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Chasing Paradise

Page 2

by Sondrae Bennett

  For a moment she’d thought she had found her mate.

  But that was ridiculous. Obviously, the cheetah had already captured the wolf. Her otter was just confused. Having been longing for a mate moments before his appearance, her mind hooked onto the first attractive man she’d seen. Besides, who wouldn’t think of mating that man?

  Stupid. How could she chastise her staff when she’d fallen into the same trap the rest of them had? She had to do better. It was time to get back to reality. Whoever her mate might be, it was unlikely he would look anything like the hunky wolf in the hallway.

  Checking her watch, Gwen started at how late it had gotten. Almost dinnertime. Most of the guests would be making their way to one of the hotel restaurants in the next hour or two. If she worked late, she’d be able to go for a swim and hunt up her dinner without disturbing any of the guests. With that resolve in mind, Gwen sat behind her desk and got to work.

  * * * *

  Ethan watched his prey scurry away. Damn it. He hadn’t been that entertained in awhile. Seeing her reaction to his presence made him want to push her up against the wall she’d almost run into and kiss her senseless. Chances were she wouldn’t even complain. There had been interest in her gaze as it raked over him. Surprise too, but definite interest. It might as well have been written on her forehead in black permanent marker. It would have been easy to guide her into his bed, something he realized he’d craved from the moment he put his hands on her arm. But she’d scampered away like a frightened rabbit as soon as the cheetah had walked up.

  Ethan looked down at the woman clinging to him. When he’d seen her out on the beach, he’d thought she was one of the sexiest women he’d ever seen. Yet, for some reason, the attraction he’d felt earlier had vanished. Sure, she was pretty. Gorgeous even. But he no longer wanted to hump her leg.

  Something was definitely wrong with him. The woman was sex personified. Of course he was interested. Who wouldn’t be?

  Acting on reflex he’d taken years to perfect, he flashed the woman his most charming smile.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met before. I’m Jacqueline,” the woman purred.

  Common sense made him swallow the laugh before it could escape. Here she was, her body practically wrapped around his, introducing herself. But he didn’t think he would gain any points by drawing attention to the fact. She was so close, Ethan felt her breasts rise and fall against his chest with every breath.

  “I’m Ethan. Can I buy you a drink, Jacqueline?” He forced the words out. Whatever reluctance he had, he needed to get over it. This vacation was about letting loose and having fun. Jacqueline seemed like the perfect place to start.

  The cheetah stepped impossibly closer, pressing against him from toe to chest. “I’ve got a bottle of wine in my room I’ve been dying to try out. You like wine, don’t you, Ethan?” The fake pout on her lips should have turned him on, but instead had the opposite effect. Man, he needed to get a grip.

  He hoped the wooden smile he threw her was believable. “Oh, I definitely like wine.” It felt like a lie and hung heavily in the air, taunting him.

  With a come-hither look, Jacqueline led the way and Ethan forced himself to follow. The elevator doors had barely closed when the cheetah pounced. Her tan arms clung to his shoulders as her tongue forced itself into his mouth.

  Ethan had kissed his share of women, and Jacqueline was an expert. But as the elevator made its way to her floor, he realized, kissing skills aside, the hard-on he’d sported from the moment he’d put his hands on the otter, had deflated in the presence of the cheetah.

  Whether it was the way she’d thrown herself at him, or perhaps that he’d found more appealing prey, he wasn’t the least bit interested in a night of debauchery with Jacqueline. His wolf wanted to chase. She wasn’t giving him much of a run.

  Ethan was gentle but firm as he pushed the persistent cat away when the doors opened onto her floor.

  “I think I’m going to grab a drink downstairs instead. Another time, maybe.” Ethan tried to be polite but there was no easy way to turn her offer down. Apparently I didn’t try hard enough, he thought as Jacqueline’s expression quickly give way to anger.

  “Excuse me?” A lesser man would have winced at the incredulous tone. “I know I didn’t hear you correctly.”

