Book Read Free

Recovered Love

Page 6

by Chrissy Snyder

  “I feel bad Lace. This woman is doing all the right things, hopefully she’ll find a job. She deserves to have something go her way.”

  Lacey nods her head, agreeing with me while handing me my stack of applications. She informs me Kalina is going to be calling all the places she’s already applied to, so she can inquire if the job is still available and to inform them of her continued interest. Lacey grabs her purse and locks up behind her, the two of us hurrying to my car.

  I look at the labels on the outside of the envelopes I’m holding. First stop is King Cage, a mixed martial arts gym. They need someone manning the front desk, who can also handle all the classroom scheduling and the billing of the clientele. I start the car while Lacey fiddles with the radio stations until she is satisfied that she found the right one. We chat for the short five minute ride and it isn’t long before we arrive. We pull up to the place and it’s in a large warehouse style building, I grab my envelope and Lace grabs hers and we split up from here. The front of the gym is very large and all glass, allowing me to see some of the training/fighting. The reception area is large with a long desk and the phone lines are currently ringing off the hook. I’m startled when I see Reid as he smiles at me and holds his finger in the air to say “give me a minute”, and watch as he answers the phone. My heart is beating rapidly and my hands feel clammy and I feel really flushed. I thought I’d shaken these symptoms, I must be coming down with something. Once all the calls have been handled he looks at me, “Sorry about that,” he says in a raspy voice, “and thanks for waiting. What can I do for you?” I’m about to answer him when I see his brother come up to the front desk, his frustration evident in the way he’s carrying his body and the fact that his hair is sticking out in every direction. I feel like I’ve arrived at a bad time, and I’m about to turn and leave. He stops me and repeats his question, and I don’t want to be rude. I clear my throat and reach across the desk handing him the envelope, “I’m dropping off an application for the reception position,” I tell him with a smile.

  “If it were up to me,” he tells me, “I’d hire you right away.”

  I shake my head negatively, “Oh no,” I say softly, “Sorry about the confusion, but the application is for a friend.” I feel like I need to explain more so I go on to say, “She’s been applying all over the city, and we decided to divide and conquer today.”

  “Good Plan,” he says smiling. “I’ll make sure to put in a good word for her. What’s her name?” “It’s Kalina Limmler,” I say, “And thank you, that’s very kind. She deserves a break.”

  Her name evokes quite the reaction in his brother, and I wonder what history these two might have. I decide to take a brochure with the yoga schedule on it and leave while throwing a last smile over my shoulder. As I’m walking out I see the brother tear open the envelope I just left behind, and again wonder at the relationship the two may have. I certainly hope the eagerness is because he plans on hiring her. Poor girl deserves it.

  We spend the next 2 hours running rampant all over the city, dropping resumes everywhere. We’re down to our last envelope when I notice the name on the front, King Securities. I wonder if it’s coincidental, or perhaps the boys own this too. There is a beautiful woman at the front desk, I see her name plate reads April Hollingworth. “Good Afternoon,” she greets me with a smile, “Welcome to King Securities.”

  “Hello,” I say, “I’m here to drop off an application.” I’m about to hand her the envelope when I see Reid.

  “Hey,” he says with a smirk, “You stalking me?” He waggles his eyebrows at me, immediately putting me at ease.

  I laugh and shake my head, “No, just more applications,” I say softly. Like earlier, my body begins trembling and my skin flushes. I wish I would just get sick already, with my symptoms coming and going. I give myself a mental headshake.

  “I think she’s in luck,” he rasps, “My brother is going to hire her at the gym and plans on calling her later today, if he hasn’t already.” I’m beaming, so happy for Kalina, things are turning around for her. Now if only I could get them to turn around for me.

  I’m about to turn around and go when he reaches his arm out and links his fingers with mine and stares at me intently. Like always, I don’t understand all the things that are happening to my body, I feel warm and shivery at the same time, so I once again put it down to the fact that I must be coming down with something.

