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Murder, Mi Amore

Page 12

by Cara Marsi

  “Your boss at Interpol. I still can’t wrap my mind around that one. On some level I knew you weren’t a banker.” She narrowed her eyes, studying him. “What do you mean no one would believe you?”

  “The more I got to know you, the more I realized something was wrong with our intel and you couldn’t be involved. I tried to convince my boss, but he wouldn’t listen. Then I called your police from Rome, told them you were in danger. They didn’t believe me either.”

  “So you came here on your own?”

  “I couldn’t let Dellose hurt you.” He moved aside and patted the spot next to him. “Sit with me, Lexie.”

  She wanted to go to him, hold him close and never let go. But she needed answers first, needed to sort things out. “We have to talk.”

  He lifted one perfect eyebrow. “Talk? About what?”

  “You know what.” She chewed her lip, forcing herself to stay calm.

  He studied her with an intensity that made her want to shift from foot to foot. But the new Lexie didn’t back down.

  “Okay. We will talk,” he said.

  She leaned against the door and folded her arms across her chest, as if she could gather all the pain and uncertainty to her and make it go away. She swallowed over her dust-dry throat. “Let me see if I have this right. From what you told the police and FBI, a few weeks ago some thieves stole a rare, uncut blue diamond from a jeweler in Florence.”

  He nodded.

  “They planned to sell the gem to a group of Middle Eastern terrorists who would use it to buy plutonium from the Russian mob. Right so far?”

  He nodded again. “We can discuss this later. We need to talk about us.”

  “I’m not sure there is an us. I’m not sure there ever was.” His haunted gaze arrowed straight to her heart. She pressed her arms tighter against her midriff to stop her trembling. “My God, you lied to me every step of the way. Interpol was following me. Jewel thieves were after me. You knew all this.” She blew out a breath. “Do you even have a sister, or was that a lie too?”

  “That was not a lie.”

  Fighting her hurt, her confusion, and the remnants of fear from her attack, she looked away to the shattered remains of her beautiful Murano vase mixed in with blood on her Oriental carpet. The vase and carpet had died for a good cause, her life and Dominic’s.

  Gathering her words and her thoughts, she walked to her small fireplace and leaned her hands against the mantel, not facing him. “You told the FBI I was a suspect in a terrorism plot and your job at Interpol was to befriend me and collect evidence.” Now that the physical danger was over, the emotional pain reared up.

  Drawing a calming breath, she turned to face him. “All that, back in Rome, spending time with me, helping me…” She lowered her gaze. “Seducing me…” Raising her gaze again, she stared into his eyes, his pain-filled eyes. “All that was for your job?”

  When he began to stand, she held up a hand. “Stay there. I need answers and I don’t want any distractions until I have them.”

  With a resigned shrug, he sat down again, at the edge of the couch, legs spread and his hands clasped between them.

  Lexie squeezed her eyes shut for a second, battling the urge to run to him, to smooth her hands over the cuts and bruises on his beloved face, to bring the light back into his eyes. But he’d used her, lied to her.

  He’d saved her life.

  “Lexie,” he said, capturing her attention. “Yes, it was my job to befriend you in the hopes you’d somehow reveal where and when you’d drop the diamond off to the terrorists.”

  He sat straighter, his gaze locked on hers. “I was only doing my job at first. But I soon began to doubt your involvement. Please believe me. After what happened in Abruzzo with the attack on the mountain road, even Ruggiero began to believe your innocence.”

  She backed up, pressing into the hard wood of the mantel. “Ruggiero? The driver? He’s with Interpol too?”

  “He’s my partner.”

  “I knew it,” she said. “I knew something was up with him. It was him I saw at the hospital. You lied about that too. What about the police all over the place in Ripa Teatina and Chieti? More Interpol?”

  He raked fingers through his hair and winced. She imagined the pain in his damaged knuckles would bother him for a while. He was ashen under his olive skin. She held her ground.

