Mystery: TRANSFERENTIAL : An intense, gripping crime thriller (Murder Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Thriller Mystery): Time travel, Astral Projection, literature and fiction, Science Fiction
Page 5
We stay there for an hour before going off to Orlando.
Click Here for a webcam of the beach, click the small screen at the bottom that says
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Lisa asks "where we are going to stay."
I don't know yet, we will check out the internet and see?"
We decide to stay at Loews Royal Pacific Resort at Universal Orlando as it has many things to do on site. (see here)
We book a suite and go to unpack; I ask Lisa if she can cut down on the purchasing of clothes and other things, or send them home as we have far too much, she decides to send some home by DHL, she can buy more that way?
It has been along drive so we go to the restaurant and order a meal then walk around to familiarise ourselves. There is a great mix of people from around the world and the grounds are stunning. Lisa said that she will enjoy relaxing by the pool and getting some sun at last.
It reminds me of a very posh Butlins resort back in England as everything is there. I have noticed that there many places to go outside but that's more for families.
I need a drink and so does Lisa so we go to the bar.
There are quite a lot of couples, not too many kids. We buy a couple of drinks and take a seat as we are knackered.
After a few drinks a couple of what appears to be gay sit on the table next to ours and we soon get engaged in conversation. They are from Australia and they said they have had a great time.
One of them Gary asks if we would like a drink and we accept, the other one is John.
At the bar is an English man with what looks like his girlfriend, he looks like a football hooligan with a shaved head and too many tattoos. He is pointing a finger at the girl he is with then she starts to tell him to get lost.
Gary is only a couple of feet away and I start to feel uncomfortable for him, he keeps looking at them.
The hooligan has now noticed this and asks Gary what he is looking at, Gary puts his head down, collects his drinks and returns.
We carry on chatting for another 20 minutes or so and its my round. I approach the bar about 8 feet away from the hooligan as I do not want him to look at me or give him any excuse to say anything.
I return to the table with my drinks without any problems.
I did hear them though, he was accusing her of chatting up the barman the night before which she was denying.
Lisa say's she needs a soft drink as she feels dehydrated and goes to the bar; she is too close to the thug!
She orders a coke with ice and when she turns to return she has only caught the girlfriends elbow and has spilt some coke over her. Lisa say's sorry and the girlfriend seems OK with this but the thug has gobbed off.
I ask Lisa what he said and Lisa says he called me a dopey cow and that I should be looking where I am going. I tell Lisa to ignore it.
It is getting on a bit and Lisa wants to go back to our apartment. Lisa goes to bed and I watch some TV.
There is not much on except silly American soaps; they always seem to have very bright colours in them with too much red, they also seem to spend an extraordinary amount of time on settees.
I still feel like a drink, I feel I have left the bar too early and need some more alcohol so return to the bar by myself.
The thug has gone at least so I sit at the bar by myself watching everyone enjoying themselves.
Half an hour has passed and the thugs girlfriend walks in, I hope that idiot is not with her?
She has ordered a single drink so she maybe on her own.
The barman approaches her and says "hello".
This looks ominous, this must be the barman I heard them talking about earlier?
They are talking as if they have done so before and the barman always returns to her after serving other people.
After an hour or so of flirting the barman has been sent somewhere by another member of staff and doesn't return, the girl seems quite lonely now and a bit pissed off.
She looks my way and I nod to say hello and she smiles.
"Your boyfriend not with you tonight". I say.
She replies, "no he is a prick, he's gone to bed he is pissed."
We chat and have a drink for a while then the barman returns so I leave and go to bed.
I awaken and am in the bar with a drink of what looks like vodka and orange?
Then it dawns on me, I am that girl with the waiter.
He comes back from serving someone and we start chatting, he has been going for it as he is talking about meeting in his room later and his room number is 208.
This is going to take some thinking about as I am a man and in a girls body, how do I get my head around being shagged as a woman by another man?
The boyfriend of hers is bastard and deserves it but surely she would have done it without me anyway. Should I make excuses and leave it to her or carry on and bite my tongue?
This girl is quite drunk and I can feel it, the waiter has just said his shift finishes in 10 minutes and gives me his keys for room 208.
I decide to play along with this and maybe I will wake up before being shagged.
Arriving at room 208 I open the door and enter, its quite smart for a staff room and the waiter obviously is not the usual twenty something messy lad.
The waiter arrives and straight away starts to kiss me, well her. It strangely does not feel like I am kissing a man?
I close my eyes and go along with it and then he starts feeling my breasts and again it feels normal?
This is really weird, I should feel repulsed, I am not gay, I have never had those feelings so it must be that when I am in a woman's body it feels normal and OK?
