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Damaged Hearts

Page 30

by Angel Wolfe

  “Then I’d be honored to take a turn with Miss Kat.” Dancing in the opposite direction to give them a little more privacy he asked quietly “Have you told him about the baby yet?”

  “I’m not sure I should yet James. I don’t want him to get his hopes up only to find out it’s a false alarm. Besides, I’m not even positive yet that there is a baby to mention.”

  “Don’t you worry none about it. You’ll know when it’s the right time to tell him. Until then though, you let me and Connie look after you. I did a right fine job with my wife if I do say so myself, and we both know Connie knows this kind of thing like the back of her hand.”

  “I’ve never had a baby before so I wouldn’t even know what to be worried about if I was going to worry. Right now if truth be told, I’m more worried about getting through the next few weeks of adjusting.”

  “It’s all going to be fine. Mark my words; things are definitely looking up.” He whispered, gently patting her on the back as Rick reappeared with Consuela.

  “I hate to sound selfish but that short amount of time was just too long to have you out of my arms. You’re looking a little tired though; do you need to sit down and rest a few minutes?” Rick asked, concerned with the pinched look on her face.

  “Yeah, I think I better. Maybe if we sit over there by Jacob and Willie you might be able to convince them to get on with their dancing. It looks like Frances and Anna are in need of rescue from a couple of boys from town.”

  Looking across the dance floor, he spotted Anna just as a young man that he knew to be the banker’s son first stepped on her toe and then bumped heads with her as he attempted to apologize. Looking just a bit farther, he noticed Frances looking a bit distraught as a half inebriated cowboy from a neighboring ranch encroached upon her personal space one second and tried to kiss her the next.

  Heading for the chairs Kaitlyn had indicated, they were forced to make a detour as the two men they discussed were about to take matters and shirtfronts into their own hands to defend the women they had promised to dance with. “Now boys, don’t be too hasty in giving the poor guys a few bruises. I’m sure they don’t mean any harm and were only trying to have fun.” Rick told them.

  “They can have fun with someone else’s women.” Willie ground out as he spun the cowboy around and stood toe to toe with him. “I suggest you let me cut in.”

  Not to be outdone, Jacob stepped up to the banker’s son and tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me Lyle but I do believe that Miss Jamison had promised me this dance.” He said politely before taking her in his arms and gliding across the floor with her.

  “Well, I guess you don’t need to persuade them to do anything.” Kaitlyn giggled before abruptly slapping a hand over her mouth and looking desperately around. Not saying a word, she limped towards the door as quickly as her healing leg would allow; just making it around the side of the building before dropping to the ground and heaving behind a tree.

  Embarrassed, she turned and saw that Rick had followed her out. Not saying a word, Rick handed her his handkerchief and waited patiently as she wiped her face. “Did you plan on telling me about this?” He asked looking pointedly at her belly.

  “Telling you about what? How would I have had any time to tell you anything? We have been running non-stop since the day we met and if you’re talking about what I think you’re talking about, I’m not even sure about that yet. James just told me his suspicions right before the wedding when this same thing happened.”

  “My god Kaitlyn; why didn’t you tell me in the carriage or back at the hotel. What you need is rest, not partying.”

  “Like I already said; I’m not sure about it myself yet so how was I supposed to tell you? I also wasn’t sure how you would feel about it. We haven’t exactly had a chance yet to discuss the possibility or even talk about if you want more children.”

  “Oh Hun, I’m so sorry. It just never dawned on me that it would happen so quickly after all the trauma you have been though the past several weeks. Of course, I would love to have children with you. One of the reasons I didn’t want to bring it up yet is that I knew if I told you I’d like to have more children and it took a while to conceive, you would get very upset. You tend to be awfully hard on yourself you know.” He added kissing her gently on the forehead.

  “Are you sure that that’s really the only reason you didn’t say anything?” Kaitlyn asked nervously refusing to make eye contact until she heard the answer. “I mean I wouldn’t blame you if you had doubts about my ability to raise a child. I’m already worried about how I’ll do with Morgan and Ali.”

  “Listen to yourself for a minute and then think about what you’re saying; and think about this...Ali loves you already. You have made great progress with Morgan and she has opened up more than I ever could have hoped all in just a few short days. Kaitlyn; you’re already a great mother. More children will just add more love to our family.”

  Helping her up and taking her into his arms, he gently maneuvered her to a flatter area of ground and careful of her injuries, started a gentle dance with her, humming along with the soft strains of music that drifted through the open windows and doors.

  They swayed together silently, neither saying a word. Finally breaking the silence, “I could stay like this forever.” She whispered as his hand rubbed her back soothingly.

  “We really should go back in though. Someone will come looking for us and I hope that you want the keep the pregnancy a secret for now.”

  “My entire life has already been a scandal, it’s not like this one little thing is going to ruin me. But yeah, for now I’d like for us to be able to celebrate the news just between us.”

