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In Your Shadow

Page 2

by Middleton, J

  When he closed his eyes all he saw was her dreamy deep green eyes. Heat builds within him, he wanted to kiss her, to taste her, touch her but he knew he couldn’t get any closer. He closes his eyes for a moment and she was standing in front of him with a smile on her face her arms reaching from him. When he opened his eyes she wasn’t there, she was sitting in the chair by her father. He was getting furious with himself now.

  “I can't stand here any longer not with her so close to me, I will have to touch her.” He thought.

  The minister begins to speak and he listens to his words but he can’t take his eyes off of Katie. She wipes her tears out of her eyes with a tissue her father hands her. He noticed every few minutes she is wiping her face and it caused his heart to ache for her. Minutes later Katie stands up places a rose on top of the casket then turns around. She was wearing a black long sleeve dress with black heels with her hair in a ponytail. He could see the outline of her size five body. She starts delivering the eulogy wiping her tears constantly. She stops and looks up straight at him for a second with her brow moving slightly then she returns to speak. He quickly puts his head down.

  “What am I thinking? I shouldn’t be here.” He thought, looking down to the ground. Quickly putting his trembling hands in his pocket.

  Finally, it got quiet as he looks up she was sitting back down. His heart beating rapidly as sweat formed on his forehead. He makes his way behind the crowd until he sees a large tree and steps behind it. Leaning back against it he takes in a deep breath. Moments later he finally starts walking and makes his way back to his car not even looking back. It becomes clearer that he may not ever have her if he doesn’t do something.

  “It takes time, don’t move to fast,” the voice in his head said as he nods his head from side to side.

  He gets in his car and sits there staring out of the window. They are about to lower the casket in the ground.

  Dark gray clouds start to roll across the sky as he gets a glams of people coming up to her hugging her neck. His knuckles were tight on the wheel, with muscles bunching in his forearms. Sweat had started run down his hairline. He turns twisting in the seat looking out his back window so he could see more.

  “No! That should be me holding her.” He spoke so loud his voice echoed.

  He was so angry. He didn’t want anyone to touch her are even get close. He had to calm his self-down are he would attract attention.

  The crowd was so large he could barely see her. He sat there and watched until everyone started to leave, he started his car as he spotted her walking to the limo. He drove away looking at them in his rearview mirror.

  Days past as he watched for her but never seen her anywhere he was beginning to panic.

  “Where is she? Where did she go? He was driving himself crazy watching for her. He would go by her work, but nothing. He paced his room staring at her picture dreaming of her return. Days passed weeks even no sign.

  Finally, one morning as he was walking in front of her building when she appeared, his heart started racing his body froze as panic set in.

  “She back,” he was all excited, the adrenaline was pumping through his vines like a blazing fire.

  He watched her go in her building as he took a deep breath. The wind was blowing slightly as he caught the scent of her perfume. He didn’t want to leave that spot stand there forever. He could smell her all around him. Closing his eyes for a moment breathing in her scent. He was in heaven, when he opened his eyes people were going up and down the stairs. He pulled his hoody down and walked away.

  He returned every morning just to watch her go up the stone steps to her building. He had watched her live her life of solitude and that was the way he liked it. Every time he seen her she never looked up are smiled always looking down and very conservative. One morning he waited by her office building again. Pacing the sidewalk looking down at his watch he turned around and almost bumped into her, he quickly grabbed his cell phone and protected he was talking on his phone. He turned and walked the other direction. He was so close he could smell the scent of her shampoo. It smelled of fresh spring flowers. That was the closest he every got to her, he could almost touch her. The more he seen her the harder it was for him.

  Months had passed as he continues stalking her, he knew everything about her. What time she got up in the morning, what time she went to bed, what she ate everything. He knew her routine everything there was to know. His obsession with her took over his life completely. He based his life around her schedule, everything revolved around her.

  He had tried dating another woman to get Katie off his mind but nothing ever brought him satisfaction on any level. Even though he tried to give it a shot once or twice, he would always pretend it was her. No one worked for him, he was just left empty and disinterested. Nobody come close to Katie, he would compare every woman to her and none was in comparison.

  She moved a few miles from her office in a large townhouse in the middle of town. That made it easier for him to watch her.

  One morning he was walking down the sidewalk passed her office and a woman’s voice was heard behind him. He didn’t want to turn around because the voice sounded like hers. Her heard her tell her driver she would call him when she was done. That was unusual because she always left at the same time every day.

  He finally took a deep breath and whirl around and stood there and watched her. Katie’s long dark hair was loose around her beautiful face.

  Her eyes caught his for that brief moment before she went into her building. His mouth was open but words wouldn’t come out, there was his chance to say something and he couldn’t. Even though it wasn’t but a second it seems like it was forever, his body was frozen in time just being that close. He narrowed his eyes at the driver as he noticed he was watching her. He wanted to hurt him, it made his blood boil knowing someone else might want her. Finally, the driver got in the car and drove away.

