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Red Awakening: (Red Knight #2)

Page 15

by L. C White

  “I swear,” his tone fractures. “We’ve just spent the most perfect time together, and now all this.” His jawline pulses as his forehead brushes against mine.

  “And like always, you’ll fix it, and I’ll be there for you.”

  I’ve given into him. I always have. Always will.

  Chapter 16: Dark Visit


  The doors are locked and I’m alone, waiting on tenterhooks for Adrien to return. He’s been gone for nearly three hours. I’ve been trying to keep myself busy, sorting out Adrien’s suitcase, but it’s not working. This worry is deep and is not for going anywhere.

  He’s been summoned to a meeting with Leanna, Gerrard, and Gerrard’s Father, Anton, to discuss the new threat on the treaty between Vigore and Sang. Leanna was insistent that the new Executive and Selene know nothing about it. Things are bad, and I’m frigging petrified; scared to death he’s not going to come back. He tried to put me at ease before he left. He was adamant that he’s on good terms with Anton. Described him as a diplomatic character, who will help locate Ben, which is the most important thing right now.

  My phone vibrates next to the kitchen sink. With my heart racing, I dash over and pick it up, expecting some news from Adrien. Shit, my mother’s timing is diabolical as always. I stab my finger on the screen to answer.

  “Mum, look I really can’t talk now.”

  I hang up before she has the chance to speak, but almost immediately it rings again. I growl as I bring my phone up to my ear.

  “Mum,” I snap. “I’m in the middle of something. I’ll call you back.”

  “Hey!” she hollers. “You will not hang up on me again young lady.”

  I squeeze my phone in anger. “What is it?”

  “Are you on a period Lizzy? Your attitude is all off to say you’ve just got back from your honeymoon. You should be light as a feather after all that…”

  “Look Mum,” I cut her off. “I’m really sorry but… but Adrien’s brother is err… sick, so now is not a good time.” I cringe at the sound of my lies.

  “Oh, the sexy guy that insisted on opening doors for me on your wedding day?” she hums. “What’s his name… Ben?”

  “Yes Mum. So I need my phone free for calls, okay?”

  “Well, I do hope he gets better soon,” she says. “And if he’s in need of a bed bath, I’m on call,” she sings.

  “Mother… goodbye.” I hang up and growl.

  I’ve washed, dried, and folded all our laundry, and laid it out neatly in piles on the kitchen surface. I blow my fringe out of my eyes, looking around the apartment for something else to occupy myself with. Shit, it’s no good. He’s been gone far too long, and I’m freaking out.

  I pick up Adrien’s washing and head toward our room, when someone knocks on the door. I freeze. Should I open it? It could be Ben. I know he has a key to the outside door. I quickly make my way, dropping the clean clothes onto the dining table.

  I swiftly pull open the door. Oh shit. I gasp out as I find myself standing face to face with Selene. Hell, I’m shaking. Do I slam the door on her? Be nice to her? Fuck, I don’t know.

  I lower my head to see her pale dirty bare feet, and she’s wearing what appears to be a white nightgown. I raise my view and notice she’s trying hard to make a human smile.

  “Elizabeth,” her head tilts. “I was wondering if I may speak with you privately. I’m concerned that our new Executive is causing some problems, and I would like your input on the matter.” Still I can’t say a word, and I can see she’s annoyed with me gawping at her. “You should invite me in.”

  Oh hell, I can’t just slam the door in her face, she’ll kill me. I let out a nervous sigh, and move aside to allow her through. I have a rough-and-ready plan, quickly transpiring in my head. When her back is turned, I’m going to grab my phone and speed dial Adrien.

  She hovers on air, drifting through the room like a ghost, taking a good look around the apartment. I take several subtle side steps at a time, so I can get to my phone without her noticing. He’s on speed dial. I’m sure I’ll be able to call him with my hands behind my back.

  Like lightening she spins to me, so her hair swishes over her black leather jacket.

  “Please, come sit with me,” she gestures to the couch.

