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Red Awakening: (Red Knight #2)

Page 28

by L. C White

  In the blink of an eye, Demetrius and Selene are gone.

  Adrien hurries into the room and I follow. My mouth falls open as I study Liz’s skin. There isn’t a mark or scratch on her.

  “She looks kind of… healthy.” My eyes squint.

  He doesn’t say a word to me. Focus driven by her only, he threads his arm beneath her knees, and lifts her body from the bed.

  “Where the hell are you going with her?” I follow as he strides through the door.

  “I’m taking her somewhere safe.”

  I jog to keep up with him. “Where?”

  “I will call you if she wakes.”

  He’s going to flit with her. I can see it forming in his walk.

  “You won’t leave me in the dark over this.” I grab his arm to stop him going anywhere. “After everything, I deserve to be kept in the loop. She’s my friend dammit!”

  He huffs out a pissed-off breath, staring at me. “I’ll take good care of her, and Daniel,” he affirms. “And you’ll be the first to know if there is any change.” He shakes off my hold.


  “No!” he snaps before I can finish. “I need to be alone with her. This is over for you now. I’m her husband, and it is my job to care for them.”

  Dom comes to stand at my side. “Have I to make a start on the clean-up boss?”

  “Yes Dom. Make sure everything is incinerated,” Adrien says. “Will you help Nathan… for Elizabeth?”

  I kick the tip of my boot across the floor. I’m no longer needed, so he said. I should just fuck-off from here. But he asked me to do it for her, and that makes it difficult to refuse.

  “Yeah, I’ll help clear up this shit,” I say as he turns his back. “You protect them,” I call out as he nears the exit, ignoring me. “Or you won’t just have Demetrius to worry about.”


  Both Dom and I stand behind the fence of the vast carpark, watching as the entire building goes up in smoke. By the time the fire department reach this secluded area, there should be nothing but ash that remains. This corrugated warehouse, which used to be a recycle plant, stands miles from the nearest town.

  We’ve been here for hours, going through filing cabinets full of paperwork. Lists of potential Executives and their Reds. Also lists of failures over the years. Selene thought she had it all worked out, but she didn’t count on having vampires that would defy her. Now, as Liz fights her way back. I feel I no longer belong anywhere. I can’t stick around with a coven that is not my own.

  The sun sets behind the raging flames that sweep up and lick the sky. Dom lies his hand on my shoulder with a manly squeeze.

  “You coming back to the house?” he asks. “I could do with a drink… or fifty.”

  “Nah, I need to be moving on from all this shit.”

  He fumbles through his trouser pocket, and pulls out a set of car keys.

  “You can take the truck.” He swings the keys on his finger. “Can’t have you flitting through Vancouver.” He tosses the keys and I catch them.

  “Do something for me,” I ask.

  “For you, anything… You had my back several times today.”

  “Tell Sara, I’m sorry.”

  His brow dips. “And Liz?”

  “Watch out for her. She’s going to need to have some fun once in a while, when she gets through this.”

  “I’ll call you when she wakes, you can tell her yourself.”

  “No,” I say, sharp. “Like I said, I’m done with all this shit. I’ll leave her in Adrien’s hands now.”

  He holds out his hand and I take it in mine to shake. I’m going to miss Dom. He’s the only one in the coven I can relate to.

  “Look after yourself Nathan. And remember, if you need anything….”

  “Dom,” I cut in. “See you around.” I head toward the rusty pickup truck.


  With no credit restrictions hanging over me, I used my platinum express card, and booked into this gold suite at the Sutton Palace Hotel, two days ago. Usually I wouldn’t bother to go all out luxury, but after all the horrors I’ve seen, I need comfort. I need a fully stocked, top-notch, liquor cabinet to help myself to. I’ve even cut back on blood, to only half a bag per day. My feeds have been replaced with whisky.

  I unscrew the lid off a bottle of 1985 dark bourbon, and swig down a quarter. My flight back to Paris leaves in the morning, so I’m trying to waste some time. I flick play on the flat screen TV, and drop down onto the plush sofa, listening to Deep Beat Anthems.

