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Nicklas: The Vendetta Brotherhood Book One: Social Rejects Syndicate

Page 8

by CR Robertson

  I chanced a look up at Nicklas, who was watching me with a fire burning in his eyes. I moved faster, my head bobbing up and down. His mouth opened and his head fell back against the headboard. All I had were his reactions to guide me. I fondled his balls and pumped his base since all that wasn’t fitting in my mouth.

  His hand fisted in my hair. “Fuck, I’m gonna come.”

  I sucked harder, licked faster until his balls tightened in my hand and a salty viscous substance filled my mouth. I tried to swallow, but that stuff wasn’t pleasant, and I discretely wiped some away while he still had his eyes closed.

  “Was it okay?” Now that it was over, I felt self-conscious.

  His eyes flashed open, and I was lost in his stare. “Fuck, Princess, your mouth is a-fucking-mazing.”

  Heat flared in my cheeks. I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t.

  Nicklas rolled me onto my back and settled himself between my legs. “You are going to be the ruin of me.”

  My hands rested on his back. His head lowered, and he kissed me with such gentleness that I wanted to wrap my arms around him and never let go. He finally drew back when I was breathless and panting.

  “We need to get you panties,” he said, pushing himself up.

  He had tattoos up both sides of his body and one over his left pectoral muscle. The intricate lines of black were in a tribal design that linked into the black flower on his chest.

  “Maria said I’m too big to fit into her daughter’s clothes.”

  Nicklas shot me a look. “Next time you make a comment like that about yourself, I’m going to put you over my knee and spank that ass.”

  I chewed the inside of my mouth and stared at him, pulling my legs up to my ample chest. He had no worries, since he seemed to be chiselled out of hard muscles.

  He pulled his jeans on and stopped. “I mean it. Everyone is made different. Your sisters are beautiful, but tall and skinny does nothing for me.” He lurched forward and rolled me over, so I was on my hands and knees. His hands spanned my naked ass.

  “I prefer a woman with curves.” He traced up over my flat stomach until he reached my breasts. “And there is definitely no complaint from me about these. I plan to fuck them later.” He pressed them together to prove his point, his hips thrusting slightly into mine.

  My neck arched so that my back aligned with his chest.

  “Fuck!” He groaned, biting down on my shoulder. “You’re giving me another hard-on.”

  I should be ashamed, but I wasn’t because all of this was new to me. I wanted to be brave enough to tell him to just do it, but there was a tiny part of me that had always wanted my first time to be with someone really special. My parents had a love story that was the envy of their daughters.

  “I need panties,” I reminded him, “and some clean clothes.”

  His lips twitched against my skin. “Are you demanding I take you shopping?”

  “I’ve heard men like lacy panties and matching bras…” I left my words hanging.

  He slapped my ass and climbed off the bed. “Yeah, we like to unwrap our gifts before eating them.” He winked when I rolled over. “Get ready, we’ll leave in an hour when I check on a few things.”

  When the door closed, I laid there stunned and staring at the ceiling. My fingers travelled to in between my legs. The flesh was sensitive to my touch—the only evidence that what had happened wasn’t a figment of my imagination.

  I studied myself in the bathroom mirror. My hair was messed up and my face was flushed. My nipples were still hard. What the hell was I doing? I rested my head on the cool wall and tried to steady my breath. He was everything I claimed to not want in a man, yet his touch set my senses on fire. He didn’t ask, he took what he wanted, and left me reeling.

  Catarina had found ways around every rule Papa had made. She learned the art of blowjobs long ago and let her security detail have anal sex with her since technically that wasn’t forbidden. She was the wild child who lived her life on the edge.

  I had always been the good girl that Papa relied on.

  Now I was waking up to a man between my legs, giving me the first real orgasm of my life. The shower pounded against my sensitive skin and left me needing another type of touch. Nicklas had activated something in me that had been absent from my life. Now that I tasted it, I wanted more.

  My jeans were slightly more acceptable than my leggings and didn’t reveal I was pantyless. I put on a vest that could technically be used as a top but made my bust look bigger, even with the built-in bra. My flip-flops finished my outfit off. Thankfully, I had a pedicure a few days before I was attacked. I piled my hair in a messy bun but ignored makeup since it was too warm, and it would melt in less than an hour.

  Maria was humming while preparing breakfast when I walked in. “You sleep good?”

  I smiled and nodded, unable to remember the last time I slept the entire night. Nicklas gave me a sense of security I never felt before—not even with Mario.

  As if summoned by my thoughts of him, Nicklas wandered in with Sam. He stopped walking for a moment, his eyes moving over me, before he slowly shook his head and continued his conversation.

  Did I look ridiculous in this outfit? Was he regretting this morning?

  I wished I knew what the heck was going on because my head was starting to hurt, and my tummy was tight with anxious tension.


  Chapter Thirteen


  How the fuck was I supposed to keep her hidden from watching eyes when she looked like that? Yeah, she had limited clothes with her, but fuck…

  This morning, Sofia no longer looked like a scared mouse. She had the appearance of a woman who had been thoroughly fucked last night. I wished that were true, because I’d never wanted a woman as much as I did when I crawled into that bed beside her.