He has now holding my/her hand and is leading me to the bedroom, my heart is racing and I am shitting myself, well shitting myself in her body.
He starts kissing again and unzips my dress which falls to the floor.
There is a long mirror at my left and I must say I do have a lovely woman's body.
I am wearing stockings without suspenders together with white knickers and bra. We end up on the bed and he removes the bra and starts to kiss and suck my nipple whilst caressing the other breast.
He then starts caressing my outer thigh then moves in to the inside and towards the vagina. To tell you the truth it feels quite nice and then his hand cups my pussy and then starts to rub; this again feels alright. His hand then moves up towards the top of my knickers and I know he is going inside, his hand slowly descends inside my knickers and then reaches my pussy.
His hand then quickly comes out and he stops, he leans back and says your are on.
Well how embarrassing for this poor girl. I apologise and make excuses that I forgot due to alcohol.
He says its OK and if I want to I could go for a shower and we will go from there.
This is a predicament now, I want her to fuck this lad and fuck up her thug of a boyfriend. I decide to shower.
In the shower I am feeling this girls body whilst washing, I can feel what it is like to be a girl feeling her own breasts and pussy, it feels wonderful.
I have pulled out the Tampax and disposed of it on the floor outside the shower, I wash the blood away and using my fingers enter the vagina, what a strange feeling. I rub her clit and can feel what she would feel.
I lift my breast and lick the nipple, I have always wondered what women feel when they do this and I can say it does feel nice doing it to yourself.
I could get used to this but would like to return to being a man when I wish.
After cleaning the bathroom I return to the bedroom, the waiter has put extra sheets on the bed.
He beckons me over and we start to kiss again. He lays me down and caresses and sucks my breasts and then starts to move down to my belly button.
Surely he is not going for cunnilingus?
If he does it now it should be alright as I have just cleaned.
He moves down and yes he is going to lick my pussy.
feeling of having my pussy licked was out of this world, far better than getting a blow job. He has stayed there for what seemed like an hour and then moved up to my breasts again, licking and nibbling.
We start to kiss again and his hand goes down towards his erect penis, I could feel it on my pubic area before and know he is ready.
He rubs the head of his penis up and down the front of my vagina and then slowly enters me.
I take a deep breath in, I can feel it inside me, my cunt feels full and he slowly moves in and out.
Fucking hell, I can see why women get pissed off if men come too quick.
I can feel a tingling already, I think my pussy is coming, the feeling is getting more intense, my breathing is getting deeper and I am actually grabbing his buttocks to push him in deeper and harder.
I start saying harder; what women say when I'm fucking them.
The feeling is getting quite intense now and I think I am coming then there is an intense feeling all over my body, its not like when I cum as a male, I am tingling all over, my legs are shaking.
This is so intense then I hear him starting to groan, I think he is about to cum. His strides are getting quicker and harder then I feel it, I can feel his cum pumping into me, its a very strange feeling.
He roles over and lights a cigarette, what a typical man I am thinking????
What am I thinking, its not my body?
It was an out of this world experience though being a woman and also getting fucked.
I have woken again and its morning. Strangely I have woken with an erection, this is not unusual but after what has just happened it feels abnormal.
Lisa wants to go out so I shower this body and Google the surrounding restaurants.
I have found one that looks spectacular and made a reservation as you need one here, luckily they have one straight away so we head off to Mythos Restaurant at Universal's Island of Adventure.
Mythos Restaurant
This is a restaurant we will not forget, it is like nothing I have seen before. The inside of the restaurant is just as impressive.
The food was great and it is quite cool as you would imagine being inside a mystic cave.
We wander around and find the Wizarding World of Wizarding World of Harry Potter and various rides.
That evening we are back in the bar at the hotel and that girl is in there with her thug boyfriend.
He does not look very happy and is quite agitated. The barman is also working and the thug keeps looking at him. Little does he know.
The barman when he can keeps winking and smiling at the girl but as I know by now she will not remember.
I go to the bar to get a drink, this time a bit closer so I can hear what is being said.
The thug I can make out is Mike and the girl is Karen and Mike is asking aggressively what she was up to the previous night, Karen is saying she was that drunk she don't remember.
I can see Karen's face and she looks totally perplexed. She obviously knows something happened as the barman is acting differently.
Mike catches me looking at her and says "what the fuck are you looking at.
"Nothing, I am just getting a drink." I reply and pick up my drinks and return to Lisa.
"They are not getting on," I say to Lisa.
"His an idiot, I don't know why she puts up with it, if you treated me like that I would walk," replied Lisa.
Thank god she is unaware of my antics though I doubt Lisa would believe me, she'd think I was going bonkers.
The two supposedly gay guy's turn up and say "hello."
They join us for a drink and we talk about what we have been doing that day.