  “Local police,” he said in a tortured voice. “Interpol has no authority to arrest. When you said you were going to Abruzzo, I had to report that. We thought the drop-off would be there.”

  Hurt washed over her again, stifling her breath. She hugged herself. “So, that great day we had together in Abruzzo was a sham? You really didn’t want to be with me?”

  He stood then, his features taut and stricken. She could only guess at the effort it must cost him to ignore his injuries. She blinked back tears. She would be strong. For Lexie. The new Lexie mattered. She didn’t get involved with liars.

  His jaw tightened and he swallowed. “That day will always be special to me. I wanted to be with you. Please understand. Once Interpol hands information to the local authorities, we’re out of it. But I convinced my boss to let me and Ruggiero go with you. I hoped the trip would prove your innocence.” His eyes darkened. “And if you were arrested, I wanted to be there too. For you.”

  Anger mingled with her hurt, making her lash out. “Nice of you to want to be there for the show. Very chivalrous.”

  “Lexie, please.” He headed toward her, but she held up a hand again, stopping him.

  “I’m not finished yet. What about that morning, after my attempted kidnapping, when you, when we…” Her face heated, remembering the morning they’d made love, what they’d done.

  He was at her side in an instant. Gripping her shoulders, he forced her to look at him. Sadness reflected in his gaze. “That morning had nothing to do with my job.”

  He brushed a strand of hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. She flinched. Hurt flashed over his features.

  “I wanted you, Lexie, and I gave in to my desire to hold you, love you, keep you close. Everything that happened was real.”

  “I want to believe you, but you left and never came back until today, here. Why?”

  He let go of her and rubbed a hand over his face. Turning away, he paced her small living room. Finally, he stopped by the window, parting the curtains and staring out. The outside lamps had come on, illuminating the dusk with a dim glow.

  She thought he wouldn’t answer.

  He faced her. His skin stretched over his high cheekbones. Fine lines surrounded his mouth and eyes. “I’m not proud of myself for leaving you like that. I hadn’t planned it that way. But my boss called while you were sleeping. He said they’d received intel the diamond would be handed off the day you’d originally planned to leave Rome. Then when you said your valuables were in your safe deposit box, I couldn’t imagine how you wouldn’t have known about the diamond. I figured you had to have seen it, but you said nothing. I began to think you might be guilty after all.”

  “Damn you!”

  He quickly closed the distance between them and grasped her upper arms.

  She pulled away. “Don’t touch me.”

  He dropped his hands in defeat. “Lexie, please.”

  She inhaled his familiar scent of spice, citrus, and Dominic. She should move away. But her defenses were shot and her too-willing body wanted him.

  “A few years ago something happened,” he said. “I trusted a young woman and she betrayed us, almost got some of our agents killed. I was afraid it was happening again. That I was letting my feelings cloud my judgment.”

  “You didn’t have enough faith in me to see I was different?”

  “Lexie, please. I’m sorry.”

  “You came here to save my life. But why if you thought I might be guilty?”

  “I knew you were innocent, had felt it from the beginning. But I had to purge my old fears before I could allow the truth. Can you forgive me for
ever doubting you, even for a minute?”

  Could she forgive him? She wasn’t sure. He’d lied to her. But he’d had a job to do. She understood dedication. And he’d come all this way to protect her.

  His gaze, hopeful and sincere, searched hers, waiting for her answer. When she kept silent, a shadow seemed to pass over his face. He let out a breath and continued, “My boss called the day you left, told me you were on your way home. He said they’d gotten information you weren’t involved and they were dropping the surveillance on you. Red flags went up. I knew Dellose would follow you now that Interpol and the police were off the case. I knew he’d kill you for the diamond. I wasn’t going to let that happen.”

  His lips quirked in a slight smile. “You sent me in a tailspin when I found out you’d left early. I can imagine what you did to Dellose. I’m sure he would rather have dealt with you on his home territory.”

  Shivering, she hugged herself. “He would rather have dealt with me on his home territory?” She rubbed a hand over her face. “Oh, my God.”

