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One More Time (MMG Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Hilliard, R. B.

“Amelia is yours. Apparently so is Dana.”

  This was bad.

  Chapter Seven



  “I’m on my way home, Sal,” I said tearfully.

  “What do you mean you’re on your way home?” Sally’s voice boomed loudly through my phone speaker.

  I’d been on the road for an hour and a half. Half of which I’d spent crying. The other half I’d spent trying to work up the nerve to call Sally and tell her I was heading home.

  “I just talked to you yesterday, Izzy and things were great. What the hell happened between then and now? Did he hurt you, because if he did, I will be more than happy to nut him for you.”

  “His girlfriend paid me a visit. That’s what happened.”

  “What?” she screeched.

  Right after Dillon left for Dragonfly, the doorbell rang. I had just finished changing Amelia and was resting on the bed with her. Brutus, of course, went nuts at the sound of the bell. I wasn’t going to answer it, but at the last minute changed my mind. It’s a good thing I did, because it was the courier from the lab with the paternity test results. Thanking him, I placed the results on the kitchen counter and decided to wait until Dillon got home to open them.

  Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang, again. I figured maybe the courier had left something out, so I answered it. Bad move on my part.

  “Is Dillon home?” Elvira sweetly asked. She was holding what looked like a stack of clothing in her arms.

  “I’m sorry, he just stepped out,” I informed her.

  “You must be his cousin, Isabella, from Charleston. He told me you were here for a visit. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’m his girlfriend, Dana. Sorry I didn’t speak to you the other night. I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything. Dillon was in a snit because I had to leave on another business trip and I needed to appease him. You know how possessive he can be. Anyway, I just got back into town and thought I would drop off his freshly laundered clothes.” She held the stack of clothes up to show me. Leaning forward, she loudly whispered, “He’s a bit of a slob and is always leaving his clothes on the floor at my place. I guess he prefers being…naked when I’m around.” Her breath smelled like sour cherries and I pulled back to avoid getting blasted by it. “I’m sorry. You probably don’t want to hear about your cousin’s sex life,” she said through fake but pointed giggles.

  Stunned by her words, I stood there, mouth agape, in complete shock. This….woman had come here to make a point. Well, she had more than succeeded. Brutus growled and butted my legs, trying to get out the door at her. I should let him have her.

  “Ummmm, Dillon is not here right now,” I woodenly repeated.

  “Oh, okay. Well, will you give these to him and let him know I stopped by?” She handed me the clothes and paused for a second. “You know, never mind. I think I’ll stop by Dragonfly and hit him up for a quickie.” She nudged my arm and conspiratorially winked at me before turning around and bouncing down the front steps. That’s when I noticed what she was wearing. Like a bad eighties flashback, she had on skin tight black jeans with brightly colored paisleys all over them and a purple body suit. Her heels were so high I wondered how she hadn’t busted her ass by now. Wishful thinking. Closing the door, I stormed over to the envelope and ripped the test results open. Numbers and letters covered the page. What does this all mean? A sentence at the far bottom caught my eye.

  Probability of paternity = 99.999%.

  Dillon Whitaker may be a lying, cheating, sack of crap, but he is way better than the alternative. Grabbing the results, I marched over to his printer and scanned a few copies. On the bottom of one of the copies, I wrote a short note. Stuffing the originals in my purse, I marched to the bedroom to pack our things and get the hell out of Charlotte.

  “And that is why I am coming home,” I told Sally.

  “I get you are upset, but don’t you think maybe you should have…uh…talked to him before running?” she asked.

  “Whose side are you on?” I tearfully responded.

  “I’m always on your side, Izz, and you know that. I just think maybe you jumped the gun.”

  “Well I don’t,” I snapped. “You didn’t see them together the other night. I knew there was something going on and, just like with Jimmy, I chose to ignore it. Once again I choose the guy over my gut instinct. I’m a two time idiot where men are concerned! Anyway, it doesn’t matter. My ten day period is up and I’m coming home. End of…”

  Sally let out a big sigh and I could tell she disagreed with me.

