Sword and Illusion
Page 33
"Come. Let us go back home for the morning meal. Today will be a good day."
The song of love being sung by the Crystal Spirits affected Moonrazer so deeply she wanted to run forward into the mist and throw herself into their realm. However, she knew they had to call her in their own way.
She saw the moment Lucan felt their call and watched him walk to the glacier, gratified that the Spirits had seen fit to bless her Consort Intended.
Then, she felt a familiar tugging on her heart, and she followed it easily into the wispy cloud that covered the ice mountain.
As she'd done this before, the wonder she felt was replaced by expectancy and joy. Would she see her mother again?
"Moonrazer," a voice said. The tugging ended.
"I am here."
"You have done well as Exalted Warrior. I am pleased."
Suddenly, the woman she had fought on the glacier, the warrior dressed in white, stood before her.
"Who are you?"
"You do not recognize me?"
"You are the one I fought on the glacier," Moonrazer said.
The woman's magnificent armor, etched with symbols of the Sarl and others Moonrazer didn't recognize, was the color of the first cold season snow, gleaming so brightly it was hard to look at.
"I am Staffthrower the Fourth, the one you call the Coward Exalted Warrior."
The Crystal Spirits were supposed to be the honored dead. How could Staffthrower be here?
"I do not believe this," Moonrazer said.
The woman in white smiled. "You found the cave I hid in when the light of the Confluence of the Three Moons revealed it."
"This is something any Sarl could know."
"I understand why you would not believe me. My Sword Bearer did well to choose you to be my successor."
"Your Sword Bearer did not choose me."
"One of the Dragons you fought was my husband, my Sword Bearer. He tested your courage and strength."
"The Dragons in the cave were only men wrapped in illusion?"
"I needed to know that my successor would be brave enough to face anything," Staffthrower said, "and you proved yourself that day."
"How did I prove myself? It is nothing for a Sarl warrior to defeat a dozen men."
With a laugh, Staffthrower shook her head. "What they were was not important. You were brave enough to fight twelve Dragons. Truly, you were a glorious inspiration to behold."
Moonrazer's anger settled. "Why did you run, Staffthrower? What stole your courage?"
The Crystal Spirit's voice was sad. "Love. At my Choosing Ritual, I chose for my mate, not the strongest or most worthy Candidate, but the man I loved.
"The Navin captured him and placed him in the cave. They told me where he was and gave me a choice. I could save my people and send the Navin away by letting him die, or I could rescue him and be trapped there by an enchantment for the remainder of my life, but with him."
"You chose a man over the Sarl people?"
Staffthrower began to fade. "I am sorry, but I did not even hesitate. As a result, the Navin were given free rein over our world and killed many of our people."
"All because you let your heart rule you, instead of your mind." Moonrazer was stunned at what she had heard.
After the mists cleared, Moonrazer saw Lucan. She knew she would never love him enough to hide in a cave the way Staffthrower IV had. She might never love any man that way.
When Lucan saw her, he said, "What did your vision tell you?"
Moonrazer thought a bit and then answered, "It was puzzling. I think the message was, love can make us do things we would never consider doing otherwise."
He looked up at her with horror, as if her words had struck him.
"I am sorry, my Intended," she said. "We are going into our relationship with our minds clear. Neither of us will be foolish about any love that develops between us."
She took his hand, and they turned toward where Wind Rider stood. "Come, Intended. Let us go back home for the morning meal. Today will be a good day."
"The Sword Ceremony is an ancient ritual, meant to provide continuation in the line of Exalted Warriors." Whiteshadow addressed those gathered behind the Tower. The Ceremony was held outside to allow more Sarl to witness it and to give Nightwind room. He often appeared at the end of the Ritual to give his blessing.
Moonrazer, seated on a throne carved into the rocks on one side of the field, felt more at ease with this ritual than anything else she'd had to do recently.
She'd been through this Ceremony once since she found the Sword of Justice, and it had been a joyful celebration, not only of her leadership but also of the Sarl people. After generations of roaming the Known Worlds as nomads, they were finally home.
Whatever else the import of the Crystal Spirits' message, it was clear that nothing was able to break the chain of Exalted Warriors. Not even cowardice or betrayal. The ritual taking place today filled her with a kind of wonder and made her understand her sister's insistence on the ancient traditions.
Whiteshadow continued speaking. "Today, unlike the previous Ceremony in the reign of Exalted Warrior Moonrazer the First, we are honored to welcome the Consort Intended as the Sword Bearer." She turned toward a red velvet curtain that had been set up at the far end of the field.
A path led literally from Moonrazer's feet to the curtain. In the middle of this pathway sat a hand-carved marble table upon which lay the Sword of Justice without its sheath. The Ruby Medallion lay on the table nearby.
Right now, Moonrazer was, symbolically, not the Exalted Warrior until the Sword Bearer handed her these elements again.
