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True North

Page 14

by Beth D. Carter

  “Yes,” she answered breathlessly.

  He flipped her. She crawled forward until she was over Givon then she took him in her mouth and began to suck. He met Givon’s gaze briefly before the man’s rolled back into his head and he buried his hands in her hair.

  North saw a condom box on the nightstand and grabbed one. He rolled it over his aching cock then carefully got in position behind her, adjusting her to her knees. He spread her legs wide. Her tight rosette winked at him and though he was tempted with a little anal play, it would have to be for another time. Now was all about the introduction to a ménage relationship and although he and Givon weren’t both filling her, it was enough that they were loving her together.

  He reached around her until he found her pussy, which was drenched in her juices, and lined up his cock. He was so hard he didn’t even need to guide himself. He listened to her slurping Givon for a second before plunging into her heat.

  She was so tight, even though he knew she’d just had sex with Givon. Their musky scent lined the air. But God, he wasn’t going to last very long. He pumped into her hard, watching as she sucked Givon down her throat. Givon pumped his hips as he fucked her face. A second later, he stiffened and groaned as he came in her mouth. Allis’s tight little pussy squeezed North’s cock, convulsing around him as she reached her own orgasm.

  “Holy shit,” he groaned just as his cum blasted into the condom. Once, twice, he shook with each ripple. Then he collapsed, flattening her out. His heart thundered in his chest as he tried to gulp in air.

  She wiggled a little and he finally slid off her, quickly pulling the used condom off and dropping it onto his pants. He’d take care of it later. He eased her into his arms, her back to his chest, and Givon scooted down to embrace her from the front. Their arms touched as they both wrapped around her body but it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable.

  No, they were a family.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Since their little interlude didn’t leave much time for planning a dinner, they made spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread. Allis’ body still tingled from loving both men only an hour earlier and she had just finished setting the table when tires crunched in the driveway. She wiped her hands on a towel and went to greet their guests.

  She’d only heard briefly of Merrie Walden and had a preconceived idea in her head that was blown apart when she finally met the woman. Merrie looked young, perhaps a few years younger than she did. Her curly brown hair tumbled down her back. Her dark eyes crinkled at the corners as she greeted them. With a shock, Allis figured out quickly that Merrie Walden had the same situation of loving two men. Braden McClintock shook her hand. He was tall, older. Leo Cloud Dancer was Shoshone and Allis immediately shied away from him. After all, it was Shoshone who had given her crap most of her life.

  “Thanks so much for inviting us,” Merrie said, as she sat on the couch, her two men flanking her.

  “Leo and I were surprised when she told us you had invited us, North,” Braden murmured. “Especially with the whole Gray Dog situation.”

  “What situation?” Allis asked.

  “Several months ago, Merrie was kidnapped by someone in my club,” North replied, a cold edge creeping into his voice. “He was defecting from our club to join the Demon Devils and he was going to sacrifice Merrie to achieve his goal.”

  “Good God! What happened?”

  North shrugged, although he shot a quick look at Merrie. “Merrie was saved.”

  “And this traitor?”

  “Still at large,” Givon reported. “Although I have a feeling we don’t need to worry about him anymore.”

  Merrie’s face paled as she ducked her head. Allis didn’t know what had happened, but she recognized guilt when she saw it and knew Merrie had to be sitting on one whopper of a lie. Braden and Leo took her hand in theirs in a sign of comfort and support, in an obvious show of protection.

  “Who’s hungry?” Allis asked, changing the subject. Now that she knew what not to talk about, a change of topic was in order.

  The tension in the room abruptly ended as everyone rose and headed into the dining room. As people seated themselves, Allis got their drinks and brought them over. When she sat, Leo said a brief Shoshone prayer then they began filling their plates.

  After a few minutes, Braden took a swallow of his beer and looked between Allis, North and Givon.

  “I was curious as to why you invited us over,” he said. “But now I think I understand.”