  “Afraid you did. I’m sure you can find a replacement easily enough.”

  Jacqueline huffed, sticking her arm out as the elevator started to close between them. “You won’t get another chance.”

  “I understand. Have a nice vacation, Jacqueline. I hope you find what you’re looking for.” She didn’t bother responding, whipping her head around and storming down the hallway. Ethan watched her tight butt as the elevator doors closed and couldn’t help but question his sanity. What the hell was holding him back?

  Chapter 2

  The sun was no longer visible on the horizon as Gwen dove under the water, using her thick tail to twirl and spin. Eyes closed, she let her other senses guide her. Her whiskers tingled from all the vibrations in the water. She sensed the gentle sway of seaweed on the ocean floor and a school of fish swimming behind her. When human, this skill wasn’t quite as strong, but she did possess a greater sense of her surroundings than other shifters.

  She resurfaced and gently paddled on her back, keeping her nose and eyes above the water. The gentle waves supported her, and she let the peace of the ocean surround her. This was her favorite time of day. The guests were mostly inside, eating their dinner. A few lingered on the patio after watching the sun set, but the more vibrant colors had already disappeared, leaving behind a dusky purple glow.

  Whenever she felt overwhelmed or stressed out, this was her escape, her haven. She loved her job, but it constantly left her feeling strung out and tense. Lately, she’d been restless. The senior romp members were putting more and more responsibilities on her shoulders and she reveled in it. But most days, she was stuck inside dealing with paperwork. In the past, she’d been able to interact with the guests, walk around the resort, and talk with the staff. Lately, she just hadn’t had the time and she missed the human interaction. She’d always felt separate from the others, but more and more often she found herself truly alone.

  At an early age, Gwen had discovered she was different from other otters in her romp. While most pups spent their days playing, she spent her days swimming and reading. She’d never developed the flirting skills her friends and family had, and her more traditional views on love and sex had left her out of the dating game for most of her teen years. Whereas she was responsible and liked to think she worked just as hard as she played, she often felt like a mother, even to the older members of her community, reining in the hotel staff and forcing them to do their jobs. Even her own parents needed gentle reminders to pay the bills. It wasn’t that things wouldn’t get done. They would eventually. But eventually wasn’t good enough for Gwen.

  Some days she was amazed the resort had succeeded as well as it had before she’d taken the helm. But she wanted more. The yearning to be a real mother, not just a figurative one to her romp, made her heart ache.

  As the water rushed over her small body in a comforting caress, her thoughts drifted once again to the wolf. She’d managed to get very little work done after her run-in with him this afternoon. Whenever she closed her eyes the images of them naked and entwined played in her mind. By the time she finally called it a day, Gwen was annoyed, horny, and aching for his touch.

  These foreign feelings left her off-balance. Sure, there’d been men who attracted her. Even some she’d bedded. But she’d always been able to separate work from play before. Never had someone consumed her thoughts so completely. It was annoying. If she hadn’t seen him walk off with the cheetah, she would seriously begin to wonder if she’d found her mate.

  Inside her head, her otter yelled at her, telling her she had indeed found her mate, but the woman remained skeptical. She wasn’t naive enough to compare herself to the other woman, who had radiat
ed sexuality with every breath, every step. There was no hope of competing against someone like that. Sighing, Gwen let her senses guide her toward a school of Coho salmon swimming close to shore. Slowing briefly as she neared, Gwen used her tail in a burst of speed, propelling her forward into the school. Her sharp teeth dug into her prey and she surfaced with a large fish.

  Pleased with her find, Gwen paddled back toward shore to consume her meal.

  * * * *

  Ethan walked out of the sliding glass doors and breathed a sigh of relief. The cool evening air soothed his frayed nerves as he leaned on the railing of the deck to stare into the darkening ocean.

  He’d come to the hotel bar hoping to find female companionship for the night. There’d been plenty of opportunities. His genuine interest in people and friendly attitude tended to draw others to him, especially women. But not one woman inside had attracted him on a sexual level.