  “I liked your praying mantis picture,” he says with a small smile. I blush and I’m sure I’m almost a deep purple color my embarrassment runs deep. Then I think “fuck it” and shrug my shoulders, letting out a little snort laugh. “Yeah,” I say drawing out the word, “Um about that.” Then I can’t stop laughing and begin giggling hysterically while he stands there watching me. Initially he was frowning like I was some crazy lady and then he started grinning.

  “I better head out,” I say trying to catch my breath while jerking my thumb over my shoulder. “Lacey is likely waiting on me.”

  “Ok,” he says quietly, “But go out with me tonight.” I’m shaking my head negatively while looking at him.

  “I think I’m coming down with something,” I tell him, “Been having weird symptoms.”

  At my words he immediately looks concerned.

  “Like what kind of symptoms,” he asks with a frown.

  I want to reassure him so I rub my hand up and down his arm and it feels as if the skin on my palm is tingling as it runs up and down his.

  “Um, like I get really warm, then I feel shivery, butterflies in my belly and I breathe faster,” I’m not about to tell him that my lady bits seem to be throbbing and pulsing like a heartbeat. He smiles at me, looking relieved at my words, which only confuses me further. I’m glad I reassured him, but I don’t want to be contagious. I watch wary as he bends his head towards me, and leaves a kiss on my cheek. I sigh happily, but then frown almost immediately because there go my symptoms again. I blow out a breath and shake my head, I’m just going to have to let it run its course. I say my good byes and head to my car, seeing Lacey is already there and waiting on me.

  “Hey girl,” I say breathlessly throwing my gear in the car, “They’re going to hire her at King Cage for the front desk.”

  “Whoop,” she shouts out with a huge grin on her face, “Celebration tonight at Oblivion.” I’m about to beg off because I’m coming down with the flu, but then I notice I feel better again, weird, so I shrug my shoulders and smile, caught up in her enthusiasm. I pull the car out of the slot and turn it towards Kalina’s apartment. Lacey and I are on a mission and we want Kalina to let loose and celebrate.

  We’ve arrived at her small bachelor apartment and park the car, both of us giggling and racing each other up the stairs as Lacey knocks.

  “Hi,” Kalina says softly, “Please come in.”

  I look around me in horror, the apartment is small, no bigger than a shoe box and is all just one big room with no doors. The toilet and shower are in the middle of nowhere. Kalina has put a privacy screen in front of it but still….wow. It’s as clean as she’ll ever get it, but it’s beyond lived in and has a greyish cast to it. I’d be very surprised to hear that her appliances worked, they’re that harvest gold color that was really popular in the 1970’s. I can see her embarrassment and I smile to put her at ease.

  “So,” Lacey says with a teasing lilt to her voice, “Seems like we’re celebrating tonight because you got the job at King Cage!” She shouts this last bit out and pumps a fist in the air. I laugh at her enthusiasm and shake my head at her antics. Lacey can get me to smile, anytime. I look over to see Kalina shaking her head negatively

  “I don’t think I should go out, it might not be safe for me, or for you if you’re with me,” she says firmly.

  “Nonsense,” Lacey’s voice is equally as firm. “There is safety in numbers, you’re worrying for nothing.”

  “I have nothing to wear,” she says looking down in embarrassment so I hurry to reassure her.

; “You’re built just like me and I’ve got lots you can use and borrow,” I say with a smile. I nod my head at her, trying to encourage her. I can see she’s softening and then I hear Lacey whoop when Kalina nods, relenting.

  The three of us giggle and help Kalina get anything she needs for the evening and lock up as we head to my car, excited to get ready.

  The drive isn’t long as we giggle and chat about men, makeup, shoes. You name it and we’ve covered it. We’re laughing as we stumble into my front door, kicking our shoes off and racing towards my bedroom. I see Kalina stop and look around and I’m embarrassed that I grew up well off. This place looks like a castle compared to her place. I wonder what she must think of me. Then I shrug it off and hurry to open my closet, from what I know of Kalina she’s not the kind of woman to judge. She’s been through far too much for that.

  I smile as I look over at her. I know just the thing for Kalina.