  “While it may be true that your name has been attached to several scandals, none of them have been of your making or choosing. This will however be our first child together and if it’s ok with you, I’d rather keep the news to ourselves at least for a day or two.” He hugged her tighter against him hoping that she would understand his meaning.

  “We can keep it quiet for a little while but James and Consuela already know and it won’t be long before Angel and Matt figure it out for themselves.” She said, smiling at his request.

  “Don’t worry Sweet, it won’t be long. I figure in about a month or so it will be ok to break the news to my parents and some of the other town members. We can tell Matt and Angel when we get together sometime next week. It’s not like we have done anything they haven’t.” He chuckled.

  “I suppose we should go back inside. I’d like to see if Jacob and Anna and Frances and Willie are still together. I don’t think we could have thrown together two better fitting couples.”

  “Alright Hun, I’d rather stay outside and keep you to myself but I suppose that’s pretty selfish of me huh?”

  “If it makes you feel any better, I figure in about a week you’ll be wishing you could scoot me out of the way. Give it six months or so and you’ll be wishing for your skinny wife back and offering rewards to anyone that will take me off your hands for a few hours.”

  “No one had better even think of offering. Now that you’re mine, I don’t plan on sharing let alone giving you up.” He kissed her possessively before taking her hand and leading her back into the building.

  Tugging her onto the makeshift dance floor, he held her tight as his eyes scanned the room. James and Consuela were wrapped in each other’s arms making a slightly odd but not surprising couple. As Kaitlyn had predicted, Jacob was still dancing with Anna while Frances was over at the punch bowl with Willie at her side glaring down any prospective suitor that came too close.

  Perusing the room further, Rick began to get a little worried. Marie was nowhere to be seen. “Kaitlyn, have you seen Marie at all today?”

  “She was at the bridal shower earlier today and was at the wedding for just a little while but I haven’t seen her since then. Why?”

  “Something’s not right. I can’t put my finger on it but I’m afraid your half-sister is up to somethi
ng.” He told her thoughtfully. “Normally she would be hanging around talking non-stop about everything and nothing all at the same time.”

  “Now that you mention it, it is pretty strange that she is not here. According to Aunt Josie, this is one of the biggest social events in years; definitely the biggest so far this year. I’m surprised that Marie isn’t here vying to be the center of attention. Come to think of it, Frank hasn’t shown up yet either.”

  “We know Frank is guarding the jail though, unless...No way. Surely she wouldn’t help her father escape after hearing everything that he has done.”

  “I wouldn’t put it past her at this point. I know she seemed pretty tore up about his hanging. I guess that maybe if I had had a parent that had loved me like he seemed to love her, it would only be natural to try to help them out.”

  “This would be about her only opportunity to try to make it happen if she was going to.”

  “Oh no, not today of all days. Does he have to ruin every chance of happiness I have? Please don’t go Rick. Stay here and let someone else take care of it. I don’t want you to leave. Please...” She pleaded, knowing that it was of little use.

  “Honey, you have to know that I would do anything I can to protect you. If it means hunting down Henry Fairchild on our wedding day to do it, then that’s what I’ll do.” He maneuvered her over to the side of the dance floor and found an empty chair. Nudging her backwards, he convinced her to sit down for a few seconds to talk to her.

  “Look baby, it may be nothing. We may be blowing this entire thing out of proportion and Marie may just be sitting at the jail spending a last few hours with her father before he’s taken from her forever. I will take Matt, Pop, Jack, Mark, Charley, and James with me and if he’s still there in the cell, James can stay and help Frank watch the jail until Mark and Charley come to relieve them later.”

  “Alright, if you have to go check there’s nothing I can say to change it.” Kissing him quickly and hugging him hard “Please make sure you come back in one piece. I know you understand who and what you’re up against and I know without a doubt now that we’ve talked about it that he has escaped.”

  Kissing her again before giving her strict orders to stay with the Andrews family while he was gone, he strode across the floor talking first to Matt and then the others one by one. Finally after appearing to have issued last minute instructions to Willie and Jacob, Rick and the small gang of men rushed out the door, climbed on their horses and headed towards the jail.


  “Attention everyone!” Jacob announced to the crowd after the other men rode out. “I’m very sorry to break up the party but something very serious has happened. As some of you may already know the previous sheriff, Henry Fairchild was involved in some atrocious actions against some people from town and the surrounding areas. Of these crimes, cattle rustling was enough just cause to schedule a hanging for tomorrow. Unfortunately, we just received word that he had some outside help and escaped the jail leaving a man injured. I’m sure everything will be fine and we feel that he has probably headed south towards the Mexico border. Until he is found and brought back to stand trial though, I caution everyone to keep your womenfolk safe and do not leave anyone home alone.”

