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The Men With the Golden Cuffs

Page 8

by Lexi Blake

  “The same could be said of you.” Adam felt fidgety. None of this had gone as planned.

  “Do you have a list of her friends?” Jake asked. “I’m going out to talk to her ex-husband this afternoon. I could make the rounds.”

  Jake’s tone had flattened. It was his professional voice, the one he used far too often these days.

  “She’s having lunch with a Bridget and a Chris tomorrow.” Adam glanced down at the photocopied pages in his hand. They neatly detailed the rest of Serena’s week. Her office came with a handy copy machine. If only all clients were so easy to deal with.

  Liam had a ready answer. “Bridget Slaten and Chris Roberts. Both writers. And yes, Chris is a man. He writes romance as a woman, though. His pen name is Cherry Sparks. Who comes up with this shit? And Bridget writes as Dakota Cheyenne. Do you think they just go to a local strip club and ask for names?”

  “So she’s close to these other writers?” Adam asked.

  “As far as I can tell, they’re the only people she has regular contact with besides the police.” Liam leaned against Ian’s desk.

  “Lara said Serena plays it close to the vest. She lost most of her friends from before the divorce. Bridget and Chris are clients of Lara’s, too. They met at a party and have been tight for almost two years. Bridget took Serena under her wing.” Ian passed two folders their way. “That’s everything we have on those two and on the ex.”

  “You need to check into some asshole named Master Storm.” Jake flinched a little as he said the name.

  Ian stopped as though waiting for the punch line. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  Adam rolled his eyes. “She’s researching BDSM.”

  “Did she find a Douche-Bag Dom site and ask for a mentor?” Ian asked. “Tourists. Bring her to Sanctum. It might be a good way to keep track of her. But she comes in on your leash, Jake.”

  Jake’s head shook and the scaredy cat actually took a step back. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. She can come in with Adam.”

  “Adam doesn’t have Master rights at Sanctum,” Ian pointed out. “He’s never completed the course.”

  There was a reason Adam hadn’t completed the course. Ian taught it. He had to take Ian’s shit eight to ten hours a day. He didn’t need to go to a club and take some more. Ian was notoriously hard on Doms. But he liked the idea of taking Serena to Sanctum. It was a place where Jake felt comfortable. Serena would be thrilled to walk into an underground club. She would be forced to rely on Jake, and Jake would be forced to take care of her. It was perfect.

  “Jake can have official control,” Adam said. “You’re right. It’s a very good way to keep track of her and observe her behavior. You can watch her for yourself, Ian.”

  Ian seemed to consider the idea. “I’ll watch her carefully. You can tell a lot about a sub during a scene. She wants to research BDSM? Push her limits. She’ll learn quickly whether or not it’s really for her. In fact, why don’t I run a scene with her?”

  “No.” Jake practically barked his answer. “If she comes in with me, I’ll run her scenes. No one touches her except me and Adam.”

  That was what he wanted to hear. When Jake turned into a possessive caveman, it meant he was engaged, whether he liked it or not.

  “Fine.” Ian sat back in his chair, and Adam suddenly realized that Ian had been testing Jake. Sneaky, manipulative bastard. “Make sure she’s properly dressed. I don’t allow tourists in my club.”

  Adam sighed. Little Serena would be in fetish wear and no shoes or she wouldn’t get the knowledge she sought. She would do it. It would be far too much temptation for Serena. And he intended to make sure that Serena was too tempting for Jake.

  “I’ll handle everything,” Adam promised smoothly as he got out of his chair.

  “I just fucking bet you will,” Jake said under his breath, his tone assured retribution.

  Ian ignored them. “I’ll let Eve know you’re ready to pick up your charge. Somebody call and give me a report on how the meeting with the ex goes.”

  Jake held up a hand. “I’ll do it. Adam’s going to take her to the meeting with her agent.”

  “Liam, go with Jake as backup.” Ian sat up, his body straightening. “And someone figure out who this Master Storm is. I need a last name, and it can’t be Limp Dick.”