  “You know, when I first learned you three were together, together, I didn’t get it,” North admitted. “Then Allis came along and, well, I want to make this work. So tell us how it works for you.”

  “Hell, I don’t even know how it works,” Braden admitted. “If you’d have told me I’d be in a poly relationship with my brother, I would’ve laughed myself silly.”

  Allis was surprised the two men were brothers, but she kept quiet. She was too interested in their revelation.

  “Do you all sleep in the same bed?” she asked.

  Merrie nodded. “Unless one of them pisses me off, then he’s relegated back to his old room.”

  Allis grinned at that.

  “It’s not so much about sharing me,” Merrie said, maintaining eye contact with Allis. “It’s more about going through this journey in life together. For a while, Braden thought I was too young to know my mind or to know what I wanted. But I could never choose one man over the other because I love them both. They each give me something the other doesn’t. Two halves of a whole. I don’t know if that helps, but it’s the best way to describe our relationship. I’m not saying it’s easy but we make sure to maintain open communications for it to always work.”

  After that, the topics of conversation shifted to lighter things, mainly about the town of Destiny and plans for the upcoming fall. Allis learned there was a huge fall festival in September, when the leaves began to turn.

  Allis and Merrie talked a lot and for the first time, she realized she might just have found a friend. She’d never really had friends before, so she was eager to make plans with Merrie. Hell, even just going to Walmart would be cool if it was girls’ day out—once the threat of Daniel Two Feathers was over and done with.

  The three of them left right after coffee. The men all shook hands and Allis gave Merrie a tight hug when Merrie promised to call. She watched from the porch, waving as they drove away.

  “Come here,” North said as he took her hand and pulled her back into the house. He shut and locked the door. She could hear Givon in the kitchen, loading up the dishwasher.

  “That was fun,” she said, as North sat her down next to him on the couch. “Did you have fun?”

  “I enjoyed the conversation,” he replied. “It was nice not talking church business for once.”

  “Is being president of the club hard?”

  “Nah,” he said. “Not really. How much do you know about a motorcycle club?”

  “Not much,” she admitted. “Just stuff I see on television and in the movies.”

  He snorted derisively. “Fucking Hollywood.”

  “So you’re not an outlaw club?”

  “The term outlaw is just an ideology of nonconformity to mainstream society.”

  “So you don’t do anything illegal?”

  He pursed his lips and she knew that no matter what he said, the Wolves weren’t exactly squeaky clean.

  “His club takes extortion money,” Givon replied as he walked into the room and sat.

  Allis blinked. “You know?”

  He shrugged. “It’s…complicated. The Wolves don’t run guns and they don’t deal drugs. Long ago, I had to decide if it was worth Destiny being caught in a legal war with not one, but two MCs. I chose the lesser side of trouble.”

  She sat back and thought for a moment before she looked at North. “What type of extortion money?”

  “About twenty years ago, the Demon Devils moved into Destiny,” North explained. “For a brief time th
ere was a turf war and businesses began paying the Wolves money to protect them from the Devil’s backlash.”

  “What happened to the turf war?”

  “Patch, the previous president, finally negotiated a treaty but it’s tentative at best. Lately, however, businesses have changed their minds, figuring the Wolves are going soft.”

  “Are you?”

  North shrugged. “I’ve been trying to get the club to go legit. No more extortion. No more…other stuff. But it’s hard changing a club that’s been around for over forty years.”

  She nodded. “And have you killed people?”

  He hesitated. “Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie?”

  It would be easy to bury her head in the sand and just take North at face value. But she didn’t want that. She loved him. She wanted to love all of him, and that included the messy stuff.

  “The truth.”

  “Yes,” he answered immediately. “I have.”

  The idea that North was a murderer should have scared her, but it didn’t. She knew he was the type of man who protected what was his, be it his club, his friends or his woman.

  “Tell her, North,” Givon murmured.

