LUCI (The Naughty Ones Book 2)
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He’s still silent when I grab my purse and stalk out, not even waiting for Leo to follow, just needing to get the hell out of there before I do something that I’ll regret, like slap the father of my child into a vegetative state.
I have million things to do, like finally call the bank and meet with the manager, and God I’ll have to look into putting Cody into a public school if I can’t get another job immediately and…
But all I can think as I leave the curious gazes of the restaurant patrons behind and step out to hail a cab is that I am extremely grateful that I didn’t tell him about Cody.
My son will never be like that man back there, and I’ll see to it, even if I have to move to Siberia to escape him.
Chapter Twenty-one
“What the hell did you do Lawson?!”
The tension headache I’ve been nursing since last night started morphing into a migraine as I pinched at the bridge of my nose and listened to Dad rant on the other end of the phone.
I’d waited all morning, but after ten had rolled around, I’d had to accept that Nic was serious. She wasn’t coming back, which left me relying on Jared Fowler and his team.
The minute I’d let myself believe that I’d not only messed up any chance at having Nic, but also lost the best VP in the state, I’d forced myself to call Dad, even knowing what was coming.
“We had an argument at Delucci’s. She quit and stormed out, Dad. What the hell do you expect me to do? I looked over her contract, and there’s a clause that gives her room to leave without notice.”
I’d been so frantic after she and Leo had left that I’d gotten rid of my date—can’t even remember the woman’s name—and gone home to drink. Around my third glass, I’d come up with the idea of locking her in by dragging out her contract.
That settled, I’d felt secure and gone to bed with a smile on my face. Only to hear from Jared that Nic would only sign with Dad if he included some legroom for her.
Which meant I was screwed. I had no legal leg to stand on to force her back, and that meant I had no easy in either.
“Of course, there’s a clause, you fool! Nicolette Sharp is one of the most sought after VPs in the country. You think she’d sell herself short? You had better fix this, Law. I’m not about to let you screw up a good thing because you’re running scared again, boy. Grow some fucking balls and either go get your woman, or step down and let her run the place.”
A wave of familiar panic hits me, and I squelch it ruthlessly. Part of the problem is the fear and resentment I feel, thinking that everyone seems to think I won’t be a good CEO, that I’m so stupid that I’d let the company falter.
This may not be my dream, but I’m damn sure going to make sure I keep this bitch afloat and prospering.
“If you didn’t want me back, you shouldn’t have called me,” I say with a snarl, gripping the phone tight.
Dad sighs, and I feel my anger cool.
“You’re my son and the best man for the job, Law…but Nic has dedicated a lot of herself to James and I won’t have her suffering because you’re reverting back to your fear. I know that it hurts to lose sometimes, boy, but you have to be a man and get back up and try again—not bulldoze and break your way through things.”
Dammit, he’s right, and I know it. After Nic had rejected me so solidly yesterday, I’d been furious and needed to hurt her…and save face, so I’d called every restaurant in the city to find their reservation. Then I’d called, God what was her name, and made a show of being pawed at in front of Nic, my version of “See, I am wanted.”
Only it backfired the moment I saw Leo put his hand on hers and stroke her skin, as if he had any goddamned right to touch what is mine.
I’d said things and done things I shouldn’t have, but I am beyond desperate at this point—and frustrated. Why won’t she let me in when I can see how much she wants me?
“I’ll fix it, Pop, I swear. I just…I don’t know why she’s pulling away. We had a great time together in Greece, and I thought, you know, that we had another chance. And then all of a sudden she’s going out with Leo and making moon eyes at the idiot.”
I hear Dad chuckle, and then the sound of laughter and the distinct sound of a child calling out.
“I’ve gotta go, boy. Listen, don’t worry about Leo. He was a friend of her husband’s.”
The line goes dead, and I frown. Whomever Nic married…if Leo knew him that means I did, too. We all hung out together, thick as thieves, and now my curiosity is piqued.
But I have more pressing matters to deal with at the moment, namely getting Nic back before Mom and Dad murder me in my sleep.
After calling six more times and getting voicemail, I say screw it and grab my stuff, letting my secretary know that I won’t be in for the rest of the day and to cancel anything not pressing.
I’m going in folks. Let’s hope I come out alive and still in possession of my balls.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t pay anything. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m behind on payments.”
The bank manager just looks at me as if I’m nuts. My mortgage is paid for the month and so is Cody’s school, as I found out when I went there to talk to the principal about a public school alternative while I looked for a job.
Everywhere I go I seem to be stumbling into a freaking twilight zone. Instead of being twenty dollars overdrawn on my account, I now have ten grand nestled in my savings, and it’s not even payday.
“Miss Sharp, the numbers don’t lie. You don’t owe any back payments on your mortgage. There’s not much more I can say, other than you don’t have anything else to worry about for now. Make the new month’s payments, and you should be fine. As for that loan…your balance doesn’t say that you need it.”
