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The Present: The Malloy Family, Book 8.5

Page 5

by Beth Williamson

  The tall woman laughed. “So I see.” She shaded her eyes and looked directly at Ethan and Fiona. “And there appears to be one extra woman in your posse. Did you kidnap her?”

  Ethan visibly winced. “I’m sorry—my sister is the biggest loudmouth out of all of us.”

  Fiona couldn’t possibly be offended. Her life was no longer her own and nothing would surprise her any longer. “No need to apologize. We are invading.”

  He sighed and pulled the carriage to stop. The wheels kicked up clouds of dust, shielding them from the stares for a few precious moments. He looked at her with his beautiful green eyes full of concern and apology.

  “If you don’t want to marry me, I’ll give you enough money to go home and forget you ever met me.”

  Fiona considered his offer for less than a second. “Thank you, Ethan, but I have nothing to return to. I never did.”

  He cupped her cheek. “Don’t let my sister boss your around. She’s all bark, just like her husband, Tyler.”

  Nicky walked up to the wagon, one eyebrow raised. “Introduce me, Ethan. I’m about to die of curiosity.”

  Ethan sighed. “Fiona, this is my sister, Nicole.”

  “Nicky.” She thrust out her hand and shook Fiona’s in a strong grip.

  “Nicky, this is Fiona Carmichael.” Ethan audibly swallowed. “My fiancée.”

  Now both brows went up. “Well, well, well. That is news.” Nicky grinned at Fiona, genuine warmth in her expression. “Welcome to my house, Fiona, and to the family.”

  Fiona relaxed a little bit, but the next two days would be spent in this woman’s company, along with the flock of women in the other carriage. The situation could not get any stranger.

  “Why is everyone here?” Nicky turned her attention back to Ethan. “What did you do?”

  “Don’t think to intimidate me, little sister. Rebecca, Alex and Lily came with us to make Fiona a dress and to keep us apart until the wedding.” Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose. “Mama is watching all the children for two days.”

  “Including mine?” Nicky looked delighted by that prospect.

  “If you can convince your husband to grab them up and come back with me.” Ethan shot Fiona an inscrutable look. “The wedding is on Saturday at four in the afternoon. Mama and Aunt Josephine are making things ready.”

  “There’s something you’re not telling me.” Nicky looked between them. “Why are all the women here?”

  Fiona found her voice. “Because the men found Ethan and I half-dressed, alone in his cabin.” She fought a grin, although the situation was surreal. “Your father didn’t trust us to keep our hands to ourselves.”

  At this Nicky laughed, a loud and infectious sound. “Ethan! You? My goodness, how the mighty have fallen.”

  Ethan gave her a withering look. “That’s not helping.”

  Nicky laughed again. “Bring her inside and let me pack a few things for the young’uns.”

  The next hour was a blur of meeting Nicky’s children and her intimidating husband, Tyler, and settling everyone into the ranch’s bedrooms. The cacophony of voices, laughter and madness reminded Fiona of growing up at the orphanage in Raleigh. Although it was chaotic and loud, it helped the knot in her stomach loosen.

  Then it was time for Ethan to leave. He took her by the hand out onto the front porch. His nieces and nephew made smooching sounds from the carriage until the black-haired, cold-eyed Tyler squelched his children’s foolishness with one look.

  “I know this wasn’t what you wanted when you came to Wyoming.” Ethan looked out over the beautiful land—so open and grand, unlike hilly North Carolina.

  “I don’t know what I wanted, but it wasn’t what I expected.” She managed a shrug. “But I think it will be all right.” Fiona squeezed his big, callused hand, her heart thumping when he squeezed back.

  She didn’t love him and he didn’t love her, but she definitely liked him. And the physical attraction was there. Strong and pulsing within her, even now.

  Without considering what she was doing, Fiona turned and wrapped her arms around her future husband. She smiled at his surprise and stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him. He groaned and pulled her flush against his hard body. The feminine side of her preened and fluttered with arousal. His tongue swept into her mouth and she found herself falling into the kiss.

  Fiona could fall for this man so easily.