  I’ve not heard a thing about Liz, and that’s my own fault. My cell phone is switched off. I want no contact with the outside world until I get back to Paris, where I can throw myself back into work. Work is the one thing that makes me feel normal… human.

  I slouch right back, swigging down my medicine as I take a crumpled twenty pack out from my shirt pocket. It’s a non-smoking hotel. But the amount of money I paid to stay here, I don’t give a shit. If I want to smoke, I damn well will.

  I light up and take a long drag, when someone knocks on the door. I blow out a plume of smoke, fast.

  “Can you not fuckin see the do not disturb sign?” I yell, leaning back onto the cushions.

  The idiot on the other side of the door is obviously deaf, because they are still frigging knocking.

  “I said,” I spring up from the couch, and march across the thick cream carpet. “Can you not,” I fling open the door. “Sara?” I mumble.

  How the fuck did she find me?

  She looks me up and down. “What the hell happened to you?”

  I peer down at my attire. Okay, maybe I should have put on a fresh shirt today. Maybe I should have put one on yesterday. But I have every right to be a slob for a while. This is my timeout, no one else’s.

  “You going to let me in?” she pouts. “I have news on Liz.”

  Fuck. I don’t want to hear that name. I ran out on her, again. I’ll admit it, at a real bad time for her, I fucked-off, and I’m sulking in this fancy hotel.

  I pull the door wide open to allow her through. “What is it?” I prepare myself for the worst, rubbing my hands over my face.

  “She’s gone.” She nudges an empty whisky bottle with the tip of her very sexy black shoe.


  “She’s awakening. Adrien has taken her and Daniel somewhere private.” She’s not looked at me once, her eyes are going over the mess I’ve made in here. “He wanted to do it alone.”

  “Why the hell is she awakening again? And why the hell would you let Adrien take Daniel with them?” I bark, my head woozy with whisky rush.

  “Her first time, was a placebo to bring Daniel into the world.” She finally looks at me. “She would have died eventually. Now she’s waking as Demi, the same as Adrien.”

  I wave my hand in the air, sobering up quicker than I would with blood. “Hold on… just back up. So the big man thinks he can handle Liz alone, while he’s caring for a baby!”

  “Ben is with them,” she says. “Besides, she’s handling it kind of well, second time round.”

  “Shit Sara… why the hell didn’t you go?” I pace to the queen-size unmade bed.

  “I have spent an age with Gwen, searching for your sorry ass,” she yells. “Your message to me from Dom was real nice by the way. I mean look at you. You’re a mess Nathan.”

  “Why the fuck do you care so much?”

  She narrows her eyes at me, like she seriously wants to do me some damage. It’s a hot angry look, and I love it.

  “You know what,” she shakes her head. “Forget it.”

  She turns her back on me and marches to the door. But I can’t let her go. Hers is the only face I’ve seen in days, and I think, no, I know that I’m falling for her. She actually cares about me, and I’m being a dick with her.

  As her fingers pull down the door handle I hurry to her back, and press my hand against the door to stop her leaving.

  “You are here for me?” I ask as the tensio
n between us thickens.


  “I’m sorry… I didn’t realise.” I lie my hand over the side of her face.

  “What, that a vampire such as my bitchy self, could… could love?”

  She lets her head fall forward, but I lift her eyes back to mine. I want to look into them. She needs to know the truth.

  “I feel the same Sara.” I gulp down then kiss her soft. “But I need to know one thing; can we go slow?”

  Her lustrous full lips offer me a sultry grin. Damn, she’s good.

  “I can do slow,” she says, seductively. “But… we’re not going to be doing any speed, until you shave that rug off your face.” She pushes me into the direction of the en-suite. “Shower, shave, and feed,” she orders.

  I turn to her in the doorway, with an urge driven grin. “I may need help,” I wink.

  She sniggers as she walks to me. “In there, now.” She playfully shoves me into the bathroom.

  “Yes Miss.”

  Chapter 32: Our Conclusion


  I didn’t want a party. I think I’m the only Demi to exist to ever have one. I didn’t have one last year, or the year before that, but Adrien was as adamant as always. And it’s no good arguing about it, because as sexy and polite as he is, his word is his bond.

