Obeying Rowen

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Obeying Rowen Page 20

by Becca Jameson

  A soft moan filled his ear as she switched to speaker and then must have done as instructed. “That’s a good girl. I’ll just listen. You give yourself the relief you need.”

  He closed his eyes as he pictured her on her back, the phone probably sitting on her chest, both hands between her spread legs. Would she be lifting her ass off the cushion as she teased herself?

  It didn’t take long before her breathing grew heavier and her moans louder. After all, she’d been on the edge without touching herself before she called. “Come for me, Faith.”

  A sharp squeal met his ear. Music. So gorgeous. And then she slowly came back to herself, her breathing returning to normal as he listened. “That was so amazing, Sir. I can’t believe you’re able to get me off like that.”

  “My pleasure, sweet girl. I’m proud of you for obeying me and calling to ask permission. I have to go now. I have the guys from work over. It’s poker night.” He tried to sound as lighthearted as possible, adjusting his cock and bracing himself to return to the kitchen.

  “What? Oh my God. Rowen? Are you serious?” Her voice was slightly elevated and shaky.

  “Relax. No one has any idea who I called. I excused myself and went to my bedroom.” That probably wasn’t true. He hadn’t told anyone who was on the phone. But no one currently sitting in his kitchen was oblivious enough not to suspect who had texted.

  She sighed. “You’re insane…Sir.”

  “Get ready for bed, Faith. Text me when you’re going to sleep.”

  “Okay. Thank you, Sir.” The sultry tone was back.

  Damn, how he loved the sultry tone.

  Chapter 21

  Faith was so nervous on Saturday that she was frazzled from the moment she got up. It was just a date. There was no reason for her overreaction.

  Except she knew it was more than a date. It was likely the beginning of the end. The first and only date she would ever have with Rowen Easton. And no matter what, she wanted it to be good. No—great.

  So she spent the day preparing—hair, nails, facial, new outfit. By the time she stood in front of the mirror at six o’clock, she had to smile at the futility of her efforts. Rowen didn’t care about things like hair and nails. He wasn’t likely to even notice. But they made her feel good.

  When his knock sounded at her door, she took one last look in the mirror and inhaled long and slow, releasing the cleansing breath just as languidly.

  She wore a white dress. Tight. Short. Plenty of cleavage. But tasteful. It was something she’d carefully selected that could be worn in public at whatever place he’d chosen for dinner and then later at the club without raising an eyebrow at either venue.

  The bodice of the dress was fitted, and she wasn’t wearing a bra or thong. Her only other article of clothing was her favorite silver strappy heels, and she concentrated on remaining balanced on them as she made her way to the door.

  Rowen took her breath away when she opened the door. He wore black slacks and a classy black dress shirt with a black tie. The yin and yang between them didn’t escape her notice.

  His hair was its usual tousled mess from running a hand through it. His mouth was lifted on one side in a half smile. His green eyes twinkled. But the best part was the single red rose he held in his hand.

  After making no effort to hide his obvious appraisal of her from head to toe, he stepped forward and stroked one rose petal across her shoulder, up her neck, and over the curve of her chin. When he tapped her lips with it, she shivered.

  She drew in a deep breath through her nose, inhaling the sweet scent of the rose.

  Not a single word had been spoken yet as he backed her up several steps and shut the door behind him with his foot. His gaze remained locked on hers, his expression serious.

  Her entire body was alert, the arousal she’d experienced all week shooting to a new height. Her nipples tingled against the fabric of her dress. She clenched her thighs together and pursed her lips behind the rose.

  Finally, Rowen lowered the rose, letting it drift down to her cleavage, his gaze following the path. “Faith, you take my breath away every time I see you. But this…this dress…” He set his free hand on her forearm and eased it down to her hand, lifting her fingers to his lips. The gentle kiss on her knuckles nearly undid her.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Where is the bag of gifts, sweet girl?”

  “On the kitchen table,” she murmured. She had wondered when he might reveal the last few items. She’d been nosy enough that she knew both items were small. The largest of the boxes had been opened already.

  Still holding her hand, Rowen threaded their fingers together and lured her across the room. He set the rose on the table next to the bag and reached inside. After rummaging through the contents, he pulled out the last two small boxes. “I find it interesting that you keep everything I’ve given you all together in this bag.”

  She didn’t respond. She did so for self-preservation, knowing that at any given moment this bubble might burst and she would return his purchases to him.

  Rowen opened one of the boxes first and removed a soft, thick, black blindfold. He held it up, grinning. “For later.” And then he tucked it in the front pocket of his pants.

  She shuddered.

  He opened the last box next, dropping the black paper on the table. He was moving the small box around so much that she couldn’t get a clear enough view to know what it contained. A white box with mostly pink lettering. Finally, he opened it and pulled out a tube of something. Lube?

  He’d already included lube. She’d used it the day she opened the cock which she had suctioned to the chair he now stood next to. The memory of her fucking herself to completion right where he stood while he listened over the phone overwhelmed her.

