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True North

Page 10

by Beth D. Carter

  “Get some sleep,” Givon murmured, just before he kissed her on the forehead.

  She closed her eyes and instantly fell asleep.

  * * * *

  “What are your plans for tomorrow?” Givon asked as they headed back downstairs. He adjusted his rock-hard dick straining against the zipper of his jeans and grimaced.

  North caught what he was doing and chuckled. “I know the feeling. Tomorrow? I have to go to the clubhouse. Draven and Skids are getting ready to go on a run to Vegas.”

  “Vegas? What’s going on?”

  They entered the kitchen and Givon headed over to the sink as North brought the dirty dishes over.

  “One of our brother clubs is having a charity run, so I’m sending them to represent us since I can’t go myself.”

  Givon nodded. With the faucet hose, he squirted the food remnants off the plates before placing them in the dishwasher. “Can Allis go with you?”

  North frowned. “Where’re you going?”

  “I’ll be wooing a judge—or trying to woo a judge.”

  “Oh,” North said.


  “No, not really.” North shrugged. “I thought about keeping my club life separated from this one.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Some of the guys aren’t too happy about me moving here.”

  Givon was smart enough not to ask why. “Is this going to cause a problem?”

  “No. I won’t let it. I’ve stated more than once you’re a friend to the club.”

  Givon put the last dish in the washer, added soap then closed the door. He turned it on and the machine gently rumbled to life. He wiped the counter down then grabbed two beers from the fridge before turning off the lights and heading into the living room. He handed one beer to North as they sat.

  “I know the club does things that aren’t exactly law abiding,” Givon said. “I’ve made my peace as an officer of the law that you have your own set of ethics. But I know you’d never kill anyone except in self-defense. And I know you’d never deal drugs in Destiny. You’re a good man, North, and I’ve got your back. But that only works if you stay honest with me.”

  North twisted off the cap on his bottle and took a long drink that drained almost half the beer. He wiped his mouth and belched softly before looking Givon in the eye. “Back at you.”

  The words were heartfelt but North shifted his eyes away and Givon suddenly had a feeling his friend was hiding something. It didn’t necessarily alarm him, because he trusted North, so he decided not to press for information. North would talk if he wanted to, which he usually did. They’d been talking to each other, sharing things, for forty years.

  “Happy birthday,” Givon said, raising his beer in a toast. “You’re finally my age.”

  “Thanks,” North replied, smiling. “But you’ll always be older.”

  “Three months. Big whoop.”

  “And for those three months, I’ll always be able to tease you as being middle age once you hit fifty.”

  Fifty. Christ. He hadn’t really given turning forty a passing thought until now. Allis was only twenty-four, a baby compared to him and North. Was it fair to seduce her like this?

  “What’re you thinking?”

  “Allis and the age difference.”

  North shrugged philosophically. “She’s an adult. Don’t try to play the age game here. It’ll just give you a headache.”

  “We were sixteen when she was born. Fuck, that’s sick when you think about it.”

  “Shut up, dickhead. Ever think she might like older men? Besides, it’s too late for takebacks now. She’s ours.”

  Givon raised an eyebrow. “Ours?”

  “Yeah. Sure, it’s unconventional, and hell, I had a hard time wrapping my brain around Braden and Leo sharing Merrie at first. But I get it now. We’re not trying to fit a circle into a triangle.”

  “We’re the triangle?”


  Givon chuckled and finished his beer. “Well, tonight certainly changed things for us. I thought I might be jealous of you, but I wasn’t. It felt…natural.”

  “Yeah,” North agreed softly. “Although I don’t know about sharing a bed with you, dude. My dick still doesn’t swing your way.”

  “Don’t worry,” Givon said dryly. “Your virtue is safe from me.”

  North drained his beer and stood up. He patted his butt. “This is the finest ass you’ll never have.”

  Givon kicked out with a foot, barely missing North as he scuttled by. Contentment settled around him like a nice, warm coat.

  The phone rang and he stretched across the couch to grab the cordless.


  No one said a word on the other end.


  He heard a slight intake of breath right before the phone disconnected. Slowly, he replaced the receiver.

  “Who was that?” North asked.

  “Not sure. Wrong number, probably.”

  But that contentment he’d felt only a moment before had vanished.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next morning, Allis awoke with a hand lightly gliding over her back. She knew it was North. The size and texture of his hands gave him away, and she arched her back into the caress.

  “You can scratch around those stitches,” she murmured. “I can’t wait for those damn things to come out.”

  “Are you in any pain?” North asked.

  “No. I haven’t been for a while.”

  He lightly scratched around the area, avoiding the stitches directly as he rubbed the pulled skin, giving her instant relief. At the same time desire gathered in her belly, brewing throughout her body. His callused fingers caressing her tender skin made her want him, as memories of last night rolled through her mind.

  She turned her head and caught his gaze. Lust danced in his eyes and suddenly he halted, rubbing her back.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” he said thickly.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you want me to fuck you.”

  “But I do want you to fuck me.”

  “Allis,” he said in a warning tone. “Don’t play with fire. You’re stitches—”

  “I’m fine, North.”

