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Picture Perfect

Page 3

by Lexie Davis

  She grabbed her keys and scooped up the folders and carried them to her car. She wouldn’t pine after Brad Thomas. It was his loss if he didn’t want to be with her. His mistake.

  She slammed the car door and sighed. If only she truly believed that.

  * * * *

  The firehouse sat in the middle of town, across from the only grocery store for miles. Fifteen men ran the operation, Brad being chief of them all. She didn’t know much about his background but knew he was well educated and had served as a fireman ever since he’d turned eighteen.

  She grabbed the folders, shoved her keys in her pocket and slammed the car door. Brad’s truck sat off to the side with the other firemen’s making her heart skip a beat. He was here.

  She walked slowly to the front bay door, grateful that her dark sunglasses kept her eyes shielded. Her hair was a mess, pulled into a tie at the top of her head, while her clothes were ratty and well worn. Two holes marked the knees of her jeans with the edges fraying a bit. She’d paired the look off with a thin orange tank and matching flip-flops.

  “Well, if it isn’t Mandy Pandy,” Greg, the eldest of the firemen, greeted her with a smile and warm hug. He’d grown up with her father and had treated her as his own daughter since Bert passed away. “What brings you to our lowly neck of the woods?”

  She smiled holding up the folders. “Pictures are in of your firehouse studs. I’m just delivering their copies.”

  “They ain’t my studs.” Greg pointed to the main office-break room. “Those dickheads are taking their lunch break.”

  Amanda smiled her thanks as she walked to the office opening the door to teasing male laughter. All eyes focused on her and she rolled hers. Huffing, she pushed her sunglasses on top of her head.

  “You lookin’ good, Mandy,” Preston said, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against him for a kiss. “You sure you don’t want to take me up on my offer?” He rubbed his cock against her, sliding his hands down to cop a feel of her ass.

  “Touch my ass, and you’ll be unable to walk.”

  The crowd oh-ed and Preston’s lips curved in a grin, but his hands didn’t move south. “You tempt me with that pretty mouth of yours. I bet you could do all kinds of nasty, dirty things.”

  Amanda scoffed turning away from him. “I’ve got your pictures. According to the agreement, the eight by ten is the one we’re using for the calendar. The others are for your own personal use.”

  “Yeah, like throwing darts at Preston’s ugly assed face?” Jeff asked when Amanda handed him his folder.

  Preston flipped him the bird, adding, “You’re just jealous, Taylor. Your face isn’t as pretty as mine.”

  The men went on and on as Amanda handed out the pictures. Everyone was here except the chief of the firehouse, which didn’t surprise her.

  “Do you know where I could find Brad?”

  “I’m right here.” Brad stepped into the office, scowl on his face.

  Amanda handed him the folder which he jerked from her hand. “Party’s over. Get back to work.”

  The men dispersed, as if the very room they sat in held a bomb. Brad had that authority though. When he gave a command, he expected it to be done.

  When Jeff closed the door, Brad lowered the blinds, covering the glass windows. It didn’t give them much privacy, but it was better than nothing.

  Amanda pointed to the folder, gnawing on her lip. “Those are the pictures I took. The eight by ten is the one we chose for the calendar.”

  Brad took out the photos, flipping through the three pages then threw them on the table beside him. “Why are you here, Amanda?”

  “Delivering pictures.” She propped a hand on her hip in defiance. “Why? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?”

  “No. That’s not it at all.” Brad rubbed his eyes obviously tired.

  “Then what is ‘it’ Brad?” Amanda spat out. “Why are you acting like an ass?”

  Brad moved forward, his shirt nearly brushing against Amanda’s breasts. “I’m mad because you let Miller put his grubby little paws all over you. I’m pissed because he pressed his lips against yours. And I’m thoroughly ready to cut his fucking head off for pressing his dick against your pelvis.”

