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The Wolf's Mate Book 3: Callie & The Cats

Page 13

by R. E. Butler

“No,” she gasped, her thighs twitching with tension as she struggled to keep herself upright. “Inside. Put your fingers inside me.”

  Damn it but he loved to hear her soft begging, as if she wasn’t sure he wouldn’t torture her, hold out on her. Which he had done yesterday, teased her to the brink again and again until she was begging for mercy. She’d just taken such good care of him that he wouldn’t make her suffer a second longer, so he sank two fingers inside her hungry, wet pussy and she moaned, biting her lower lip and gazing at him with dark eyes.

  “Ride my fingers, angel. Like it’s my cock,” he urged, half wishing that she’d let him finish in her pussy instead of her mouth. She complied immediately, shifting her hips to ride his fingers, twisting until his palm rubbed her clit just the right way. Her body clutched him and she made soft mewling sounds as she grew closer and closer to climax and then she let go and moaned as her body exploded around his fingers. She shuddered, the wood frame inside the chair back cracking under the pressure of her hands as he found her g-spot and worked it fast and hard until she shrieked in bliss and her come slid down his fingers and coated his hand. This time she did collapse and he slid his hand away from her and cuddled her close, kissing her sweat dotted forehead as she let out a sigh of deep satisfaction.

  She whimpered slightly and he could guess she wasn’t as comfortable as he was, since the chair wasn’t technically made for two, and he shifted her easily around until she was sitting sideways on his lap, her legs draped over the chair arm. He swiveled slightly as she rested her head against his shoulder, still shivering every few seconds from her climaxes. The chair creaked oddly as he swiveled and she laughed. “I think I broke your chair.”

  “Worth it, love. I’d sacrifice every chair in the house to bring you pleasure.”

  She turned his face with her hands and kissed him, running her tongue inside his mouth with a sense of ownership and sweet contentment. Ethan knocked on the door jam. “You guys hungry? I made a frittata while she seduced you.”

  He laughed and set her on her feet so he could tug his jeans up. “Wait, I said no underwear.” She demanded.

  “You meant right now?”

  “Yes. Right Ethan?” She darted a sly look to his brother.

  “Hey, if I’m going commando then you have to, too.”

  He shrugged and grinned at his sweetheart. “If you insist.” He stepped out of his jeans and shorts and tugged the jeans back on. He’d never gone without shorts before. It wasn’t exactly comfortable. Maybe track pants were better, like Ethan was wearing. She reached for the robe that Ethan was holding out for her and after he switched the unyielding jeans for black track pants in the bedroom, they all walked out to the kitchen together to eat.

  When had his life become so incredible? Not only had they spent nearly the entire night playing how-many-orgasms-can-she-have, but then she’d just taken him to another height of pleasure in a desk chair of all things.

  They ate breakfast and talked about their plans for the day which involved going shopping for the wedding tomorrow night and picking a movie to go see. He and Ethan were pouring over the theater listings in the newspaper when a fork clattered to the floor and they both looked over the paper at Callie and she was asleep, her head propped up on her hand. He couldn’t help but smile. They’d ended up getting their days and nights all mixed around, staying up all night and sleeping during the day. Well, sometimes sleeping during the day.

  Ethan said, “Let’s go see Blood Covenant. The previews looked good.” Blood Covenant was about warlocks and vampires fighting.

  He nodded and stood up, planning to put his sweetheart to bed and then write up their resignation letters. Ethan offered to do the letters and told him to stay with her and rest. They were all a little worse for the wear, but it was a good exhausted, for sure.

  He scooped her up in his arms and carried her back to bed, pulling the robe off and tucking her sweet body against his once the shades were drawn and the room was plunged into muted darkness. He drifted off to sleep quickly; it was hard not to feel relaxed holding her, surrounded by her sweet scent.