  Oh great, she’s waiting, glaring with her big dark freaky eyes. I can’t refuse. No one refuses to do what a Pure asks, apart from Adrien, who apparently is too valuable to be headless. I draw in a deep breath, and keeping a cautious distance, I perch on the edge of the couch.

  She turns as smooth as a ballet dancer and sits, thankfully two places away from me. With her bare toes placed together, she arches over, crossing her hands over her knees.

  “I am worried I have made a bad choice,” she says.

  Why is she staring at me? Oh crap, she’s waiting for me to agree or disagree. What do I say? Either answer could insult her. I look away and hum, because I don’t have a clue what else to do.

  “Because Elizabeth, even I have made mistakes… Laurie for one.” Her brow rises at me. “And I have also had to intervene and reduce the price of a feed again. Wouldn’t want a war now would we?”

  Yes, Laurie was a gargantuan fuck up. Turning someone who is already evil, is bound to cause chaos. Least she’s done the right thing, and took some of the pressure off Adrien by sorting out that stupid price hike.

  “And I have never really apologised to you for that. Laurie paid highly you’ll be glad to know.”

  “It’s okay.” I would rather not know how Laurie was punished.

  “Tell me,” she says. “That night, he used something on you.”

  I really don’t want to describe that night to her. I don’t want to think about it. It was a nightmare that took me months to get over.

  “It was a ring, old, with two spokes. A relic of our heritage.”

  “Yes,” I quietly reply. “I remember.”

  Her face contorts. She’s actually showing some worried creases around her eyes.

  “Elements of that ring belonged to Lilith. A power that should have never been let out.” She shuffles to the edge of the couch. “It could have caused…” She mutes again.

  What the hell. Why has she stopped speaking? I wait for her to continue because I dare not yell at her, ‘spit it out’.

  “Never mind, it’s probably nothing to worry about.”

  Okay, I have to ask now she’s put the fear of god into me. “What is not to worry about?”

  “The ring was forged with her blood,” she explains clearly. “If a human is bled with it, an evil will wake, and the human body will succumb to a painful death.”

  Holy shit. A poisoned ring. This is nuts.

  I smirk to myself, but then realise it could be true. I mean, this time last year I was at uni. I had a job, and what I considered a normal life. Now I’m married to a vampire and live in a multimillion pound apartment. Is a cursed ring such an impossible thought?

  “I’m going to die?” My hands begin to tremble. “I don’t want to die yet.”

  “Well, there is a way we could stop it. An old ritual. Nothing to be frightened of.” She pulls a small silver knife out of her pocket, along with a tiny glass vial which has a black powder in the bottom. “There’s a reversal, all I need is a small thimble of blood.”

  I laugh, it just comes out of me, and I can’t stop it. Then I see her face. She’s being deadly serious.

  “Adrien must not know of this,” she says, firmly. “It has to remain hidden for it to work.”

  I can’t keep secrets from him. I’m awful at lying, and he’ll be able to tell. Mind, he may not even enquire with all that is happening.

  “And he mustn’t know I’ve been to see you,” she states. “I have took care of our little problem, and now I will fix yours.”

  “Why?” I arch my brow, suspiciously.

  She smiles. “You really have no idea what Adrien has done over the years to assist the Sange Pentru. He deserves to be happy,
and you don’t deserve to die because of my mistakes.”

  “So this is what; a spell?”

  Her eyelids blink slowly. I’m irritating her, and she’s not happy about me delaying. But this is weird, dark, and I’m unsure.

  “It’s a means to an end… here.” She holds out the tiny knife. “This will not harm you.”

  I lean across and reluctantly take it. I’ve seen something very similar before. It belonged to my dearly departed Grandfather. A paper knife that used to sit on his desk. I frown at the silver sharp blade. This is crazy; I’m just supposed to sit here and cut myself?

  A whoosh of air takes my breath away. I look up to see Selene standing right over me. She’s just frigging teleported to me. I don’t often see a vampire flitting, it’s not supposed to be used. But she’s Pure, she can do what she wants, and that scares the shit out of me. I hold my chest as her silky hair hangs near my face. She takes the knife from my shaky grip.

  “Won’t hurt a bit.” She quickly cuts into the tip of my middle finger.