  “You were shot.”

  “It amounted to a mere flesh wound.”

  He grinned. “Are you quoting Monty Python?”

  “Only if you want into my shrubbery.”

  “Oh, that was bad.”

  “Yeah? Why don’t you be bad with me?” she asked huskily as she took off the T-shirt Givon had given her to sleep in. North’s gaze streaked over her nakedness, lingering on her breasts that swelled under his hot gaze. Her nipples hardened into little buds and he let out a half-tortured groan.

  She yanked on his shirt and he succumbed, bending down to fuse his mouth with hers. Allis opened for him, letting her tongue meet and dance with his. The kiss was passionate, deep and utterly arousing. He withdrew and plunged, nibbled and devoured until they were breathless. He brought her body up against his, the sheet tangling around her legs. She tugged his shirt up and over his head, tossing it aside. The rest of his clothes got in the way so he backed away to finish undressing to reveal hard muscles, tattoos and an ass that made her want to take a bite out of it. His cock was big and thick and it jutted out proudly. His masculine beauty made her stare in appreciation.

  “You’re beautiful,” she whispered.

  “Ah, babe, you’ve got that backward.”

  North leaned over and trailed his lips down her neck. Several times she felt a sucking sensation and knew he had to be leaving a mark on her skin—his mark. North touched her softly, a mere brushing of skin as he explored her body. He touched her breasts, skimmed over her nipples.

  She bowed her back and gasped. “North, please!”

  With his mouth, he engulfed the puckered nub and sucked, hard. It caused a fluttering sensation deep in her pussy. Allis arched her back, thrusting more into his face. She
clawed at his shoulders, wanting more. When he abandoned her tits, she tried yanking him back, but he was already moving down her body. He gripped her thighs and pried them apart.

  “You’re so wet, babe,” he murmured. He pushed one thick finger into her slit.

  “Oh, my God!” She moaned. “More. I need more.”

  He used her natural lubricant to tease her, pumping in and out between her pussy lips and making sure to bump against her clit. He leaned forward to lap up her juices, first off her thighs then following the trail up. He sucked her sensitive clit into his mouth and began to suck. She cried out and curled her fingers in his hair, needing to hold onto something as she thrust against his face in time with his fingers fucking her. Her climax hit sharply. She screamed his name as the tidal wave swept over her. He sucked it up, licking her until she gave a little shudder and went limp.

  He reached for his discarded jeans and pulled out his wallet to retrieve the condom he had there. She watched him don the rubber through half-open eyes.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said and rolled them over until she was straddling him. “Ride me.”

  She raised herself up then held his cock as she lowered herself down upon it. His cock stretched her almost painfully, but she loved it. She’d never felt so full, so out of her mind with need. He twined their fingers together and pushed his hips upward just as she ground down. The sensation spun her into the stratosphere, blowing her mind until all that mattered in the world was where they were joined together.

  “Uh!” she cried.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “No. More. Please, give me more.”

  “Ride me, sweetheart.”

  It was all the encouragement she needed. Allis clamped her thighs around his and rode him hard, propelling herself up and down on his cock, working their fever up until they were both straining, both sweating. She lay half-draped over his body, the tips of her breasts brushing against his chest. The friction between them, rubbing all her over sensitive places, was too much.

  “North! I’m going to come!” she cried.

  “Yes, babe. Come. Come on my cock.”

  His pelvic bone banged against her clit and that was it. Her orgasm rose up, overtaking her, splintering her apart. She cried out and clamped down on the huge cock filling her. Dimly she heard North’s shout of completion. She lay draped over his body, panting for a long moment until he withdrew from her. She slithered into a boneless heap on the bed and watched North as he rose to discard the condom.

  Then he knelt by the side of the bed and laid his head on the pillow next to hers.

  “Are you all right? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No,” she murmured, smiling. “I’m boneless from those amazing orgasms you gave me.”

  He smiled and kissed her nose. “When you catch your breath, get your gorgeous ass out of bed. We’re going to the clubhouse.”

  A different type of excitement surged through her. “Really?”

  “Yep. Gotta see Draven before he heads out.”


  He kissed her once more then rose to his feet. She watched his tight ass as he collected his clothes and left her room.

  * * * *

  North revved the engine on his bike one last time as he cruised into the Wolves’ den. It was mainly for Allis’s benefit. He knew she loved the vibration of the big bike between her legs. At first, she had clung tightly to him, screaming as he’d accelerated down the road. But within moments, the scream had turned into squeals and her death grip had eased. She’d learned quickly how to lean with him into turns and he’d felt her trust as she delighted in the ride.

  He parked the bike and Allis dismounted, taking the helmet off. He stashed his and hers on the seat and grabbed her hand, leading her to the heart of the Wolves. Curious stares followed as they walked but he ignored them as he led her into the house.

  A couple of guys were playing pool in the back. Some were watching the news. One was even half fucking a sweet butt against the wall and he grimaced. Great. Sweet butts were women who slept around and kept the men happy in exchange for protection and a roof over their heads. Would Allis understand that? He hoped so.

