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One More Time (MMG Series Book 3)

Page 4

by Hilliard, R. B.

  Chapter Three



  Three months later

  “It’s time,” Sally declared from my bedroom doorway.

  “No, it’s not.” I had been lying in bed for the past hour listening to Amy Winehouse and trying not to throw up…In and out, in and out, I breathed. Brutus, who was parked on the bed next to me, stared at Sally.

  “Yes. It. Is. And you know it. In fact, if you ask me, it is way past time,” she dryly stated.

  “Funny, I don’t recall asking you.”

  “Has the nausea gone away, yet? No. It has only gotten worse, correct?” I blinked at her. “You are correct, Sally,” she answered for me. Back to Black came on and I turned it up, just to tweak her. “It’s so past time, Izzy, that I’m contemplating calling your uncle and having a chat with him!” she shouted over the music.

  This got my attention. I turned down the music and glared at her. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Izzy, you have to do this.” Her pleading tone made my eyes well. I knew what I had to do. I just didn’t want to. I could see the cogs in her brain turning as she eyed me from across the room. “You know, you could actually be causing irreparable damage by waiting so long. Is that what you want?”

  I had been thinking along those same lines for the past few days. Damn! I let out a deep sigh and she knew she had me. “This is the easy part,” she assured, as if she’d done it before. “The hard part comes much later.” Nodding my head in consent, she walked over and held out her hand. I took it and allowed her to slowly pulled me to a sitting position and help me off the bed. As soon as she wrapped her arms around me, I broke into deep wracking sobs. Brutus whined and licked the back of my left knee. He hated when Sally and I were sad. I stroked my fingers through his thick coat to let him know I was okay.

  Less than a month after my amazing night with Dillon, I missed my period. At first, I didn’t tell anyone. I had missed my period before when I had been under a lot of stress, and I most definitely was stressed. Jimmy had been pestering me to get back together, the bar had been slammed and bills were piling up. You name it, I was stressed about it. When it didn’t appear by month two, I knew… However, I buried my head in the sand and pretended it wasn’t so. When it failed to make its third appearance, I panicked and told Sally. That was four days ago.

  “I’m scared, Sal.”

  “I know you are honey, but you have to do this.” She led me to the bathroom and held out the stick. “I opened it for you. Now, all you have to do is pee on it.”

  The whole process was awful. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to have children. I did. I just didn’t want to do it alone. I wanted a husband. I wanted someone who would love me and our child unconditionally… someone who would give our children all the things I never had, such as stability and structure. After what felt like an hour or three, the timer went off.

  “You look,” I whispered. She stared down at the test and paused for a beat before looking back up at me. Her facial expression said it all. I’m pregnant. Bowing my head, I sobbed into my hands. She wrapped me in her arms and let me cry. “You don’t understand, Sal. I’m not sure who the father is,” I admitted through my tears.

  I felt her body tense. “What do you mean you don’t know who the father is?”

  “Do you remember the night I sang with that guy, Dillon, for his aunt’s fundraiser?” She nodded her head, yes. “And I told you he came back for a few drinks before heading back to his aunt’s house for the night?”

  She let out a little gasp. “Please tell me you didn’t?”

  I slowly nodded my head up and down. “Twice,” I wailed.

  “You had sex with him twice?” she gasped, “And didn’t tell me? Why the hell not?”

  I stared down at the floor.

  “Wow,” she said. I glanced up and the hurt in her eyes almost killed me. “Were you ever going to tell me?”

  “No. But not for the reasons you think,” I quickly added, and then explained. “It was embarrassing…uh…no, more like, it was humiliating,” I corrected.

  She shot me her classic wide eyed what-the-fuck-look before asking, “His dick was that small?”

  The incredulous tone in her voice made me laugh. “No. It wasn’t small. In fact, it was rather large.” She blinked but didn’t speak, so I kept going. “It was the best sex of my life, Sal. I mean it. It was epic.” I leaned forward and whispered, “I thought something was wrong with me because…uh…I couldn’t get there with Jimmy without… a lot of help, but Dillon….”