  Chapter 12


  She woke up from her nap feeling kind of feisty and naughty. She wasn't really sure where this inner vixen came from, but she liked her. Maybe she just needed to get out from under the oppressive pack mind set. Or maybe she just needed two hot men to uncover her inner sex goddess. Yep, that was probably more likely. They were willing to share her. She didn't know any wolves that could share a female willingly.

  Sandwiched between her mates, she kissed them both and wriggled free of their warm arms so she could get cleaned up.

  “Need help, love?” Ethan purred with a deep voice.

  “If you join me, we’ll never leave the house.” She pointed out and ducked into the bathroom before they could say whether they cared or not if they ever left the house, or the bedroom for that matter.

  She decided to do something she hadn’t done in a long while, and that was shave her pussy completely. Usually reserved for summer, she normally used an electric razor to keep things neatly trimmed but never gave it much thought otherwise. Right now, though, she found the whole idea of being completely bare thoroughly erotic, and knowing they wouldn’t know about it until they touched her next, gave her a little thrill, as she filled up the tub and gathered her supplies.

  A few razors later, she showered completely and then stood with a hand mirror and one leg propped up on the counter to inspect her work. Very nice, not a stray hair to be found from one leg to the other and parts between. She knew they’d love it and she shivered at the thought of the discovery to come.

  They left her alone in the bedroom to get ready themselves and she rifled through her suitcases to find something sexy. She realized that she didn’t really think of herself that way. Or at least she hadn’t. Most of her clothes were either downright casual or what she wore for work which were plain skirts and blouses. But she did have a few things that would turn heads and since yesterday afternoon, when Eryx had tortured her by driving her to the brink of climax and then retreating, letting her cool enough to draw away from that blissful edge before starting again, well, she could torture them a little, too.

  Her body flushed at the thought of that time. Ethan had restrained her wrists above her head with his large hand and alternated between biting and sucking at her neck and doing the same things to her breasts. She tried to move against Eryx’s mouth when she was just a stroke away from falling apart, but he held her legs splayed wide open and with Ethan keeping her still so she was unable to move on her own, she was completely at their mercy. And then Ethan started whispering in her ear about all the things he wanted to do to her, how he wanted to take her hard until she screamed his name, how he loved the taste of her on his tongue and wanted to eat her out for hours, and she was in torturous, almost-pleasure heaven for a really, really long time. Until tears leaked from her closed eyes and she begged Eryx to let her come because she couldn’t take it anymore. He must have been waiting for her to say that, because he immediately took her right to the most intense orgasm she’d ever had, and drew it out for what seemed like forever with gentle pressure from his fingers and tongue.

  Shivering at the memory, she settled on a black button front fitted tank and paired it with a silver gray draped cardigan with wide sleeves and a black leather mini skirt with darts up the front. She had a pair of thigh high stockings with lace trim at the top and paired them with suede Mary Jane’s. She left her hair plain, put on her makeup more carefully than she ever had before, and dotted a bit of vanilla lotion on her wrists and along either side of her neck.

  She wasn’t wearing panties or a bra and felt like such a vixen. She got grins and sultry looks when she walked out of the bedroom, and Ethan held her coat for her while she put it on, dropping his nose to her neck and taking a deep breath. “You always smell so good, love,” he smiled against her, placing a kiss on her pulse.

She turned and kissed him once, and then turned to kiss Eryx, who said she tasted even better than she smelled.

  She sat in the front while Ethan drove and Eryx leaned forward from the back so they could all talk. They asked her a lot of typical first-date questions, which she thought was kind of funny since they’d been mostly naked for the last two and a half days, but she answered all their questions while they made the twenty-five minute drive.

  Ethan: What’s your favorite movie?

  Callie: Um, favorite of all time is Underworld Rise of the Lycans, of course.

  Eryx: What’s your favorite food?

  Callie: Favorite type of food or like my very favorite thing?

  Eryx (laughing): Both.

  Callie: Um, Italian, I guess, but my very favorite thing is those orange jelly slices with the sugar on them.

  Ethan: Tell us something that you’ve never told anyone else.

