Red Awakening: (Red Knight #2)

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Red Awakening: (Red Knight #2) Page 18

by L. C White

  Adrien looks down at his crotch. “How the hell can I be fertile; I’m dead dammit?”

  “With the blood of Meredith. Lilith the mother of all your kind. Her granddaughter,” Gwen replies.

  “Are you serious? That’s all a myth,” he yells. “A story… nothing more.”

  I drop down into a chair, completely gobsmacked. Shit, this is way beyond the realm of weird.

  Gwen laughs. “Myths are born from fact. I’m a witch and you’re a vampire, and still you can’t work out if myths are based on realities,” she bites back. “Get with it Adrien. It is a big universe, full of different energies.”

  Adrien walks to the far edge of the table. He’s cynically laughing in disbelief.

  “You know the story of Lilin and Rosia. Lilin taking a human lover and producing the only ever known high Dhampir,” she says. “Lilin and Rosia were murdered for it, and Meredith, the child, was taken by the pure ones.”

  “Kind of… but it’s all bullshit,” Adrien nods.

  “God Adrien, you’re a pain in the ass to deal with,” she moans. “They raised Meredith as their own, doted on her. She wasn’t vampire, nor fully human. She was an eternal light, gifted and powerful. A never ending feed for the Sange Pentru.”

  “So let me get this straight,” Adrien paces. “Selene cursed me with some of Meredith’s blood… for what… so another Dhampir can be born?”



  Gwen lowers her head. I can see that what she’s going to say isn’t good. I stand up, now I need to know if the child inside me is in danger.

  “Don’t you get it; why does Selene recruit humans like you? Making it imperative to use morality over the instinct to hunt.”

  “To the point,” Adrien snaps.

  “You’re breeding stock. Selene is looking for the perfect parents to create a powerful weapon,” Gwen states. “You cannot allow her near that child. Selene wants total control. To walk in the day. To feed at will. She wants a return to the old ways, and she has many followers. The Voax.”

  “FUCK,” Adrien growls. “I should have known.”

  “Adrien honey, what would you have done if you knew?” Gwen hums. “Love can’t be stopped, not even by death.”

  I move to stand beside Adrien. He’s so tense. Even if I were to touch him, he’d just push me away. He’s discovered he is merely a pawn in Selene’s plan.

  “What makes this baby so special to her?” I ask.

  “The pure ones kept Meredith locked away for centuries. To prevent her leaving, they painted a picture of an evil world, where someone so special would be hurt,” Gwen explains. “They gave her everything she needed, and in return they took from her a thimble of blood each day. They fed off her power and beauty. Walked in the sunlight without a single burn. And they fed off the living when they wanted. Believe it or not, they were worshipped.”

  “And this is what she wants our baby for?” I anger.

  “Please Elizabeth… our baby?” Adrien utters, sarcastically. “This should never have happened. God knows what it is, but it is not some sweet baby.”

  Gwen stands up as my heart breaks into pieces, and as if she can see the obstacles in her path, she snakes swiftly toward us. She stops directly in front of Adrien.

  “That child is your baby you fool. And it has happened, so deal with it,” she barks. “He deserves to have a good Father, who will fight.”

  “Gwen.” I interrupt before she punches him in the face. “How do we stop Selene?”

  “I’ll speak with the order,” Adrien says. “They dealt with the Dhampir before. And I’ll have Selene’s head on a fucking stick!”

  I glare up to my side at Adrien. “Dealt with a Dhampir?” I nearly scream as protective tears haze my view.

  “Meredith drank blood, and her power was so strong, these assholes feared her,” Gwen explains. “They didn’t give her a chance. She was eternal in life and death, so she was destroyed by fire. Seems some sneaky Sang extracted blood from her before she passed over.”

  “Times have changed, Gwen,” Adrien says. “We’re not living in the damn dark ages anymore. The order has changed, and Selene needs to pay.”

  “And you’re willing to take that chance?” Gwen asks in a warning tone. “You have a wife and child to protect. Don’t let your vampire control that.” She pats on his chest. “Let your human side love and cherish them.”