  Sally held up her hand to stop me. “We cannot have this conversation in front of a toilet. Come on.” Grabbing my hand, she led me back to the bedroom. Brutus followed behind and, as we settled on the bed, he jumped up and placed himself partially in both of our laps. “Continue,” she commanded.

  I told her about the whole evening with Dillon. She made me repeat the sexy parts several times, before allowing me to continue. “When I woke up the next morning, he was gone,” I told her.

  “What do you mean he was gone?”

  “Gone, poof, gone,” I said, snapping my fingers. “He stole away like a thief in the night after the second time and I haven’t seen or heard from him since. It cut me deep, Sal. Here I was thinking I had just had the best night of my life, and there he was formulating an escape plan.”

  “That’s surprising. He seemed really into you,” Sally said.

  “Oh, he was into me…until he got into me. Then he couldn’t get out the door fast enough. I even went as far as to call him.”


  Resting my head on her shoulder, I sighed. “Two weeks after that night. He was all I could think about. I thought, maybe if he heard my voice, it would remind him of how good it had been. When he didn’t call me back, I realized…maybe it wasn’t good for him. Maybe he’s a serial sex addict who goes around doinking every female he comes across. Maybe I was just one of his many conquests.” I started crying again.

  I felt Sally’s head turn and glanced up. She was staring down at me. “You are the smartest, kindest, most beautiful soul I know. What in hell’s name were you thinking when you let him inside you without a condom, Isabella Fisher?”

  “I wasn’t thinking,” I admitted. “I mean, One minute I was asleep and the next he was in me. I swear, Sal, it was the most erotically amazing moment of my life. The guy is a sex-god. I didn’t even think about the fact that he didn’t use a condom until well after the fact.”

  Sally grabbed my hand and squeezed. “When is the last time you had sex with Jimmy?”

  I shuddered and she squeezed tighter. “Two days before I busted him cheating on me, but…after my night with Dillon, I wouldn’t exactly call what I had with Jimmy sex.” Dillon put Jimmy to shame.

  She let out a snort of humor. “Did you use protection?”

  I replied with an unladylike snort of my own. “We’re talking about uptight Jimmy aren’t we? The same Jimmy who knows I can’t take the pill because it gives me horrible headaches? You and I both know how much he secretly hates children. While he claims he wants to get married and have kids, every time he is around one he calls them fucklets, little shits or spunk bubbles.” Sally burst out laughing and, after a minute, I couldn’t help but join in.

  “So I take it that’s a yes to him using a condom?” she asked.

  “Yes, but you and I both know it could have broken or had a hole in it or….” my voice trailed off as I stared out the window.

  “We also know how unlikely that is,” she stated.

  “I went and got tested after Jimmy cheated and again after Dillon. I’m clean. However, Pregnancy never even crossed my mind. Or, maybe it did but I pushed it away.” My eyes burned from all the crying. “How likely is it the only time I have unprotected sex, I get pregnant?”

  “Uhhhh…you really want me to answer?”


  “So when are you going to tell Dillon?”

  I stared at her for
a long second before answering, “I’m not.”

  A deep frown appeared on her face. “Wrong answer.”

  “Sally, the guy disappeared in the middle of the night… after having sex with me…not one, but two times.” She opened her mouth, but I cut her off. “I wanted him. After what Jimmy had done to me, I needed to feel wanted, desired. Dillon more than delivered. But then he ran away and all I felt was…used. He must think I’m the biggest slut.” Sighing, I placed my hands protectively over my stomach. “I refuse to force any man to do something he doesn’t want to do. I just won’t. This baby will only know love. That’s a promise.”

  “Let it be said for the record, I think you are making a big mistake,” Sally stated. I opened my mouth to argue and she held up her hand to stop me. “Let me also say it is your decision to make, not mine. However, there is still the subject of Jimmy. You know he’s going to find out.” She let out a gasp of air. “Does Jimmy know about Dillon?”

  “No. Can you imagine?” I cringed at the thought. “Dillon was long gone by the time Jimmy returned from New York.”