  What could only be described as controlled chaos broke out and people began to file out of the Grange Hall as families quickly wished Kaitlyn and Angel congratulations and good luck with their new lives. In a matter of ten minutes, the women were left alone among a small group of friends and new family.

  “It’s too late to start home tonight but the safest place for us is at home. I fully intend to get settled in with the girls out at Dark Magic Ranch and will help Angel get everything arranged for when Matt comes home. We have hands and wagons to move what little needs moving of mine and when the men get back they can take care of everything else that we might forget.” Kat told the few people that remained.

  “Why don’t you stay at our place tonight and we can go out with you tomorrow. I’m sure a little bit of help would not be remiss.” Josephine offered.

  “I’d like to help too.” Lilly said. “You already offered graze land for my cattle so if we moved them tomorrow; I could stay on and help until I find a place of my own. Patrick is small but does the work of older boys I’ve seen.”

  “School is on break and the problems with the sheriff would cause it to shut down anyway so I can help with the kids while the harder work is done.” Anna volunteered.

  “I’ll fill in wherever I’m needed.” Frances stepped up. “But for now, let’s get this mess picked up so we can get ready for tomorrow.”

  “I’ll go flag down the Trolley; it will be quicker and easier for us if everyone can stay together.” Jacob opened the door and headed down the street.

  Willie started moving the tables and furniture back into the proper places and the women went to work taking care of the food and gifts.

  “Oh my, what are you going to do with your cake?” Ruby cried out. “It hasn’t even been touched.”

  “The announcement about the sheriff escaping threw all the reception plans out of order.” Josephine sighed wistfully. “Well, there’s no help for it now. Let’s everyone have a piece and I’ll wrap up the anniversary pieces for the girls to take home with them.”

  Ruby carefully set aside the small side cakes that would be consumed by the brides and grooms on their first anniversary, for Josephine to wrap; then began cutting pieces for everyone that what there.

  “Cake would make a wonderful breakfast tomorrow.” Angel smiled at Ruby encouragingly. “It would definitely save anyone the trouble of having to feed up before we leave.”

  “This is delicious.” Kat exclaimed. “I heard that business was slowing down for you but if you made donuts and little pastries, maybe you could sell them to the hotel for breakfast. That way they wouldn’t have to prepare them and the patrons would still have something available to take with them on their way out.”

  “The miners would probably love having some to take back up the mountain with them after a weekend of carousing and spending their gold too. If you put up a sign at the train station, maybe they could come here first to place their order to pick up on Sunday night or Monday morning when they go back to work.” Anna said getting into the excitement.

  “Just make them pay at the time they place their orders.” Kat giggled. “Or they just may spend their food money on women, cards, and booze and have nothing left to pay you.”

  “I think all of this is a great idea.” Ruby smiled again. “Thank you all so much for your help. It just may work to help keep me from going broke.”

  “Well if that happens, I’m sure Charley will offer you all kinds of help.” Angel winked. “I saw you dancing with him right before everyone had to rush out to go check on the jail.”

  Blushing, Ruby nodded her head not bothering to deny the obvious. “We got along rather well earlier this morning when everyone was discussing the hanging. I had hoped to get to talk to him a little bit more tonight. You’re brother seems like a rather nice man.”

  “The tables are stripped and put back in place.” Willie announced as he took a bite of cake. “This is good. If things don’t work out with Charley...”

  He wiggled his eyebrows as Frances swatted at him good-naturedly saying, “Don’t even think of moving on after Anna and I have already started making plans.”

  “Plans?” Jacob scowled as he came in. “Anna, those plans better have something to do with me.”

  “Excuse me; I think I’ll be going now.” Mrs. Jamison announced. “Come along Anna, I think you have had more than enough exposure to all these commoners today.”

  “I’m sorry Mother but I can’t do that. Frances and I made a deal with Ruby and we’re going to be staying in her spare room above the bakery.”

  “Is this bunch of nonsense true?” She whipped around looking for Frances or Josephine.

  “I’m sorry Mrs. Jamison but what Anna says is true.” Ruby spoke
up. “Frances is going to help me in the bakery and Anna is going to keep teaching. The situation should work out just fine for all of us.”

  “Speak for yourself you hussy.” Sarah spat out venomously. “We all know that you work two professions out of that little shop of yours. I can’t believe you want to involve my daughter in your elicit schemes.”


  “Sarah, apologize to Ruby this instant!” Josephine shouted. “That was totally unfounded and uncalled for. No one has ever said such a thing about Ruby. She is an upstanding member of our community and I can’t believe you stooped so far as to make those kinds of accusations.”

  “I refuse to apologize because I am not sorry.” Looking at Anna, “If you refuse to come with me then I’m leaving alone.”

  “I can’t support you in this Mother. On this issue, you are dead wrong!” Turning her back, Anna went to stand with Willie. “Besides, I still have my true brother, the one that you never bothered to tell me about that was right here in the same town.”


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