  Amanda gasped, not realising Brad had seen all that. She knew Preston didn’t mean anything by it—well, for the most part anyway. He was all talk and no action. Brad however didn’t know that and looked ready to kill the poor boy with his bare hands.

  “Why do you care, Brad? It’s not like I’m yours. You walked out of my life the day you left before dawn and never looked back.” Amanda shook her head trying to show indifference and failed miserably. “You’re nothing to me.”

  “Really? I mean nothing to you?” He slid his hands to the front of her pants, unbuttoning them and sliding the zipper down. Before she could protest, he plunged his hand inside finding her slick wet lips waiting for him. “You make a lousy liar, sweetheart.”

  He rubbed her clit in small fast circles, driving her higher and higher. She gripped his forearms to keep her balance while spreading her legs wider to give him better access. His other hand held her steady for his assault until she leaned forward against him, biting her hand to keep from screaming when she came.

  Almost immediately, Brad withdrew his fingers and licked them clean. “Strip,” he commanded, stepping back to lock the door.

  Amanda slid her jeans from her body, along with her panties waiting for him to make the next move. He watched, eyes dilated and the black uniformed pants doing little to hide the massive bulge in the front.

  He pressed his mouth against hers, hooking his hands beneath her ass and lifted her onto the conference table. She laid back, legs wide spread as he kissed her, moving down her body with ease. He pushed her shirt up, revealing her breasts before he took one beaded nipple into his mouth.

  He played and teased, nibbling and licking before switching to her neglected breast giving it the same pleasure. Finally, he kissed his way down her belly, dipping his tongue briefly into her navel.

  “You drive me insane with lust.” He pressed his lips against the top of her mound. “Totally. Fucking. Insane.”

  He pulled her lips apart, groaning, before he lowered his head to take a sample. Amanda cried out arching her back as his tongue plunged and swirled, exploring her pussy. He lapped at her sweet juice before moving upward to suck on her clit.

  Fireworks exploded behind her closed eyes, while her body shuddered with delight. Absently, she ran her hands through his hair as he kissed his way up to her mouth. She tasted herself on his tongue and wanted nothing more than for him to fuck her mindless on the damn conference table in the firehouse office.

  He pulled her to him, pressing his hard cloth-covered cock against her bare pussy telling her all she needed to know. Sliding her feet to the ground, she stood and turned baring her ass for him, begging him to take her from behind.

  The cool metal table did little to tame her desire as she pressed her cheek against it, hands flat on each side of her head. Brad pulled his zipper down, the loud rasp filling the silence that surrounded them. And then his glorious cock pressed against her, drawing a moan from her lips.

  “You sure I don’t mean anything to you?” He teased her by pressing in an inch then pulling out before she could take another breath. “That my cock doesn’t mean anything to you? My hands, my tongue, nothing about me means anything to you?”

  She groaned in frustration as he slid the tip of his cock between her ass cheeks slightly pressing against the little virgin hole he found. He meant more to her than she wanted to admit.

  “Fuck me, Brad,” she said through clenched teeth as he continued teasing.

  “Not until you admit it. Admit I mean something to you. That I’m not the only one going through hell when I’m away from you. Every time I hear your name my dick comes to life, ready to fuck you senseless. Tell me I’m not the only one.”

  Amanda gasped when he filled her again this time
deeper than before. “Yes. Yes. God, yes. Fuck me, please!”

  He thrust his hips forward filling her hard and fast. No matter what he wanted to do, she was wet and willing. He took her in quick, slick motions, pulling out completely only to thrust in to the hilt, over and over. The first two orgasms had been great, but the impending one rising deep in her womb would be mind blowing.

  “Oh, God, Brad!” Amanda came hard, squeezing her eyes tightly shut as she cried out, unable to help herself.

  The entire fire fighting staff likely stood no more than twenty feet from where they were and probably heard every sigh, every scream they made. Not that either one of them really cared. Why else would the chief of the firemen usher Amanda inside the office and lower the blinds, other than to fuck her brains out?