  “What are you going to do when Jimmy claims the baby is his?”

  “First of all, I’m not a hundred percent sure the baby isn’t his. Second, Jimmy hates kids, so I’m pretty sure it won’t be an issue. Third, unless he forces my hand, I am never telling him about Dillon.”

  “Good, because if you do, he’s going to shit a very large brick.”

  “I know.”

  “Well, he certainly won’t be hearing it from me,” Sally said. “Now, first thing tomorrow morning you are calling the doctor. Correct?”


  * * *

  Two Months Later

  “It says here in the fifth month you may be feeling fetal movement,” Sally reported.

  “Nope, not yet. What else?”

  “Ummm, ew, gross.” I watched her turn up her cute little nose at the book and smiled.

  “So far, most of this has been gross,” I informed her. “Please continue.” We were sitting downstairs on the sofa eating popcorn. Sally was reading “What To Expect When You’re Expecting’s” fifth month synopsis to me.

  “Increasing whitish spunk coming out of your twat.” She made a gagging noise.

  I laughed and almost choked on my popcorn. “It does not say that. Let me see!” I tried to grab the book from her but she held it out of my reach.

  “Close enough. This and constipation, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence and bloating.” I bugged my eyes in shock and she laughed. “This book has officially cured me of ever wanting children.”

  “I thought my throwing up every day for the past four months did that?”

  Sally waved her hand in the air as she took a sip of her drink. “Oh, most definitely, but you add all this other stuff in, and I am locked up tighter than Fort fucking Knox down here.” She pointed to her crotch.

  I was about to ask about the stud eyeballing her at work the other night when the doorbell chimed. Brutus shot up from the floor at our feet and charged to the door, barking his head off.

  “I got it,” Sally said. “Boo, shut it, you big overgrown lunk head!” she shouted and opened the door.

  “Where is she?” I heard Jimmy ask and my pulse spiked. Ever since I had started showing, I had managed to avoid him.

  “Wait! You can’t just barge in here!” Sally shouted. I turned to bolt from the room.

  “The hell I can’t! I just found out my girlfriend is carrying my child. I can damn well do anything I want!” Jimmy shouted back at her.

  I froze in my tacks. He knows.

  “Your girlfriend?” Sally scoffed. “Wow, that’s rich. What happened to boobirella? Did she pop an implant and become damaged goods?” She slapped her hands dramatically on her cheeks and gasped. “Oh! Let me guess, she got her period and was suddenly too old for you!”

  “Nice to see you’re the same old bitch, Sally,” he snarled.

  “Nice to see you’re the same old douche, James,” she mocked.

  “Enough!” I exclaimed and both sets of eyes shot to me.

  Jimmy did a full body sweep before settling on my baby bump. His eyes widened in obvious surprise. “It’s true,” he said, staring at my belly. He took a step toward me and I took a step back. “You’re pregnant.”

  Sally scowled at him. “You always said he was observant,” she sarcastically remarked.

  “Fuck off, Sally,” he snarled.

  “Enough,” I told her again. “And don’t speak to her that way,” I directed at him. He stepped back and shut his mouth. When Jimmy and I were together I never spoke harshly to him. It wasn’t in my nature. I had learned a few things since then.

  “Were you ever going to tell me I was going to be a father?” he snapped.

  “Not to state the obvious, Jimmy, but you cheated on me….plus, you hate kids.”

  “That’s beside the point. You are carrying my child in there.” He pointed to my belly. “I have rights.”

  “You have rights?” I asked, trying not to laugh. It was so tempting to tell him about Dillon, but I knew what would happen if I did. He’d lose his ever loving mind.

  Back when Jimmy and I were together, Sally and I decided to stay out drinking after work one night, instead of coming home like I told Jimmy I would. At the last minute, Sally decided to go home with John, our co-worker. It’s a good thing she did because she missed the horrible scene Jimmy caused when I got home. He was so angry he made me sleep on the floor and, when I made a move to get up and go to the bathroom, he threatened to tie me to the bottom of the bed. I remember lying there all night on the cold, hard floor needing to pee. Jimmy could be really scary, especially when he was angry.