  Liam gave Ian a sarcastic salute. “Aye, aye, boss. I look forward to it. I don’t get why everyone’s all upset about the possibility that this girl is scamming her ex. He sounds like a fucker. I look forward to screwing with him.”

  Jake got up and sighed. “Great. I get the insane Irishman. My dream is complete.”

  “It’s everyone’s dream, boyo.”

  Despite Jake’s anger, Adam was utterly upbeat as he went in search of Serena.

  Chapter Seven

  “Do you think this is your ex-husband?” Eve St. James asked.

  Serena was deeply aware that there was so much more going on than a couple of simple questions. She was the one being profiled. Oh, Dr. St. James might say she was asking so she could get a feel for the man stalking her, but there was something underneath each question. McKay-Taggart Security obviously wanted to make sure their client wasn’t lying.

  In some ways, finally getting murdered would be a relief. She was totally putting “I Told You So” on her tombstone. “I think my ex would love to see me fail. He wants my money. I don’t think he wants much more from me than that.”

  Eve’s perfectly manicured fingernails tapped against the wood of her desk. “You were married for a long time.”

  Sometimes it felt like forever. Sometimes it was a blink of the eye and she could barely remember what Doyle looked like. But she could certainly remember what it felt like to have him toss her out of their home. He’d threatened it on many occasions, but actually having her things thrown on the lawn like trash had left deep wounds. Still, she wasn’t going to lie to the profiler. “I don’t think my ex would try to hurt me this way. The lawsuit is more his style. I don’t think I know this person. I think this person is crazy.”

  Eve’s mouth tightened. “I don’t know about that. I’ve read through some of the little notes he’s sent you. It’s odd. There seems to be a disconnect between the first Facebook notes and the latest e-mail messages. He gets much more violent. I would say this person is very creative, with a rich fantasy life that obviously disturbs him. Can I ask you a question?”

  “I think that’s what you’re getting paid to do, Doc.” Eve St. James made her a little nervous. She was perfect. Perfect clothes, nails, hair. It made Serena deeply self-conscious about her own imperfections.

  Eve smiled slightly. “Have you thought about this man? As a character?”

  She felt her whole body flush. If she lied and said no, it would be obvious. And if she told the truth, it would make her look all the more guilty. Catch 22. Story of her life. If she was going to be honest, she would go all the way. “If I were going to write this man as the bad guy in one of my books, I would say he came from a deeply religious family. Not because I have a problem with religion, but because it can sometimes warp a person’s sensibility. I would say there was probably some abuse in his background. He’s in pain, and he wants to share it. I offended him in some way. Either my books or something I did personally. I offend him on a deep level, something he would have a hard time even verbalizing because to admit it publically would throw suspicion on his beliefs. He hasn’t told anyone what he’s doing, wouldn’t tell anyone. This is intimate, possibly the most intimate relationship he has. He wants this to be just the two of us.”

  “He won’t like the fact that you’ve brought someone else in.”

  “No.” Her mind took over, the whole plot unrolling like a carpet being shaken out. “He wants this intimacy with me. He might hate me, but that’s the only real emotion he’s able to feel. He can pretend in the real world, but when the lights are out and no one is watching, hate is all he is. It’s as important to him as love is to the rest of
us. I’m the focus of his hate right now. He’ll be offended that I brought someone else into our relationship. He’ll step up the attacks. He’s going to get violent.”

  Eve’s perfectly manicured fingernails tapped against her desk. “I believe you’re right. I think he will escalate. Adam sent me this morning’s report. Your car was vandalized?”

  Serena swallowed. She hated the fact that he’d touched her car. He’d been in her driveway while she’d been in the house. Had he looked into her windows? “Yes. We called the police but they told me to call my insurance company. They said it was probably kids. They aren’t taking this seriously at all. It doesn’t help that the lead investigator thinks I’m a kook.”

  Eve sat forward. “What do you mean? Who’s the lead? Sergeant…Chitwood. I don’t know him. We have some contacts, but I’ve never met him.”