  Tonight it is my third anniversary, when I awoke for real. When Adrien untied my wrists, swept me up into his arms, and told me we were safe; we were forever. I put him through hell, and the awful thing is, I can remember everything about it.

  The thirst triggered off violent spasms, emotional outbursts, and Adrien suffered the brunt of it. But after feeding the pain would fade, like a reset switch had been flicked on inside me. One of the worst parts was after I calmed, the utter devastation in Adrien’s eyes. How much I had hurt him. And even though he would play down my raging episodes, it didn’t stop the immense guilt I felt. He was my rock, caring not only for me, but Daniel also. His maternal instinct, even as a vampire, shone through.

  It was hard, difficult for me to release my human side. We spent months in Killiecrankie, tying up our old lives. The most heart-breaking time was my own funeral. I sat in our black Land Rover, behind the tinted windows, watching my mum’s pain. It was cruel and cold, but to disappear and protect Daniel, it had to be done. And Cate, sweet Cate, was as fragile with her emotions as ever. I wanted to get out of the car, run to them and declare my existence, but I didn’t. Daniel cooing in the backseat, stopped me.

  A week later, we were out here in Wyoming, moving into this ranch with over 50 thousand acres of land. Adrien of course had to rename it. Our private home is now called The Red Ranch. I know, cheesy, but I didn’t disagree. I was more interested in making sure it was secure and secluded, because Daniel is so different than normal kids. And mingling with others at that time, was a no go area.

  He eats normal food. He sleeps. But there are traits about him that are far too inhuman to share with the outside world, for now. He has a superior intelligence and can read people. He will often zone out, and enter a completely different dimension. He’s three years old, but is as big as a six year old. And he has gorgeous eyes that subtly change colour with his mood. But these characteristics are not faults, they are his perfections. I love and will die to protect him. He’s a beautiful child, and makes what I went through worth all the pain and loss.

  I reach and pull a hanger out of my messy closet. It is organised chaos in here, and Adrien hates it. His walk-in closet is immaculate. Like back at The Shard, he is very OCD about his stuff, whereas I don’t care. I think one of the reasons I keep my clothes in such a state, is because I love his sexy stress with me over it. I find it very entertaining.

  “Mom,” Daniel appears in my bedroom doorway.

  My eyes skim over the navy blue dress I’m holding. “Yes sweetie.” I toss the dress onto my bed and turn to him.

  “Can you tell Uncle Dom to stop messing with my bike?”

  I roll my eyes. “I thought you two were fixing that rusty thing up together?”

  “No. It was Dad’s idea,” he says. “I think he sent him to me to get him out of his hair.”

  “Well, I think you should tell him.”

  “No,” he squeals at me. “Uncle Dom doesn’t take rejection very well. He’s oversensitive, even for a vampire.” He walks away, leaving me dumbstruck by his mature words.

  Adrien and I have always been open with him about what we are. We sat down and explained that we are different than him, and that he is special. He listened to what we had to say, but then he stopped the conversation, telling us there was no need, because he already knew. It was bizarre, and in the end, Adrien and I felt like he was the one highlighting everything for us.

  I’ve now been through all items of clothing, and can’t find a thing to wear. I don’t see what the big deal is anyway, there will only be a handful of people here: Ben, Dominic, and a couple of friends Adrien knows - vampire friends. The people who were once important to me, won’t be here: Mum, Cate, Nathan, and Sara. Those I haven’t seen or heard from in years.


  I make my way outside to get away from the thought of the party. The crickets chorus in the long grass, waving in the night breeze. It’s so beautiful here at night, and every glimmering star cluster is like artwork across the sky. It’s mine and Adrien’s night thing. We don’t sleep, so we often sit out on the porch, staring into space. We’re in the middle of nowhere. It’s peaceful. And it’s safe.

