated her curves and her hair swept up in a stylish hairdo that beautifully showcased her slender neck, she was looking beautiful indeed. Now if only she felt as good as she looked!

  “So, I see my dear daughter is ready to walk down the aisle,” her mother entered her chamber with a huge smile on her face. Despite her ill health, she managed to look beautiful and Katherine was glad that her condition had improved magically in the last three days. Katherine also knew that her mother was really happy that she was getting married to William and not Lord Botsworth. Years ago, when they used to spend their holidays at their Sussex townhouse, her mother had grown quite fond of the Sinclair family, William in particular. She’d even formed a deep friendship with Lady Sinclair, his mother.

  “I am sure you’ll get all the happiness in life that you deserve my dear. William is a nice fellow and I’ve always known that you cared deeply for him…..”

  “Mother, how can you say that?” Katherine blushed severely. Did her mother know anything about her childish infatuation? Had she been so transparent as a girl?

  “I am your mother, Katherine. Do you think I didn’t notice how you used to follow him around when you were just a girl?” she laughed. “I know that all this is happening too suddenly and you might be feeling a little overwhelmed but trust me, you’ll have a marriage based on love. Not everyone is that lucky my dear!”

  Katherine heart lurched when she saw the familiar sadness on her mother’s delicate features. Though her father had been extremely angry with her for the entire drama that unfolded that night, he hadn’t threatened to hurt her mother again. He’d sulked for almost two days, locking himself up in his study. Katherine assumed that the fact that she was marrying the future Marquess of Devonshire was a consolation of sorts for her overly ambitious father.

  “I am not hoping for love in my marriage. If William and I can respect each other, that would be more than sufficient for me,” Katherine stated.

  Her mother looked at her feeling confused. “But you both love each other, don’t you?”

  “Whoever told you that mother?”

  “Well, I assumed as much after you both were caught in a uhh…. compromising situation that night.”

  If only Katherine could tell her mother that nothing was as it seemed! Of course, she felt butterflies doing somersaults in her stomach whenever William looked at her, but what they had was still very far from love. She was still angry with him for the way he’d behaved that night. It was he who’d kissed her and still he’d pretended that she’d been a willing participant. Not that she hadn’t enjoyed the kiss! Truth be told, it was the most amazing experience she’d ever had but the fact remained that it was William who’d initiated that goddamned kiss.

  “Oh my! You look absolutely gorgeous Kat! I am sure William will have a mini heart attack once he sees you!” Samantha sauntered into the room, as lively as ever. “Good morning Lady Laughton!”

  “Good morning my dear! I am so glad you came early. I have a lot of work to attend to and now that you are here, you can keep Katherine company. She’s feeling a little nervous which is only natural since it is her wedding day!” Lady Laughton smiled warmly.

  “So, my friend is feeling nervous, huh?” Samantha asked once Katherine’s mother left the room.

  “I am still angry with you and that insufferable cousin of yours! You knew about his ridiculous plan all along, didn’t you?” Katherine narrowed her eyes at her best friend.

  “To be honest, it was my plan, not his! In fact, I had to literally coerce him to agree to it,” Samantha stated plainly.

  “What? Why….how could you Sammy?” Katherine was at a loss for words.

  “Because it pained me to see you surrendering to your father’s whims! You deserved so much better in life than marrying that old Duke and leading a miserable life. And since you refused to stand up for your right to happiness, I decided to do that on your behalf!”

  “What are you saying? None of this is making any sense! You were thinking that you were actually doing me a favor by asking your cousin to ruin my reputation?” Katherine was shocked.

  “So you actually think there was any other way we could’ve stopped your impending marriage to that old man?” Samantha counter-questioned her, one of her eyebrows raised haughtily.

  “But…. William….he sounded so… distant and unwilling after everything…”

  “I know he acted like a moron after that whole kissing thing but that was a part of the plan too! If he’d willingly agreed to marry you, your father would’ve sensed something fishy and then he would’ve tried his best to make sure that you never got married to him. And sooner or later, he’d have found another graying old man with the right political connections to be your husband!”

  Katherine tried to take in what her friend was revealing. If what she was saying was true, it meant that William had said those hurtful words only to fool her father into believing that he was a roguish rake trying to take advantage of his daughter’s innocence!

  “Katherine, William cares for you deeply. He even risked his family’s reputation to save you from marrying that old Duke. Even today, he’s sent me here to let you know that he’s willing to call off the wedding if you don’t want to marry him…..”

  “But father will kill him if he does that,” Katherine laughed, though her eyes were shining brightly with unshed tears. She was so happy! William cared for her! Though it still wasn’t as good as loved her, it was definitely a beginning of sorts.

  “Then he’d happily take the dagger to his heart for you, my friend!” Samantha retorted back and hugged Katherine who had now burst into sobs. “Now, now Kat! Being married to my cousin wouldn’t be that big a torture that you’re shedding these valuable tears of yours!” she quipped.