  Callie: Pass.

  Eryx (laughing harder): Fine, then, how old were you when you lost your virginity?

  Callie (blushing hard): Wait, wait, go back. I’ll think of something to tell you.

  Ethan (tweaking her knee): Nah, we want to know how old you were. Can’t pass and go back.

  Callie (grousing): I didn’t know there were rules.

  Eryx (sounding wicked): I could just torture you until you tell us.

  Callie (giving up and blushing): 14.

  (stunned silence)

  She took a deep breath and turned a little more in her seat. “It’s actually something I never told anyone, not even Cadence. But, I mean, he knew, so I don’t know that it actually counts as something I never told anyone else.”

  Eryx growled, looking positively feral, “If he hurt you, I’ll hunt him down, angel.”

  She warmed at the protectiveness and squeezed his hand. “Well, I mean it hurt because I think it always hurts the first time, but I chose it. I thought I wanted to, but I think I just wanted someone to want me like that. I don’t know.” She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. “I just didn’t want to be wedged in the backseat of his uncle's old Camaro while he got off and I didn’t, even though I had no clue what that really meant at the time.”

  Ethan snorted in disdain, “Was he a wolf?”

  “Of course.”

  He brought her other hand up to his mouth and kissed it. “Was it ever nice for you?”

  “It’s very nice now.”

  Smiling, he kissed the inside of her wrist. “You know what I mean.”

  “I thought it was, before you both, but now I think I didn’t really know. Everything I had before seems like a pale shadow to the way you make me feel.”

  Eryx squeezed her other hand and kissed it. “I feel the same way.”

  “Me, too, love.” Ethan promised.

  The mall had three anchor stores, and they took her into Macys. She had planned to bring her purse with her to pay for her own dress, but they had refused, and Eryx took it from her and hid it, saying that she was going as their date, and more than that, she was their mate and they were supposed to take care of her. She wanted to argue, it had been on the tip of her tongue, but the looks on their faces told her she needed to let them do this. They needed it, needed to take care of her, as much as she had always wanted someone to take care of her. And now she had two of them.

  The wedding started at 6:30 with a sit down dinner and reception following, which meant dressy. She never really felt like a girly-girl very often in the past, but she wanted to be. She wanted to be feminine and lovely. For them.

  They followed her around the dress section and while she was flipping through a rack she looked up at them and they looked completely out of their depths, which made her smile. “What?” Ethan asked.

  “Nothing, you guys are just very cute. And quiet. Don’t you have an opinion?”

  Eryx leaned over and brushed her hair from her shoulder, “We’re waiting for you to go into the dressing room.”

  She snorted a laugh and blushed. While she looked at the dresses in her size, she found out that they both preferred the color black, hadn’t been to a wedding before, and worried that they were dreaming and she was going to disappear at dawn. Silly boys.

  With four dresses, all black, she left them at the chairs outside the dressing rooms and cursed herself inwardly for not putting on at least panties. Every time they brushed up against her or smiled at her it made her whole body go liquid and she felt like she’d left a trail all the way through the damn store.

  The first dress was a plain black tank with a bolero jacket that had some beading and embroidery to make it fancy. Still wearing her thigh highs and heels, she walked out and they grinned. She had a feeling that no matter what she wore, they’d say it’s wonderful. The problem was that the dress was too short for an evening wedding. At least that’s what she was always told.

  “Well?” She turned around and smiled.

  “Do you have to wear the jacket?” Ethan asked, leaning forward with his forearms on his knees.

  “It’s like negative 2 degrees outside.” She protested.

  “We’ll keep you warm.” Eryx’s brows wiggled and she blushed, damn it.

  “It’s pretty, it’s just you have really sexy shoulders.” Ethan shrugged, “I’d rather see you in something that doesn’t cover you up so much. And we’ll be inside, anyway. It will be warm there.”

  “And we’ll keep you warm.” Eryx promised again with a wink.