  She’s built a lot like me, only with blue eyes and blond hair, so I pick out a cute deep blue dress with spaghetti straps that is fitted and short with a sweetheart neckline. It fits as if it was made for her and brings out the deep blue of her eyes. She seems to relax a little and even smiles at Lacey’s attempts to make her laugh. Lacey artfully applies our makeup and dusts us off with a bit of shimmer powder and declares us fit for a night out. Lacey pulls us all together and holds her phone out in front of us. “Group selfie,” she shouts and clicks several photos. I pull the phone out of her hands and smile at the pictures and send them to me so I can have a copy.

  Damn but we look great. Tonight I’m wearing a black micro mini with a kick ass pair of pumps. I feel really sexy in this dress, and love the way I look.

  Tonight, I’m ready for anything.

  I think.

  Everything blew up today, it was utter chaos. Deacon had headed to the gym to deal with the crisis that was brewing there. A friend of a friend lost their wife, or separated from her and he kept coming in to the gym demanding to know where she was, and causing a scene. Deacon finally convinced the man to leave the premises, and he did, without causing any further problems. I had gone down to lend a hand, and while Deacon dealt with the angry man, I watched the front desk and answered the phones, and boy am I glad that I did. Savannah came in to drop off resumes. My cock had swollen just at the sight of her, and then at the sound of her husky voice, it hardened even further. Deacon had come up just as I was chatting her up, and I couldn’t miss his reaction when I asked the name of the woman applying for the position. He obviously had some history there, and I sure hope he knew what he was doing.

  I had made it back to the office in time for my important meetings, and was heading back to the front desk to retrieve my messages when I again see none other than the tiny peanut from the club, Savannah. I teased her for stalking me, and her face colored nicely. I smile in amusement at how she thought she was coming down with something, but the symptoms she’s describing sound more like sexual attraction as opposed to the flu to me.

  If I really think about it, she’s a nice girl, the girl next door. The kind of woman you bring home to your mama. She wasn’t the kind you fuck once and toss aside. So it’s all for the best that we’re not going out, or anything else for that matter. I need to stick to what works.

  The boys and I decided to head back to head back to Oblivion tonight. Carter met a woman and he’s hoping to run in to her again. Deacon is out of sorts, and I can tell something is bothering him, but he won’t open up and say anything. I’ll let him stew on it for a while, and if he’s still acting like this in a few days then I’ll pin him down and make him talk.

  We get to the club, and like last time it’s packed and the music is thumping. We manage to snag a high table with three bar stools right at the edge of the dance floor. That’s when I notice Savannah, in a hot black dress, dancing with her eyes closed. I put my beer down and head out to the floor, my feet pulling me in her direction, I can’t seem to stop, even though I keep telling myself it’s a bad idea. She doesn’t seem interested in me, rebuffing me, but I’m not even sure she knows what she’s doing. Yet I can’t stop myself from trying.

  I stop right behind her, close enough so I can smell her sweet perfume, and something that is all her.

  “Hi Peanut,” I say in her ear. I’ve startled her, she didn’t see me coming.

  “I might be a peanut, but I pack a mean crunch,” she says to me while arching her brow. I see her friend shaking her head, look at her and mouth, “You’re such a dork, what the hell was that?”

  I see Savannah get all red in the face so I smile at her to reassure her as her friend comes up to me, pats me on the chest and says, “She’s new to this, be patient.” That’s not the first time she’s said something like that to me and I just don’t understand what she means. I look over to my girl, and she’s wringing her hands with her head down. I reach over and grab her chin, lifting her face till her eyes meet mine.

  “I bet you do pack a mean crunch,” I say looking her right in the eyes. I see the relief as it crosses her face. Before I keep second guessing myself I grab on to her hips and start dancing. Mom always made a point of making sure us boys knew how to dance. While I’m no Fred Astaire, I can hold my own. Once I grab her hips, her eyes and mouth open wide in shock as I hear her breath inhale sharply. I turn her around in my arms and smile down at her. She’s a tiny little thing, but with her high heels the top of her head reaches just below my shoulder. I think she fits me perfectly. She flips her hair over her shoulders and turns back around, rubbing her ass into my groin. I’m hard as rock and could pound nails into a board in the state I’m in. I groan low in my throat as she rubs her taut little ass over my hard cock as it strains behind my zipper. I try to distract myself so I look anywhere but at her. I see her hot red headed friend head in deep conversation with some guy at the bar her arms waving animatedly. Deacon grabbed the other woman she was dancing with and they are off in their own corner, holding what looks like a heated conversation and I wonder how they know one another.

