Red Awakening: (Red Knight #2)

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Red Awakening: (Red Knight #2) Page 19

by L. C White

  He turns to me. “We have to,” he says, adamantly. “Selene will expect the child to be with you, and you’re going to be in no fit state to protect it, or yourself.”

  I growl out in anger. “First off, our son is not an it!” I yell. “Secondly, no one is taking him away.”

  “Liz, please be rational,” Sara appeals. “You’re going to be awakening. You saw Nathan going through it. Would you have trusted him with a tiny baby?”

  No, I wouldn’t, but that’s not the point. I can’t just let him go.

  “What about what Gwen said… we’re bonded.” I swallow to prevent myself weeping. “He might not be safe without me.”

  Adrien comes to stand before me. He takes my arms and gazes down into my upset.

  “You’re going to be going through enough, Elizabeth. The baby has protection, and Sara will keep him safe. If Selene is following anyone, it will be us.”

  Chapter 20: Dark Touch


  Ben and Dom left London yesterday. The plan is to meet up with us at the house in Vancouver, Canada. And Sara is now in the spare room, getting everything ready for me. I’m terrified. Not only about the bite, but about giving birth. I would have rather had the normal nine months to get my head around this, instead of the five measly days I’ve been given. It’s gone so fast, and feels like I’m on some bizarre acid trip. I’m almost floating through this nightmare, trying to deny what is around the corner.

  Adrien has shut himself off from me. Avoidance is his way of dealing with this. I haven’t even tried to get him to open up to me. What’s the point, he’ll only go to greater efforts to push me further away. I guess I’m doing the same thing. I don’t want to talk about it, because I don’t want to think about it. He’s having to do the one thing he swore he wouldn’t, and it has changed us both.

  I’ve been sitting on the couch, holding my phone for the last thirty minutes, trying to pluck up the courage to say my goodbyes. I’ve worked it out in my head what I’m going to say to Mum. My excuse for leaving London in a hurry, is that Adrien has an emergency to deal with in the States, and we may be gone for some time. Then there’s Cate, I know she’ll want to come over. I know she can read me too well. So my plan when it comes to her is, well, there isn’t one. I’m not going to tell her a thing.

  I inhale and scroll down to Mum’s landline number. It rings continually, then goes onto the answer machine. Dammit.

  ‘Hey there caller,’ Mum’s recorded voice chirps through the receiver. ‘Sorry we’re not here to pick up. Please leave your message and number after the beep, and I’ll get right back to you.’

  “Mum… Geoff.” I swallow down and steady my tone. “I’m just calling to tell you I’m going to be out of London for a while. I’m on my way to… to New York. Adrien has to deal with some urgent business.” I cringe at the sound of my own deceit. “I might be away for a few weeks, and you might not hear from me. I’m absolutely fine. Just really busy… I love you both.” A tear rolls down my cheek. “Bye Mum.” I hang up and fall back onto the cushions.

  Sara comes out from the spare room, and takes a black briefcase from beside the door. She moves into the kitchen, and places it on the surface with her back to me. What the fuck? She’s holding up a needle the size of my damn finger.

  “What the hell is that for?” I snap.

  “It’s an epidural… if you need it.” She puts it back into the case.

  An awful reality is setting in. I don’t want to be a vampire, and most of all, I don’t want to give birth. My heart beats fast and I heat up to a sweat. Most women don’t want to go through the pain of labour, but I’ve got to do it while going through awakening too.

  Sara walks to the back of the sofa. I can’t believe I’ve got to put my trust in her.

  “Liz, I’ve never delivered a Dhampir, but I have an inkling on what to do.” She tries to calm me, but fails.

  “Great.” I blow out, totally unconvinced. “An inkling.”

  “The room is ready, do you want to see?” she asks.

  Is she frigging kidding? Like hell I want to see.


  “He’s in there… waiting for you.”

  Oh god, I can’t do it. I’m holding onto the last moments of my humanity. I’m warm, human, and I don’t feel pregnant. I bend over as panic sets in. I’m fighting for a breath, and my pounding heart flutters faster than a hummingbirds wings.