I walk out of the bank in the same fog of confusion I did after talking to the principal at Cody’s school.
And then it hits me.
That interfering rat bastard. That lowlife toad, that…completely thoughtful, kind, caring idiot! How the heck am I supposed to keep up this level of loathing when all I can think about is how grateful I am at this moment? I won’t lose my apartment; I won’t have to change Cody’s school, and I won’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from.
Especially since it seems that no one who’d headhunted me from other companies is interested anymore.
I still have just under three weeks before Jack and Minnie bring my son home, so I have some time now to do what I need to do and get my life sorted.
Starting with that damn hockey game on Saturday.
Yeah, I’m going! You didn’t think I’d let something like the thought of seeing Law make me cower under the covers did you? I am made of sterner stuff and besides…I kind of need to see him, now that I suspect that he saved me from the poorhouse.
I won’t mention it though—and not because I’m embarrassed. No, I could give a shit if he’s a few thousand down for bailing me out. The reason I won’t say a word is that I want to see what his next move is.
Just the fact that Law cared enough to snoop in my business makes me feel that rekindled spark of hope I thought was dead.
Buuuut, and this is a big but, I won’t allow him throwing money around to change my needs and views. If he’s still an asshole, then no amount of assistance is gonna help me.
It’s getting cooler by the minute, as I hotfoot it through the crowded streets and make my way home. Winter in the city can be a pain. Some winter days start off warmer than expected, fooling you, and then suddenly the temperatures drop so drastically.
I feel it through my lightweight coat and the sheer stockings I decided on this morning, and I almost run the rest of the way home, anticipating a hot cup of tea and a date with my laptop.
When the elevator opens, I’m digging through my purse for my keys so I don’t see Law sitting against my
door until I literally stumble over his feet and fall right onto him.
“Ah, and she still swoons at my feet,” he murmurs, copping more than one feel as I try to scramble to my feet in a semblance of grace.
Probably impossible, but hell, I give it a try anyway and stand glaring down at his smirking face.
“What are you doing here, Lawson?” I bite out, feeling ill prepared for this sudden visit.
He stands, showing every ounce of grace that I failed to portray and stares down at me, his jaw clenched at my rudeness.
“You didn’t show up for work, babe.”
“No shit,” I mutter, shoving the key into the lock and twisting it viciously.
The sight of him so close on the heels of his bullshit last night still makes me madder than heck, so I drop every squishy feeling I could possibly have for the man. (Okay, except the fact that just the sight of him gets me hot, but give me a break, my libido has no brain to speak of.)
When I go to slam the door in his face, he wedges a foot in and shoves it back quickly, causing me to scramble back or get my head knocked open.
“What the hell! Go away, Law.”
He strolls into my apartment, going straight for the kitchen, and I want to start panicking. I have a million photos on display—of not only me and Brody but Cody as well. Shit, the ones I brought home from the office are even now sitting on the mantle.
“You want tea or coffee. Jesus, it’s freezing out, and I sat at your door for over an hour!” he yells from the kitchen.
I dash into the living room and grab every frame, album, and drawing I own, shoving them into the bottom drawer of the desk in my bedroom. Once that is done I close all of the bedroom doors and start checking all surfaces again.
When I see nothing incriminating, I fall onto the sofa and finally breathe through my wheezing lungs.
“Here you go.”
I accept the tea with a snarled thanks, and sit sipping silently as he peruses my apartment, his brows drawn when nothing personal stands out.
Hah! Eat your heart out, Law. My life is none of your concern, and I want you to know it. I want you to know what it feels like not to have one little “in” anywhere, to feel alone and discarded, just as I feel.
And it doesn’t escape me that he sat outside my door, in the freezing cold waiting for me. Karma’s a bitch, huh?
“You need to come back to work, Nic.”
“Nope. You made me feel like shit for the last time, Law. This is the reason I shut you out of my life in the first place. You change your mind and mood on a dime, and I won’t have that. For myself or Cody. Last night just proved to me that you can’t possibly give a shit about me if you won’t hesitate to humiliate me in front of not only a friend but a roomful of strangers.”
I hear him sigh and mutter something under his breath before the sofa beside me dips and he’s crowding me into the corner.
“I screwed up. I let my temper get the better of me, Nic. Please, just give me a chance, baby. I swear I’ll make this all up to you,” he pleads.
There’s nowhere to go as he leans closer, his blue eyes taking in my every expression. I want to yell “no” at him and tell him that after his little display I brought Leo home and banged his brains out.
I want him to feel the angst I felt last night, even through my anger, at the thought of him taking that tramp home and satisfying his lust in her.
And that’s the problem, too. I feel a lot more for Law than I want to, a flame I’ve been secretly nurturing for years, and I just…can’t quit the guy no matter how much I want to.
“How?” I ask, taking a sip of the tea before leaning to the right and putting it on the side table. “How exactly will you do that, Law?”
He doesn’t answer, and I laugh ruefully. He never even thought this through, as usual, just saw what he wanted and went crashing towards it, namely me, thinking that a few sweet words would change everything.