  Worry trickled down his throat, settling heavy in his gut. The thought of having sex with any of the women he’d met tonight left a sour taste in his mouth. He hadn’t felt the vaguest tingle of interest.

  Out of nowhere, an image of the serious-looking otter he’d met earlier came to him. The look of wonder as she’d gazed at him had caused her already round eyes to widen. The deep brown had pulled him in and held him captive. Her heart-shaped face was tanned but lighter than the other staff. Best of all, she had a slightly upturned nose and pouty lips just begging to be kissed. If only that encounter had ended differently. He could be in her bed, her legs wrapped around his waist this very minute instead of trying to solve his sudden disinterest in women.

  Cute women had never appealed to Ethan before. He preferred sexy or beautiful. But something about this particular woman tugged at him. His mind wouldn’t let her image fade. He had to find out who she was.

  Movement on the beach caught Ethan’s attention. He searched the waves, trying to figure out what it was, and saw a small wet otter waddle out of the surf with a large fish in its mouth. Maybe his imagination was playing tricks on him, but he somehow knew without a shadow of a doubt this was the woman. His woman.

  He watched from the deck as she devoured her meal and started drying her fur with her mouth. What was it about this woman that fascinated him, even the most mundane things? Ethan stared, mesmerized while she puffed air into her fur. His focus paid off as the figure on the beach began to shift, the pops and cracks drowned out by the noise of the ocean. Straightening, Ethan sucked in a startled breath as the human woman’s curvaceous form took shape. As she lay on the sand panting after the change, Ethan absorbed every aspect of her body. A small groan escaped as his eyes moved past her hips and down her legs. He could only imagine how phenomenal those legs would feel wrapped around him, and he wanted to taste the salt from the ocean on those voluptuous breasts. As his imagination ran wild, his pants became uncomfortably tight, forcing him to shift his weight. Whatever had been ailing him all evening fled with the arrival of his mystery woman. There was only one thing he wanted tonight. One woman.

  Suddenly, the form on the beach sat up and turned in his direction. How had she known he was here? He strove for a nonthreatening pose even as his wolf cried out for him to hunt and take. Scaring her wouldn’t help him accomplish his goals.

  As she continued to stare, Ethan could almost feel her mind grappling with a difficult decision. He held his breath, anxious to discover his fate. Something whispered to him that the next few moments were vitally important. Eventually, she bushed the sand from her body, pulled on her clothes, and fiddled with her long, waist-length hair, pulling it back into the same drastic bun from earlier. The determination to take her hair down and run his hands through it burned in him.

  Ethan let out the breath he’d been holding as she made her way to him, his eyes riveted on her hips gently swaying with each step. A breeze rushed over his face, bringing her scent with it. He breathed it in like a drowning man. The scent blended perfectly with the smell of the ocean. He licked his lips, tasting the salt on them and imagined he was tasting her. He wanted to bury himself inside her until she was as crazy as he felt.

  When she stopped in front of him, her eyes locked on his and he was powerless to look away.

  “Hi.” Her gaze shifted to the side as if searching for something to say. “I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself earlier, or thank you for saving me from the wall. I’m Gwen.”

  She thrust out her hand to shake his, and Ethan stared at it. How would she react if he pulled her into his arms and ravaged those beautiful lips like he wanted to? Instead, he gave her a smile and shook hands.

  “Actually, you did manage to thank me.” Utterly charming him in the process, too. The blush that stole over her cheeks only endeared her to him more. “I’m Ethan. Can I buy you a drink, Gwen?”

  Her gaze drifted to the open doors behind him. “I probably shouldn’t. I try not to mingle with guests.” She continued to stare into the bar before glancing back at him, her doe-like eyes hiding nothing. She wanted to stay with him and was fighting an internal battle with her conscience. It would be easy to tip the scales in his favor.

  With any other woman, he’d swing his arm around her shoulders, and guide her toward the bar with a charming smile. Instead, using his intuition as his guide, he cupped her cheek with his hand. Her eyes closed as she nuzzled her face against him but flew open moments later as he drew her closer. His other hand slipped around her waist as he tilted her chin up, aligning her lips with his.

