Cast of Characters
Page 49
Lyons, Leonard, 114, 213
Macdonald, Dwight, 159
MacDonald, Ramsay, 160
Macfadden, Bernarr, 160
Mackay, Clarence, 26
Mackay, Ellin, 26–27
Macmillan, 333
MacShane, Frank, 349
Mädchen in Uniform (film), 45
Mademoiselle, 175–76
Madero, Francisco, 153
Madison Square Garden, 225
Magazine Digest, 168
Magdol, Rosanne, 122
Mailer, Norman, 352
Malden, Karl, 212
Male Animal, The (play), 8, 176, 223, 310, 335–36
Maloney, Amelia, 119, 237
Maloney, Russell, 12, 114–19, 186, 213, 237, 254, 261–62, 272–73
Maney, Betty, 242
Maney, Richard, 215–16, 239, 242, 243–44, 245, 249, 324, 344
Mankiewicz, Don, 106
Manley, Jared L., see Thurber, James
“Man May Be Down, A” (W. Gibbs), 247
Man Who Came to Dinner, The (play), 146
Man with Blond Hair, The (play), 199
Many Moons (Thurber), 223
March, Joseph Moncure, 40
Marciano, Rocky, 225
“Mare’s Nest, The” (McKelway), 213
Markey, Morris, 27, 52, 119
Marquand, John P., 190
Marriage Is for Single People (play), 205
“Mars” (W. Gibbs), 61
Martin and Mino’s, 237
Martin, John, 154
Marx, Groucho, 17
Marx, Harpo, 13
Maryville Appeal, 15
Mating of Millie, The (film), 297
Matthau, Carol, 99
Matthau, Walter, 99, 313
Mature, Victor, 321
Maugham, Somerset, 139, 185
Maxine Elliott Theatre, 199
Maxwell, Clair, 159
Maxwell, William, 72, 78, 91, 103–4, 110, 162, 188–89, 320, 322, 334
Mayehoff, Eddie, 345
McAllister, Ward, 161
McCabe, Charles, 239
McCall’s, 131
McCarey, Leo, 297
McCarten, John, 250
McCarthy, Kevin, 212
McCarthy, Mary, 71
McCombe, Leonard, 311–12
McGinley, Phyllis, x
McGiver, John, 345
McGrath, Charles, 348
McGraw-Hill, 103
McGuinness, James Kevin, 40
McKelway, Alexander Jeffrey, 54
McKelway, Benjamin, 54
McKelway, St. Clair:
Algonquin Hotel and, 347
areas of contribution, 12, 53, 158
background and early years, 54–57
Behrman and, 324
bunk and critical put-downs, 141–45, 157–58, 160, 162–64, 213
dealing with writers, 107
death of, 347
drinking culture and, 245, 250–55, 270–71
Fire Island and, 296
Foord, Fritz, and, 254, 255
Gibbs, W. and, 196, 296, 323, 344
Harriman and, 64, 66
Liebling and, 53, 263–64, 323
Lobrano and, 294
Markey and, 119
medical issues, 294, 347
mental illness, 270–72, 323, 347
personal relationships and marriages, 126, 321–23
postwar years and, 294, 296–98
Ross and, 53, 143, 251, 253, 268, 297
Shawn and, 53, 143, 270, 296, 323
Thurber and, 176, 222, 268, 323
Whitaker and, 323
White, E. B., and, 304
White, K., and, 53, 297, 323
World War II and, 262, 268–72
writing film scripts, 296–98
McKelway, St. Clair. Jr., 323
McKenney, Eileen, 232, 322
McKenney, Ruth, 182–83, 232, 322
McKim, Mead & White architectural firm, 134
McNulty, John, 67, 239, 295, 331, 337
McWilliams, Carey, 283
Mead, Margaret, 283
Mead, William Rutherford, 134
Medal of Honor, 270
Meet Me in St. Louis (Benson), 63
Melville, Herman, 297
Menand, Louis, 352
Mencken, H. L., 96, 211, 276
Meredith, Burgess, 100, 191, 307–8, 312, 314, 344, 345, 346
Meredith, Jonathan, 100
Merivale, Philip, 130
Merman, Ethel, 142, 171
Merrick, New York, 127, 129, 226
Metropole (play), 313n
Metropolitan Opera, 241
“Mewow, Mewow, Mewow” (W. Gibbs), 294
Michener, James, 207
Middle-Aged Man on the Flying Trapeze, The (Thurber), 174
Middleton, Scudder, 40, 217
Midgley, Leslie, 218, 241