  “Liz, once it’s done, I’ll give you some time with your baby.” She squeezes my shoulder. “Then I’ll give you something that will knock you out.”

  “What on earth can knock a crazed new blood out, Sara?”

  She goes back into the briefcase and takes out a small syringe. “Dom’s new wonder drug,” she replies.

  She holds the syringe out to me. It’s so small, filled with a red, almost black substance.

  “Which is?”

  “He’s been working on a treatment for new bloods using Thermometry.” She places the needle back into the briefcase. “Concentrating blood, so a small hit will have the same effect as one bag. A triple dose will knock you out like an anaesthetic.”

  “So I’m the guinea pig for this? Shit Sara,” I fret. “What if I die?”

  “You won’t… I swear. Now come on, you have no choice in this, Liz.”


  Adrien stands with his back to me, looking out into the night. Sara has lit scented candles, and the room’s lighting is soft. The smell of lavender and jasmine hit the back of my throat, but does nothing to calm me down.

  I peer at the bed as Sara shuts the blinds. All the restraints that are supposed to be used for pleasure, have been altered for the pain of awakening, and placed on the bed ready for my wrists. I snivel as my body begins to tremble. I need him to hold me, to reassure me of his love, but still he refuses to face me.

  As Sara makes her way to the door, she takes my hand. “I’m going now Liz. Adrien, you know what to do.” She sighs, and with her head down leaves us alone.

  I remain on the spot, weeping as quietly as possible. I’m afraid to disturb him. I don’t want to move, or go to that bed. I watch his back as his head lowers. He turns to me and I swiftly close my eyes, unable to look at his wounded confliction.

  As I stand in the darkness, I hear him approach. His cool hand lies against my cheek, and I gather the courage to open my eyes. He coils his fingers around mine and slowly leads me to the bed.

  “I don’t want to do this, Adrien,” I plead.

  “Shush,” he whispers, as I perch on the mattress.

  He joins my side and takes me in his arms, gently leaning back with me so we lie together. With my body cradled into his, he strokes my hair from root to tip, as I listen to the low slow drum of his vampire heart.

  “I want you to forget,” he says quietly. “I want you to want only me for a while longer.”

  “Adrien,” I say into his chest, as my tears soak into his sweet smelling shirt. “I’ll never want anyone other than you.”

  “You swear that to me.” His tone is so raw. So full of doubt and agony.

  I slide my head from his chest, and his sorrowful eyes draw out all my emotion.

  “I promise I will never leave. I’ll never love another. And I’ll never blame you for this.” I sniff, shrugging my shoulder to wipe a tear from my cheek. “You’re the only one who can save us.”

  We stare into each other, losing all sense of time. I sweep my hand over his shirt and up to his face, brushing my thumb against his cheek. He moves and angles up over me, moving my fringe aside. His adam’s apple sinks as his lips touch mine. The kiss is so tender; it’s loving, but also heartbreakingly final. He rests his hands on my face, and his mouth travels down to my neck. I squeeze my eyelids tight. I’m bound by his wet touch, but petrified of the pain to come.

  “Elizabeth.” He breathes into the curve of my pounding neck. “I will always love you.” He hesitates, taking a profound breath.

  His lips and teeth part on my skin
then clamp down, causing me to whimper out. I clutch and dig my fingernails into the back of his neck, flinching through the hurt. He drinks me and I begin to go numb. I feel the blood being sucked from my veins, as an almost euphoric erotic sensation washes over me. My fingertips stop scratching his skin and I caress his hair, as my whole being begins to float. I shut my eyes and drift away to a place so cold, it’s serene.

  “Elizabeth… Elizabeth.” I’m shaken from the icy aura surrounding me.

  I peel open my eyes to find I’m lying on my back. I see Adrien’s bloody wrist over my mouth, dripping, and it drives me wild. Hell, the scent of him. I need it. I want it. I will have it. I clasp his arm and bring it to my lips and teeth. I take him, hard. I feel it in me, a great agonising desire for it. His essence is cool, addictive, and I want it all.

  “Sara… blood now!”

  He is pulling his arm away, but I refuse to stop. If I don’t have what I need, I will kill him and take it.

