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True North

Page 6

by Beth D. Carter

  “Because he shot Miss Evening then he tried to smother her with a pillow,” Givon clarified.

  The chillingly impassive look on the chief’s face held pure hatred. “And you think I would risk my badge, my reputation, my freedom for the cunt who gave me this?” he demanded, pointing to the scar on his face.

  This time Givon had to forcibly hold North back, throwing his body against his friend.

  “You say one more derogatory thing about her and I’ll kill you,” North snarled.

  “You threatening me, white man?” Two Feathers asked menacingly. “That’s grounds for arrest.”

  The chief got a satisfied smirk on his face and it pissed off Givon enough to push North back a step or two, which was quite an accomplishment since North stood a few inches taller and slightly out-muscled him.

  “Tell me, Sheriff,” Daniel Two Feathers said snidely. “What’re you doing here with a biker? He can’t possibly be one of your deputies.”

  Givon shot a dark glower at North, mentally trying to tell him to stay the fuck away. The last thing he needed was Chief Asshole causing a stink.

  “He found her,” he admitted, although he held back part of the truth. Instinct told him divulging too much information to this man wasn’t a wise thing. “It’s personal for him, so I agreed to let him accompany me here.”

  “Civilians don’t belong on homicide investigations,” the chief sneered. “And white men don’t belong in my town.”

  “That sounds racist,” North challenged.

  “We’re just following all the leads,” Givon stated, tossing North a glare to shut the hell up.

  “Let me tell you something about Allison Evening,” Daniel Two Feathers spat. “She’s a psycho bitch who didn’t know how to treat her betters. I took her under my wing, under my protection and she repaid me by slashing my face.”

  Givon took a deep breath. His badge forced him to ask this next question, but he really didn’t want to.

  “Do you wish to press charges?”

  “Giv!” North cried.

  The chief tried to smile but the scar prevented his facial muscles from working properly and it came out looking more like a ghastly grimace.

  “No,” he replied and he didn’t elaborate.

  His stomach sank because he knew, in that instant, that Daniel Two Feathers was planning his own revenge—and Givon had just revealed her location.

  “All right,” Givon said softly. “Thank you for your time.”

  “Listen, asshole,” North grated through clenched teeth, “if I so as much smell you near her, I’ll rip your fucking head off.”

  “Again with the threats? Not very bright, white man.”

  “I don’t give a fuck who you are. The Tribe can kiss my ass. I’m warning you now that she’s under the protection of the Red Wolves, got it?”

  Givon grabbed North’s arm and yanked him out of the chief’s office. The receptionist gave each of them an intense, searching look before he marched North out of the office.

  “What the hell, North?”

  “Me? What about you?” North demanded. “You should march back in there and beat the shit out of that fucker!”

  “Oh, like losing my badge will help Allis right now,” Givon growled back.

  “Did you hear what he called her?”

  “Of course, I did! Now get in the truck.”

  North scowled but complied, rocking the truck with the force of his door slam. Givon sighed and followed him. As he got in, he saw the receptionist peeking out of the window. She stared directly at him and the desperation etched on her face had him stepping back out. Suddenly her eyes widened and she disappeared away from the glass. His gut told him she had something to say but the fear that blanketed her expression just before she turned away suggested it might be prudent to wait until another time. Deciding to leave it for another day, he slid behind the wheel and started up the engine.

  “What was that about?” North asked. He sounded a little calmer.

  “I don’t know. I’ll try to find out soon.”

  “The fucker seems to inspire a lot of fear in the women around him.” North folded his arms. “If he comes near Allis, I won’t hesitate to shoot him.”

  “Enough,” Givon snapped. “Nobody is killing anyone, least of all you. Yes, that man rubs me the wrong way, but for now, let’s get back to Destiny, get you packed up then bring Allis home. I’ll feel better when she’s where we can protect her.”

  “I hear you,” North replied. “Drop me off at the clubhouse. I’ll meet you at…home.”

  Givon held back his smile but it sounded damn good to hear North say that word. Growing up, they hadn’t had much of a home. Knowing they were creating one together was good. And having Allis…? Well, he could hardly contain his excitement.

  * * * *

  The clubhouse had been his home for a long time, so he had shit stashed everywhere. Most of it he tossed. As he reached inside a drawer to grab some clothes, a pack of cigarettes crunched in his hand and North dropped his stuff to grab the pack. He wasted no time in lighting one up and dragging the smoke deep into his lung. Shit that feels good. Having gone a few days without taking a puff the nicotine shot straight to his head, causing a pleasant buzz.

  But Givon’s words from the nixed fishing trip taunted him like a fucking ghost and after one more puff, he ground out the flaring tip. Then he crumpled the pack and tossed it on the nightstand. Okay, maybe he couldn’t quit cold turkey, but he’d be damned if he’d let Givon gloat over his lack of control.

  North went back to packing, stuffing T-shirts and underwear into a duffle bag and not liking how few mementos he actually had. It made him feel a little depressed, although he hated thinking about his feelings. He’d stopped being overly sentimental about crap long ago. Still, having his life fit into a duffle bag on the eve of his fortieth birthday gave him a kick in the pants.