  He started walking back to his car and noticed a for rent sign on an apartment. It was only a block from her.

  “That would work out perfect, I wouldn’t have to drive here every day.” He thought.

  He called the landlord and rented the apartment. It wouldn’t take him long to move in.

  He hurried back home and gathered a few things.

  “Tomorrow I will be closer to you.”

  It was on the other side of the street, but a perfect view of her house. He didn’t have to leave his building much just look out the window.

  As morning came he threw all his belongings in his car and headed back to Manhattan. Parking in an underground parking lot, gets out and goes up the elevator to the ninth floor, it was the perfect view of the street. He ran to the window and looked out and there her townhouse was. Perfect view of the front door.

  He grinned knowing he could really watch her now. Running throw the house checking out all the rooms. His bedroom was on the far end. Walking to his luggage he pulls out pictures of her and pins them on his bedroom wall, he had hundreds of her it seemed. It was a collage of her that covered almost all of his wall. He stood there staring touching each one with his fingers.

  “Oh my love, soon real soon.” He whispered.

  Days had passed, weeks, still she would always do the same thing over again, work and then home. Until one night he was sitting at the window day dreaming of her as he watched her house. Jumping up he saw her exit the building with a blond woman. Walking down the sidewalk wearing a short dress, he was in shock his heart starting racing.

  “What are you wearing, you can’t wear that? What are you doing? You never dress like that. Where are you going?” screaming at the window.

  His breath fogging up the area he was standing.

  He was furious just looking at her. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Something inside of him takes flight, his possessiveness sweeps over him. He had never seen that kind of sexy clothes on her, even her hair was done. She was stunning, breathtaking, he couldn’t stop staring at her. The temperature in his b
ody was starting to rise, his body was responding. He moved from the window and hurried grabbing his jacket and his phone. When he ran out the door he couldn’t see her. The streets were full of people, he pushed his way through the crowd but still no sign of her.

  “Where is she?” he was panicking as he pushed through people.

  He made his way down a few blocks to a bar that was on the corner. He walked in and looking on every floor. The bar was so crowed he didn’t see her. So he left and went to another one but no Katie. He finally decided to walk back to his apartment and wait, she had to show up sooner are later.

  “What was she thinking? No, she needs to stay at home where she is safe.” His thoughts getting carried away.

  “That’s it I have to make myself known to her.”

  He waited for hours, as he finally saw her coming down the street. There was no one with her, the lady that was walking with her wasn’t there now, she was by herself.

  “It’s too dangerous Katie to be walking alone at night are you crazy? Looks like I am going to have to take care of you.”

  Rushing out of his apartment getting only a short distance behind her. His eyes never leaving her. The night wind was blowing slightly as he could smell the scent of her perfume in the air.

  “Breathtaking,” he thought, taking deep breaths inhaling that wonderful scent.

  Watching every curve of her body move as she took her steps fast. Suddenly she stops and turns around. He sits quickly on steps beside him. Looking down as if he was playing with his phone hoping she wouldn’t notice. When he looked up she had started walking again. It wasn’t long before she got to her apartment and went in. Slowing his pace down, he walked up to her door with his hand trembling and reached out and put his hand on the doorknob. Turning it slowly he noticed it was locked. He took a deep breath and released his hand. He turned and started walking back to his house.

  “One day soon, you have been alone long enough,” he thought, as he moved fast through the night crowd pushing his way back to his apartment.

  Finally making it he runs in and goes straight to his window. Staring straight at her building he watched until every light was turned off. He loved watching her, she was so beautiful with her long hair and her pink cheeks. He hated that she was so sad, he needed her to smile and be happy. He wanted her to be happy with him.

  “Finally, you are in bed, I will see you in the morning.” Leaving the window he crawled in bed and closed his eyes.

  Chapter 2

  Katie could feel the heat against her body, as sweat rolled down her face. Moisture covered her skin and drip between her breasts and creases her armpits. Her attempt to inhale becomes harder with a strong smell of blood coming through her nostrils. The scent of old musky cologne filled the air around her. Her eyes trying to open wider as an apparition of a figure of a dark haired man stood beside her. Completely unable to inhale much-needed oxygen, the walls closed in around her and darkness overtakes her senses.

  Gasping for air her eyelids popped open, as her body was covered in sweat. It covered her pillow and her blanket. The moisture from her body caused her shirt to stick to her skin and becoming a sticky mess. Covering her face with her hands she moaned out loud and exhaled. Katie couldn’t believe she had another nightmare. Before she could rub the sleep out of her eyes she glanced at the clock and began to panic as the morning sun shined through her window.

  “I’m going to be late” she mumbled.

  She ran to the bathroom and started the shower. Peeling off her sweat soaked clothes and jumps under the water. It was just getting warm as it rolled off her body. Lathering her hair, she began to think about the figure of a man that was in her dream. A haze seemed to surround him but she couldn’t get a look at his face. Everything was hazy and blurry. The figure seems to be medium built as he stood near the end of a hallway.

