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Down to the Creek- Book 1 of the Colvin Series

Page 3

by Heather Morris

  I only wish that didn’t taste so bad coming out of my mouth. My stomach didn’t seem to enjoy it either.

  “The AK Ranch is all I have ever wanted and now I have it. I also have you. Give me a little more time and I promise things will change. I do love you Tracey. We can go to town soon and look at rings ok?” I turn around and plant a quick kiss on her forehead and walk towards the door. I need to get out of here and figure out a way to start these changes we talked about, knowing they will be easier said than done.

  The AK Ranch was supposed to be for Karlie and me. That’s the reason it’s called the AK Ranch. Aiden-Karlie…. Geez what did I do? I started the ranch a year after she left with confidence she would come back to me and tell me she loved me. Was I ever wrong. How am I going to marry Tracey and live on the AK Ranch with her?? How do I plan a future with her that includes children that I always wanted to have with Karlie? Karlie. Karlie. Karlie.


  “KAB Photos will be back in business as soon as I get back from Oklahoma. Yes, I am thinking about where I want to take my next assignment Gerry, I will let you know. Thanks.” I say to my friend and mentor from LA. Gerry was the one who took a chance on a girl from Oklahoma and let her spread her artistic wings with a $1,000 camera. What a whirlwind it has been since then. A whirlwind of celebrities, exotic locations, lots of money, new hotels every week, and of course new clients and opportunities coming from all directions. Everything I dreamed of growing up.

  “KAB photos.” Dad says from behind me. “Love the name baby. Does Aiden know?”

  “No, I haven’t spoken to him since I left Dad. I started it after college. I didn’t know I wouldn’t see him again when I named it. Think it’s time to change it? You haven’t told him either have you?”

  “Aiden doesn’t know dear even though he always asks me about you. Since he was a boy he has been your best friend. What happened before you left to end all that? I always thought you two would get married and give me grandchildren someday. I’m not going to be around forever you know.”

  “Nothing, I just had to go. You know how I felt about Colvin. Well, still kinda do Dad.”

  “I have worked for the 6AB Ranch for 40 years and have made a great life for our family. Didn’t I? How could you hate it here that much?”

  “I just wanted to take pictures Dad and be known around the world. I didn’t want to be a nobody here like I always was.” I say with too much emotion. I turn and walk away knowing I am too emotional to continue this conversation.

  “Karlie wait, you have to talk about this. Is there anyone in LA?” He asks not sure if he wants to know the answer. “Didn’t your mother say she met a man the last time she went to see you?”

  “Jeremy is a great guy Dad and yes he has been talking about marriage but I told him I had to think about it and would answer him when I got back from here. It just doesn’t feel right Dad. He is wonderful, I love him, but not sure I want to spend the rest of my life with him.” I say wiping tears from my eyes.

  “Aiden is what’s wrong with you Karlie Mae. You love him still don’t you?” Dad asks as he sits down out of breath.

  “I haven’t seen or talked to him in over eight years, Dad. How could I still love him?” I say feeling the tears stream down my cheeks knowing he is probably right.

  “You need closure baby, but I can’t tell you what to do. You have been here for almost a week and you haven’t left this house. You go with me to the doctor appointments but that’s it. You have to venture outside that front door and find yourself again. Make sure you know who you are and what it is that you want for your future before you leave to go back to LA.”

  “You’re right; I do need to get out there. I’ll go for a walk and maybe get some coffee at Sally’s.” I turn and kiss his cheek. “Thanks Dad, I love you.”


  Walking down the street I wonder what it was I hated about this town. It is so clean and everyone seems so nice as they wave and politely ask how I am. Maybe I was the problem back then. This is nice though. In LA no one looks at you and no one smiles. Here it seems so laid back and easy. I see kids playing in the town fountain so I take out my camera and snap a few pictures. I take a few of locals just doing what they do. A few of families loving and enjoying time with their children. Couples walking hand in hand radiating love. This is nothing like I remember this place being.