  “He came out to my house about six months ago. My neighbors called the police. I’m afraid Doyle and I were having a little discussion about money. Domestic disturbance is what the officer called it. He took me seriously right up until he walked into my house.”

  “What changed his mind?”

  She could still feel the humiliation of realizing that the cop had made up his mind about her. “I had some posters of my book covers up. My friends, Bridget and Chris, had made posters out of my e-book covers, and I was proud of them.”

  Eve’s lips turned up. “They’re a bit sexy.”

  They were salacious. They were over the top, but they were hers. “Sergeant Chitwood walked in and acted like I was the star of a porn film. Apparently he’s not a big proponent of ménage in fiction.”

  “I don’t think you’ll have the same problem with your bodyguards. Adam and Jake are somewhat open-minded.”

  The door to Eve’s office opened and Adam filled the space. He looked ridiculously scrumptious in a dark tailored suit and tie. He was a big-city hottie of the first order. Jake was almost his opposite. Jake Dean should be working a herd somewhere. She could see him in nothing but a pair of Levi’s, lifting a bale of hale.

  She really had to get her mind off those two. They were dangerous.

  “Is she ready to go? She has a meeting with her agent, and we’re supposed to drop by the police station. I got a call from my contact. He wants to take another look at the case. If we hurry, we can sneak in lunch.”

  He was her dream personal assistant. Gorgeous, stylish, sexy, and well-organized. The organization bit actually did things to her girl parts. Adam Miles would probably even be organized during sex. Teasing. Check. Oral. Check. Screaming orgasm. Check and check.

  And Jacob Dean would just growl and pull her hair and tell her what to do.

  Yeah. That did things to her, too.

  “Serena?” Adam’s voice pulled her out of that little fantasy. She spaced a lot. Her brain just went to crazy places. Unfortunately, it made most people think she was a complete flake. Eve had a quizzical expression on her face, but Adam smiled indulgently. He leaned in, whispering in her ear. “I would give a lot to know what you were just thinking about. It has your nipples hard.”

  She knew she should have worn a sweater or something. Her nipples were big. They weren’t delicate and pretty. Her ex had told her she reminded him of a cow. She felt shame flood her.

  “Hey.” Adam got to one knee. “I was flirting. I wasn’t complaining. I was happy about it.”

  He was so gorgeous. There was no way she could believe him. She turned back to Eve. “If you need anything else, please let me know. I want to help in any way I can, and I know that the first thing you’re going to do is check me out to see if I’m some kind of whack job.”

  She stood, trying to make sure she didn’t touch Adam at all. He was just doing his job, and one of the parts of his job was to make sure he controlled her. She was sure the flirting thing was all a part of Adam’s game plan. She shouldn’t take it seriously. No matter how much she wanted to. It would just put her in the position of playing another man’s fool. She’d played her husband’s fool for years and years. The fact that she’d stayed in a bad marriage shamed her. She didn’t need to start a relationship with another man she couldn’t handle.

  Eve nodded, studying her thoughtfully. “I enjoyed our talk, Serena.”

  Sure she had. It hadn’t been a talk. It had been a very polite interrogation. They still weren’t sure about her. They still didn’t believe and that meant she was still fucked because no one was going to put their lives on the line for a woman they thought just might be lying. “Thank you.” She turned to Adam. Lunch wasn’t a good idea. She had to remember at all times that he was the bodyguard, and she wasn’t above suspicion. “I’m not really hungry. Let’s get the errands done as quickly as possible. I need to get my word count in.”

  His face went blank as he nodded and politely gestured toward the door. “Eve, I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Yes, she was sure he would. He would be on the phone with Eve asking whether or not his charge was an insane publicity-seeking whore.

  She managed to make it all the way to the elevator before he grabbed her elbow and turned her around. His hand bit into her flesh, making her deeply aware that he was there.

  “You want to explain what that little scene was all about?” Adam asked, the words grinding out of his mouth. He pushed the button for the elevator, and his face evened out when he saw Grace Taggart walking by. The minute she was gone, his lips turned down and those glorious eyes narrowed. “Now, Serena. Explain.”