  When Giv had asked him to move in—to share his home—the hard shell around his heart had cracked. For a long time, he’d never let anyone or anything in, except the club and Giv, which was why he liked living in the clubhouse. It kept him apart from anything remotely confining, like having a relationship. Of course, the moment he’d looked into Allis’s eyes, something had shifted. The need to protect her, look out for her, had dominated his thoughts. All he wanted to do was hold her, even if it was just that, holding her until she healed. Perhaps then… Well, he’d explore those thoughts later.

  “Where are you going?” Draven asked from the doorway.

  “I’m moving into Givon’s house.”

  “What?” Draven demanded.

  North stared at him coolly. “You heard me.”

  “Are you crazy? He’s the law and we just agreed to a money laundering and a drug running deal.”

  “We’ll be lawful one day.”


  “What, Draven? What?” North asked roughly. “I got offered a home. I haven’t had a home…ever. Except here. And with my birthday in a couple of days, and the knowledge that Allis needs me, I’ve decided I want someplace to settle down in. Is that so bad?”

  “Yes,” Draven said. “When it’s with Givon Halloran… Yes, it is. Have you told him about the club’s decision?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then what the fuck is he going to say if or when he finds out about the solution to our money problems?”

  “He won’t do anything,” North stated. “He’s my friend.”

  “He’s a cop!”

  “He’s a friend to this club!”

  Draven folded his arms. “Are you and he…involved?”

  “What? God, no! Why does everyone assume close friendships automatically mean sex?” North demanded. He ran a hand through his hair, dislodging the bandana around his forehead. “Our fathers were drinking buddies. We were beaten together. We hid together. We survived together. Giv is my brother, closer than any blood brother.”

  “Closer than a club brother?” Draven asked softly.

  All the anger drained out of North. He sat heavily upon the bed. “I’ve given everything to this club. Patch took me in, raised me as if I was his son and I miss him more than you can know. I miss his guidance, his calmness, the way he could look at you and know your soul. I’m just… I want more. I’ve lived in this room for almost twenty-six years, Draven. And now I want someplace where I can grow old.”

  “Okay,” Draven whispered. “So it’s going to be you, Allis and Givon.”

  “I guess so.”

  “She must be special.”

  “I think she is. I hope she is.”

  “All right,” Draven replied, obviously coming to some conclusion. “You find your home. Do your bonding thing with Allis. I’ll take care of things here for you.”

  “Are you sure, Draven?”

  “Yeah. I’ll check up on Nick and Tina and I’ll set up a meeting with Bryman Jay.”

  “Thanks,” North whispered.

  Draven gave him a tight smile and left the room, leaving North with a great weight sliding off his shoulders that he hadn’t even known he was carrying. He loved the club, loved his brothers. The club had saved his life and his future, but now it just wasn’t enough.

  He pushed to his feet and resumed packing his meager possessions, excitement flooding his system at the thought that tonight he’d be sleeping in his home.

  Chapter Nine

  Allis sat in the passenger side of Givon’s SUV and stared at the huge house. This couldn’t possibly be his house. It was big and beautiful, and it had a wraparound porch with a swing and everything. It was just like she’d always envisioned where she’d live one day with a husband and children—someplace filled with love and warmth and family.

  She’d always wanted a big family.

  A huge tree stood in the front yard and just behind the house stood a dilapidated barn with tall weeds slowly consuming it. Lush, rich land went as far as the eye could see and in the distance, the mountains rose majestically for a breathtaking backdrop.

  “Are you okay?” Givon asked softly. “You think you can be comfortable here? It’s not decorated all that well. In fact, there’s just the bare minimum, but you can certainly go shopping for anything—”

  “Stop,” she said. “It’s wonderful.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, brightening.

  “Yeah. It’s the house of my dreams. So thank you for giving me a chance to experience this.”

  He stared at her, his green eyes bright and piercing. They captivated her, enraptured her until she couldn’t look away. He bent toward her and hesitated right before his lips touched hers. He gave her enough time to pull away if she wanted, but she didn’t want to and, when time ran out, he fitted his mouth to hers and she closed her eyes.

  The kiss started out soft, platonic, just an innocent little breath to breath. Then he shifted a bit and the pressure of his mouth became firm as she parted her lips. He wasted no time sweeping in with his tongue, twining it with hers in a sensual slide into pure eroticism. Her heart thumped heavily with excitement as Givon cupped her face, taking the kiss even deeper, pulling her as much as possible into his arms. The truck cab didn’t allow for much maneuverability and it became a little frustrating, so she tried to scoot closer and that’s when pain shot down her back, robbing her of breath. She broke the kiss to arch back with a cry, holding very still and breathing through the hot fire licking along her nerves.

  “God, baby,” Givon said. “I’m so sorry!”

  Why was he apologizing? For the kiss? She really hoped not. That kiss had rocked her world.

  “I should’ve waited until you weren’t so sore,” he added.

  Relief poured through her. She was glad he didn’t regret their kiss. “I’m glad you didn’t,” she told him, breathing through the agony, thankful when it started to ease.