  As soon as his lips brushed against hers, his wolf growled low in his chest. Something about this woman captivated him. The need to touch her, taste her, move inside her, was unbearable. Resisting the urge to crush her against him proved difficult and he struggled to keep the kiss light.

  Despite his resolution, the feel of her lips parting in silent invitation proved too much for his tightly-strung control. His tongue thrust inside, exploring her mouth as his arms pulled her tighter against him. Her hands closed into fists, pulling at him as if to draw him closer. Breaking away, he gasped for air, need setting him on fire. Gwen rested her head on his shoulder, panting as well.

  “What say we skip the drink and go back to my room?” Ethan suggested, desperate to know her better.

  “No.” Her quick reply was so unexpected, it took him a moment to process.

  He stared down at her in confusion. No? He thought they had been on the same page. Her hands were still fisted in his shirt, her body a comfortable weight in his arms. Everything indicated she had enjoyed the kiss as much as he had. Hell, she’d practically melted against him. What had he done wrong?

  Fighting the urge to growl, Ethan took deep breaths to calm his wolf. The woman sorely tested his laidback attitude. If she thought she was getting away from him, she was crazy.

  With his charisma and handsome face, he wasn’t often without a playfellow. It didn’t hurt being one of the officers in his pack with significant influence. Women usually fell at his feet.

  His sexual appetites tended to be fairly large, but the moment he’d met this woman, everyone else had ceased to matter. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life. It devastated him to think she might not feel the same way. Letting her go tonight would be one of the hardest things he’d ever done. But if that was what she wanted, he’d find a way to walk away. But it wouldn’t end there. Wolves were persistent when they wanted something and he wanted Gwen. Nothing would stop him from coming back until she was ready for him. He’d win her over eventually. No other outcome was acceptable.

  “My room is bigger.”

  It took a moment to process the meaning behind her words, but once he did, his soul leapt and he fought the impulse to howl. No waiting. Gwen would be his tonight.

  * * * *

  Gwen’s mind whirled. What was she doing? Each step brought her closer to the elevators, but she couldn’t dispel her doubts. This was so unlike her. She never acted impulsively and certainly not about something like sex. Glancing
back at Ethan, she bit her lip and wondered what it was about this man that made her ignore all her rules.

  It wasn’t as if the rules regarding sex were strict or overwhelming, but she never jumped into bed with hotel guests, never slept with a guy on the first date, and she never had sex with someone without knowing what would happen the next day.

  With Ethan, she pretty much threw all three rules out the window. But the moment he’d put his arms around her, nothing else mattered. Her otter glorified in this wolf’s touch. With each beat of her heart, the word mate thrummed through her body.

  Each step closer to the private staff elevators brought a new doubt. Could she actually go through with this? No. It was too irresponsible. But as she turned around to apologize and call it off, she looked up into Ethan’s smiling eyes, already altered to his wolf’s golden shade. They glowed in the darker corridor, and her excuses died on her tongue. Some things were worth the risk.

  Neither talked on the ride up to her floor, but the way his hand stroked her side reassured her as no words could have. Out of the corner of her eye, she studied him.

  There was no denying he was handsome, probably the most handsome man she’d ever met and certainly the most handsome she’d ever been intimate with. But more than that, there was an aura about him that soothed her nerves, making her relax.

  After her moment of hesitation, Ethan placed his hand on the small of her back just above the curve of her butt. The heat of his hand through the thin material of her blouse made Gwen shiver in anticipation of the night ahead. What would his skin feel like against hers with nothing in between?

  Wiping her sweaty hands on her skirt, Gwen turned back around and led the way to her door. At least they’d have some privacy. As manager, Gwen had one of the suites in a separate wing to herself. Every glance back at Ethan reassured her she was making the right decision.

  She expelled a breath, smiling at him over her shoulder as she walked toward her door.


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