  Pistol Pete stood behind the bar, helping himself to some whiskey.

  “Hey,” he said to Pete. “Where’s Draven?”

  Pete pointed toward church. “In there talking with Skids about tomorrow’s run.”

  “Okay.” North smiled down at her. “Pete, this is Allis. Allis, this is Pistol Pete. You take good care of her while I go talk with Draven.”

  “Will do.”

  North kissed Allis’s forehead and walked toward the back room reserved for club business only. Draven sat in his VP seat and Skids sat next to him. Both were looking over a map.

  “Gentlemen,” he said softly, closing the door behind him. Draven looked up and smiled. Skids stood and held out a hand, which North grabbed in a fist pump kind of way. “You two leave tomorrow?”

  Draven nodded. “It’ll take us two days to get down to Vegas. We’ll meet with Bryman’s men, deliver the meth, party with our brother clubs then head back home.”

  “Okay. I don’t need to remind you to keep to the speed limit, do I?”

  “The last thing I want to do is end up in jail,” Draven said dryly.

  “Amen, brother,” Skids said.

  “How’s playing house?” Draven asked.

  “It’s fucking great,” North replied. “I highly suggest it. Allis is here.”

  Draven furrowed his brow. “And you left her alone with Pistol Pete?”

  “Eh. His bark is worse than his bite.”

  “I had to bail his ass out of jail for biting,” Draven reminded him.

  “Shit,” North said and rose quickly to walk back into the recreation room. He stopped when he spotted Allis behind the bar, pouring drinks for the guys. Pete sat on a stool, sipping his whiskey. “I didn’t bring you here to work.”

  She grinned at him. “I don’t mind. I was a pretty good bartender in Durango.”

  Draven walked past him and slid onto a seat next to Pete. “Hey, Allis.”

  “Hello. Draven, right?”

  “Yeah. Can I have a beer?”

  “Coming up.” She poured the glass perfectly, angling it just so the beer foam didn’t create too much of a head.

  “You come back any time, sweetheart, and tend this bar.”

  Allis winked.

  “Nick’s coming home tomorrow,” Pete told him. “You gonna be able to come help?”

  “Of course,” North said as he sat. He watched as Allis wiped the bar down, unable to believe that she simply slid into the club as though she was used to the place. She eyed two sweet butts who came from the back, looking like they’d been fucked hard and once too often.

  “Don’t worry about them,” he told her.

  “Who are they? Wives?”

  Draven spat out the mouthful of beer he’d just taken. “Uh, no.”

  “They’re girls who hang out at the club to take care of the men,” North clarified, shifting a little uncomfortably on the seat as Allis glared at him. “It’s a fair trade because in turn, we take care of them.”




  He shrugged.

  “Were they your whores?”

  He bit his lip. “It was before I met you.”

  “Granted,” she acknowledged. “But no more?”

  “No more.”

  She smiled. “You lived here, right?”


  “Can I see your old room?”

  North looked over at Draven. “Anyone take the room yet?”

  “Nope,” he answered. “Still open.”

  North got up and held his hand out to her. Allis came around the bar and took it. He led her to the back, mindful of the curious stares trailing them. A flickering light bulb in the hallway cast weird shadow patterns on the wall and North made a mental not
e to tell one of the prospects to change it later. He climbed the stairs, mindful of Allis behind him. When he showed her the room he’d lived in for over half his life, he tried to see it through her eyes. A typical bachelor pad with posters of naked women and motorcycles all over the place showed off his decorating skills. An old neon beer sign hung broken in one corner. There was a bed, a dresser and a bathroom attached. It was small and efficient but didn’t hold any personality. The crumpled pack of cigarettes still lay on the nightstand so he walked over to open the drawer and toss it inside.

  “Simple,” she said, looking out of the window.

  “Yeah,” he agreed. What else could he say?

  “How long did you live here?”

  “Off and on from the time I was fourteen to sixteen. Then I moved in full-time.”

  She nodded. “Because of your dad?”

  “Yes. I knew Givon was on a different path, a one-way trip to Laramie to attend the University of Wyoming. No reason for me to stay.”

  “What happened to your dad?”

  “Oh, it’s funny,” North said, although he didn’t sound amused. “Fucker got so drunk and stoned one night he fell asleep in his car on the railroad.”

  “Oh, my God—”

  “Don’t,” he said, holding up a hand. Thoughts of his father tended to turn his insides cold. “Don’t you feel sorry for that piece of shit. He beat my mother into an early grave and he tried his best to do the same to me. He doesn’t deserve your pity.”

  “I don’t pity him. I’m concerned about you. Holding on to those memories isn’t healthy.”

  “Patch helped me through some awful teenage years,” he said. “I owe this club everything. I refuse to give sympathy to a man who brought a horrible death upon himself.”

  “You don’t drink like he did, do you? I know alcoholism can be hereditary.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I have too many other things to live for.”

  “Oh? Like what?”

  He walked over to her and grabbed her hips, bringing her body flush against his. “I have a beautiful old lady, now. A great home.”


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