  Brad grunted, pumping harder until he came shooting hot semen within her. The heavy weight of his body pressed her harder against the table as he collapsed against her in exhaustion.

  “Don’t you dare say I mean nothing to you.” He nuzzled her neck, kissing the skin there while his hands caressed her thighs. “I’m sorry I didn’t call.”

  It annoyed her how easily she could forget. “Yeah, well, don’t make a habit of it.”

  He chuckled, pushing up from her. “Promise to see me tonight?”

  “Only if there’s something in it for me.” Amanda looked over her shoulder grinning before sitting up to kiss him. “And I mean something spectacular.”

  He stepped back, holding his arms out and motioning the length of his body as he highlighted a few key parts in between.

  “Puh-lease,” she huffed though she smiled the whole time.

  After getting dressed, Brad walked her to her car. He gave her a quick kiss goodbye and she headed to the grocery store. Maybe she’d pick up a bottle of wine, or chocolate and strawberries. She grinned at the carnal thoughts running through her mind. Brad was spectacular all right, and she was falling hard and fast for him.

  Chapter Four

  “Dude, I didn’t know Mandy was your girl,” Preston remarked once the crew filed back into office. It was past eight and close to quitting time.

  “Yeah, well, she’s special.” Brad pulled out his pictures again holding back a groan when he saw his bare chest revealed for all the world to see. As if he didn’t have enough ladies pawing him, now these pictures would only make matters worse. “And Miller, you’d better keep your fuckin’ hands off her.”

  Preston nodded his head exiting the chief’s office.

  Going back to his desk, Brad shuffled paperwork aside, unable to get the blonde-haired beauty off his mind. His cock ached within the confines of his uniform pants. If there hadn’t have been an entire league of men waiting outside the door, he would have taken her until neither one of them could walk.

  Amanda had that effect though. Her smile was beautiful, just as much as it was contagious. He could spend hours alone just kissing her. She welcomed him into her body seeking pleasure as much as she gave it. He’d never realised all those years ago how truly special she really was. No, he’d simply wanted to fuck and run, but the running part was harder than he’d once thought.

  Pushing thoughts of Amanda aside, he buried himself in paperwork. Being chief also meant being fire inspector and that kept him pretty busy in this quaint little town. Writing up reports took the majority of his time, though every now and then, he actually got to ride along on a fire run.

  “Chief,” Jeff barged in his office out of breath. “We just got a call in. It’s Mandy’s place. The whole studio is up in flames.”

  First her house and now her photography studio. Brad nearly jumped over his desk, pushing Jeff out of the way as the other men piled into the water truck. He grabbed his gear, donned his pants and took one of the bucket seats. Jeff climbed behind the wheel and they took off towards Denton Street


  Upon arrival, Brad didn’t see Amanda’s car anywhere. He knew she liked to park it behind the building where it was hidden out of sight. He jumped out, pulling his jacket and helmet on as he ran to the front of the building.

  Flames licked up the walls making the small studio feel like an inferno. He grabbed the flashlight at his side, shining it into every corner, looking for Amanda. He called out her name but received no response. She wasn’t here.

  His team came in behind him with the fire hose, spraying what they could on the inside while another team sprayed from the outside. Brad’s heart ached as it pounded in his chest. She was supposed to be here. Where else could she be?

  He made his way to the back searching in all the little closets and rooms. He hoped to hell she’d have enough sense not to hide in a fire, but his gut instincts told him to check just in case she’d been hurt. Still nothing.

  He climbed the steps to her apartment checking the lock on the door. It twisted in his hand and he forced it open to find Amanda standing in her underwear and nothing else dancing to the music on her MP3 player.

  She squealed when she saw him, hiding herself until she realised who he was. “Brad, what the hell are you doing here?”

  “The damn studio is on fire.” He pointed to the door watching as her eyes grew wide. Before he could stop her she ran down the hall to the bedroom.

  “Boss, you there?” Brad’s radio beeped and he rolled his eyes knowing they’d spent too much time in here already.