Whiteshadow continued. "This ceremony was instituted by Grayskin, the First Exalted Warrior, to remind her people that the Exalted Warrior is selected by the Holy One."
Lucan, dressed in a long coat made from Oncilla fur and wearing a small silver circlet on his head, stepped through an opening in the screen and looked directly at Moonrazer.
He was more handsome than she remembered, even though she'd seen him only a few hours ago.
Now, he walked slowly toward the table. The expression on his face was one of fear and possibly reverence. She was pleased at how seriously he was taking this responsibility.
When Varian had revealed his love for a daughter he had never seen, Moonrazer had begun to doubt her choice. Now she thought that perhaps she had selected the right man after all.
He reached the table, stopped, and took a deep breath. "I serve at the pleasure of the Exalted Warrior as Sword Bearer."
Lucan met her eyes, and she was stunned to see tears. He swallowed and continued.
"It is my honor and duty to do the will of the Holy One. I do what I do here not for my own glory but for the glory of the One who created us."
He glanced at Whiteshadow, and a tear ran down his cheek. Moonrazer choked up.
Clearly, he was very concerned that he get the words of the ritual correct. Whiteshadow had coached him until the middle of the previous night on the proper actions of the Sword Bearer.
Lucan swallowed his tears and took a deep breath.
"The Sarl have entrusted me to represent them in this action. I present the Sword of Justice and the Ruby Medallion to the rightful Exalted Warrior of the Sarl."
He looked down at the Sword and closed his eyes. Moonrazer felt warmth in her heart as she watched her Chosen Consort pray for wisdom.
Whiteshadow, standing to Moonrazer's right, fidgeted, drawing the Exalted Warrior's attention.
"Are you well, sister?" she whispered.
The Mother Prioress pulled her gaze away from the Sword Bearer and shook her head. "I am well, Warrior. I am merely eager to see the Sword Bearer perform his duty."
"I as well," Moonrazer said, smiling and turning back to Lucan.
After taking another deep breath, Lucan lifted the Sword and Medallion off the marble table.
A soft murmur ran through
the spectators. This was a momentous occasion; a new Consort Intended acting as Sword Bearer.
Lucan walked slowly toward her, his eyes going back and forth between herself and Whiteshadow.
Whiteshadow, for her part, seemed to be as nervous as he was. She trembled so much Moonrazer was concerned that she would faint when the ceremony was finished.
Finally, he stopped at the bottom of the three steps that led to the throne.
"The Holy One has determined that you will lead the Sarl, His people," he said.
He looked at Whiteshadow as he spoke. Moonrazer was glad the audience couldn't see this. They might think he was speaking to her sister.
"I am honored to hand you the Sword of Justice, the highest mark of your office."
Moonrazer stood, her hands ready to receive the Sword.
Lucan walked up the steps, but he was moving away from her.
"Lucan?" she said.
He glanced at her as he stepped up. He stood directly in front of Whiteshadow.
"I'm sorry, but it has to be this way. The Prophecy of Whiteshadow makes it all clear." He handed the Sword to the Mother Prioress.
Chapter Twenty-five
The crowd shouted, and several of the warriors in the front started toward the dais, but Moonrazer stopped them with a raised hand.
"What is the meaning of this?"
Whiteshadow ran her hand along the blade of the Sword and smirked at her sister. "I think even you should understand what has happened. A new Exalted Warrior has been proclaimed."
The Consort Intended had returned to the table and now held the Medallion. He didn't meet Moonrazer's eyes as he handed the second mark of the Exalted Warrior to Whiteshadow. "I must do the will of the Holy One."
"And you believe this is His will?"
"You have betrayed the Sarl," Whiteshadow snarled, pointing at Moonrazer, scowling. "You have made them people of peace, not of war. I will lead them back to their traditional role as administrators of justice to the Known Worlds."
She held the Sword in front of her. "The Writings say, 'When the time is right, the Sword and Medallion will be restored to the land, and the people will live in peace. The Exalted Warrior will leave her position and her throne and find her destiny elsewhere. A new Exalted Warrior will come from an unexpected place, and there will be unity between the people of dreams and the people of swords.'
"I am the Exalted Warrior from an unexpected place. The warriors are the people of swords, and the Sisters are the people of dreams."
"But, sister, surely this prophecy could have other meanings? Have you consulted—?"
Whiteshadow laughed and said, "There is more. I had a vision of the Blessed Lorelii."
She closed her eyes. Blue fire danced along the sword like lightning. "Heed the words of the prophecy. 'After the Sword is found again, there will be a time of darkness in which an unworthy Exalted Warrior will lead the people. In punishment for her sins, she will be left desolate.'"
Whiteshadow lifted the Sword above her head and opened her eyes. "All who hear my voice, listen to my words. Moonrazer is the unworthy one, the darkness is the time of peace, and the desolation will be when I take Lucan as my mate."