  Then my willpower fades and I look at her, she’s so sexy and sensual all wrapped in a toned but tiny package. I can’t seem to stay away from her, I want more than I’m willing to give. I keep telling myself it’s just sexual chemistry and once I fuck her, she’ll be out of my system and I’ll be free to move on to the next woman. I shake my head at myself, not sure I’m buying the horseshit I’m shoveling. I can’t seem to hold myself back, I need a taste so I bend down and kiss the side of her neck and see chill bumps break out over her skin. Her eyes widen in shock, but she moves her head to the side, making room for my roaming mouth. I smile against her skin watching in fascination as the tiny hairs stand up on end as she shivers. I once again turn her in my arms so that she’s facing me, pulling her arms around my neck so I can trace the backs of my fingers along her breasts and down her sides. I pull her in nice and tight, I know she can feel my cock, hard and throbbing as it’s nestled in her belly. I growl softly, hungry for this woman. I use the tip of my tongue and lick a line up her neck, tasting the salt of her sweat and have to close my eyes against the assault on my senses. I can feel her body tremble as I use my hands and run them farther down her sides, letting my fingers play with the hem of her very short dress. I can feel the curve of her ass cheek, the skin so soft and smooth. I trail my fingers back and forth teasing her cheeks, about to slip them into her panties when the song comes to an end. We’re both panting as we look at one another, before I give her a smile. She doesn’t smile back, just stands there staring at me and it’s unnerving. I reach my hand forward and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. I’m about to say something to her, when she turns around and walks away leaving me standing there with my mouth wide open in shock.

  I’m not sure what just happened here, but I think I frightened her away.

  One week later…..

  I smile at April as I walk past her desk at King Securities, whistling as I head to my office. April is our receptionist/HR and has
been with us since the inception of our company and our go-to gal. She handles any task we throw at her with the utmost professionalism, and our clients love her. She presents a pleasant first impression, with a bright smile on her face. She is of average height at 5’5” with brown hair and eyes. She dresses impeccably and always smells delicious, yet I don’t feel a damn thing when I look at her. I would never mix business with pleasure anyway.

  It doesn’t matter since I’m off women, unless I’m slaking my desire. I had been in a relationship while I was in high school. She was really needy and clingy, planning our wedding, yet we were still teens. We had a pregnancy scare and that was enough to send me running off to the military. I’d heard afterwards that she’d been cheating while we were together and that clarified a lot for me with respect to how she suckered me in, and more importantly, how I let her. Kelly was my one and only attempt at a relationship, and I’ll never go down that path again. The one night stands work out much better, and I get variety.

  The truth is, I’m losing interest in this lifestyle and if I’m truly honest with myself I wish I did have that special someone to come home to. Someone I can hold, or rub their feet and chat at the end of a long day. Besides, it is getting harder to find a woman who wants only fun, hot sex. Most women are in a race with their own biological clocks, hoping to find that someone to build a long term relationship with. I can’t forget about Saturday night at the club. Savannah’s the type of woman to build a relationship with, and I scared her away before anything could really get started. I could kick myself, I don’t know how to fix this. We’d been texting back and forth every single day since the day after her friend had given me her number. Nothing since the club, it’s been at least four days and I have to say I’m a bit pissed. I’d been sharing things with her that I’d never shared with another woman. She’s interested in me, at least I thought so. I smile when I remember her reaction to my alternate alphabet. I had explained that Deacon and Carter and I had our own language and showed her how it worked. She picked it up right away. I suppose it isn’t hard, once you memorize the symbols. She had thought it was sweet and said she could picture the three of us, communicating in our own language. She’s always so happy and positive and when I’m around her I change.


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