  “I’ve wanted to kiss you since I laid eyes on you,” she admitted.

  He smiled, and she loved the twinkle that came into his eyes.

  “Well, then I’ll say I’m only sorry I hurt you. I’d never willingly do that. You know that, right?”

  “I…I’ve not had a good track record with men,” she admitted softly.

  “I haven’t had a good track record with women.”

  She chuckled at that. “So together we’re pretty shitty dates. Is that what you’re saying?”

  He ran a finger gently over her bottom lip. “I don’t know about you, but I think my luck has just changed.”

  She melted right there, her bones turning into a puddle of goo at his words. They were sweetest words she’d ever heard.

  “Let’s get you inside so you can check out your new home,” he said. He got out of the cab and walked around to her side. She’d opened her door but had to wait for him since her back ached. The stitches pulled every time she jerked or stretched too far. The last thing she wanted to do was bring back that pain.

  Givon carefully swooped her up and bumped the door shut with his hip. Being in his arms made her feel breathless and excited at the same time, and lustful thoughts began racing through her head. Under her hands, his muscles rippled and flexed, the tightly woven strength throughout his body making her mouth water. She wouldn’t mind licking him up and down, maybe take a little love nip out of his tight ass.

  Her panties grew uncomfortably damp. She quickly shut down her imagination. The last thing she could do right then was act on her desires. She had another ten days before the top layer stitches came out and she didn’t want to do anything that might cause a setback. If that meant living with raging hormones, so be it.

  But it wasn’t going to be easy to ignore the two men who made her body tingle and her heart race, not to mention how they both made her juices run. She hadn’t even been able to masturbate since she was so sore.

  He marched up the porch steps where he set her on her feet so he could unlock the front door. Just inside, he punched in a code to turn off an alarm then proceeded to swing her gently back up into his strong arms.

  “Oh!” she gasped as she threw her arms around his neck again, bringing her face practically nose to nose with his.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “If you did, I didn’t even notice,” she said a bit breathlessly.

  “I’ve got you,” he murmured, stepping across the threshold.

  The gesture was oddly heart wrenching. Maybe because it fit into her dream future—the one with the big house and husband—where he’d carry her into their house and make passionate love to her after exchanging vows. She shook her head to clear the fanciful notions as she got her first glimpse of the inside. As beautiful and stately as it was outside, it was practically an empty box. The furniture was the bare minimum. A couch, chair, television and a coffee table were brand new without scuffmarks or any sign of wear and tear. She half expected to see price tags still on everything. An air of neglect clung to the house, as if it was more for show than functionality. Everything was either white or beige, including the hardwood floors—no color, no pictures, no personality of any kind.

  Stairs lay to the right, leading up to a second floor. The large, empty living room led into an equally huge kitchen. Allis entered the room and had to admire the state-of-the-art updates that Givon had installed. A breakfast bar separated the workspace from the dining room with leather padded chairs neatly pushed in. A closed door led off from the kitchen that she assumed was a pantry. Granite countertops, stainless-steel appliances, mahogany cabinets, everything was shiny and new, but again, it all had that unused air about it.

  “It’s lovely,” she finally said.

  “It’s empty,” he corrected.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Deliberately?”

  “No, not really. I bought this house hoping… Well, it sounds silly now.”

  “Hoping what?”

  “For a family,” he said. “It took me about six years to renovate this into a home but all I’ve got is a big old house with great taste that sounds hollow eve
ry time I walk across the floor.”

  Once again, he’d surprised her. “You want a family?”

  “I do. I did. I’m forty and I always thought I’d have little ones running around by now.”

  “Luckily for you, men can father babies all their lives,” she quipped then blushed red when he cocked his eyebrows. Talk of babies made her body bloom hotly.

  Just then, a truck rolled onto the gravel driveway and she blinked, breaking the spell that had come over her. She blinked and glanced out of the living room window. North stepped out of the cab. He wasn’t wearing his usual bandana and his golden hair ruffled slightly in the breeze. His black leather cut with a red band around the bottom rested on top of a fitted black T-shirt, outlining every muscle of his toned body. When he reached the porch, he looked up and caught her staring at him through the glass and something crackled between them.

  Dear Lord, I am going to be living with two drop-dead gorgeous men.

  Givon didn’t miss Allis’ reaction when she saw North and it just cemented his decision that inviting them both to move in had been the right one. What had started out as a mission to save a woman’s life had morphed into something else—something more. He didn’t know exactly where this was heading, but in his gut, he knew this was a step in the right direction.

  “Knock, knock,” North said as he stepped through the doorway. He pointed outside. “I’m going to need a hand getting my bike off the trailer.”

  “Coming,” Givon said.

  “You think I could use that barn out back to store my trailer and other stuff?”

  “Other stuff?”

  “This and that.”

  Givon looked at him skeptically then led the way outside to the truck.

  “How much ‘this and that’ stuff could you possibly have?” He looked into the back of the truck and saw one duffle bag. “Seriously.”

  “I’ve got some tools in storage,” North replied. “I’d be nice to get rid of that storage container so I can have access to them whenever I need them.”


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