  “Look, I don’t want to argue. I just need to get home and get settled. Will you let Uncle Charlie know I’ll call and fill him in on everything tomorrow, please?” I all but begged.

  While I was in the hospital, I came clean to Uncle Charlie about Jimmy cheating and what had transpired after. I also gave him the rated G version of the night with Dillon that led to Amelia. Uncle Charlie was furious with Jimmy. He was also the reason I went to Dillon for a paternity test. He was going to be thrilled Amelia wasn’t Jimmy’s child. His words drifted through my head.

  “Dillon is a good man. Trust me Ibby, he will do the right thing by you and Amelia.” Yeah right, I snorted loudly. I pictured Dillon holding Amelia in the palms of his hands, the look of hope on his face as he stared down at her…as if wanting her to be his. Well, she is yours, butt-head…so is Dana.

  “Sure thing. I’ll order pizza and we can watch a movie,” Sally said.

  “Oh! Grab a bottle of wine while you’re at it. I’m pulling out the breast pump tonight.”

  I ended the call and immediately burst into tears. How did I find myself here again? This time felt so much worse. Are all men like this or is it just me? What’s wrong with me that makes men want to cheat? And how could Dillon do that to Elvira? This must have been what Piper was talking about when she asked if Dana had made an appearance yet. Even his best friend was trying to tell me! And did I listen? No. I was so mesmerized by the man’s beauty and bedroom skills….I didn’t pay attention to anything else…His bedroom skills, and sofa skills, and shower skills…Gah!

  The phone rang. I checked the screen before answering. It was Dillon. Thanks but no thanks.

  By the time I got home, he had called about fifteen times. Powering off my phone, I proceeded to pump my boobs, which was followed by me getting really drunk. Sally, the good friend she is, took care of both Amelia and Brutus while I wallowed in self-pity.

  First thing the next morning, I took Amelia and drove to the Regional Vital Records Office and officially named Dillon Matthew Whitaker as Amelia’s biological father. According to the clerk, it would take up to fourteen days to process, but as far as they were concerned, the paternity test results made it a done deal. After signing all the papers, I drove straight to the bar and celebrated with Amelia, Sally and my uncle.

  The next day was finally D-Day. Jimmy left me three messages telling me to meet him at his office with the paternity papers. He claimed we had to meet there because he had an expert who would need to examine the test results. I knew better. He thought if we met at his office, it would intimidate me. It kind of did, but I would never admit this to him. I made sure to pump, in case it took longer than planned. Sally helped me pick out a nice conservative skirt and top. I felt I needed to look the part, just in case Jimmy decided to pull some funny business.

  When I arrived, Jimmy had a guard escort me up and into his office. Nice scare tactic, Jimmy. As he smiled from behind his desk, images of him pounding in and out of Carly flittered through my brain. A wave of disgust rolled over me. He did this to us, not me. Yet here I am.

  “Come in, come in,” he beckoned with a wave of his hand. Thanking the guard, I walked to his desk and sat in one of the chairs facing him. “I’m so glad to see you up and around, Bella. I had no idea you almost lost the baby until well after the fact.” I blinked and silently waited. After a few minutes his smile faltered. “Um, well, yes. Do you have the test results?” I retrieved t
he papers from my purse and handed them to him. After a minute or so of perusing them, he raised his eyes to mine. “You and I both know there is a high probability you falsified these documents. After all, this isn’t any lab I’ve ever heard of. I’m going to have these authenticated. It could take some time,” he explained.

  Nice try, Jimmy.

  I smiled and his eyes narrowed. “I figured you were going to try something sneaky, so I made sure to get several duplicate originals… just in case.” Lying out of my rear, I said, “I, too, have an authenticator lined up here in South Carolina, who can verify the test results. They can compare notes. Sound good?” He glared at me and I widened my smile. “I take it that’s all for now?” When he didn’t reply, I stood to leave. Before walking out the door, I paused. “Can I ask you something? If you loved me so much, why did you cheat on me?”

  He looked taken back by my question. However, surprisingly he answered. “You were slipping through my fingers. If you saw me with someone else, it would fill you with jealousy and make you realize I was an asset, not a burden.”