  “Elizabeth stop!” He’s fighting against me, but I’m stronger. “Elizabeth… here.”

  There’s a blood bag before my eyes. Oh my. It’s a scent sweeter, metallic, and human. Better than Adrien’s. Much better. I snatch and bite into the bag.

  “Elizabeth, I’m going to restrain your arms,” Adrien says as I suck the bag dry.

  I want more. I want it now. He takes my left hand and slips it into the metal cuff. I pant and glare at him, greedily. My teeth hurt, they throb, ready to penetrate flesh. I need to feed.

  “I will kill you if you don’t give me more!”

  Oh shit. The pain.

  I fling my body backward. My stomach swells with a splitting sensation. Both Sara and Adrien hold me down, locking me into the chains.

  “Oh god!” I scream as the pain intensifies.

  “Adrien… it’s starting,” Sara yells. “Fucking wake up will you, and go get my bag, now!”

  Gwen was right. He’s coming out of me, and he’s going to kill me in the process.

  Chapter 21: Here to Serve


  My plans to get out of here have now gone down the crapper. Why? Because some arsehole from the Vigore council wants to see me. I hate these retarded meetings. It’s always the same. I get a call and have to drop everything to serve the walking dead. I miss the good old days of working a nine-to-five job, having a few beers with the guys after we’d clocked off, and going back to my lush apartment. The simple life, where you live your shitty little existence, then die. It sounds dull. But until you become one of them, on their beck and call because blood is the key to everything, that’s when you truly understand the real meaning of that shitty human life.

  My flight back to Paris is in two hours. There is no chance I’ll make it now. After Liz’s wedding, I flew back down here to London, to grab a few things from my old place. Dropped by my dad’s, of course just to stalk him, and make sure he’s okay. Then I was going to make the journey on my lonesome, back to my villa in France, and attempt to get that happy day out of my head.

  Don’t get me wrong, I did want to give Liz away. I wouldn’t see her day ruined. But the moment I gave her hand to that dick, I was on the verge of blowing up the whole ceremony. I had to play nice. She’s made her choice, and I don’t blame her. I wasn’t really pleasant about the whole ‘take me back’ thing.

  I now know she was the best thing to ever happen to me, and I fucked it up. I messed up because my human dick was always on the lookout for easy pussy. No stress, just a good old wham-bam-thank-you-mam, then bon voyage. That’s why I walked her down the aisle. The only way I’ll ever be able to be with her, is as a friend. She’s far too special for me. She’s too special for anyone. So I was going to fly home, and do exactly what she’s always thought of me. Bed every girl I can get my hands on, until my feelings for her disappear.

  I’ve been a relatively good boy over the months, even turned a few potential good lays down. I’ve been waiting for the call or message, to tell me that she needs my help. That she’s leaving Adrien, because she can’t cope with the whole vamp side of things. But she really does love him, and who am I to stand in the way of true love.

  I flick off the windscreen wipers, and pull up into a dark alley next to an old snooker hall. Every time Leanna wants to see me, it’s always in some creepy damp derelict building like this, whether it be in France, or here. The kind of place you wouldn’t go nowhere near in your right mind, well, human mind anyway.

  It’s all quiet. No lights. Not a sound. I’m picking up no human or vamp thoughts. I mumble to myself, pushing the vandalised door so it swings open onto a dingy stairwell. I run my hand over the damp banister rail, reaching half-way, then stop, speculating whether these corroded stairs are going to take my weight.

  Fantastic, just to top off this shit night, I’ve just ran my hand over a pile of fresh bird crap. That’s it, I’m not playing this game of hide and seek any longer.

  “Leanna, I’m not going to say this again,” I yell into the darkness, while wiping my crap covered hand onto my jacket. “I’m not in the mood, so if you don’t show your face, I’m off.”

  “Jackass.” That’s Gerrard; he likes that nickname for me. “We’re up here.”

  I grumble, opening the door at the top of the stairs.