  “Ahem. Can you put that away for now?” Tyler stood in front of them, his expression amused. The big man had been nothing but polite to her. All of the Malloy men were, including the husband to the only Malloy sister.

  Ethan stepped back and, to her surprise, his cheeks reddened. She hid her smile rather than embarrass him even further.

  “Sorry, Tyler. I, uh, that is, we, um…” Ethan glanced at his feet.

  Tyler smacked him on the shoulder so hard, Ethan stumbled forward. “Can’t say as I blame you. Soon enough you’ll be hitched. For now, let’s get going so we can get there before the stars are out.”

  Ethan nodded and wiped his hands on his trousers. Fiona touched his cheek, the midday whiskers rasping against her fingers. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Until then.” He kissed her again, once. “Goodbye, Fee.”

  With that, Ethan walked away with a small piece of her heart. Fiona touched her lips as though she could still feel his mouth upon hers. A shiver snaked up her spine.

  “I can say that this is the biggest surprise I’ve had in at least fifteen years.” Nicky appeared at Fiona’s elbow. “Ethan is by far the sweetest of all of us and he’s been half-alive since he lost his wife. I am so very glad you decided to marry him.”

  Fiona shook her head. “I didn’t decide much of anything.”

  Nicky smiled and Fiona saw the resemblance with her brothers. “I can’t wait to hear this story.” She tucked her arm into Fiona’s and pulled her into the house. The sound of feminine laughter and chatter echoed through the air.

  The main room was warm and inviting, with beautiful, dark, wood furniture covered with colorful quilts and pillows. A striped rug lay on the floor. A cozy fire crackled in the huge fireplace, which was topped by an impressive mantel with two lanterns on either side.

  Seated on the large couch were the three women she had barely met in the predawn hours. Lily, the curvy brunette with warm eyes, sprang to her feet. “There she is! Come in, Fiona, please, and sit down.” She took Fiona’s hand and led her to the seat beside her.

  “I can’t believe the men left us alone for two days.” The petite blonde with gray eyes, Rebecca, smiled widely.

  “You may regret that when you have to sew your fingers to the bone to make a dress in that two days.” The third woman was Alexandra, a taller, thin blonde who was a doctor, of all things. A female doctor! Fiona had never heard of such a thing.

  Rebecca shrugged. “It’s for a good reason and I don’t mind in the least.”

  Nicky flopped down on the empty chair to the left of the couch. The other four women looked at each other and then at Fiona. She resisted the urge to squirm under their scrutiny.

  “I have to ask what happened yesterday.” Nicky rubbed her hands together. “Ethan has always been the most boring brother I have. Now he’s done something scandalous, I just know it.”

  “It wasn’t scandalous.” Fiona couldn’t stop herself from disagreeing with Nicky. She didn’t want her new family to get the wrong impression of what had occurred.

  “That’s too bad. I think all of us have had scandalous behavior before we married.” Nicky’s smile was positively gleeful. “I had a bounty on my head for more than three years.”

  Fiona gaped. “A bounty?”

  “For a crime I didn’t commit. But then the man who wanted me dead sent the best bounty hunter after me.” Nicky twirled her finger in the air. “And then I married him.”

  The ladies laughed and Fiona joined them. The Malloys had seemed to be a normal family, but apparently she was wrong. Perhaps her own odd backgroun
d might not be as awful as she feared.

  “I got caught having sex with Ray in the pantry. On the pickle barrel.” Lily’s cheeks pinkened.

  “Who caught you?” Fiona had met Ray and he seemed as fierce as any of them. She was certain he was the grumpy one she’d been warned about.

  “His father.”

  The ladies howled with laughter, and Fiona’s discomfort faded in the warmth of these ladies’ welcome, unusual as it was.

  “I was trapped in a snowstorm with Jack and chased him until he succumbed to my charms.” Rebecca waggled her eyebrows. “He took some convincing.”

  “Jack is very charming.” Fiona had liked the youngest Malloy brother. He was funny and he put her at ease, unlike the other men, who growled and snapped.

  “He definitely knows how to charm my knickers off.” The racy comment seemed incongruous from the sweet-looking woman. Then again, they were all confessing some rather salacious secrets.