  “Oh Sammy! I don’t know what I would’ve done without you!” laughed Katherine, wiping her tears.

  “You can always repay me by letting me be the godmother of your firstborn!”

  “Good God! You are incorrigible Lady Samantha!”

  “I’ve been told that on too many occasions now!”

  Chapter 6

  William procured a special license and before he knew it, he was repeating his vows to the woman who was probably still mad at him, the woman who had haunted his dreams since the past few nights.

  The fact that she was standing in front of him meant that she’d agreed to marry him despite her previous apprehensions regarding the institution of marriage. He promised himself that he’d prove to her that marriage could be a beautiful bond between two individuals who loved and cared for each other.

  Katherine felt extremely nervous and excited all at the same time. She knew that William would keep her happy and her marriage would be nothing like her parents’ but still the prospect of starting life afresh with this handsome man was giving her jitters.

  The marriage ceremony passed in a blur and after bidding farewell to her less than happy father and teary eyed mother, Katherine finally boarded the carriage flaunting an impressive Sinclair crest along with her husband. She was no longer Katherine Laughton, from now on she would be addressed as Lady Katherine Sinclair, the future Marchioness of Devonshire! The thought both unnerved and exhilarated her.

  The journey to the Sinclair Mansion on Berkeley Street was quite uneventful. William, guessing that she needed time to recompose herself after the much teary farewell, didn’t speak much. As soon as they reached their destination, Katherine was dumbstruck by the sheer elegance of the structure that stood majestically before her eyes. She knew that the Sinclairs were filthy rich and she’d
already seen their Sussex townhouse but the mansion before her eyes was truly magnificent.

  She also noticed a multitude of servants standing in the doorway, waiting to greet their new mistress. As the carriage halted, two footmen helped them out and unloaded her trunks and other luggage. A smiling older woman whom she guessed to be the housekeeper introduced herself as Mrs. Woods.

  “This is Edwin, our butler,” William introduced her to a stiff looking unsmiling gentleman who had a stern face but kind eyes.

  “Would you like a detour of the house or do you want to retire for the day?” William asked her once they reached inside. He was looking at her directly in the eyes and she couldn’t help but notice his amused grin when she blushed scarlet, suddenly remembering that she would be sharing his room to retire for the day.

  Good Heavens! She had almost forgotten that they would be spending the night together! Her heart raced wildly at the thought and she felt lightheaded all of a sudden.

  “I think I’d like a detour of the place,” Katherine finally choked out. She wanted to mentally prepare herself for what was about to come so she was just buying time. The fact that she had absolutely no idea what happened in the marital bed made her sick with worry.

  Though William was a little disappointed that she’d chosen to take a detour instead of calling it a day, he was also glad that now he had the opportunity to talk to her about the unusual circumstances under which they had gotten married.

  “Katherine, have you truly forgiven me for that night?” he asked her softly as they were walking through the corridors.

  “Yes, although I would have appreciated if you’d have chosen a less risqué alternative to save me from what would have undoubtedly been a frightful marriage,” she smiled at him.

  “But there wasn’t any other alternative! Lord knows Samantha and I tried to wrack our brains to come up with some other plan, but this one was just too perfect!” he replied. “And do you know what was the best part of this plan?” he asked her, his voice lowering to a mere whisper.

  “What?” she asked, feeling breathless all of a sudden.

  William stopped walking and turned around to face her. “That I got to taste those luscious lips.” His gaze lazily rested on her lips and her entire body tingled with awareness.

  They stood absolutely still for painfully long moments before William finally broke the silence by clearing his throat.

  “Samantha told me that you abhorred the very idea of marriage. May I ask then why did you agree to marry me when you could’ve easily refused?”

  “Because I didn’t want my father to shoot you down!” she stated matter of factly and this made William roar with laughter. He loved that his wife had finally got her spark back!

  “You are underestimating me Lady Katherine Sinclair! Past three years in the Army have toughened me in more ways than you can imagine.”

  Involuntarily Katherine’s gaze flickered to his bulging biceps and broad chest and she felt her mouth go dry. William also seemed to notice her train of thought as his eyes clouded with an undeniable hunger.

  “Katherine, I don’t know how long I’d last before kissing you right here in the corridor where any servant could easily come upon us. And Lord knows this time I’d not be able to stop myself with just a simple kiss! So if you don’t mind, should we proceed towards our chamber?” His voice held a tone of urgency and Katherine nodded in response.

  William carried her in his strong arms and moved towards his chamber in long strides. Once inside, he laid her carefully on his huge bed as if she were an invaluable piece of treasure. Katherine saw a deep and profound emotion in his dark eyes that she couldn’t understand. Was it love? Maybe, but she knew better than putting her hopes high.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to do this.” He kissed the hollow of her neck making her gasp.

  “It couldn’t have been more than five six days,” came her breathy response and he chuckled. He was loving her wit and humor.