  Leanna and Gerrard sit on an old covered snooker table at the back of the room, under a dull spotlight. I make my way around the mould and dust coated tables, hoping they make this quick, then I can get the hell out of here. The last time we had one of these ridiculous hush-hush meetings, was for me to give information on a new blood. I was ordered to look out for the little scrote; to make sure he didn’t stray. That meeting was on a rusty boat, anchored on the canal.

  “Nice rendezvous venue,” I say as I approach. “Your taste hasn’t changed I see.”

  “You’re late,” Gerrard states in his usual big-man tone, looking like a Nickelback reject.

  I smirk, pissed-off. “I’m just about done with this crap. I have better things to do, than meet you two in shit-holes like this.”

  “Gerrard, pipe down,” Leanna warns. “We need him.”

  “What do you want?” I bend over the table. “I’ve missed my flight for this.”

  Leanna does her slut walk, wiggling her ass in her tight-fit jeans, as she fingers the table. I’ve seen it before, and if she thinks I find her attractive, she’s mistaken. I can tell she wants something off me. Her tits are pressing against my bicep, and she thinks she’s irresistible. I guess the one positive thing about being Vigore, is that we can’t read the thoughts of another, unless on deaths door. So right now, she can’t hear me calling her a scruffy whore.

  “Leanna… back off.” I slope away from her.

  Gerrard bends over, staring right at me. “You have work to do.”

  “Yeah… I do.” I clench my teeth. “Back in France… far away from you lot.”

  “Don’t be like that,” Leanna says. “Like it or not, you’re one of us now, family. And when family need assistance, you damn well give it.”

  “Piss-off,” I snap. “I had a family… a family I no longer see because I’m fuckin dead.”

  “We’re your new family,” Gerrard says, eyeballing me. “You work for us. We pay you handsomely. So shut your trap, and listen up.”

  I want to rip that long hair off his head, but I know I can’t. I’m stuck with these idiots for eternity.

  “You know it won’t be long before France is hit by Adrien’s corruption,” Leanna says. “Something is going on with Selene, and it’s driving this place into the ground. I have new bloods that need feeding, and another price hike will have them out on the streets, baying for it.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I shrug my shoulders, trying to not give a crap.

  “Blood prices have been on a rollercoaster since Selene showed up with the new Executive. And all of a sudden Knight is out of the picture, married to a human. The Order don’t let Executives go, unless getting something in return. Yo
u are going to find out what, and report back to us,” Gerrard demands, like I haven’t got a choice in it.

  I knew something dodgy was going on here. A few vamps I’ve met over the months have gone missing, and some look like they haven’t fed in days. I had my suspicions the place was going to shit, but what am I supposed to do about it?

  “You know Adrien and his new easy piece,” Gerrard says.

  In anger, I flit to him, and wrap my hand around his neck. No one calls Liz easy. Dick. I shouldn’t care, but I do. I will always, no matter what I am, look out for her.

  “Boys, boys, boys.” Leanna pushes her body between us. “Now, you need to calm it down, Nathan.” She squeezes my cheeks until I shake her off. “We are the ones in charge here, making sure the Vigore are protected. And if the Sang are doing this to start a war, we need to know every detail you can get your hands on, no matter how small.”

  I look at Leanna, thinking for a few seconds. Do I trust these freaks; offer my services and be some spy for them? I’ve always wanted the dirt on Adrien. I know he has a dark side. But then there is Liz. She’s so happy with him. If I do this, and find Adrien’s dirty secrets, it could break her heart.

  “You and, what’s her face?” She flicks her fingers.

  “Liz,” I snap.

  “You had a thing didn’t you?” she asks as I catch Gerrard sniggering.

  “What’s so funny?” My fingers form a fist.

  Leanna whips her head around to Gerrard. “Gerrard, don’t push me,” she warns, then looks back to me. “All I’m saying is, you wouldn’t want her getting hurt in the crossfire now would you?”

  I get as close as I can to her, without physical contact. “Is that a threat?”

  “Of course it isn’t,” she yaps. “You idiot, I can click my fingers and you’ll be in bits at the bottom of the river.” She’s squeezing my cheeks again, this time harder and more threatening.

  “Leanna.” Gerrard slides off the snooker table. “I’d like to kill this arrogant shit too, but he’s our only lead.”


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