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (play), 196, 355
Miller, Alice Duer, 18–19, 23, 25, 26, 224, 225, 274
Miller, Arthur, 200
Miller, Gilbert, 198
Miller, Marilyn “Tee,” 350
“Miss McManus and the Muse” (W. Gibbs), 196n
“Mister 880” (McKelway), 298
Mitchell, Joseph, 53, 61, 321, 344
Modell, Frank, 43, 111, 205, 294–95, 318, 331
Montaigne, Michel de, 221
Moore, Anne Carroll, 302–3
Morehouse, Ward, 212
More in Sorrow (W. Gibbs), 3–6, 172, 231, 232, 339–40, 342, 344
Morgan, Helen, 10
Morgan, J. P., 241
Morley, Christopher, 29, 180
Morton, Charles, 169–70
Moses, Robert, 330
Mosher, John Chapin:
areas of contribution, 43–44
background and early career, 44–45
Bogan and, 217
books written, 45
dealing with writers, 62–63
death of, 266
film reviews and, 44–45, 275
Fire Island and, 226, 331
mentioned in poem, ix
O’Hara and, 75
Ross and, 45
Thurber and, 44, 63, 222
White, K., and, 45, 63
World War I and, 44
Mount Holyoke College, 125
Mount Vernon, New York, 27, 28, 182
Mulatto (play), 117
Mumford, Lewis, 61, 97–98
Munves, Jim, 111
Murray, Natalia Danesi, 325
Murray, William, 325
Music Man, The (play), 337
Muskie, Edmund, 351
My Fair Lady (musical), 338
My Life and Hard Times (Thurber), 174
Nabokov, Vladimir, 188
Nagy, Imre, 1
Nash, Odgen, 50, 217, 290
Nassau Daily Star, The, 25, 329
Nathan, George Jean, 14, 190, 210, 212
National Book Award, 332
National Child Labor Committee, 54
National Institute of Arts and Letters, 348
National Medal for Literature, 350
Nation, The (publication), 17, 212
NBC broadcasting, 145, 191, 197n, 216, 332
NBC television network, 332
Neely, M. M., 142
Nelson, Merritt, 58
Neshobe Island (Vermont), 148
Nevins, Allan, 283
Newhouse, Edward, 53, 126, 245, 321
New Masses, 140
“New Natural History” (Thurber), 95
New Orleans Item, 15
New Republic, The, 17, 33, 138, 212
Newsbreaks (The New Yorker), 33–34
Newsday, 348
Newsweek, 265, 348
Newton, Isaac, 242
New York Daily News, 212, 312
New York Drama Critics’ Circle, 210–12
New York Evening Post, 29, 37, 224, 259
New York Herald Tribune, 55–56, 59, 119, 163, 214, 217, 240, 289, 307n, 312, 328
bsp; New York Mirror, 141
New York Post, 209, 213
New York Public Library, 302
New York Sun, 174, 212
New York Times Book Review, The, 118, 300
New York Times, The, 16, 18, 197n, 212, 215, 231, 309, 312, 344, 350, 353
New York Tribune, 18–19
New York World, 29, 55
New York World-Telegram (and Sun), 210, 312
Nicholson, Kenyon, 208
Night at the Opera, A (film), 40
Nimitz, Chester, 271, 272
Nine Stories (Salinger), 185
Nineteenth Amendment (1920), 19
Nizer, Louis, 336n
Nobel Peace Prize, 348
Nonkanahwa (New York), 251
Nordstrom, Ursula, 303
North Carolina Presbyterian, 54
North Hempstead Record, 23–24, 129, 147, 210, 329
Notes and Comment (The New Yorker):
about, 17
Gibbs, W., and, 3, 116, 117, 118, 170, 193–95, 227, 257–58, 262, 275, 277
McKelway and, 268
Ross and, 261
Thurber, 139
White, E. B., and, 8, 9, 10, 34, 59–60, 139, 156, 178–79, 180, 186, 277, 279–80, 282, 287–88, 333, 351
“November Afternoon” (W. Gibbs), 187
Nugent, Elliott, 36, 176
Of Human Bondage (Maugham), 139
Of Men and Books (radio show), 118
O’Hanlon, Virginia, 174, 189
O’Hara, Belle, 246
O’Hara, John:
areas of contribution, 75–80, 81
Behrman and, 136
Benchley and, 10, 113