  “Damn right I do,” Jimmy stated. The smug look on his face was beyond infuriating.

  “You have nothing, Jimmy. You cheated on me. I know it was more than one time. You claim it was because I wasn’t giving you what you needed but you and I both know that’s not true.” I pointed to my stomach. “This baby is mine. I’m the one carrying it. I’m the one who will deliver it and I will be the one who decides who gets to be a part of its life. Not you. Are we clear?”

  His face turned twisty and mean, an expression I had seen often when we were together. It was the, I’m-about-to-say-or-do-something-vicious look that used to scare the hell out of me. Somewhere along the way, it had lost its power. Jimmy’s anger seemed almost…silly. I smiled and he answered with a mean sounding growl.

  “You forget I’m a lawyer, Bella. I know people. I know judges who owe me favors. My hands may be tied for the moment, but from the looks of it,” his gaze raked across my stomach, “the moment is almost up.” At this point, his face was four shades of red. “That is my brat inside there,” he spat. “My brat, Bella, and he or she will have my last name or so help me God, the second you deliver I will file for sole custody and, trust me, I will get it.” With that being said, he stormed out and slammed the door behind him.

  “Oh God,” I whispered, turning to Sally. “He’s going to try and take the baby from me.”

  “He can try but it’s gonna be kind of hard,” she said.

  I gave her a questioning look and a smile spread over her face. She held up her phone, punched a few buttons and Jimmy’s voice filled the room. “That is my brat inside there…”

  My jaw dropped. “You recorded it?”

  “Damn straight. Now, I say we find out where to go to file a restraining order. It’ll serve the fucker right.”

  Ten minutes later, we were out the door.

  * * *

  Three Months Later

  The baby is restless tonight. Maybe she will settle down if I take a bath. As I ran the bath water, I thought about how the past couple of months had flown by. Jimmy called once after being served the restraining order to chew me out. Thank goodness Sally showed me how to block his call. I hadn’t heard from him since.

  Stripping off my robe, I stared into the mirror. My body had drastically changed w
ith pregnancy. I had only gained nine pounds, but by the looks of my hips and breasts, you would think I’d gained twenty nine pounds. Dillon, up on his forearms, pounding into me flashed through my head. Damn these pregnancy hormones. I had managed already to burn out one vibrator and my second one appeared to be on its last leg. Sally had kindly offered me hers. She’d purchased it from some on-line sex toy company and named it Big Roy. I felt the name was appropriate because, well, it was freakishly huge. Surprisingly, when she offered it to me, I was able to suppress the urge to vomit all over her. I’m all about sharing, but this was a bit much. I turned off the water and carefully lowered myself down into the tub.

  Once the morning sickness had passed, I actually felt pretty good. The doctor said I was measuring around thirty-six weeks. The toughest part had been telling Uncle Charlie about the pregnancy. I knew he thought this was Jimmy’s child. I also knew if I told him it wasn’t, I’d have to explain what happened with Dillon and I wasn’t ready to do that…at least, not yet.

  Brutus barked from the front of the house as the doorbell rang. Since Sally was at work, I was the only one home. I lay there hoping whoever it was would get the hint and go away. A minute passed and he finally stopped barking. I relaxed back into the warm bath and closed my eyes. The vision of Dillon moving deep inside me flickered through my head again. His silver-eyed stare pierced through me right before he tossed his head back and growled out his release. The beautifully intricate fish tattoo inked across the left side of his chest rippled with his taut muscles and looked as if it was actually swimming. Needing release, I slid my hands over my protruding stomach and down between my legs.

  “I sure hope it’s me you’re fantasizing about,” Jimmy said from the doorway.

  “Shit!” I loudly exclaimed. I reflexively covered myself with my hands and accidentally splashed water everywhere. “Go away! You can’t be here! Wait! How did you even get in here?”

  He smiled and waved the key back and forth in the air. “You forgot you put this above the front door, didn’t you?”


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