  Gwen walks to the table and begins to root inside her bag. Adrien’s hand brushes down my arm, and his cool fingers weave through mine, supportively. His touch soothes me. He is my only safety. He’s my only hope.

  Gwen pulls a small item from her bag. “This is a talisman. Protection charm. Keep it with the baby whenever possible.”

  She hands me a small silver coin, engraved with a star which surrounds a hole in the centre. I frown at it, then notice the lack of a baby bump. I’m so confused right now. How the hell can I digest this?

  Gwen holds onto my elbows. “You will show soon, and girl you better be prepared, because it will come on fast and strong.”

  “How long do we have?” Adrien asks.

  “As soon as you’ve done your bit, Adrien,” Gwen states. “You need to get away from here, this city is poison. Then mister goody two shoes, get your ass in gear, and start a god damn war if needs be. You have the resources, and the loyalty.”

  Adrien moves away from me as Gwen starts to pack all the weird voodoo stuff into her bag. He runs his fingers through his hair, and down his face in frustration. I curl my hand tightly around the coin. The tiny piece of silver I’m counting on.

  Gwen halts in the doorway as Adrien guides her through. “Liz, I’ve left you my contact details on the table,” she says. “I don’t usually give readings over the phone. But if you’re experiencing anything you can’t handle, you call me honey. And I’ll be praying hard for you.”

  Chapter 19: Announcement


  He’s driving me nuts. Not a single soul knows, not even Sara. Though she did ask before we left last night, to which he simply told her to stay out of his business. I needed to talk. I need this huge weight off me. I need help. But no, after Gwen left, he whisked me away, straight back to our apartment. Not one loving word came from his mouth. He’s treating me like I have some embarrassing dirty disease, and I’ve had nothing but his brooding sulks to contend with.

  I open the fridge and slam it shut. Then I do it again. Still his head is fixed forward on the television that isn’t even on. So I turn to the cutlery drawer, sliding it open, rifling through the silver knives and forks, clanging, and searching for a noise that will get him to react. Even that doesn’t work. I want to shout out ‘why are you being a dick with me?’ But I’m so angry right now, I know it will not just stop at that. Not when my hand is finding this rolling pin very comforting right now.

  I pick up my glass of fresh orange and drink what remains, as I scowl at the back of his head. A heat soars beneath my skin. A fuming rage bubbling to bursting point. If this is how he’s going to be from here on in, he can go to hell. With a deep breath, I charge behind the couch, and toward the bedroom.

  I want to run away, but I have nowhere to go. I can’t go to my mums and explain she’s going to be a Grandma to a Dhampir. And I certainly can’t tell her that my new husband is a vampire, and doesn’t give a toss about me right now. And Cate, she’ll never understand. She’s human, and holds a cushion in front of her face when watching the most sedate paranormal TV shows. The people I trust the most, I will never be able to confide in again. I may never even see them again because of this. This has to be the lowest I’ve ever been.

  My phone vibrates on the bedside table. It’s Sara. Why the hell is she calling me? I sweep my finger across the green tab to answer.


  “Liz… where is Adrien?” she barks. “His phone is off, and he’s not responding to emails.”

  She waits for an explanation, but I don’t make a noise. What am I su
pposed to say: Adrien is too busy being a selfish dick to do anything right now.

  “Liz, will you put him on the phone,” she snaps. “Gerrard’s been calling me.”

  My legs bob madly, and I feel a mild panic attack coming on. She’s yelling at me down the receiver, and I’m too choked up to say a word.

  “Liz, why won’t you answer me… what the fuck is going on?”

  “Sara,” I sniff.

  “This is about last night isn’t it, why wouldn’t he tell me?”

  “I don’t know what to do.” Tears stream down my face. “We’re in big trouble Sara.”

  “I’m coming over.”


  “Adrien, is he there now?”

  “Yes, but if you come over it will just make things worse,” I insist.

  I want to tell her. I need to scream it at someone. To have a shoulder to cry on, is right now all I require. A kind word to tell me everything will be okay.

  “I need to get out of London,” I utter.

  “Right,” she sighs. “Give me ten.” She hangs up.