  “Yeah. I found Mandy. I’m fixing to bring her out.”

  “Great. Use the back door. The front’s pretty messy. We need to get some of her chemicals out before the whole thing explodes like a Fourth of July firework show.”

  Brad had forgotten about her chemicals. “I’ll help. Just let me get her outside.”


  Brad hung the radio back where it belonged. “Mandy, we need to leave now.”

  He started towards her bedroom, finding her crying as she sat in the middle of the bed trying to get dressed. He reached for her hand and pulled her to him. He grabbed her mother’s quilt, wrapped her in it and carried her out of the apartment.

  Preston met them outside in the back with a blanket and bottle of water in his hands. Of all people, Jeff sent Miller to watch over Mandy? Brad settled her on the curb, wrapping the quilt tighter around her so that no part of her body stayed exposed to Miller’s wandering eyes. He kissed her telling her everything would be okay.

  “Stay here, sweetheart. I need to go in and help the other guys.” He brushed her hair back from her face.

  Satisfied she was safe, he nodded towards Miller who scrunched down with a blanket in hand, wrapping Amanda in the cloth’s warmth. It killed him to leave her like this, though it was his job to put out the fire. He knew without a doubt though, he’d salvage as much of her belongs as he could—even if it did go against policy.

  Brad had stepped into many fires, both deadly and minor, more times than he could count. Hell, he’d even rescued more people than he could count. So why was going into this fire giving him chills? The hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention when he grasped the door through which he’d brought out Amanda. He looked back to make sure she stayed put, Miller at her side.

  The expression on her face told him something wasn’t right. She looked so lost and innocent sitting there as chaos filled the area around her. He wanted nothing more than to scoop her up in his arms and take her to his home, leaving the burning building to the others on the crew. But he was responsible one. He was the one in charge even if something in his gut told him not to enter the building. He had to. It was his job.

  Taking a deep breath, he pulled open the door and saw that the fire had crept its way into the hallway, flames licking everything in sight. The dark room, where Amanda kept her chemicals, sat off to the right and Jeff tried his best to keep the fire from going there. They needed to extract the chemicals from the building without getting blown up in the process.

  Brad ran to the dark room, flipping his mask down. In his haste, he’d forgotten his oxygen tank and knew he’d regre
t it. Piling as many bottles in the empty box he found in the room, he loaded up the chemicals. The majority were in gallon jugs that would take an army to unload.

  He slid aside the closet door, finding more chemicals. Smoke diffused into the room announcing the fire on the other side of the wall. They were running out of time. He carted out the stuff—three jugs in one hand, while he clasped a box full of glass jars under his other arm. The place reeked of whatever was in the bottles. Smoke filled his lungs as he carried the stuff into the hall. Evan stood there ready to help in whatever way he could.

  He shoved the jugs at Evan then reached back to grab a few more before he followed Evan outside. They sat the stuff close to where he left Amanda and Preston.

  “Chief, you really need a tank to go back in there,” Preston commented, gaining Evan’s agreement.

  “A tank will take too much time, Miller. This place will blow if we don’t get this shit out now.” Brad couldn’t even look at Amanda. He knew if he spared her one glance that’d be the end and she’d lose everything she owned. She might still.

  He ran back to the building, his lungs burning with the smoke inhalation. The heat from the fire permeated his jacket and pants making his skin feel as if it melted against his bones. Sweat poured into his eyes, his breaths coming ragged and shallow.

  The dark room turned hazy, filled not only with smoke but the horrible stench of the chemicals as they heated in the fire. With only he and Evan working to remove the chemicals and Jeff and a few others trying to control the fire from the inside, Preston on the out, it wasn’t enough.

  “Chief, this place is going to blow.” Jeff came over the radio in warning. “Jars of liquid are busting all over and fuelling the fire. I can’t control it. We need to get out of here.”

  Brad motioned for Evan to leave. “Alright clear out. I just need to get something.”


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