  Before I know it I have taken at least a hundred snapshots. I haven’t done that in forever. Just getting lost in my passion is what I used to love about photography. I haven’t had the time to do that in the past few years. Maybe that is part of the problem too.

  I walk in the door of Sally’s Café and sit in what used to be my favorite spot in front of the window. After a few minutes Sally rushes over and gives me the strawberry and banana smoothie with a raisin bran muffin that I always used to get. She remembers. You would never find that in the big city. It warms my heart to know she remembered my favorites after all these years.

  “Thanks Sally that’s so sweet.” I say smiling. “How have you been?” Looking at this lady makes me feel as if I never left. As if I was a teenager again.

  “Things are great around here honey, it’s been forever since you have been in here! We have all missed seeing your beautiful face. How has LA been treating you?” she asks full of energy and a huge smile.

  “It has been great. My business is booming and I never know where I’ll be next. Here for a little while to help Mom and Dad out since he’s been so sick.”

  “I sure pray your Daddy gets better soon sweetie. Your mama sure has a wonderful store over there. That’s where all my pastries and baked goods come from. I would hate for her to have to close down to care for him.” She says quickly before running to the next customer.

  I turn to look out the window just in time to see the one person I was praying I would not run into. The one person I didn’t think I could handle seeing again. And I was right; I can’t even though my heart has leapt into my throat. But I can’t look away.

  Aiden has filled out and gotten so much taller. He is tan and strong from working on his parent’s ranch all these years. Wow. And that smile that melted my insides all these years and those arms that held me and touched me that one special night together. Wow have I ever missed him.

  “Oh that’s Tracey Wheeler with Aiden. Nice little gal. I think they’ll be getting engaged soon. Don’t they just look so in love?” Where did she come from?

  “Yes, I suppose they do. How long have they been together?” Hearing the word engaged felt like a knife through my heart. I hope my face isn’t giving me away.

  “About three years, I think. We all used to think you two would be married by now but when you didn’t come back we all had to move on right?”

  They all had to move on? What does she mean by that? Aiden didn’t want to marry me any more than he wanted to poke his eye out. He was ashamed of our night together. She must be mistaken. Must be. Has to be.

  He sure is a sight though. I think as I turn back to the window. Wow. Jeremy doesn’t hold a candle to Aiden. Wait? What did I just say? Oh brother I have to get out of here. I knew this was a bad idea. I should have stayed at Mom and Dad’s. If I run now I can escape before they get any closer or see me.

  I pay for my smoothie and muffin hurrying out of the café as fast as my feet would carry me which is straight into Aiden and his blonde bimbo. Just my luck.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry I wasn’t watching where I was-”

  “Karlie Mae, is that you? What are you doing here?” Aiden asks with too much shock in his voice while holding onto my waist to steady me.

  “I am helping Mom out with Dad for a little bit. How are you?” I ask trying to cover the cracking of my voice and pulling away composing myself. He is even more handsome up close. Those eyes of his that still melt my insides...

  “We were looking at rings at the jeweler down the block. We are thinking of getting married. Aren’t we baby?” Tracey says sweetly. If onl
y she knew how badly I wanted to run away. How hard it is for me to keep these burning tears at bay.

  “Yes we are thinking about it. Tracey, can you wait in the pickup while I catch up with Karlie for a minute?” He says kissing Tracey’s forehead.

  “I have to go anyway, nice to see you.” I say hurrying off before Aiden could say anything or before the tears broke free.

  That could not have gone any worse. He wants to marry her? That hurt. I wanted to be the one to marry Aiden my entire life. But he didn’t want me. He wanted miss blonde bombshell. Not green eyes and brown haired me.

  I start to run back to Mom and Dad’s house. That was horrible. Tears are for sure flowing now.

  “Baby girl, what is wrong?” Dad asks when I rush in the door crying.

  “Oh Dad!” I say running to him and collapsing into his hug.

  “By the state of you I can see you must have run into Aiden?” he guesses correctly rubbing my back to comfort me but I can’t say a word. I know he will just let me cry it out.