  I had no idea what to say to this. “Wow, you didn’t know me at all, did you?” Before he could answer, I said, “Have a nice day, Jimmy. I can see myself out.” Without another word, I walked across his office and out the door. Now this is what I call a win.

  Two days later I was beyond stir crazy. I hadn’t heard a word from Jimmy… or from Dillon. In a weak moment, I powered on my phone and listened to his messages. Dillon swore there was nothing going on with Elvira and hadn’t been for a long time. I didn’t know what to think. A part of me wanted to call and talk to him about it, but another, much bigger part, was scared. What if I let myself fall the rest of the way and he wasn’t there to catch me? It wasn’t just about me anymore. It was also about Amelia. She deserved so much more than I had growing up. She deserved a dad who wanted her and a mom who didn’t put everyone else’s needs above those of her own children. She deserved a home filled with love and laughter. I can give her that, but can Dillon? I wasn’t sure. Every time I asked Dillon about his parents, he clammed up. He only spoke about his brother and his aunt. I knew there was a story, but he sure as heck wasn’t telling it.

  Earlier in the day, I had taught three back-to-back guitar lessons at Milton’s. Thank goodness Amelia behaved the whole time. It was getting harder and harder to juggle both of our schedules. Milton had been kind enough to give me time off after I had Amelia, but I could tell he was at the end of his rope. On a positive note, I received a call from someone who was interested in buying one of my songs. Who knew if it would pan out but for now it was something. I needed to come up with a game plan and fast. Sally and Uncle Charlie had floated me as much as they possibly could. They both acted as if it was no big deal, but I could see the strain I was causing.

  Smack in the middle of my downward spiral of negative thoughts, the doorbell rang. As usual, Brutus went nuts.

  “Hush, Boo!” I firmly commanded before opening the door. On the other side stood a smiling Jimmy who was proudly holding up a bottle of wine as if that would erase all former transgressions. I wanted to kick myself for not looking through the peep hole first.

  “Before you slam the door in my face, I bring a peace offering,” he said.

  “I don’t want it,” I replied.

  “Please hear me out, Bella. It’s about the paternity test.”

  Curiosity getting the better of me, I opened the door and let him in. Brutus growled menacingly as Jimmy passed by and I inwardly cheered him on. Go get em, boy. I followed him into the kitchen, where he set the bottle down on the counter.

  “Drink?” he asked.

  “Baby,” I firmly responded.

  His eyes shifted back and forth nervously around the kitchen. “Where is the little booger?”


  “And my favorite person, Sally?”

  “Work. Just say whatever it is you came here to say, Jimmy, and then go.”

  “So rude,” he chastised. I wanted to kick him where it counted. “Can we at least sit down?”

  “I’m fine right here,” I told him.

  He let out a big sigh and launched right in. “Look, I know I made it seem as if I didn’t want children, but I did…I mean, I do.” I raised my eyebrow and waited. “I want you, Bella. From the first second I saw you, I knew you were it for me. I know I messed up. I was losing you and feeling desperate. However, to declare another man as the father of my child, our child, is both extreme and unnecessary.”

  Jimmy liked to hear himself talk. This was his thing. While in the shower, he would have entire conversations with himself. I used to think it was funny. Jimmy also enjoyed arguing and could be hateful when provoked. I didn’t want to provoke him. I just wanted him gone. So I crossed my arms, leaned against the refrigerator and waited. It didn’t take long.

  “Bella. Please.” He held out his hand. “Let me make this right.”

  “Jimmy, you can’t make this right. Don’t you see? You just can’t. What’s done is done.”

  He dropped his hand and sighed. “Won’t you at least let me try?”

  “I know you don’t want to hear this, but you are not Amelia’s father, truly. If you think about it, this is a good thing. You didn’t want kids. I did. I’m not the right woman for you. I never have been.” He opened his mouth to argue, but I cut him off. “And you aren’t the right man for me.”

  “And he is?” Jimmy snarled.