  William pulled her up into a loving embrace. She melted in his arms as he lowered his head to kiss her.

  “Kat, you are just…. perfect! I’m sure I’ve never come across a more beautiful woman,” he whispered between kisses.

  Katherine reveled in the fact that her husband found her attractive. She also became acutely aware of his labored breathing and his muscular scent that was arousing her senses. Unable to stop herself, she roamed her hands over his hard chest and met his hungry gaze with her own. She loved it when he half closed his eyes as she let her hands explore the hard contours of his chest and stomach. When she boldly lowered her hand further, she heard his sharp intake of breath.

  “You have no idea what you are doing to me my sweet!” William growled. He quickly unfastened the buttons of her gown and before Katherine could realize that she’d soon be almost naked in front of him, he’d already stripped her of her gown. She now wore just a thin chemise and stockings. William was looking at her with unrestrained passion as he slowly untied the drawstring of her chemise.

  As the thin fabric fell apart, Katherine’s round and firm breasts were exposed to his hungry gaze.

  “Exquisite! You are exquisite my love!” Katherine’s heart swelled at his words of endearment. When he’d taken his own sweet time looking at her bare breasts, he reached up his hand to caress one of the nipples. He pinched and played with the ripe bud causing her to quiver uncontrollably. She felt a sharp need between her thighs with absolutely no idea how to satisfy it. And then he lowered his head to suckle the pink bud and Katherine felt as if she was about to burst with pleasure. He soon diverted his attention to the other rosy peak, nibbling and licking all the while. Katherine’s breaths started coming in short rasps, “Oh my God! What…what are you doing William?”

  “I am just making love to my very beautiful wife,” he replied without stopping his erotic ministrations.

  She was lost in sweet sensations when she felt his hand moving down her abdomen towards her most intimate area. She suddenly clamped her legs tightly to deny him further access.

  “Open for me, my sweet! I promise to be gentle. You trust me, don’t you?”

  At that point of time, Katherine trusted him more than she trusted herself. She slowly opened her legs and gasped as he parted the folds of her sex. With his mouth on her breasts and his hands doing evil things to her feminine core, Katherine felt as if she was on the edge of the world. And when he inserted one of his long fingers inside her womanhood, she almost screamed with pleasure.

  Katherine was already wet and ready for him. “Now I am going to enter you, my love. It will hurt just a little but after that it shall be the most pleasurable experience.” He looked into her eyes as she nodded and he entered her in one swift motion. He saw her flinch initially at the strange invasion but as he began moving inside her slowly, that look of pain was soon replaced by that of sheer pleasure.

  He increased his pace and felt her body tighten around him until she finally exploded with pleasure. Within moments, he found his release too. He stayed on top of her for a few seconds before rolling beside her and taking her in his arms.

  “I love you Katherine,” William said, kissing her on her forehead. She immediately looked up at him with questioning eyes.

  “I mean it sweetheart, I love you! You know, I’d always made fun of people who said that they fell in love at first sight but that is exactly what happened with me! When I saw you that night at the ball, I knew in my heart that you were the one for me!”

  “Oh William! I love you too! In fact, I’ve loved you ever since I was a little girl and you, the elder cousin of my best friend. You have no idea how many times I’ve had that dream of you riding a big white horse and coming to rescue me from unknown danger. And you did turn out to be my knight in shining armor in real life too!” Katherine laughed.

  William hugged her tightly and whispered in her, “I promise to keep you safe from all dangers, my love. Our lives shall be filled with love and happiness and I�
�ll try my best to be a perfect husband.”

  “But you already are perfect!” she smiled against his chest.

  “In that case, I’ll try my best to maintain my perfection!” he joked, making her laugh.

  William had proved once again that he was nothing like her father. The love that she felt for him was incomparable. The man who had ruined her reputation a few days back now held the key to her heart. She’d found a perfect life partner in Lord William Sinclair and she was now going to try her best to be a loving and caring wife!


  William and Katherine have another small wedding in Devonshire, at the Sinclair’s family estate. His parents are more than happy to have a lovely new addition to the family in the form of Katherine.

  Katherine manages to win the hearts of everyone in her new home with her gracefulness and kindness. Barely after a month after their marriage, the old and ailing Marquess passes away peacefully in his sleep, content with the knowledge that his son and his daughter in law would do complete justice to the marquessate.

  A year later, William and Katherine are blessed with a baby girl who’s just as beautiful as her mother with the same huge brown eyes. Samantha proudly accepts the role of the new arrival’s godmother and christens her Charlotte.

  William doesn’t forget to thank God for blessing him abundantly. Each day, he falls a little more in love with the woman who had once sworn that she’d die an old maid! They do have their fair share of fights and disagreements with both of them being headstrong, but it only adds spark to their beautiful relationship.

  As for Katherine, she feels blessed to have a husband who’s not only loving and caring but her best friend too. Her marriage may not be perfect, but it was definitely very close it!

  Bonus Book 1


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