  Her eyes were huge when she begged me last night to sleep with her. I was blaming my agreement on the amount of rum I’d consumed. This morning when I discovered I slept the entire night because she was pressed into me as if she belonged there, I couldn’t help myself.

  Did I regret it? Fuck no. I would do it all again to feel those pouty lips wrapped around my dick. If that was her first blowjob, my dick wanted to be there to see how she improved, since she made my knees weak already.

  Our surveillance was up and running since they discovered their internet connection had been re-established this morning. The gods of the internet were strange and mysterious, granting connections whenever they deemed fit.

  “What are you doing today, Chiquita?” Maria asked Sofia, putting food in front of her.

  “Nicklas is taking me to buy clothes.”

  I saw Sam’s eyebrow rise at the use of my full name. She must have heard it from Maria. Normally, I hated it when people used it; I only allowed Maria because she was a mother figure to our group. Sofia said it with a slight accent that made it sound different to the way I heard it growing up.

  After seeing her magnificent breasts trying to escape from that top, I was buying her polo neck jumpers to wear.

  “You take her to a nice shop, not those nasty ones that don’t use enough material.” Maria couldn’t help mothering everyone in her path.

  I rolled my eyes and sipped my coffee, slapping the back of Sam’s head when his eyes fell to Sofia’s cleavage again.

  How she didn’t see herself the way men did amazed me. Her ass and tits were what women around the globe paid huge amounts of money to plastic surgeons for. Sofia was a fucking knockout, and she thought she was nothing compared to her sisters.


  It hadn’t helped that that asshole Mario had kept her locked away so he could enjoy her. I’d already made a few phone calls this morning to get a secure contact of mine to look into the allegedly dead security officer. Something about the situation didn’t sit well with me.

  “Ready?” I asked when she finished picking through her plate.

  “Just need to grab my stuff
!” She darted out the door, and I shrugged at Sam’s raised eyebrow.

  “Women always need to pee or grab a bag that they can fit half their wardrobe in,” I said.

  She arrived back with the smaller backpack that had been inside her other one. “I’m ready, I just needed to grab my purse.”

  Now I was downright insulted. Did she think I was going to let her pay for stuff while I was standing there? All the women who visited this compound expected my men to buy them what they needed. Then it dawned on me, Sofia was the complete opposite of all these other women. She hadn’t asked me for anything, that had been done by her father in the letter. From day one, she gave more than she took.

  “Let’s go,” I said abruptly, and her eyes widened at my tone. “I thought women liked shopping!”

  “Depends what we’re shopping for. Clothes absolutely, groceries not so much.” She wrinkled her nose, and I laughed.

  My favourite car was waiting for me at the front of the house. She stopped; her mouth hanging open. “Wowser, Papa would love this. He has a few vintage cars in his garage.”

  That was an understatement. Lucas Black owned a collection that left most men salivating. “You ever been to Cuba before?”

  “Nope.” She made the p pop and shook her head.

  “Then jump in and let me give you the Havana experience.” I tossed her a pair of Ray Bans when we were seated and started the engine.

  Sofia took everything in. A slight smile played on her face. I pointed out some different landmarks on our way into the main city. Havana had improved from when I first arrived, but it still had a long way to go. There were the tourist areas and the sectors that tourists either didn’t know about or avoided.

  “Can we park and just wander around so I can see the city?” Sofia asked.

  Everywhere she went, men noticed her, and she never once played up to the attention—she never even noticed it.

  “Can we visit Revolution Square?”

  I never missed a beat, changing the direction we were walking in and leading her toward one of the common tourist traps. I nearly stumbled over my feet when she slipped her hand into mine, holding it tight. I was nearly thirty, and no one had ever held my hand before. Ever.

  Her black hair reflected the bright sunlight, and she smiled when she saw me looking at her, bumping me with her hip. I either needed to lock her in my room and fuck her until I got her out of my system or run away as fast as I could. She was ensnaring me more every day.

  Revolution Square had massive sculptures hanging on the walls of multi-storey buildings of Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos. Vintage cars were all parked along the side for people to view or hire for the day. Sofia took everything in, stopping to admire the cars, study the sculptures, and the Jose Marti memorial.

  “I love the different architecture and the feelings of old cities. This is amazing. I wish I had my phone to take pictures.”

  Now I felt like a dick for taking her electronic devices away from her. It had been for her safety, but that beast that paced inside me was a jealous bastard and I didn’t want any boyfriends hunting for her.

  I handed her my phone from my back pocket. “You can transfer them to yours later,” I mumbled, embarrassed when she threw her arms around me and gave me a quick kiss.

  That was another thing I noticed about Sofia; she was affectionate. Even when she hadn’t known what to do, she never shied back. She shared her light with the world. She was so radiant, there were times she almost blinded me.

  I watched her snap some pictures of the cars and the different sides of the square, chatting to some tourists and taking pictures of them on their phones. She wasn’t what I expected from the day she fell in her father’s home.