  “Shut up,” North whispered harshly.

  “She shared with us.”

  “It’s not the same thing! My past is ugly. I don’t want her knowing I’m ugly.”

  Panic flashed through North’s eyes before he looked away. She took his hand in hers and held tightly. Whatever was in his past, she wanted to reassure him that he wasn’t alone.

  “I’d never think you were ugly,” she told him.

  A battle warred in his brain. Obviously, the need to keep his secret fought against the desire to share the deepest, darkest part of him. She wanted so much to assure him more but she had a hunch that if she pushed him any further, he’d retreat. So she let him come to his own decision.

  “The first man I ever killed was my father,” he stated, flat and emotionless.

  Of all the things she thought he’d say, that wasn’t one of them. Her eyes went wide as she waited for him to continue.

  “My father didn’t die on a railroad.”

  She waited, looking from him to Givon, who stared at North, stone-faced.

  “I…I used the railroad to cover up how he died.”

  “How did he die?” she asked softly.

  “I shot him.”

  She gasped but didn’t say anything. Her grasp on his hand became a death grip but he didn’t complain.

  “I was sixteen,” he continued, a faraway look in his eyes as the memories replayed in his mind. “I had been spending a lot of time at the club—sleeping there, practically living at the clubhouse. My old man didn’t like it. He’d yell that I was trying to be some big shot biker before punching me in the face or gut. Then one day…I punched him back. That night…I thought I was finally a man, standing up for myself so I stayed home to rub it in his face. But…in the middle of the night, I awoke when a gun barrel pressed against my temple. It was him—my own dad—with a fucking gun to my head.”

  She could imagine North as a teenager, confused, angry. Sad. Just thinking of him hurting, of feeling betrayed, brought an ache to her heart and tears flooded her eyes. Not out of pity, but because she sensed crying was something he’d never done as a young man.


  Words failed him and he sat like a statue, trying to control his emotions.

  “It’s okay, North,” Givon said.

  Allis knew that somehow Givon was involved in this too.

  “We’re here,” Givon added. “Allis and I are with you.”

  North took a deep breath. “While he had that gun to my head, he began to jerk off. His pants were around his knees and he had his fucking dick in his hand.”

  Allis’s stomach dropped sickeningly. How could someone do that to their own flesh and blood?

  “I couldn’t do anything,” North whispered. “The gun was loaded. The safety was off. He could splatter my brains in a blink of an eye. So I had to lay there until he came. He spurted his fucking jizz all over me, exerting his dominance for me punching him back. When he came, he let the gun drop and that’s when I grabbed it—and I used it.”

  His tortured gaze met hers.

  “I killed my father,” he whispered.

  “Oh, baby.” She embraced him, simply wrapped her arms around him and let him bury his face into her neck.

  “He called me,” Givon said.

  Allis turned startled eyes toward him. “You couldn’t call the cops?”

  “Shit, Allis, we were both sixteen with a lifetime of people turning their backs on us,” Givon told her. “North had some petty juvie shit and we didn’t trust anyone, not even the law. I was the one who came up with the idea of putting him in his car on the tracks. Back then the train ran every morning at five a.m., so it was easy to plan. I drove the car and we planted the alcohol. He’d already been drinking so his body reeked of it. I wiped down my fingerprints then North and I watched from the woods. Everyone knew North’s dad was a drunken asshole, so it was a pretty open and shut case.”

  “There was hardly anything left of him,” North said as he pulled back from her. He studied her face. “I went to the club and told Patch. He took me in and I never looked back.”

  “We’ve never told any other person,” Givon replied.

  “Is this that life-alternating event that made you become a cop?”

  He nodded. “My friendship with North has always baffled people in this town. How could I allow a supposedly outlaw motorcycle gang to be in and around Destiny and be okay with it? The Wolves, technically, aren’t in my county and I’ve stayed on top of the Demon Devils like a tick on a hound dog. I believe in the law…to a degree. I’ve worked hard to make sure my badge isn’t tarnished but I won’t let politics or semantics get in the way of what’s right—not after the way we grew up.”