  Maybe it was the wrong thing to do. But I can’t wait around for him to take charge. If Sara can get me somewhere safe, then I have no other option but to trust her. I will have to find another vampire to get this child out of me.

  I snivel, wiping my face, then hurry into my closet, and drag out my small grey case. I empty one shelf, oblivious to what I’m actually packing, then tip out my underwear drawer. What’s in there will have to do. I zip it up quickly, pull up the handle, and tug it behind me.

  My eyes land on the couch, but he’s not there. He’s in the kitchen drinking whisky. I push down the handle of my case, trying not to look at him. He bangs his glass down on the worktop, and I can hear his furious approach.

  “What are you doing?” he asks in an irate tone.

  I inhale, forcing myself to look at him. “I’m leaving. It’s not safe for us here.”

  His eyes penetrate me as his jaw pulsates. I keep my view set solid on his. He has to know I’m not going to wait around and die, because he’s got issues about turning me. He wants me to remain human for his own needs. Like I’m some goddamn vampire trophy.

  “Don’t you think I know that?” he yells. “You’re staying here. You are my responsibility.”

  “So you can pretend none of this is happening.” My eyes release the anger. “You’ve not spoken to me all day, Adrien. Tell me what to do!” His face hardens as I wait for him to open up, but he won’t. “Yeah… well, I would rather take my chances elsewhere. I’ll get another to turn me.”

  I want to hurt him the way I hurt. Giving him the image of another touching me, turning me, is callous, and I know I couldn’t do it to him. But I have to make him see how cruel he’s being. I need answers, a way out of this mess. I don’t need to see this whole self-loathing thing he’s got going on right now.

  He moves over me, his pupils latching onto mine as his lips press together, hard. I want to back away from him, but the wall behind me prevents me going anywhere. His fingers travel up the side of my neck and grip, as his face leans down to mine.

  “I will do anything to protect you,” he breathes. “But if I drink from your veins like I did that night Laurie attacked you, I’m going back to a dark place.”

  “Our baby.” I bravely take his hand and lie it on my stomach. “Is in here, and didn’t ask to be born,” I cry. “But it’s done, and believe me, I’m as screwed up as you are right now.”

  His head lowers. “When I told you on our honeymoon, my terms, I was lying. I was never going to do it. I can’t change you, Elizabeth,” his tone splinters. “It will destroy me. I’ll despise myself because I love you, this way, so fucking much. You have to understand, I’ve done bad things, and all that will come back to me.” His burdened eyes desperately plead with me.

  I angle up on my toes and softly place my lips on his. He kisses me with emotion, and tastes my salty tears. I trail my fingers around his neck as I pull away.

  “I know. But we have no choice. This baby needs to come out, regardless of what it will do to us both,” I say.

  “I’ll be hell bent on revenge.” He gulps down. “You have no idea how far I will go for you.”

  I run my hand over his cheek. “I don’t care. I will still love you. I will always love you.”

  A knock on the door breaks our sensitive contact. Shit, it has to be Sara. I gaze with guilt in my eyes. He tilts his head, knowing I’ve done something to screw things up more.

  “It’s Sara,” I cringe. “You weren’t answering your cell, so she rang me.”

  Sara bangs on the door again.

  “You told her?” he asks.

  I was expecting him to fly off the handle, but he seems relatively calm about it.

  “No, but I was kind of crying on the phone.”

  He rolls his eyes as he goes to let Sara in. As soon as the door opens, she flashes through the room. She’s dressed in black jeans, knee length boots, and a black vest, with her long hair pleated. She looks different, like she’s come prepared for a fight.

  “Where’s the fire.” She looks down at my suitcase. “God, this better not be some stupid lovers tiff, because I am in no mood.” She looks at me. “Liz, are you okay?”

  I don’t answer. I turn my back, and drop down into one of the chairs around the dining table. To go over the whole thing again, will send me over the edge.

  Adrien closes the door. “Sara, you better take a seat,” he says.

  She squints, not liking his tone. “Dom and Ben are out in the hall.”