Moonrazer gasped and turned to Lucan. "How could you do this? I thought we—"
Whiteshadow interrupted her. "You thought what? You thought he loved you?" She laughed and took Lucan's hand. "He loves me and has from the beginning." She pulled him to her and pressed herself against him.
Lucan shoved her away, his features clouded. "No, Whiteshadow, stop this. Our love is not a weapon to wield against your sister. We serve the Holy One."
Adazzra and Prince Varian stepped onto the dais.
"Is this possible?" Adazzra asked. "Is she really the Exalted Warrior? Can she summon Nightwind?"
Moonrazer shook her head. "I do not know. It is possible, as she holds the Sword of Justice and Ruby Medallion now. If he sees her as the legitimate Exalted Warrior, he will come."
The crowd, made up mostly of Sarl women, both warriors and those with families, was confused and angry. Several armed spectators had moved closer to the dais, watching Moonrazer, clearly waiting for an order.
"You're not going to let her get away with this, are you?" Varian asked. "She stole the Sword from you."
"No," Moonrazer said. "The Sword Bearer chose to give it to her. It may not be what we expected, but I have to trust the Holy One on this."
Adazzra wiped a tear from her cheek. "The Holy One can't want this."
"I agree," Varian said. "She is a dishonest, evil woman."
Moonrazer spun on her friends. "She is still the Mother Prioress of the Sisters of the Flame and the Spiritual Leader of the Sarl until such time as she proves herself unable to fulfill those duties. I will not have anyone speaking against her in my presence."
"She has proven herself dishonest by scheming against you," Adazzra said. "Doesn't that prove she is not worthy to fulfill her role as Spiritual Leader now?"
Moonrazer rubbed her shoulder and stared at her sister, who was still running her hand through Lucan's hair and admiring the Ruby Medallion now lying against her breast.
"I do not know this is not the Holy One's will."
"How is that possible?" Varian asked. "How could He be pleased with the way she took the Sword from you?"
Moonrazer turned to see the captain of her army, Stonepike, at the steps. "Yes, Captain?"
"We are here to fight for you. Your warriors will never follow this pretender to the Throne of the Sarl."
Moonrazer tilted her head in respect. "I appreciate your loyalty, but hold your weapons until this is all sorted out."
"We are here to serve you. I will never follow a religious woman as Exalted Warrior."
"Captain Stonepike, if the Mother Prioress is truly the Exalted Warrior, it will be your duty to serve her as you would me."
"Of course, Warrior, but I do not believe the Holy One would give the Sword to the Mother Prioress."
Moonrazer lifted her hands to try to stop the anger in her warriors. "That is your prerogative, of course, but you will serve the legitimate wielder of the Sword of Justice."
Stonepike bowed slightly. "With all due respect, my Warrior, many of us would regretfully resign our service and leave Carrick before we follow a religious Exalted Warrior."
"I cannot listen to this," Moonrazer said. "We must obey the Holy One."
"People of Carrick," Whiteshadow called, raising the Sword above her head. The weapon swayed and Moonrazer cringed. Her sister was unused to wielding such a heavy blade, and Moonrazer feared that Whiteshadow would drop it. While the Sword itself was strong and virtually unbreakable, letting it touch the ground was sacrilege.
The Sword gleamed with a bluish tinge, and Moonrazer's heart raced.
The Sword was aware of some deception or malicious intent. Surely, all Sarl would see this, including the Sisters of the Flame and Nightwind himself.
Whiteshadow would soon be shown to be the pretender, and Moonrazer would be re-established as Exalted Warrior.
Lucan looked at the Sword and ran to Whiteshadow's side. "People of Carrick," he cried. "You know the Holy One would never allow anything not of His will to stand." He raised his arms toward the sky. "See the heavenly glow of the Sword. Surely it is a sign of the Holy One's favor."
Moonrazer gasped and started forward, but Whiteshadow aimed the point of the weapon at her.
"Stay back, traitor. I will summon Nightwind, the Dragon Protector of the Sarl, as is traditional. He will recognize me as Exalted Warrior."
Whiteshadow's voice had taken on an edge, but whether it was fear or mania, Moonrazer couldn't tell. However, her sister trembled, and her eyes were bright in a way Moonrazer had never seen before.
Another, stronger murmur raced through the crowd of spectators, and the loyal leaders of the army stepped closer to the dais, their weapons drawn.
eshadow ran down the steps, Lucan following her at a more sedate pace, his head bowed.
When Whiteshadow stood in the empty center of the battlefield, she raised both hands high, the wavering, glowing Sword catching sunlight and reflecting it back over the crowd.
Moonrazer saw the center jewel of the Ruby Medallion begin to glimmer with the inner light that called to Nightwind. She'd hoped this summoning wouldn't work.