  I lean against a pillar on the porch, watching as Dom pushes Daniel’s bike out of the barn. Dom has lived here with us for two years now. He wasn’t coping well after the coven went their separate ways, so Adrien gave him the new summerhouse we had built, down by the freshwater stream. At first I wasn’t sure, three’s a crowd and all that. But he’s made a life for himself here. He’s opened his own pharmacy practise. He has women falling over themselves for him. And he’s secured deals with Vigore, obtaining our blood rations. While Adrien concentrates on his booming real-estate empire, Dom is becoming quite the little Executive.

  Adrien comes out of the barn, wiping his hands on an oil rag. The sight of him, sends a desirous fizz throughout my body. I have every woman’s fantasy all to myself… for an eternity. I have the handsome, sweet-smelling, business side of him. The loving tender family side. And what I’m seeing walking toward me now: clad in ripped jeans, white oil coated tight vest, messy hair, and a hint of sexy stubble. This version I call my rough and ready Adrien. I bite on my cheek, enjoying the vision of him a little too much.

  He comes to a stop before the step I’m standing on. “Why aren’t you dressed?”

  “Why aren’t you?” I pout as his hands firmly slide over my hips.

  “You’re putting it off,” he says.

  “Yes I am, because I think it’s ridiculous having a party. I don’t even celebrate my birthday anymore. What’s the point?” I shrug.

  He gently sways my hips, gazing up at me with his hot but harsh eyes. “Elizabeth, this isn’t just for you. I haven’t seen Ben in months, and I need a briefing.”

  I frown. “Then instead of calling it a party, you should have called it business.”

  He grins with a cheeky twinkle in his eyes. “Yes, but you don’t receive gifts at a business meeting?”


  “Yes Elizabeth, I have a few surprises lined up for you.” Smiling, I run my hands over his soft neck as he pulls me closer. “So,” he grabs my ass. “I want you to do what I ask, or I will just have to get you washed and dressed myself.” He brushes his nose up my belly and between my breasts.

  “Well then,” I tease. “I refuse to go to this silly party.”

  “Okay, Mrs Knight.” He lifts me off my feet, flings me over his shoulder, and slaps my ass. “You asked for it.”

  He carries me up the porch steps, kicks open the front door, and takes me up the wide curved staircase.

  “Daniel?” I ask, laughing.

�s with Dom. I prepared for this scenario. Now get ready to be scrubbed down, Elizabeth.”


  After spending over an hour in the shower together, Adrien and I are now waiting for our guests to arrive. I’m wearing something Adrien picked out, his favourite little black dress. He does have great taste, and this dress, like many others, he bought for me. It’s a fitted knee length number, he had shipped here from McQueen’s in London.

  I check over my hair in the mirror beside the door. Adrien creeps up behind me and tugs me into his body.

  “Stop messing, you look great.” He kisses my neck.

  I turn around to face him. He looks so suave in his grey trousers, three quarter length sleeve shirt, and his shiny brown leather shoes. He’s gone from the bad boy look, to the millionaire look with ease, and he smells so yummy.

  “Have you fed?” he asks.

  I roll my eyes because I hate that question. Feeding is rather like going to the bathroom, personal. It’s something you don’t want to discuss. I feed once a day, in the morning, before brushing my teeth. It’s the only way I can floss my fangs.

  “Yes,” I utter.

  I peck his cheek and head into our over-sized modern country kitchen. It’s a dream kitchen, with white cabinets, and green marble worktops. We have a huge top of the range eight ring hob and oven. And of course, Adrien’s love of fine wines and liquors, takes pride and place, in a wall to wall glass chiller.

  “Mom,” Daniel calls, following Adrien into the kitchen. “Why do I have to wear this stupid tie?”

  “Hey,” Adrien says, pulling the cork out of a bottle of champagne. “What did I tell you about making good impressions?”

  “You look like a gentleman, Daniel,” I say, feeling proud.

  “You see, Daniel. Girls love a man in a tie.” Adrien winks, with a cocky grin.

  “No Dad, ties are for old people,” he sulks.

  Adrien shrugs his shoulders. “Well, I guess you are right there buddy.” The doorbell rings. “Elizabeth.” He sets the bottle down, gesturing his head for me to follow.


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