  Rowen still didn’t let her see the tube. It wasn’t that he hid it. He simply didn’t hold it steadily in front of her. “Turn around, sweet girl. Legs spread. Hands on the table. Lean over slightly.”

  She did as instructed without hesitation, but her body betrayed her, shaking with nerves.

  He set one hand on her thigh and eased it underneath her dress, pushing the material up as he went until her butt was exposed and her dress was bunched around her waist. She shuddered. How was his every move so sensual?

  “Legs wider, Faith,” he commanded.

  She parted them obscenely farther and then listened as he popped the lid on the tube, still not understanding why he would need to apply any sort of lubricant to her pussy.

  When his fingers reached between her legs, she whimpered. She was already so wet it was embarrassing. She’d been wet before he arrived, and now she was soaked from the overwhelming arousal brought on by everything that was Rowen. His clothes. His hair. His smile. His voice. Damn, his voice. So sexy. Every carefully chosen word made her clit throb.

  The coolness of whatever lube he had on the tips of his fingers hit her clit first.

  She lifted up on her toes at the contact, sucking in a breath.

  He set his free hand on her lower back, his fingers spreading across her butt. “Stay still, Faith.” As he continued to torment her with the slightest touch of his fingers over her clit and then her lower lips, she held her breath. And then his hand disappeared and he pulled her dress back down over her ass.

  She didn’t dare move without permission.

  “Let’s go, sweet girl. I’m starving.” His voice was huskier now, filled with his own need.

  She righted herself and turned around, drawing her legs together. Thank God the material of her skirt was stretchy enough to accommodate the spread of her thighs. She opened her mouth to question his motives with the lube as he slipped it into his pocket. But he set a gentle kiss on her lips, cutting her off.

  Before she knew it, she was in the hallway, her small white evening purse resting on one shoulder by the thin strap. Rowen took her keys from her hand, locked her door, and pocketed them.

  With a hand at the small of her back, he led her toward the
elevator. If she wasn’t mistaken, his expression wasn’t schooled enough to hide a slight smirk.

  It wasn’t until they stepped out of the elevator on the ground floor that she hesitated, set a hand on the wall, and gasped. “Sir…”

  He was smiling now, his eyes twinkling as he rounded to stand face to face with her. He cupped her cheeks and set a second gentle kiss on her lips. “For the next three hours the world will see nothing more than a man and a woman out on a date. No one will know you’re my submissive.” His voice was low, barely above a whisper. There was no one else in the lobby, but they would have needed to lean in close to hear him anyway.

  Faith had trouble concentrating on anything he said over the tingling sensation that had her clit and lower lips pulsing with desire. Whatever he’d spread on her had been an aphrodisiac. Not a lubricant.

  He kept speaking as one hand threaded in her hair at the back of her head and tipped her face up to meet his. He held her firmly. He was good. If anyone walked by, they would see nothing but a sensual exchange between lovers, but the truth was his grip was tighter than it appeared. Demanding. Controlling.

  His voice was even lower this time. “But you’ll know better, sweet girl. You’ll know I’m in charge of your every move. I’ll decide when and what you eat and drink and even how you sit and where.”

  She licked her lips. “Yes, Sir.” The tingling increased, making her squirm.

  “You’ll obey my every command, won’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He held her gaze a few more moments, smiling, and then he took her hand and led her from the building.

  Every step exacerbated the sensitivity of her clit. Even separating her legs slightly didn’t help. It was going to be a long dinner.

  It was going to be the best three hours of her life.

  And it needed to be to sustain her throughout the rest of her days on earth because deep in her heart she knew this precarious arrangement was just that. It held no guarantees for a tomorrow. She needed to grab onto it and enjoy every second.

  Tomorrow would come all too soon, and there was no way Rowen would still be hers.

  Rowen was in his element. A dream. Perfection. He’d imagined a woman like this for most of his life, someone who looked like an angel and submitted to him so thoroughly that she gave every ounce of her trust over to his control.

  He wasn’t stupid. He knew they had obstacles between them that seemed insurmountable, but for tonight he wanted to put them aside and enjoy the perfection that was this easy balance of power he had with Faith.

  The world was playing a cruel trick on him. It was obvious as the nose on his face. He wasn’t in denial. He knew there was a giant elephant blocking their ability to fully connect, but he had hope. Surely the rift between her and her parents could be repaired. He needed to believe things could be fixed. No one should spend years of their life avoiding family, especially when they lived in the same city.

  He shook the melancholy from his mind. It had no place at dinner. Tonight Faith was all his.

  As he helped her into his car and then reached across to buckle her seat belt, he stared down at her dress. She looked like a million bucks. The material hugged her body to perfection. It probably also cost a fortune. A reminder that she would always have money that could buy her anything her heart desired, and he would never be able to provide her the kinds of things she was used to.

  But did it matter? Maybe his friends were right. He shouldn’t care if she had money and could buy expensive things. She wasn’t the type to rub it in his face. He had other qualities she was attracted to. Most importantly he could give her the dominance she craved. And, if her family was truly as fucked up as she insisted, he could also give her a loving home, a soft place to fall. His family was small. It consisted of one blood relative and several close friends, but it was strong. It was enough.