  “Here,” she shoved my phone toward me. “You’re taller, so you can take the selfies. We’ll get more of the background in and less of us.”

  She smiled up at me, showing those dimples that made me make stupid decisions. An hour later, I felt like a tourist in the city again. After I moved here, I used to walk these streets until I knew them by heart. I hadn’t bothered the past few years.

  I fell in love with the city again through Sofia’s eyes. She found pleasure in the small things that others walked past, like the bronze statue of a naked woman on the back of a chicken holding a fork.

  “Take a picture!” She pulled a goofy face in front of it. Even as I snapped the picture, I knew that I was falling hard for this woman.

  What the holy living fuck was I going to do?

  Lucas Black would skin me alive for even thinking what was in my head. She was his eldest daughter and heir of his kingdom.

  He would hunt me down and display my body as a warning to others what would happen if they dared to look at his precious daughters.

  I was fucked, and I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.


  Chapter Fourteen


  I lived my life from inside a gilded cage. The walls my father built around me had been luxurious, but I was still a pretty bird raised in captivity with clipped wings that prevented me from flying. Meeting Nicklas had opened that door that kept me locked away and offered me a chance at freedom—flying on my own for the first time in my life.

  I loved old cities, unique architecture, and different cultures. It was the reason I studied architecture. My dissertation examined different styles and created my own design that incorporated different aspects of cultures around the globe. There were parts of the city that hadn’t changed in decades, and they were glorious.

  Nicklas had given me his phone, and I snapped small details of buildings that intrigued me or gave me ideas for a project. I had a folder on my computer with images like these.

  “Enjoying yourself?” Nicklas asked.

  “Yeah, the details of these buildings are stunning. The way they’ve used the windows in this square to create the illusion of space is magnificent.” I smiled, and he gave me a strange look that I didn’t understand.

  “You’re not what I expected.” His comment took me by surprise. What did people expect from me?

  My brow furrowed.

  “Lucas portrays his daughters as polished women who would be the perfect wives for any social occasion.”

  I burst out laughing. “That’s Lucrezia. She rarely puts a foot wrong and accompanies Papa when he has business dinners. Catarina is the sister you want if it comes to fashion or jewellery. She can tell a fake diamond a mile away.”

  “And you?”

  I wrinkled my nose. “I’m the odd one out. When I was at school, I loved to study, and drew in my spare time. Papa had to move heaven and earth to let me go to university. He picked Aberdeen because it is in the far corner of Scotland and was probably the last place on Earth anyone would look for me. For three years that was true.”

  Feeling suddenly weary, I sat down in the shade at the side of the square. “This place is somewhere that time forgot.”

  Nicklas sat beside me. “It wasn’t forgotten. The people were just more interested in trying to survive than to waste what they had on renovations.”

  “I would love to have the opportunity to sketch some of these buildings, but my books are back home in my apartment.” Drawing helped me work through my problems, it allowed my mind to take a step back. I really needed that right now.

  “Why don’t we get some lunch?” Nicklas stood up and held his hand out.

  What I found strange was how natural everything felt with this man. I’d always been conscious that Mario was my security detail, even when I had a crush on him. Men tended to make me feel awkward and tongue tied, yet the opposite was true of Nicklas. He put me at ease and allowed me to speak without making me feel silly. People used to give me a condescending look when I spoke about architecture, as if they were humouring me. It didn’t escape my attention that when he saw what interested me, Nicklas started taking me to non-tourist areas filled with architectural gems.

  He bought us a picnic, and we sat on a grass
y hill that overlooked Havana Bay. On the hilltop there was a massive white statue of Christ overlooking the water. The wind whipped strands of my hair free from my messy bun, and salt coated my skin from the ocean. My sisters chatted about their dream dates in fancy restaurants, but sitting here in the sunshine surrounded by the open air was perfect.

  “Why Cuba?” I asked.

  Nicklas shrugged. “I wanted somewhere that I could escape and just be myself. I learnt a bit of Spanish on my travels and it just felt right at the time. After a few months, I didn’t want to leave.”

  “I can see why.” It was the truth. There was nothing hurried here, everyone going about their daily life at a leisurely pace. “Can we visit the Hemingway Hotel?”

  “Hotel Ambos Mundos? Sure, but not today. I promised Maria I’d get you clothes. We can come back and have mojitos in the bar on the top floor and visit El Floridita where they put a bronzed statue of him where he used to sit and drink.”

  I stood and stretched to alleviate the cramp in my legs from walking over cobbled streets. “I’d love that!”

  “Come on you.” He grabbed me around the waist and lifted me as he started walking. “Before you attract any more attention by accentuating your boobs.”


  “Stretching in a low-cut vest top tends to make it slide down,” he pointed out.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder to watch the ocean as he walked away. His hands slid under my ass to support me.

  “Are you saying that my boobs are too big for this top?”

  He growled against my ear. “Number one, your boobs aren’t too big, they’re fucking perfect. Number two, I don’t like other men looking at what is mine.”

  I leaned back slightly to stare at his face. “Am I yours?”


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