  “Was that Karlie Doone from your class?” Tracey asks when I get into the pickup shaking off the uneasiness of that encounter. I can’t believe that just happened. She’s back.

  “Yes, that’s her. I didn’t know she was back. Haven’t seen her since graduation.” I say trying to cover my emotions. It feels like yesterday that she left. And didn’t come back.

  “What’s she doing back here now?”

  “Couldn’t tell ya.”

  Seeing Karlie after all these years really sent my insides in a tailspin. She is so beautiful! Her brown hair is so shiny and her tan is gorgeous. LA must really work for her. Those green eyes sparkling like emeralds. She is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. I thought she was pretty before but now she is 100% woman and sexy!

  But not my woman. She never has been my woman. Where had that come from? Tracey is sitting next to me in the pickup and I am thinking of another woman.

  “You sure are quiet now. Are you upset about the rings?” Asks Tracey before we pull up to her apartment. “You have been distant since we left downtown.”

  “Sorry just have a lot going on at the ranch this afternoon. Took a bit more time than I anticipated in town.” I say quickly dodging her question. “I will see you soon ok. Love you.” I give her a quick kiss as I drop her off at her apartment before heading back to the ranch. My ranch. The AK Ranch. Not the AT Ranch. What I am I supposed to do now? I have 500 head of cattle with the AK brand on them. Not that easy to change. Oh brother.


  “Aiden, what’s up?”

  “Hey man. Just came by to see how things were going.”

  “Very good. We have been very busy. I know you didn’t come by to talk flowers. What’s up?”

  “Oh nothing important. Just thought I would swing by and see my brother, what’s wrong with that?”

  “What’s wrong is that your brother knows this has nothing to do with him and most likely to do with a certain Miss Doone that is back in town. Am I right?”

  “You’re good. Yes it has to do with Karlie.”

  “Have you seen her or talked to her?”

  “I literally ran into her outside of Sally’s the other day but we didn’t say much. She rushed off too quick.”

  “How does she look? I know you had the hots for her from middle school to high school. Heck you probably still do!” He laughs and punches me in the arm.

  “Ha ha brother very funny. I can’t deny that she is more gorgeous now than she ever was before. Or at least that I can remember. I was stunned when this lady ran into me on the sidewalk and when she looked up it was those green eyes that used to haunt me even after she left.”

  “That was poetic man. You should write a book or something. Why don’t you go tell her that and not me? Look her in those haunting eyes and profess your undying love.” He is getting way too much enjoyment out of this.

  “You are no help Austin. I came here for some brotherly advice and all you can do it make fun of me.”

  “Aww are you gonna cry? Here let me get you a tissue to wipe your tears.”

  “Bite me. I’m outta here.” I walk to my pickup and scowl Austin’s way as he stands in front of the nursery doors laughing. What a jerk. I should have known he wasn’t the one to go to about this.

  “Dude I was just kidding. Come back in here and I promise not to make fun.”

  “Yea right. You were enjoying that too much. I’m all freaking out over here and you just laugh.”

  “Why are you freaking out? You have Tracey. Or does that old flame still burn for Karlie?”

  “I didn’t think I still had feelings for Karlie after what happened when she left, that was so long ago. But when I saw her face it took my breath away and I felt like someone punched me in the gut. My head has been spinning ever since. What am I supposed to do now?”

  “Talk to her you dope. She may not even remember your friendship. She has been gone a long time and living the high life. Or at least that’s what I have heard you and Gene talking about over the years.”

  “Yea, you’re right. I doubt she even cares about me. She is the one that left and never looked back. I just can’t get that encounter out of my head. She ran away like she was upset but that can’t be right.”

  “You seriously need to talk to her. Don’t just lay it all out there, just make small talk and see what happens. Your girlfriend might not like you talking to the woman you pined for all these years though.”

  “Tracey. What do I do about her? It sounds selfish and all but if Karlie doesn’t feel the same for me, I don’t want to lose Tracey too.”