  “It’s okay now,” he said, moving closer. “It’s over.”

  She massaged her temples, fighting the beginnings of a major headache. “Interpol had me under surveillance? And this Dellose person had people watching me too?”

  With a sad smile, Dominic nodded.

  “No wonder I felt like I was being followed. Damn! I was right all along.” Trying to digest everything, she walked to the nearest chair and sank into the cushions. The glass paperweight on the table next to her glistened in the lamplight. Sparkling, like the blue-white diamond.

  She picked up the paperweight, studying the red rose imprisoned inside. A prisoner. Before she’d met Dominic she’d been a prisoner of convention and of her own fears. She was free now. Knowing him, loving him, had set her free. She’d set herself free too by taking control of her life.

  Feeling as if a burden had been lifted off her shoulders, she placed the paperweight back on the table and raised her gaze to him. “What will happen now? Will they get the terrorists? Regardless of what happened to me, to us, they have to catch those scum.”

  “They will. You heard Dellose. As soon as the FBI showed up he started spilling everything he knows. He’s a coward. He’ll cooperate to save his neck. The FBI will contact the right people in your government and mine. They’ll get the terrorists.”

  “Thank God for that.”

  With his gaze holding hers, he walked slowly toward her. Longing made her insides tremble. She wanted to run to him, but she had to be sure.

  He stood before her, his eyes lit by a warm light, a light that opened a kernel of hope in her heart. He took her hands and pulled her up, then gathered her close and bent to brush his lips gently over hers.

  He released her, holding onto her arms, his fingers pressing into her flesh.

  “You came all this way to save me. Was there another reason too?” She couldn’t keep the hope from her voice.

  He nodded. “I love you.” He stood very still, anxiety in the lines of his body.

  “Love?” she managed on a shaky breath. “How can I believe anything you say? You lied to me. We hardly know each other. And you thought I was a terrorist.”

  He cupped her shoulders, drawing her closer. “I do love you. I think I loved you from the first moment I saw you. I’m sorry I doubted you, Lexie.”

  She looked into his eyes and she was lost. She loved him. He’d had a job to do, but he’d come here to save her. He’d believed in her enough to put his life on the line for her. It was time for her to put aside her old doubts, to believe in herself. Her instincts had recognized Dominic’s integrity. She would have faith in her judgment.

  “I think I can manage to forgive you, under the circumstances,” she said.

  Joy transformed his grim expression. He smiled and swept her into his arms. She tucked her head under his chin and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “You’re a good fighter.” He kissed the top of her head. “We’re good together. We stopped the bad guy again.”

  “We did, didn’t we?” Her voice was muffled against his chest.

  He pulled away and put his fingers under her chin, raising her face toward his. His eyes shimmered like deep pools, pools that held love in their depths. “Is there a chance for me? Do you think you could learn to love me?”

  She touched his face. “Oh, Dominic, I already love you. I think I fell in love with you the day I saw you carrying my stolen bag.” She let out a soft laugh. “Gotta love a guy who rescues your handbag.”

  His laugh joined hers. Then he quieted and looked deeply into her eyes. “You love me? You’re sure?”

  His uncertain smile warmed her like gentle beams of sunlight covering her heart.

  “Yes.” Tears sprang to her eyes.

  He bent his head and kissed her, slowly, gently, lovingly. She twined her arms around his neck. Despite the slight pain from the cut on her lip, she deepened the kiss, parting her lips to his silky invasion.

  He buried his hands in her hair and cradled the back of her head, holding her against him, kissing her with enough heat to power the city of Las Vegas.

  He finally pulled away and skimmed a finger over her lips. “Did I hurt you?”

  Held firmly in the circle of his arms, she smiled and looked up at him. “It was worth any pain.”

  “My Lexie.” The happiness on his face changed to worry. “I don’t want any more secrets and lies between us. I have another confession to make.”

  She stiffened. “What?”