  “Fine, let me try the others.” She wasn’t disappointed. She wasn’t that crazy about the dress in the first place.

  The second dress was a tank dress with a shawl, the third was a halter and neither were very flattering.

  And then the fourth dress.

  “Perfect.” Eryx breathed, his eyes getting darker and a wicked smile curling up one side of his mouth.

  “That’s definitely the dress,” Ethan stood up and came to her, taking one hand and twirling her around. He caught her around the waist, stopping the spin, and kissed her. “My little sweetheart is one gorgeous kitten.” His smile was sincere and his words were warm and made her feel all tingly and loved.

  No doubt it was a great dress. Solid black and strapless with a sweetheart neckline that made her generous chest look even nicer; the bodice was delicately embroidered and gathered at the waist, where it fell to her ankles with a slightly longer drape at the back, almost like a train.

  Eryx was suddenly behind her and he twisted her hair up and kissed her neck. “Could you put your hair up, angel, so we can do this easier?” He bit down gently on her pulse and her knees went weak.

  She grabbed Ethan for support and let out a trembling yes and they both chuckled in that way that men do, when they think they own the world. And these boys owned her, lock, stock, and tingling pussy.

  Chapter 13


  “I’d give my canines to be in there right now,” Ethan stared at the place where his sweetheart was changing right now. The dress was perfect for her. It accentuated everything that he loved about her and then some, plus the black looked perfect with her skin tone. He wagered she looked good in every color, although he preferred her naked. Naked and saying his name.

  “Me too, brother.” Eryx chuckled and leaned back in the chair. “So this has been an interesting experience.”

  “I’ll say.”

  They’d never taken a woman shopping before. They’d never been asked their opinion about a dress. In fact, what might be slightly more embarrassing was before they had taken her to dinner, they’d never been on a date before. Ever. 26 years old and this was their second date.

  “Do you think we should tell her everything…about our past?” Ethan asked quietly.

  “You mean like before we leave? Because I think we should eventually, I’m just not sure I think we should hit her over the head with all that we’ve dealt with as lions all at once. She’s only just agreed to be our mate. I wouldn’t want to scare her off.”

  “I know we’ll tell
her everything eventually, I just, there are some things that I’m afraid the females might try to throw in her face. I wish we were already gone.”

  His happy thoughts drifted darkly, to the things they’d been forced to do to gain the affections of the females once-upon-a-time. He snorted to himself at the term ‘affection’. He’d truly never known the female form of affection until he’d held Callie in his arms. She was the word personified.

  She moved out of the dressing room wearing the ridiculously tiny mini skirt that showed the top edge of lacy stockings and just a peek of her sweet belly between the top and the waistband of the skirt. He was torn between loving how she looked and hating that anyone else could get a glimpse of her.

  Eryx took the dress from her and disappeared to pay for it and he pushed her backwards gently until she was hidden between two racks of clothes and kissed her. His mouth fit with hers as if they were made together, one for the other, and she drew her arms around him and held him as tightly as he held her. His body went uncomfortably tight, and he pulled from the kiss with a slight groan. What a brilliant idea. Now he’d be stuck with a hard-on for however damn long the movie was. Whose idea was it, anyway, to sit in the dark in public with her and not be able to do anything?

  Her eyes were bright, pretty hazel and gold, and she stroked his jaws with her thumbs. “You’re so handsome, Ethan.”

  Instead of answering her sweet compliment, he kissed her again, and then pulled her away from the wall and went to find the other part of their trio. Eryx put the bagged dress over his arm and took her other hand and they walked out to the truck to go to the theater.

  They had a good twenty minutes before the movie started, and they’d chosen it because it had been out for a while so it wouldn’t be packed, plus being an action flick meant they weren’t going to be watching her watch handsome leading men in love scenes on the screen. At the ticket counter outside of the theater, he purchased their tickets while Eryx held her as she shivered. Apparently wolves didn’t run as warm blooded as lions did, but they had no problem keeping her warm. No problem at all.


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