  Adrien opens the door again and invites them all in. Dom greets me with a huge bear hug, as Ben sits down on the couch.

  “Okay, this week has been a total nightmare,” Sara yaps. “So are you going to tell us what happened last night, or let us figure it out for ourselves?”

  Adrien swallows down the nerves. “The reason Selene is still here, screwing everything up, is because she’s waiting,” he says. “Elizabeth… Elizabeth is pregnant.”

  The awkward tense silence is suddenly broken by Dom. He jumps up from the couch, smiling and clapping his hands. You’d think the Seattle Seahawks had won the superball the way he’s carrying on.

  “Congratulations,” he cheers. “What’s up with you all… it’s good news.”

  Ben hits Dom’s arm. “You’re a dumbass… sit down.”

  Sara scowls with her hands on her hips. “That’s impossible.”

  “Apparently not if I’m cursed by the blood of Meredith. It seems the task of producing a child was once yours and Laurie’s responsibility,” he says to her. “Until I found you.” He’s regretting bringing Sara back. He’d rather it be her in this mess than me.

  I feel like a spare part sitting here. Some problematic topic to be discussed. I’ve heard enough over the last twenty-four hours, and I’m so tired of it all.

  “Oh shit,” Sara gasps. “She’s carrying a Dhampir?”

  “Yes,” I add, boldly. “But irrespective of names… he’s just a baby.”

  “Cool, a boy.” Dom offers me an understanding grin. “Liz, I totally agree with you.”

  Ben rubs his jaw. “You know this is likely to bring on a war,” he says. “Selene isn’t short of willing scum-balls that will do what she wants.”

  “That’s why we’re leaving. Right after.” His back arches a little, the thought of turning me is destroying him inside. “Elizabeth becomes a part of our Coven.”

  Dom’s eyebrows nearly touch his hairline, and his nose creases in bewilderment.

  “The child will kill Elizabeth if I don’t do this,” Adrien’s voice pangs with hurt.

  “Adrien,” Sara utters. “I’m so sorry.”

  “What’s the plan?” Ben asks, like he probably once did over a century ago, when serving under Adrien’s command.

  “I don’t expect any of you to stay,” Adrien states. “This is our problem, and I won’t see you fight and die for it.”

  Sara sm
irks. “So, when Liz goes into labour, you know what you’re doing?” she asks. “No… so looks like I’m stuck on the shit train also.” She offers me a caring smile.

  “Yeah, and me,” Dom pipes up. “I’m not going to be one of Selene’s bitches.”

  “And you’re going to need a wing man,” Ben says.

  Adrien drops down onto the arm of the couch. His burden too heavy to carry.

  “Look Adrien,” Ben says. “We want to be here, and wouldn’t have it any other way. Besides, you know I’ve been preparing for this. I’ve never trusted Selene.” He pats Adrien’s back. “We need somewhere safe, after… well… you know.” Ben gestures his head at me, referring to my upcoming horror.

  They’ve gone into military mode. I can see them thinking hard. Both have strategies, locations, and war tactics, whizzing around in their eyes.

  “I have it all in hand,” Adrien replies. “Also travel. Michael Angelino was my first port of call, the only other who hates Selene like I. He was more than happy to help with fake papers, and a plane.”

  Fake papers. What does he mean; different identities? How far do we have to go to get away from this?

  “What about Demetrius, Levain, and the other members of the order?” Ben asks.

  “Selene is our enemy,” Adrien replies, with irked lines forming around his mouth. “The others remain unaware, and it needs to stay that way.”

  With my elbows on the table, I circle my fingers on my temples. My brain cannot possibly take in any more information right now.

  “Where we going?” Dom asks.

  “Canada,” Adrien says. “I have a house. Secluded. Bought for cash. No one will know who we are. No one will find us,” he insists. “We go separately. No flights to within a two hundred mile radius. Come by donkey if you have to. I don’t care, as long as there are no paper trails to follow,” he warns. “When the baby is born, Sara, you will take it and meet us there.”

  I jump up to my feet. I will not allow anyone to touch my child. Is he fucking insane? No way am I going to stand back while he takes control.


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