  “That first day, when your shopping bag was stolen.”

  She nodded.

  “The thief was Ruggiero.”

  “Ruggiero?” She frowned. “It was a setup?”

  “We had to figure out a way for me to meet you. Ruggiero came up with the idea of snatching your bag.”

  Lexie jerked free. “Anything else you forgot to tell me?”

  “I want to marry you.”

  “Marry me?”

  He took one of her hands in his and knelt before her. His gaze, soft and filled with love, held hers. “Yes. Please marry me, Lexie Cortese.”

  Tears streamed down her face. She hadn’t known him that long. She’d just gotten over a hurtful breakup. But she knew what she needed, what she wanted, what was in her heart. She loved Dominic, the man who made her heart overflow with joy, who made her happy, fulfilled.


  Pleasure lit his face. He stood and scooped her up in his arms, twirling her around the room. Laughing, they finally broke apart. She entwined her arms around his waist and looked up at the beautiful face of the man she loved.

  A thought intruded into her happiness. “Dominic, we live in different countries. How can we make this work?”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “You worry too much. Lots of people from different countries meet, fall in love, marry.” He shrugged. “It is no big deal.”

  With a grimace, he pulled away. “There is one thing though. I no longer work for Interpol. I got fired.”

  She frowned. “You did? Why?”

  He firmed his jaw. “I’ll tell you about it later. It was time I left anyway.” His gaze softened and he took her face between his large hands, searching her eyes. “We will do whatever you want, cara. You gave up your dream once before for a man. I won’t let you do that again. You want to stay here, work, go to school, I’ll figure something out.” He smiled. “I know people in your CIA and FBI. Maybe they can help me get a visa and work.”

  Smiling, she gripped his forearms. His muscles flexed under her fingers. “Or I can study in Italy, get my masters there and go on for my doctorate in Ancient Roman studies. I always wanted to live in Italy. With your help, I can learn Italian quickly.”

  He studied her, his gaze intense. “What about your parents? You’ll be far from them.”

  “I love them a lot. And I’ll miss them. They mean well and they love me, but their judgment hasn’t always been right. I’m a grown woman, capabl
e of making my own decisions. They’ll have to accept that.” She smiled. “I wonder what they’ll think of you.”

  He tensed. “You don’t think they’ll approve of me?”

  She laughed. “Of course they will. Why wouldn’t they? But that’s not important. What matters is that I approve of you. Very much.”

  He grinned. “Ruggiero and I have talked about starting our own security firm. We could do that now. You’re sure? You would live in Italy for me?”

  She laughed. “Live in Italy? Hell, yes. Are you crazy? I’d live there in a New York minute.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Lexie, I love your American directness.” His eyes softened, darkened. “I love everything about you.”

  She stood on her toes and kissed him, showing him how much she loved and trusted him. With a groan, he gathered her closer, deepening the kiss. Her body tingled with hope, desire, and most of all, love. Love for the man who’d awakened her body and her soul, who’d given her all she’d ever needed, all she’d ever craved. And so much more.

  When they finally drew apart, she brushed fingers over his face. “I sure got my money’s worth out of that old fountain,” she whispered.


  “Trevi. I threw my three coins in—one for success in work, one to return to Rome. And one for love.” She laughed. “He came through for me—old Neptune.”

  Dominic took her face between his hands. “When we get back to Rome, we will stop and thank him. And throw in three more coins—for happiness, for children, and to love each other always.”

  “Always,” she whispered.

  *Thank you for reading Murder Mi Amore. If you enjoyed this book, I hope you’ll considering leaving a review at Amazon and/or Barnes & Noble. Please turn the page for an excerpt of Cara Marsi’s Logan’s Redemption and Forgotten Soul by Sandra Edwards.*



  Cara Marsi


  Dan Callahan needed his help. Logan Tanner smiled as he scanned the plush office with its platoon of secretaries. Who would have imagined it all those years ago when he was sneaking dates with the great man’s daughter?


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