  “Givon, I’ve come from a place where the law was absolute,” she said, looking between him and North. “And it was still corrupt. Daniel Two Feathers uses his badge like a sword and most of the time, he’s swinging against an innocent victim because they aren’t pure blood. You’re kind and compassionate and I know you’d jump in front of bullet to protect someone. And North, your father was an evil man. The only thing I wish is that you were spared the horror of that.”

  “Of being molested or that I committed patricide?”

  “Both. You’re a good man, North Tabion. You’re my good man.” She kissed him softly on the lips. “Don’t ever think you’re not. And I get it, North. I understand your club. It saved your soul. And I still love you.”

  The blue fire returned to his eyes as he cupped her face. “Say it again.”

  “I love you,” she said softly. She looked at Givon. “I love both of you.”

  “I never thought I’d meet someone I wanted so much,” North murmured. “I wake up with you in my thoughts and now when I go to sleep, I see you—not my dad, not anything I’ve done for the club. Just you. I love you, Allison Evening.”

  He let go of her to pull out a small box from his vest pocket. “I had this fixed for you.”

  Allis opened the box and gasped. “My necklace! Oh, my God, you found it!”

  She pulled it out and looked at the charm as happy tears filled her eyes.

  “Where did you get that?” Givon asked.

  “From where she fell that night,” he answered. “I went back to look for any clues. I saw the necklace and took it.”

  “It was part of a crime scene,” Givon said, partially exasperated.

  “Eh,” he replied as he shrugged. “It was just a necklace.”

  “It’s a crow,” Givon explained. “If I’d have seen it, I might have figured out she was Crow.”

  “Crow? Indian Crow?”

  “My mother,” Allis said. “Can you put this on me?”

  North took it and placed it around her neck before clasping it. “What does being a Crow have anything to do
with it?”

  “The Crow and Shoshone aren’t that friendly,” Givon informed him. “It’s another reason why Daniel Two Feathers has a posse after her.”

  “Oh. I get it.” North said. “Still, it has nothing to do with her abduction.”

  Allis reached out and took each one of their hands in hers. “I think we should all retire upstairs,” she said, looking back and forth between them.

  “Oh, baby.” North swooped down to claim hers in a tender, yet electrifying kiss.

  As she melted into his embrace, Givon came up behind her to place a kiss on her neck, and she knew this was where she was meant to be. She thanked whatever fate, or divine intervention, that had brought them together.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Both men helped undress Allis, her clothes falling in a puddle at her feet. Givon ran his fingers gently through her hair and she loved the feel of them soothing her scalp. North teased the nipples by pinching them, making the ache between her thighs climb quickly.

  They helped her onto the bed and for a moment, it was just them. She didn’t know where North had gone, although she still felt him nearby. But Givon soon consumed her as he parted her legs and ran his hand down her flat stomach and over her mound. She was so wet that he slipped in easily then bent one finger to find her G-spot. She arched off the bed as raw lust filled her.

  “You’re drenched, baby,” he breathed. “I want you so bad.”

  “Yes,” she said, shuddering. “Please.”

  North handed him a condom and she watched Givon open it and sheath himself quickly before pulling her toward him. He hooked her legs over his arms, which caused her pelvis to tilt upward, then he grabbed hold of her hips.

  He lined up his cock against her pussy and pushed in, stretching her oh so slowly. He was large and she was glad he took his time, going deeper with each stroke. It was sensual, it was sexual, and it wrenched her desire higher and higher.

  When he finally got himself fully imbedded in her and his balls rested against her ass, he held still for a moment. She loved being filled with him, loved how he moved within her. He ground his pelvis a little deeper, causing her to moan, and that was all it took. He retreated and thrust back in, causing her tits to bounce as he pumped into her.


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