  I pull back my arm and see a small nick, oozing a bulb of my blood.

  “Here.” Her frosty fingers pull out my arm.

  She places the small glass tube beneath the drip. Okay, I can’t let her do this. No matter what she can do to me, something is telling me this is very wrong.

  I bend my elbow to try and get loose, but her hold on me is too strong. She milks half a vial of my blood, then releases her grip. I quickly bring my hand to my chest, scowling at her.

  “There, that wasn’t so bad was it?”

  She pops a small cork into the top of the vial and shakes it, before placing it inside her jacket pocket. Without any further explanation or clarity on what has just happened, she begins to float to the door, leaving me in a state of confusion.

  “Err… hold on,” I speak up.

  She stops, still as a sculpture with her back to me. Not one noise, look, or air intake. Not that she appears to need to breathe anyway.

  “What are you going to do with that?” I stand up from the couch, creasing my eyes. “Are you going to tell me, or do I just leave you to do what you want with it?”

  Like before, she flits, and now she’s right in my face. This time I saw everything. A black mist. Shit, it was like something you’d see in a supernatural movie. I remember Adrien vaguely describing what happened to him, the shadows moving in and out of the mountains before he was turned. Is she about to do the same to me? She sure looks pissed-off I’m questioning her.

  Her mannequin face glares at me as I nervously catch a breath. She only looks like a kid, and if she were the average rebel teen, I’d probably just wallop her in the face. But this creature, vampire, Nemutori, whatever she is, isn’t something you can deal with, with a quick clout.

  “Sorry… I… I would just like some reassurance,” I flinch.

  Her lips curve. “Well, I give you assurance that this is the right thing to do, and you have not to concern yourself on it further.” She turns to the door.

  “So, I’m not going to drop dead anytime soon?”

  “No, you’re far too important for death. Remember, this needs to remain between us, otherwise what you fear will come to pass.” She leaves the door open and vanishes.

  I drop down onto the couch in utter disbelief. Fuck, now I want to call Adrien and tell him. Ask him if what just happened was normal, or frigging stupid on my part.

  My eyes peer down at the cut. It’s only tiny; will heal in no time, but Adrien likes to study my skin. What if he sees it?

  My fraught confusion is suddenly disturbed as Adrien enters. Oh thank god, Ben is right behind him. He has a gash on his cheek. But apart from that, he’s walking, talking, and seems okay.

  I jump up and run across the room. I need Adrien to hold me and make me feel safe again. I grab him and coil my arms around his back. I squeeze his body as he looks down, bewildered by my burst of clinginess.

  “Elizabeth,” he gently pushes me out to an arms-length. “I’m fine… Ben is fine.”

  I shy away briefly and redden. I’m holding in words that want to explode from my mouth: Selene’s secret visit.

  “Have you been on the wine?” he cracks a small grin.

  I gather my screwed up thoughts and bury them deep in the back of my mind. I have to pretend what happened didn’t. Hell, I have to, or face the ludicrous possibility I may die, if I don’t let Selene do her thing.

  “No,” I sigh. “I’m just glad you’re back.” My cheeks burn with guilt.

  Adrien looks at Ben. “Go help yourself to a bag.”

  Ben goes into the kitchen as Adrien moves and sits down on the couch. He’s deep in thought; a mystified flash keeps occurring across his eyes. I make my way over to him, and perch on his knee as he lets out a deep sigh. He looks into my eyes with a thin smile, then takes my hand to kiss it. He sees the blood drying on my finger.

  “How did you do that?”

  Shit. I swallow down. He’ll be able to hear my lying heart. Hell, even I can hear it, booming inside my head.

  “I… I made myself a sandwich, and the knife dropped out of my hand,” my words discharge at a deceitful speed. “I bent to catch, and it cut me.” He’s frowning; he knows.

  “Wow, I needed that.” Ben walks behind the sofa.

  I could get up and plant a huge kiss on Ben’s cheek. He’s just covertly saved my bacon. Quickly, I stand up before Adrien has time to think, or question me on my fake sandwich making skills.

  “Ben, what happened to you?” I ask.