  “So you aren’t the perfect gentleman that everyone thinks you are. You’re human. You are allowed to have mixed feelings after seeing the once love of your life Aiden. You were really hurt when she left. Left things unfinished. Maybe this is the closure you will need.”

  “Thanks man. I gotta go do chores. Talk soon.”

  “Bye Romeo. Let me know what Juliet 1 or Juliet 2 says.” He laughs again but this time I don’t turn back.

  I start my pickup and drive away not feeling any better than I did before coming here. What do I do now? I could always call her parents’ house and hope she answers. Or maybe I shouldn’t in case her mom or dad answers. How do I explain why I am calling? We used to be friends it would be ok to call now right?

  Telling myself it’s ok to call an old friend that’s in town for a bit, I dial the Doone family phone number and wait anxiously to hear Karlie’s voice on the other end. No answer. They must be outside. Or maybe Gene had another appointment. I will call later. Or not. I shouldn’t be bothering them; she is home to help with Gene’s care not to see me. I need to get over all of this before I mess it up with Tracey.


  A few days after seeing Aiden I decide to pull myself away from the house and the pain while Mom takes Dad to another doctor appointment and to do what I love to do most. Take pictures. And just like last time, I get lost in my work and the joy I find in catching life with a camera lens.

  I find a young mother-to-be-soon sitting on a bench in the park watching the other little kids play on the slide. She looks so happy and excited to become a mother. I feel a pang of jealousy as I watch her rub her swollen stomach. I am beginning to think I will never become a mother myself. Will I ever have a baby of my own? Will I ever have a husband that takes care of me when I am so pregnant?

  After a few hours I open the front door to the house and see Mom crying and talking to someone on the phone. They must have just gotten back from his doctor appointment. She isn’t looking good so that means Dad isn’t doing well.

  “Mom, what’s wrong. Where is Dad? What’s going on?” I cry out starting to panic as I race towards her.

  “Honey, your Dad is in the hospital. He isn’t doing well. I just came home to get his medicines and then going back. Do you want to follow me there?” she says crying and shaking.

  “Mom, I was gone a couple of
hours. How did this happen so fast? Why didn’t you call me?” I ask aloud, desperate to know.

  “He started having trouble breathing in the waiting room of the doctor’s office and they rushed him to the ER and he was put in the hospital. He is in ICU and not looking well baby. They say he is possibly having another stroke. I did try you but your phone was off. I tried several times and left numerous messages.”

  “Let’s go Mom. I need to see Dad. I’ll drive you.” On the way to the car I notice that my phone was off. I never turn it off. I’m really not myself am I? After seeing Aiden with Blondie and now my Dad is fighting for his life how could I be?


  “Aiden, it’s Mom. I just got a call from Ella Mae. They have admitted Gene into the hospital and they think he is having another stroke. Your Dad and I are headed over there now just wanted you to know.” Mom says quietly on the other end of the phone.

  “Oh wow. Thanks Mom, give them my love. Keep me posted.” I say in shock. What do I do now? Do I go to the hospital knowing that Karlie will be there or just stay away? Let my parents be there?

  I dial my sister’s number. “Audrey, what do I do about Tracey? I am not sure we want the same things anymore.” I ask. “She is pressuring me to propose but I am not sure that’s what I want.”

  “Well, hello brother. Just be honest with her. She is a great person and deserves honesty. Is it Karlie or what?”

  “What do you mean, Karlie? I just saw her yesterday for the first time in eight years. How could that be my issue with Tracey?” I ask too quickly. “This has nothing to do with Karlie.”

  “We all know you have loved Karlie your whole life. I thought Tracey was a good person to show you another side of life. Was I maybe wrong about that?”

  “And I do love Tracey. I just need to get some things straight in my head. She is my future right?” I ask trying to sound convincing.

  “Love you brother.” And she hangs up leaving me to my own thoughts. Thoughts of Karlie and her family. Audrey wasn’t any help. Thanks a lot sis.


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