  Everyone turned to look at Alex, who smiled and gave her own opinion. “You know, it’s too bad Adelaide isn’t here. Her stories would make ours pale in comparison.”

  “Who’s Adelaide?”

  “My brother Trevor’s wife. They live in Cheyenne. Hopefully they will make it to the wedding.” Nicky turned to Alex again. “We’re waiting for your story, dear sister.”

  Fiona liked the fact these ladies were only related by marriage but treated each other as sisters. It boded well for her own future.

  “The town doctor has a reputation to uphold.”

  “Uh-huh. Tell us or I’ll embarrass your husband so badly he’ll think you told us all your secrets.” Nicky’s mischievous grin told everyone she meant it.

  “I once took Brett to a linen closet in the hotel and had my wicked way with him.” Alex’s grin was pure satisfaction. “Before we were married.”

  “Ooohwee! I knew you were a woman after my own heart.” Nicky slapped her thigh. “We Malloys definitely like our bedsport.”

  Fiona felt like an intruder. She wasn’t a Malloy nor was she experienced in any sport, bed or otherwise.

  “Now tell us your story.” Lily had shifted her attention to Fiona again.

  What was she to tell them? She was unattractive and felt like a giant around these ladies. She had no experience with men, and Ethan had only agreed to marry her to save her. He had run from her body the first time he saw her nearly naked. None of it made for good storytelling.

  “There’s not much to tell.”

  “Oh, I doubt that. You aren’t from Wyoming, like many folks.” Nicky urged her on. “Start with where you’re from.”

  Fiona spoke of her childhood in the orphanage in Raleigh, how she had grown up taking care of others. When she was unmarried at thirty, she took a chance on the housekeeper job at Petersen’s ranch. She left nothing behind, and now her belongings were with the obnoxious nag who’d run off and abandoned her in the snowstorm.

  “When I found the cabin, there was a light burning and a fire in the fireplace.” Fiona remembered the warmth of the house as compared to the swirling snow outside. “I came in and made coffee. And biscuits.”

  Lily hooted. “Sounds like something I would do. I like you even more.”

  “What happened when Ethan came home?” Rebecca had genuine interest in her expression.

  “He accused me of lying about the fire and the lantern. I helped him take his boots off and gave him a biscuit.” Fiona smiled as the others laughed. “Then we found the necklace on top of my gloves that I’d put on the mantle.”

  Nicky’s laughter faded. “What necklace?”

  “It was his late wife’s, with stones of pink and black with white stripes. He tried to give it to me, said she had wanted me to have it.” Fiona shivered as a chill danced up her spine. “I couldn’t accept it.”

  The room was silent as the women digested that part of the story. In truth, Fiona had been spooked by the experience. She was one who believed in things that couldn’t be seen, including spirits of those who had passed.

  “That explains why Ethan gave it to me before he left. Said to make sure you got it. Bonita was our friend and sister, but she passed away from a life where she’d experienced pain every day for five years. She and Ethan loved each other, but he acted as if he died with her.” Nicky took Fiona’s hand, which was unfortunately as clammy as a wet fish. “You are who he needs.”

  Fiona shook her head. She could hardly believe Ethan had thought to give her the necklace although she had refused it. Perhaps now that he was going to marry her, she might have changed her mind. Unfortunately she hadn’t.

  “I don’t think so. The only reason he even kissed me was because I threw myself at him. He refused my offer to bed him. I am not who he needs.” The words tasted bitter on Fiona’s tongue. She was a pitiful fool.

  “Why not? Obviously Bonita has given her opinion.” Nicky threw her hands in the air. “You’re here to get ready for a wedding, right?”

  “Yes, but it was only because I was nearly naked when Mr. Petersen and your brothers and father arrived.”

  Now the silence was ripe with anticipation. “Keep going, Fiona. I can’t wait to hear about this.” Nicky leaned forward.

  “My clothes were wet and the wool is thick.” She gestured to the outfit she currently wore. “I had put on some of Ethan’s clothes.” Nicky snorted. “When I went to sleep alone in the bed, I only wore the shirt.”

  “You didn’t stay in the bed, did you?” Alex guessed.