  Soap dripping into her eyes snapping her back to reality, mad at herself for letting time get away from her.

  “Could that be the killer” she thought.

  She quickly got out of the shower and forced herself to calm down. Bracing herself on the sink as she dry’s off, she looks into the mirror but could barely see her reflection. The foggy haze of the room left a film on the mirror. She left the bathroom and rummaged through some clothes in her closet. She quickly dressed, and pinned up her long brown hair. In a hurry to get to work she almost forgot to lock her door. Mumbling under her breath she quickly turned and scrambled in her purse to find the key. Finally finding them she pulls them out and twisted the key in the door. She heard the clank of the lock setting it in place. Pulling the key out of the lock she loses control of her purse and it falls to the ground. Leaning over to pick up her bag, her makeup burst open causing the contents to clatter across the ground. Bending down to gather her things caused her skirt to lift up almost showing off her underclothes. Several guys walked past her on the sidewalk and obviously got an eyeful as she was picking up her belongings. At this point she was agitated. Looking up she noticed her driver was walking towards her. In the corner of her eye she noticed a dark haired man standing across the street just standing there. She hurried and grabbed her purse and bag and hurried to the car. The driver opened the door to the car and she got in. Looking out the side window she seen the man in a long dark coat walking down the sidewalk. She was only a few miles from her work, but seeing she was already late. Stopping in front of a tall building she hurried inside and straight to the elevator. When the door opened at her floor she could see from the corner of her eye that the receptionist was busy at her desk. She flew past her without saying a word. Reaching her office, she shut the door behind her not wanting anyone to bother her. Her mind still on the nightmare that, her dreams were coming more often than before. She decided to block it out of her mind and pour herself into her work.

  The day went by fast she didn’t even stop for a lunch break. She looked down at her watch and it was six thirty.

  “I will finish the rest at home.” She thought.

  Gathering her files dropping them in her bag she leaves her office.

  Katie just got home and dropped her purse on the table. Walking down her small hallway, she heard a knock on the door.

  “Now what!” she thought.

  Turning around not wanting to answer her door and talk to anyone. When she opened it there was a blonde haired woman standing in her doorway.

  ” What are you up to?”

  “Come to see you, haven’t you been cooped up in this place long enough. You need a little fun.”

  Olivia Miles was the voice she was hearing in her ear. She was a five foot three blonde. She is a relentless man chaser. She could seduce any man that she wanted with her brown eyes and blonde hair. This was one woman that didn’t live a sheltered life. Wild and spontaneous that was afraid of nothing. She enjoyed life to the fullest. There wasn’t a dull moment about her. She was the only friend she had but sometimes she got on her nerve’s.

  “Let’s go out tonight and have some fun.” She bounced in the front door with her overjoyed personality.

  “Are you kidding, you know I don’t go to bars, plus I have had a really bad day. Just want to soak in a hot bath and forget the world.” Katie answered.

  “Going out will help relieve the tension. Plus, you don’t do anything but work, no wonder your dad is worried. You don’t even have a boyfriend. You have to move on Katie and learn to live a little. Sitting here isn’t helping?” She answered rolling her eyes at her.

  “We are not going to get started on that are we?”

  “Come on, when are you going to let yourself have a good time? You can live like this for the rest of your life.”

  “Olivia I love seeing you but it’s not going to work, I have things to do.”

  “Really, sitting at your computer, wow that’s so much fun?” With sarcasm in her voice.

  Katie paused for a moment knowing Olivia was not going to leave and she was starting to get on her nerves. She didn’t want to he
ar how boring her life was. Katie watched her fumble through papers that were scattered on the table.

  “You are not going to go away are you?” she answered with frustration in her voice. Katie didn’t want to be nagged about her personal life are her past one either. She liked things the way they were she couldn’t be hurt this way.

  “Not without the right answer and it will be yes,” Olivia replied smiling at her determined to get her out of this stuffy townhouse.

  Katie nods her head and walks to the other room with Olivia on her heels.

  “It has been so long since I have even done anything with my life. If I needed a date, I would hire one and no one ever no.” She thought.

  “Come on.” Olivia was harping on her even worst.

  “Alright, alright if it will get you off of my back.” Katie was frustrated she just wanted her to shut up.

  “Yes, great it’s about time. You will enjoy yourself, Katie, I will see to it. It helps you to relax from the stress of your day. You have been to stressed lately.”

  Olivia stormed to Katie’s room and pulled her closet door open looking through her clothes.

  “There is nothing in here but your work clothes, Katie your clothes are like an old lady’s clothes. Where are your dressed and hot cloths you use to have? What did you do with them?” She moves every hanger until she comes across a short black dress.

  “Finally, there is something in here that might work,” She said as she pulls the dress out.

  Olivia moves to her dresser and pulls out her matching underclothes.

  “What are you doing Olivia?”

  “I’m helping you!” Olivia answered.

  “I don’t need any help” Katie answered.


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