  Cocking my head, I asked, “He who?” I wanted him to say Dillon’s name. I wanted to hear him acknowledge he wasn’t Amelia’s father, that someone else was but he didn’t. Unfortunately, Amelia chose that moment to wake up and give a loud wail. “I think we’ve said all that needs to be said here. Don’t you? Let yourself out, please. I have to take care of the baby.” I left Jimmy standing in the kitchen while I tended to Amelia. When I returned to for a glass of water fifteen minutes later, he was gone. Things were definitely looking up.

  Sally rolled home shortly after and I told her about Jimmy’s visit.

  “It sounds to me as if he’s up to something,” she said. “To just leave without giving you hell or threatening you in some way isn’t normal Jimmy behavior.” I had to agree with her.

  Two hours later, I had just finished nursing Amelia and was contemplating turning in early when the doorbell rang. Protective barks echoed through the house.

  “Sally, can you get that?” I shouted. I heard her clomp down the stairs and her voice as she answered the door.

  “Isabella, can you please come in here?” Sally called out a few minutes later. I could tell from her tone that something was wrong. First of all, Sally never called me Isabella. Second, the word please was not in her vocabulary.

  Scrambling off the bed, I hurried to the living room and paused to process what greeted me there. Two policemen stood in the middle of our living room floor. One of them was showing a document to a very pale looking Sally. What has my sister done now?

  Seeing me enter the room, Sally calmly said, “I think we now know what Jimmy has been up to.” A trickle of panic bubbled in my chest.

  “Are you Miss Isabella Fisher?” One of the policemen asked.

  “Yes, I am. What can I do for you?”

  “We have a warrant to search the house,” he replied.

  Another bubble of panic sprouted. Only, this one was bigger. “What for?” I barely managed to get out.

  The second officer gave me a sympathetic look before answering, “Drugs, ma’am.”

  My eyes shot to Sally and back to the policeman. “Drugs?” I squeaked. “What do you mean drugs?”

  “We were directed to search the grounds for illegal substances.”

  “This has Jimmy written all over it,” Sally snarled.

  Officer number two said, “ma’am?” as if to hurry me along.

  “Oh, yes. Go right ahead,” I told him. I had nothing to hide. Still, the whole thing wasn’t sitting right with me. What has Jimmy done?

>   “Thanks for cooperating. We’ll try not to make a mess.”

  I turned to Sally, who looked as stunned as I felt, and told her to stay put. Then I hauled it to the bedroom where I carefully picked a sleeping Amelia up from the bed.

  Ten minutes later the officers summoned us to the living room. They had found a small Zip-Lock baggy full of red and white pills lodged behind the teapot in one of my kitchen cabinets. Well done, Jimmy.

  “This is a set up,” Sally told the policemen. “Isabella has a douche of an ex-boyfriend who is also a lawyer. He has been harassing her for months. You can look it up. She has a restraining order against him, which he refuses to obey. He came to visit her earlier today and must have planted those,” she nodded at the baggy of pills.

  Officer one shook his head. “That may be, but we were ordered by a judge to search this house for illegal substances and it appears we have found illegal substances.” He held up the baggy. “We have to confiscate and take Miss Fisher into custody for questioning.”

  “They’re mine!” Sally shouted, causing all of us to jump and Amelia to start wailing. “You caught me!” She held her hands together at the wrists and said “Cuff me, not her.”

  “Sally, don’t!” I shouted.

  Officer two stared at us as if we were insane. Shaking his head back and forth, he said, “Hang on.” We watched as they moved to the kitchen to discuss things.

  “Have you lost your brain?” I quietly scoffed. “They will arrest you!”

  “Better me than you! You have her to think of,” she nodded at Amelia, who was finally settling down.

  A minute later they returned to inform us that we had thirty minutes to get our affairs in order before they took us both down to the police station for questioning. Crap!

  I immediately called Uncle Charlie and told him to get here fast. He arrived fifteen minutes later. To say he was angry was putting it mildly.

  “Jimmy did this?” he asked. Sally and I both nodded.

  The officers were nice enough to let me show Uncle Charlie the frozen milk and explain to him how to heat it up.


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