And then suddenly I know what I have to do to make things right. To prove once and for all to myself that Law is worth another goddamned thought.
Getting up, I wave him down and trudge to my room, grabbing what I need and stalking back to him.
Here goes.
If he gets mad and starts in on me, I know that he’s not worth my time or the slow bleed in my chest.
I was going to do this eventually anyway, so there’s no sense playing anymore.
He frowns when I dump the entire drawer on his lap, grab my cup, and curl onto the opposite seat, my heart strangely at rest since this whole thing started.
This is right; I feel it now, and no matter what, no matter how he reacts, I know that it’s time to show him all of my cards and just hope that my hand isn’t a complete crapshoot.
Law sets the drawer on the coffee table and leans in, taking the first frame from the top. I know what it shows and swallow past the dryness in my mouth and throat, as he turns it up and looks down at a photo of Brody and me on our wedding day in a little Vegas chapel.
We’re smiling at the photographer, his hands resting on the slight swell of my belly. That was one of my happiest days because despite my misgivings, we’d committed to making a life that would be happy and content as we raised my son.
I’d felt relieved and at peace for the first time in months.
Law must realize in that second who Brody is because his eyes shoot up to mine, confused, dazed, curious.
“You married Brody from the hockey team?”
I swallow and nod once, leaning in to take the photo and set it back on the table beside me.
“But, I thought he was—?”
“He was.”
Law sits back down, his arms hanging between his knees, as I retake my seat and finish my tea, just waiting for him to speak.
“I don’t understand,” he finally whispers.
Oh Law.
“Yeah, you do. You know, you just don’t want to think about it is all. Look at the others,” I say, urging him and closing my eyes briefly to stem the tears burning at the edges.
Law takes a deep breath and lifts out another three frames in one go, his hands shaking as he slowly turns them face up and arranges them on the table in front of him.
In one, I’m holding my newborn son, my hospital gown clear, beaming into the camera lens. In another, Cody is about three years old and proudly grinning as he puts the finishing touches to a replica of some building he built out of his Legos.
In the last, Law’s little mini-me is smiling brightly, decked out in hockey gear, as he proudly poses in front of the goal, his position.
Like father like son, I think ruefully.
The silence stretches for what seems like an eternity, as he gazes between the photos, taking in the different ages, seeing his son look more like him with every age progression.
When he skims through the album though, I see his jaw tighten before he raises his gaze to mine, his face so stony I feel his anger like a physical blow.
“You liar. You goddamned thief!”
He’s up on his feet and pacing, his movement jerky with his anger. I know exactly how he feels and more. I paced for a long time, cursing him, calling him everything from liar to thief—because he stole my heart and every drop of happiness I had.
In those early days I cursed him so vehemently it’s a wonder he didn’t fall down dead just from my loathing. So yeah, I know how he feels, and yet I still feel terrible because what he took from me can’t even begin to compare to what I took from him.
We’re not even. He hurt me, but I did something unforgivable because I was hurt and angry. I deserve his anger now, but that doesn’t mean I’ll let him punish me anymore.
“I understand your anger—”
“You understand nothing!” he yells, moving so quickly that I rear back when he plants
his hands on the arm rests and leans down, his irate face shoved into mine.
“You understand nothing! You kept my kid from me!”
“No. I kept you from him, which is a totally different thing, Law,” I say quietly, keeping my composure by sheer force of will.
There’s so much more to say, but he doesn’t give me the chance. Instead, he drags me up by my arms and hurls me towards the hallway.
“Go pack, Nic.”
Chapter Twenty-two
The rage I feel is nothing compared to the sense of hurt and betrayal when I saw those photos and realized that the very kid I’d been resenting for weeks is not only innocent, but also my flesh and blood.
The moment I laid eyes on that first photo, the one of Nic in the hospital proudly beaming down at the baby, I knew. There’s no mistaking the James genes, and God help me, that kid is mine. From his little golden baby fuzz to the milky blue eyes that even then promised to be the exact same shade of deep blue that my father and I share.
At the thought of my dad I feel renewed rage because it hits me that even now Mom and Dad are flitting around Europe with my son, a kid they couldn’t have mistaken as anything other than mine.
They all knew about this and kept me in the dark. Everyone betrayed me, stole from me, and as God as my witness, they will all pay. Starting with that deceptive bitch, Nic.
I expected tears or excuses from her, something, anything that would calm me down. Instead, all I got was her unwavering gaze and unapologetic stare.
I want to hurt her and yet even as the need courses through me, I have the cruel thought that this is my “in”—the only way I will ever get what I want. See, I still want her; she’s still mine. I will have her, even if she’s nothing more than a liar and a cheat.
Nicolette Sharp has always been the future mother of my children, children I now want so badly I feel my cock heat and lengthen at the thought of putting them in her.
She’s stolen from me, so I think it only fair that she repay her debt. On her back, with my seed flourishing in her belly.