books written, 6, 76, 112, 197, 232, 299, 300, 332, 348
branching out, 332
death of, 349
drinking culture and, 238–39, 245–46
Fire Island and, 329
Fleischmann and, 78
Gibbs, W., and, 6, 75–78, 80, 112–14, 130, 134, 136, 229, 299–300, 307, 326, 344, 348
Mosher and, 75
payment for work, 50, 300, 348
personal relationships and married life, 174, 245–46
postwar years and, 298–301
Ross and, 14, 77, 78, 80, 88, 116, 299
Thurber and, 299
White, E. B., and, 221
White, K., and, 75, 77, 78, 113, 246, 299
O’Hara, Petie, 245–46
O’Hara, Tom, 79
Ohio State Lantern, 36
Oklahoma! (musical), 208, 338
Olivier, Laurence, 272n
On and Off the Avenue (The New Yorker), 27, 139
O’Neill, Eugene, 21, 44, 202
“One Man’s Meat” (Harper’s), 185–86, 278, 279
One Man’s Meat (E. B. White), 282
“On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer” (Keats), 252n
Onward and Upward in the Garden (The New Yorker), 334–35
Onward and Upward with the Arts (The New Yorker), 236
“Orange County Afternoon Delphian Society” (O’Hara), 75
Orr, Clifford “Kip,” 42
Otmar, J., 89
“Our Footloose Correspondents” (The New Yorker), 332
“Our Pet Department” series (Thurber), 95
Over the River and Into the Trees (Hemingway), 300
“Over the River and Through the Wood” (O’Hara), 76
Overton, Frank, 212
Owen, Russell, 241
Packard, Frederick, 42–43, 47, 66–67, 121, 169, 213, 244
Pajama Game, The (musical), 234
Pal Joey (O’Hara), 76, 197, 232
Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 14
Park Avenue (play), 207
Parker, Dorothy:
Algonquin Hotel and, 18, 222, 254
book reviews and, 27
drinking culture and, 245, 256
Gibbs, W., and, 106–7
postwar years and, 290
Ross and, 236
Thurber and, 7, 222
of Addams, 101
of Fortune, 157
Gibbs and, 189–91, 209, 340
of Hemingway, 4, 340
of Huxley, 340
of Lewis, 340
of Pegler, 340
of Punch, 168
of Time, 5, 152, 157, 163, 167–68, 171
White, E. B., and, 276
of Woollcott, 147
Partisan Review, 288
Parton, Margaret, 42
Pastorfield, Blanche, 228, 232, 307
Pastorfield, Jerry, 228–29, 232
Payne Whitney psychiatric facility, 251
Pearson, Malcolm, 308
Pegler, Westbrook, 189, 193, 340
Pemberton, Murdock, 40
Perelman, S. J., 61, 185, 221, 290, 320, 344
Pershing, John, 40
Peter Pan (musical), 201
Peters, Curtis Arnoux, see Arno, Peter
Petty, Mary, 115, 331
Philadelphia Daily News, 55
Philadelphia Opera Company, 118
Philolexian Society, 42
Pinck, Dan, 26, 45–46, 86–87, 293
plagiarism, 168, 210
Playboy magazine, 338
PM (newspaper), 48, 175, 191, 211, 225
Pogo (cartoon), 243
Points of My Compass, The (E. B. White), 351
Porter, Cole, 218
Postman Already Rings Twice, The (Cain), 52
postwar years:
Gibbs, W., and, 283–84, 290, 292–93, 305–14
Hersey and, 284–85
McKelway and, 294, 296–98
O’Hara and, 298–301
readjustments in, 283–84
Ross and, 284–86, 290–93
Shawn and, 284
Thurber and, 289, 290, 294–96, 301–2
White, E. B., and, 286–90, 292–93, 301–5
Pound, Ezra, 328
Powell, Dawn, 256
Powers, Howard, 129n
“Preposterous Parables” (E. B. White), 292
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 350
“Pretty Little Mrs. Harper” (O’Hara), 77
Price, Garrett, 87
Price, George, 89, 98, 330
“Primo, My Puss” (W. Gibbs), 147–48
Princeton, New Jersey, 299, 332
Princeton University, 32, 41, 232, 338
Proctor, Jim, 248
Profiles (The New Yorker):
of Borglum, 157