  The elevator dinged and before she could get a word out, he hauled her inside and jabbed the button that closed the door.

  “Where’s Jacob?” Serena asked. Were they leaving him behind? Had he gotten another assignment? Jake obviously hadn’t wanted to take the case in the first place. Maybe Adam had drawn the short straw.

  Adam reached out and slammed the button that stopped the elevator. “Jacob is going to talk to your ex-husband. Are you angry that it’s me who’s spending the day with you and not him?”

  The words were cold, but there was hurt in his eyes. She softened. “No. Not at all. It’s fine.”

  “Then why the cold shoulder?”

  “Adam, I’m not giving you the cold shoulder. I just don’t have time for lunch.” And she didn’t want to sit and talk to him and start to fall for him anymore than she already had. She knew her weaknesses. She wasn’t such an idiot that she didn’t know when she was in trouble of falling for the wrong man.

  He released the button, and the elevator started to go down again. “Well, I think you do. We’re on my schedule now, Serena. We’ll meet with Lara and then have lunch and then go see the Sergeant. You’ll be home in plenty of time to get your work done. If you fail to do so, it will be on you and not me.”

  She stared at him for a moment, but he was closed off now, his body language harsh. He was angry. She wasn’t sure what she’d done. Why the hell did he care if she didn’t want to go to lunch?

  She was forever doomed to piss off the men in her life. Chris was the only man who didn’t seem to get annoyed by her very presence, and he had zero interest in her vagina. Tears threatened to fall. What a crappy fucking day. And now she had to spend the rest of it with a man who wasn’t happy with her.

  The floors went by. Why the hell had Ian Taggart chosen the top floor?

  Adam’s fist came out, and he slammed at the button again, forcing the elevator to stop. “Why are you crying, Serena?”

  She sniffled, hating the fact that she was losing control. Damn it. Why couldn’t she be like Bridget? Bridget never cried. She told people to fuck off, and she meant it. Serena always cried and made herself look like a damn idiot. “I’m not.”

  “You are.” He reached out and pulled her around. “Goddamn it, Serena. I might not be Jacob, but don’t think you can disobey me. I’m in charge for now. You will mind me. You will do as I say, and I want to know why the fuck you’re crying.”

  “I’m tired of no one believing me.” She tried to pull away, but
he held her tight. “Just let me go, Adam. I don’t want to play these games. I want you to treat me like a client. I want you to have some respect for me or at least pretend to.”

  “Games? What the hell kind of game am I supposed to be playing?” Adam asked.

  She was suddenly deeply aware that she was in a small space with a man she’d known for less than a day. A million and one scenarios ran through her head, most of them bad. “I think I’d like to go back upstairs now.”

  Adam stared at her for a long moment, and then his arms dropped and he took a step back. His face became a polite mask. “Of course. I’m sure Liam can take over.”

  He pressed the button to release the elevator and then pressed fifteen. The elevator still continued on its way down. Adam cursed. “Sorry. It won’t go back up until it hits the lobby. I’ll get out then. You should be fine to get back to the office. Just tell Grace you need someone else, and she’ll reassign you. Let her know I’m taking the rest of the day off.”

  He’d shut down, his normally animated face a complete blank. Despite her momentary fear, her heart ached because somehow she’d done this to him. She was always saying or doing the wrong thing. Awkward. She was awkward, and no amount of meaning well seemed to make up for it. The last few years had been easier for the simple fact that she’d lived them inside her head where she wrote the dialogue and the plot, and the good guys won and the awkward girl got the guys.

  “Damn it, Serena. I’m giving you what you want. Stop crying. It’s killing me.” Adam stared at her but kept his hands in his pockets.

  They were almost to the ground floor. Almost free. And she wouldn’t see him again. She knew that beyond a shadow of a doubt. If she let the elevator doors close behind Adam Miles, he wouldn’t smile or flirt or laugh her way again. He would avoid her, and she would never know what she’d done. He would be one more man who didn’t like her, and she wouldn’t know why.

  She pushed the stop button and turned on him. The situation was fucked up, and she really couldn’t make it worse. “What did I do?”


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