  “I’m damned if I know,” he grumbles. “I’ve been chained to a fucking chair for five days in a warehouse.”

  “By who?” I almost scream.

  “No idea. I got back to the hotel after I left you two, and I was jump by at least five Sang. All hooded… the works,” he angers. “Left to rot in a warehouse.”

  “How did you find him?” I ask Adrien.

  “I’ve been tracking his phone,” Adrien nods. “The signal was dead, then all of a sudden comes back on,” he says, bemused. “Doesn’t make any sense.”

  “The council, what happened?” I enquire.


  My forehead crumples. “Nothing?”

  “No, I got a call from Leanna, cancelling. Vincent apparently showed up and apologised,” he smirks. “Said everything has been dealt with, and blood distribution is now up and running normally. Don’t believe him. I know something is going on.”

  I purse my lips. “Perhaps it’s just teething problems.”

  “No… my coven has been attacked.” His fingers curl hard into his hands. “And I’m not going to forget that.” He looks at Ben. “You stay with Sara and Dom tonight. We’ll work on this tomorrow.”

  Ben charges to the door; he’s pissed-off. “I’ll find them.”

  “Ben,” Adrien barks. “You don’t do a thing without me.”

  “I’ll try not to.” Ben closes the door.

  Adrien remains still, in contemplation. I make my way into the kitchen and pour him a neat whisky. Instead of the usual quarter glass he has, I fill it to half way, then make one for myself. I kind of need it.

  I lower the glass to his face and wait for him to take it. As his fingers slip around the crystal, his other hand pulls me down onto his lap.

  “Let’s move away,” he says, light-heartedly.

  I angle back a little, biting my cheek. “Adrien, I know you. You can’t leave the coven.”

  “I think I’m ready to try,” he breathes. “I’ll never be free. You want normal, I want normal, and that’s not going to happen when I’m surrounded by incompetent idiots, and back stabbing Sang.”

  “Where would we move too?” I smile a little, wanting him to relax.

  His brow rises. “What about the wilderness. Somewhere isolated with trees, and no one within a hundred mile radius.”

  I giggle, unsure if he’s being serious. He’s never seemed like a wilderness kind of guy to me. He likes his luxuries too much: his de
signer suits, his showers every day, expensive colognes, and his fine wines and whiskeys. I can’t imagine him in a woodland setting.

  “And you’ll wear one of those lumberjack shirts will you?” I chuckle.

  “Why not… don’t you think I’ll suit flannel?” His fingers playfully dig into my waist.

  I try my best to picture it. But no, nothing does it more for me than watching him get dressed in a morning. Crisp white shirt open, the sweet fit of his pressed trousers over his fine backside, and his clean delicious fragrance. Hmm.

  “I can read you too well, Elizabeth. Why don’t you just ask?”

  I bite my lips and slip my fingers over the collar of his t-shirt. Okay, he’s got me. I run my digits over the hem, feeling his soft skin and fine hair.

  “Are you not going to speak?” he flirts.

  “Do I need to?”

  “Let’s finished what we started shall we.” He lifts and carries me across the room.

  He drops me carefully before the dining table, and his crotch accidently rubs against my hip. He’s hard. Painfully hard. And it is my duty, my burden, to make his pain go away.

  “Turn around,” he demands.

  I slowly rotate and feel his hand on my mid-back. My eyes seal in desire as he pushes me down over the table. His hand sweeps up and down my behind then journeys to my zipper. In a forceful flash, he has my bottom half free of clothing. I sway for him, my fingers stretching out on the table. The sound of fabric chafing as he removes his trousers, makes me wet and ready.

  “Oh god!” I cry out as he plunges into my sex.

  His motions are hard and deep, animalistic. This is not making love, this is an absolute wild instinct, almost angry. He needs to release his frustration inside me. Faster and faster. Harder and harder. Oh hell, he’s pleasuring me with pain.

  He digs his fingers into my back, scouring them up my spine and down to my butt cheeks. Now he’s gripping my hips, moving me up and down his solid sex. My throbbing wet walls pain and ooze onto him, as he lunges with vigour, making me cry out for more.


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