  He planted a soft kiss on her forehead. No one was making life decisions tonight. They were going to dinner. He’d chosen the location. It was one of his favorites. It wasn’t a five-star restaurant, but in his opinion it was a culinary experience all the same.


  He realized he had lingered too long, inhaling her scent, staring down at her fucking amazing cleavage under the stretchy white material. Letting his thoughts carry him in a direction he had no intention of going tonight.

  He forced a smile, ducked back out of the car, and shut the door.

  Several deep breaths accompanied his trip around the hood of the car, and then they were off. As soon as they were headed in the right direction, he set his right hand on her knee and spread his fingers. “I like knowing you’re bare under the tight material of this dress. You look amazing.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” She squirmed.

  “Sit still, Faith.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

  “How was your day?”

  She swallowed. “Long, Sir.”

  He chuckled in agreement. It had been the longest day he could recall in years, waiting for the moment he could pick her up. He had gone for a run, hit the gym, taken care of some Zodiac business, and ensured he had his appointments lined up for the coming week. Throughout the entire day he’d thought of Faith repeatedly, his cock hard and demanding.

  He’d taken himself in hand first thing that morning in the shower after her wake-up text and then again a few hours ago when he’d showered again before getting ready. The two orgasms had done nothing to control his dick, however. At the moment he felt like a randy teenager on his first date who’d never had sex before.

  “What did you do to occupy yourself?” he asked conversationally, hoping to lessen the tension. It wasn’t the kind of stress he would normally feel on a first date. It wasn’t even uncomfortable. He was as calm in her presence as if they’d been together for months or years. The tension was sexual. And it was overwhelming. If he managed to keep her for years, would it still feel like this?

  She hesitated. Why? “I, uh…boring girl things, Sir.”

  He glanced at her, squeezing her thigh. “Girl things?”

  “You know, nails, pampering, shopping, stuff like that.”

  “All day?” he teased.


  “I get it, Faith. Not sure why it makes you flush, but whatever you did all day, it paid off. Every inch of you is delectable.” He meant that. Her gorgeous hair was down, but styled. Her manicure was fresh. He bet her toes matched. Her makeup was professional.

  She’d probably spent more money getting ready for tonight than he made in a week. He wouldn’t allow himself to dwell on that, however. Instead, he concentrated on the effort she’d made to impress him. What mattered was that she cared enough to do so.

  “Thank you, Sir.” She squirmed again.

  “Faith, sit still,” he commanded. “I know your sweet pussy is distracting the hell out of you, but I want you to concentrate on not letting anyone know you’re distracted.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered before biting her bottom lip as if transferring the need to wiggle from her torso to the slight pain she caused would divert her attention.

  He glanced out the side window to hide his smile.

  As he drove, he casually teased the soft skin of her inner thigh with his pinky, precariously close to her pussy.

  She amazed him with her ability to remain still and relatively composed.

  When he pulled into the parking lot of his favorite Italian restaurant, he eased into a spot and turned off the engine. He then lifted one hip to extract the stimulant from his pocket. “Pull up your skirt and spread your legs open, sweet girl.”

  She trembled as she followed his directions, her fingers white against her thighs.

  Rowen intentionally made a production out of opening the ointment and squeezing some onto two fingers. He let her see what he was doing as he reached between her legs to reapply the aphrodisiac.

  The effects would last about a half hour on most skin. Based on the way Faith had resp
onded during the drive, he surmised it had not yet worn off, but he wanted to have her attention while they started dinner too.

  Her breath hitched as he tapped her clit and then smoothed the rest down to her lower lips. When he pushed both fingers up inside her, she lifted her hips on a moan.

  “So needy. Did I say to lift your bottom?”

  “No, Sir.” She set her ass back down slowly.

  “Good girl.” He wiped the excess ointment and her own juices on her inner thighs and put the tube back in his pocket. “Ready?”

  Chapter 22

  Faith didn’t know how she made it from the car to the table. It was a blur of sensation. The additional application of whatever that evil substance was increased her arousal tenfold.

  She hadn’t been the one to right her clothing as they exited the car. Rowen had tugged her skirt over her butt and straightened her dress to his satisfaction. She was pretty sure he was fighting the urge to laugh the entire time.

  Now they were seated across from each other, and the waiter was pouring their wine. He nodded and set the bottle on the table when Rowen told him they needed a few minutes.

  The restaurant had a romantic atmosphere. Dim lighting. Small intimate tables. Black tablecloths. Candles on every table. Soft easy music playing in the background.

  It seemed Rowen had made a reservation and requested this particular table in a back corner. If she kept her gaze on him, she could almost pretend they were alone.

  He tapped her shin with one foot. “Spread your legs, Faith.”

  She swallowed as she uncrossed her legs and let him plant one foot between hers, trapping one ankle, thereby forcing her thighs to be spread as far apart as his knee. A flush rushed over her face.

  He smiled and took her hands in his on the table. “You are the singularly sexiest woman alive.”

  The flush deepened as he held her fingers and squeezed gently. “Is there anything you don’t like to eat?”


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