of Coward, 171
of Dewey, 4, 192–93, 340
editing process, 63–66
of Father Divine, 53
of Fraser, 140
Gibbs, A., and, 131
Gibbs, W., and, 3
of Hayes, 66
of Hitchcock, 114
of Luce, C., 169, 340
of Luce, H., 5, 152–72, 311
of Lyons, 114, 213
of Maney, 216, 324
of Meredith, 191
of Robinson, 53
of Roper, 63–64
of St. Vincent Millay, 66
of Welles, 114
of Winchell, 141–45, 251, 253
of Woollcott, 148–51, 218, 340
Prohibition, 231–32, 235–37
Provincetown Players, 44
Pulitzer Prize, 284, 351
Punch, 8, 90–91, 168
Q Club, 311
Raft, George, 142
Rage to Live, A (O’Hara), 6, 299, 300
Random House, 325
Rascoe, Burton, 210, 212
Raye, Martha, 142
Reader’s Digest, 107, 223
Reader’s Encyclopedia, 42
Rea, Gardner, 90
Red Davis (radio show), 191
Red Gloves (play), 208
Reeves, George, 233
Reilly, James, 207, 208
Reporter at Large genre, 27, 52, 53, 262, 287, 332
Richards, Stanley, 205
“Ring Out, Wild Bells” (W. Gibbs), 355
Rio Grande (film), 40
Riverdale Country Day School (New York), 21
RKO, 297
Robinson, Bill “Bojangles,” 53
Robinson, Charles, 208
Robinson, Sugar Ray, 225
Rodgers, Richard, 208, 248
Roomful of Roses, A (play), 201
Rooney, Andy, 351
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 8, 59–60, 179
Roper, Janet Lord, 63–64
Rose, Billy, 228
Rose, Carl, 80, 88, 93, 115, 262, 317–18, 331, 332
Ross, Anthony, 308, 313
Ross, George, 14
Ross, Harold:
advancing maturity, 218, 225
Algonquin Hotel and, 295
Angell and, 31, 33
Arno and, 86, 87
attention to detail, 85–87
background and early years, 14–16
Benchley and, 278
branching out, 173
bunk and critical put-downs, 138, 141, 144–45, 152
Busch and, 155n
dealing with artists, 82–88, 91–93, 102n, 104
dealing with writers, 105–9, 115–17, 119, 121, 124
death of, 6, 59, 317, 336
drinking culture and, 237, 251, 253–54
early years of The New Yorker, 2–3, 16–18, 27–28
editorial policy and purpose, 58–81
fact checking and, 66–67
Fleischmann and, 18, 73, 107, 108
Geraghty and, 104
Gibbs, W., and, 11, 24–26, 39–40, 69, 77, 80, 195, 200, 205, 227, 248, 249, 255, 274–75, 277, 307, 310–13, 325
Hersey and, 284–85
Hodgins and, 168
Honeycutt and, 125
Ingersoll and, 49–50, 155–57, 162, 168–69
Liebling and, 13, 293n, 319, 344
Lobrano and, 184, 259, 266, 267, 268
Long and, 139
Luce and, 154–55, 162–68, 170–71
Maloney and, 114–17
Maney and, 249
married life, 124
McKelway and, 53, 143, 251, 253, 268, 297
medical issues, 293, 316
mentioned in poem, ix
Miller and, 25
Mosher and, 45
newspaper experience, 15–16, 25
New Yorker anniversary celebration, 315
O’Hara and, 14, 77, 78, 80, 88, 116, 299
on The New Yorker, 26
Parker and, 236
payment for work, 156
personality and characteristics, 13–15, 45–46, 46–47, 50
personnel issues, 39–57
postwar years and, 284–86, 290–93
settling estate of, 318–19
Shawn and, 15, 143, 274, 279, 295, 319
Thurber and, 8, 11, 13, 38, 39, 49, 68, 69, 95, 124, 175, 223, 224, 237, 295, 317, 336, 346
West and, 296
White, E. B., and, 11, 17, 27, 28, 30–31, 39, 59, 109, 178–79, 181, 185, 258–59, 266, 274, 278–80, 287, 288, 317–18
White, K., and, 31, 62, 68–69, 71–73, 218, 255, 277, 281
Woollcott and, 16, 18, 146–47, 151–52
World War II and, 86, 170, 258–59, 261, 263, 265, 272, 319
Ross, Ida, 14
Ross, Lillian, 274n, 321, 324
Ross, Patricia, 124, 218, 319
Ryall, George F. T., 78n