  Fiona’s cheeks heated. “No, I was, um, fixing to give myself to Ethan. He didn’t want me, but I kissed him anyway.”

  “Ah, now we’re getting somewhere. Did those fools interrupt you?” Nicky was very perceptive.

  “Yes, and everyone thought we’d done more than kiss.” Fiona remembered the heat that had coursed through her from the simple touch of his hands on her skin. It was almost magic.

  “You’ve never been with a man.” Rebecca was an observer, and apparently missed nothing.

  Fiona shook her head. “No. And now Ethan has to marry me, an old maid who can’t get a man in her bed.”

  The four women looked at each other and a silent communication seemed to pass between them.

  “We’re going to change that, aren’t we, sisters?” Nicky’s grin widened. “Between the four of us, we have more than a dozen children and robust husbands who are happy in our beds. We will teach you everything you need to know.”

  Fiona was speechless for the first time in her life. These proper-looking ladies were going to teach her how to have sex with her future husband?

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say a thing. Just listen and ask questions.” Nicky took both her hands. “You will be our sister and I think it was meant to be that way.”

  “I plan to sew more than a wedding dress for you.” Rebecca’s gaze traveled up and down Fiona’s ample frame. “You will look amazing in the nightgown I will sew.”

  “Do you have the material?”

  “Jack woke me early enough that I told him to bring the crate with all the materials I had on hand.” The petite blonde’s eyes widened. “There was some silk in there I hadn’t yet decided what to do with. It’s a beautiful blue that will match Fiona’s eyes perfectly.”

  Lily clapped her hands together. “Perfect! I can help. Let’s start with measurements.”

  Fiona allowed herself to be pulled to her feet and measured from top to bottom. Then while Rebecca and Lily got busy cutting material, Alex and Nicky began to tell Fiona what she needed to know about seducing her husband.

  Ethan pulled at the collar of his shirt, uncomfortable and nervous. It was his second wedding, an occasion he never thought to see happen. He’d spent the last two days coming to terms with having a new wife, cleaning his house and donating the rest of Bonita’s things to families who had fallen on hard times.

  He wanted to start fresh with Fiona. He’d even purchased new linens for the bed, although he could
hardly afford to do so after he bought a wedding band. The gold was warm in his pocket, burning against his leg while he waited in his parents’ house for the ceremony to start.

  Fiona had arrived with his sister and sisters-in-law in a flurry of feminine silliness. They ushered her into the house, hidden by a blanket so he didn’t see her. Nicky had stuck out her tongue as she passed. Never mind that she was in her thirties and a married mother. Nope, she acted like the little sister who had always plagued him.

  The foolish gesture had made him relax, if only for a few moments, and for that he was grateful. Now he was back to wanting to run for his horse and gallop away. He hadn’t been nervous when he married Bonita. No, he’d been anxious and excited. But he hardly knew Fiona. Perhaps that’s why he was so out of sorts.

  That and the amazingly erotic dreams he’d had about her the last two nights.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d awoken to sheets wet with his seed, his body heavy and tight. For damn sure, he wanted her with an elemental need he had never experienced. It frightened him to want someone that much, more than he’d ever wanted Bonita.

  There was the crux of his problem. His body was in lust for a stranger, as much as he’d had for the woman he’d loved. He and Bonita had been children when they married, eighteen and too stupid to know how ignorant they were about life. They were friends more than lovers and had grown up side by side.

  She’d always been sickly during their marriage, but she’d been strong for a long time. Then the worst of it had hit seven years ago, and from there the marriage had become more of a companionship. Now he was about to embark on a new journey with a woman who turned his cock harder than blue steel in seconds.

  He didn’t know if she was inexperienced or a virgin. She kissed with passion, but not with the know-how a thirty-year-old woman might have. She had a natural passion he had barely tasted.

  “Don’t worry. It’ll be a good marriage.” Ray stood beside him, his expression serious as always.

  “How do you know?”

  Ray lifted one shoulder. “There isn’t a Malloy alive who doesn’t have a good marriage. We have a knack for finding the right mates. Lily says she’s perfect for you.”


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