Gary asks what we intend to do this evening and we reply that we have not thought about it.
John says they are going to a club called The Groove and are leaving soon as the queue outside can get quite large.
The Groove
When we arrive there is only around twenty people waiting to get in so we get a table. I will leave the standing and dancing to the younger lot.
Gary is at the bar getting drinks so we have a couple of minutes with John who says they are leaving the day after tomorrow.
The club is starting to fill up and people are dancing, there is two girls that dance each side of the DJ, they look very pleasant to the eye of which Lisa has noticed I am looking.
Lisa tells me to stop ogling or I will start dribbling.
Its not really my kind of club, its a bit young for me but we soon start to enjoy ourselves even though most of the music I have never heard of.
I head off to get another round of drinks and after I order the girl next to me asks if I am from Australia?
"No, I am from England," I reply.
"I love the accent," she says.
"I hear that quite a lot in America, we in England are used to the American accent as most of the good TV programmes come from the States like NCIS," I reply.
Oh, you get that in England," she says.
"Yes we get all the American programmes," I say.
We talk for a while then a guy arrives and takes her away unfortunately; after giving me a very long stare.
The following morning my head is banging; I don't usually get a headache. Its late morning as I have slept in and need a hair of the dog so go down to get a drink in the bar.
As I walk in that idiot is there again with his girlfriend, Mike and Karen.
They are still arguing; they should have stayed at home as their holiday has been ruined.
After a couple of pints another couple come in and know Mike and Karen, it starts getting loud.
The new couple have just arrived from England and are meeting up with Mike and Karen, Mike seems a lot happier now as he has another lad to talk to rather than arguing with Karen.
I have been in the bar for hours by now drinking off my hangover.
Mike and his mate, (Tony I have found out and his girl is Carol), have been drinking quite heavily are drunk, being loud, they are singing silly football songs and being a pain in the arse.
The manager has told them on numerous occasions to be quieter and is heading towards them once more. He tells them again to be quiet.
In the meantime Gary and John have arrived and Gary joins me; John is at the bar.
John is quite camp and the two thugs pick up on this and start to throw gay remarks at him. John ignores them and joins Gary and myself.
The two thugs continue to abuse not just John but all of us by now. The manager has noticed this and has asked them to leave, they say they are residents of the Hotel but this does not wash, they are told to leave and that they are not barred they have just had too much alcohol.
Their girlfriends state that they are staying put and so the thugs leave with Karen and Carol left to themselves.
Another two lads have arrived which sound Australian also so I am getting surrounded by ozzies. Gary and John giggle about this.
Its not long before Karen and Carol are being chatted up by the new guys and they are revelling in it; the barman that likes Karen must have a night off as I have not seen him.
Karen is talking to one called Jezza and Carol is with the other who's name is Pete.
They are with each other all night laughing and joking around.
Karen has been on the phone a few times and I imagine it is Mike as she says that if he wants to go late night clubbing then carry on, she said that she will be with Carol and will be alright.
Pete is a good looking typical bronzed Australian who looks remarkably like Stephen Mulhern from ITV's This Morning programme.
Jezza and Carol are also getting on very well and both girls are enjoying themselves away from their thuggish partners.
Gary and John are now up dancing with each other and I can now say they are an item, they have smooched on the dance floor; they bar staff have looked over but did not stop them.
They are leaving tomorrow so I phone up to Lisa to come down and join us but she wants a quiet night in. Lisa s
ays I can carry on by myself and have a good night with Gary and John.
Whilst they are dancing I watch Karen with Pete.
Pete is plying Karen with drinks and also having far too much himself if he wants to get her in bed.
By now I have said my goodbyes to Gary and John and am heading to the apartment. I enter and all is dark, I check the bedroom and Lisa is fast asleep so I slowly close the door and lay down on the settee.
I cant get that ozzie who looks like Stephen Mulhern out of my head, I can picture him. I wonder if I concentrate on his face enough I will wake in his body.
It worked!
I am downstairs with Karen, maybe Pete was that drunk I could take over?
Anyway I am here and talking to Karen, this is just so surreal. I was Karen the other night now I am with her in Pete's body.
We talk then whilst dancing I give her a kiss and she responds, she seems rampant. I ask her if she wants to go back to my room and she says that we will need to be careful.
I ask what Carol would say and she explained that she hates Mike, they were an item years ago and he hit her then they split up. It was when Karen met Mike that she met Carol and she told her about Mike's bad temper.
Karen asks what my room number is. I don't know then I think I must have a key?
The key is in my pocket obviously and it says 139. I give her the key and plan to see her in a bit.
After 20 minutes I tell Jezza and Carol I am going to bed, they start laughing and saying, "yeah, we know what your up to you dirty bugger."