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Twisted Freedom

Page 17

by J Grayland

  “Thank you, but you know it’s the other way around, right?”

  “Okay, no competition. We are even on this one,” he said, grinning and slipping the last piece of his pizza into his mouth.

  We took Chance for a walk in the park before heading back to the penthouse for an early night. Nate had arranged for Nick to pick me up in front of the building at 8 a.m., and I wanted to get up a couple of hours early to go over some notes before we left. Nate wanted to take me in, but I knew how busy he and Paxton were at the moment with the bank deal, and I eventually convinced him that it would be pretty boring waiting for me to finish. If there was one thing that I knew, it was that Nate hated waiting around, so I made sure I put a lot of emphasis on how long it would take. When the alarm went off at 6 the next morning, I dressed in some sweats and sneakers, took Chance out to do his business, and came back up to get stuck into the books again. I studied until Nate got up about an hour later, and we had some breakfast together before I went downstairs to meet Nick.

  I was pretty sure I went to the bathroom to pee more times than necessary before I entered the exam room. There were several others in there taking the exam, as well, and we were told that it would be split into seven, sixty-minute blocks and spread over an eight-hour period.

  My stomach started to do flip-flop motions as I sat down, but as soon as I turned over the papers and picked up my pen on the first exam paper, I seemed to breeze through it. Everything that was on the paper felt like second nature, and the more questions I answered, the easier it became, giving me even more confidence in the fact that I hadn’t forgotten anything. The day was long and arduous, but I felt good about the results.

  When I finished, they told us that we should get our results in the mail over the next few days along with a time and date for the second exam. I was feeling so good, I almost skipped out and into the waiting car outside. I got off the lift at the King Security floor and walked over to the secretary’s desk, where she had her head down and her fingers gliding over the computer keyboard so fast, I swore I could almost see smoke rising. It took a moment before she looked up and saw me standing there, but then I noticed why as she pulled out a pair of black earbuds from her ears and pressed a button on a small black box that was connected to the computer.

  “So sorry, I didn’t see you there,” she said, her apology sincere.

  “That’s okay, you look pretty busy.”

  “Mr. King wants this, like, yesterday,” she said, pointing to the computer screen, making me chuckle.

  “It’s alright, I didn’t want to disturb you. Is he busy?” I asked her.

  “I’ll just check,” she said, picking up the phone and pressing a button on it. “Mr. King, Miss Tyler is here to see you.” Placing the phone back, she said, “Go right in.”

  “Thank you, Laura,” I said as I slowly pushed open the door and walked into his office. Nate was in front of me almost instantaneously, snaking one arm around my waist as he pushed his palm against the door, closing it. His hand came up to the back of my head, holding it firmly as his mouth met mine in a knee-trembling, scorching hot kiss. When his head drew away, I said, “Wow, now that’s what I call a welcome.”

  “How did it go?”

  “It was good. Easier than I thought it was going to be, but way too long,” I said, reaching up and running a finger across his one black curl that always seemed to drop into his eyes.

  “I thought about you all day,” he growled into my neck.

  “Well, I’m afraid you might have to do some more thinking about me because I need to get up to the penthouse and take Chance out for a walk before he leaves us a present up there,” I said, tilting my head back to give him easier access to my neck and running my fingers through the hair at the back of his neck.

  “Fuck,” he cursed into my skin disappointedly.

  “Sorry, babe, but I’m pretty sure you don’t want to put your foot in something wet and squishy later.”

  Sighing, he pulled his head back with a frustrated and horny look on his face. He gave me one last kiss, then smoothed down the front of his shirt, collecting himself. “Think I’m starting to have regrets,” he said, one brow raised.

  “About Chance? Don’t even think about it,” I said, scowling at him.

  “I think I’m getting jealous already. You’re going to go upstairs and let a dog do what I want to do.”

  “What, poop on the floor?” I laughed.

  “Funny. I mean more like lick you all over, then he gets you stroking him for the rest of the afternoon.”

  “Aww, my poor baby. Don’t worry, I will let you lick me all over tonight, then I will stroke you anywhere you want me to,” I said as I pushed myself onto my tippy toes and kissed the tip of his nose, making him growl in frustration once again.

  After Nate finished work that night, we drove back out to the beach house, although I had to keep reminding him to keep his eyes on the road instead of me with those lustful gray eyes of his. I think when I made him the promise about licking and stroking this afternoon, I might just have bitten off more than I could chew. This became more apparent when he almost skidded to a stop in front of the house, grabbed Chance’s leash to take him for a quick walk, and growled out to me to get in the bedroom and get naked. This time, Chance was left outside of our bedroom.

  Chapter Twenty-six


  I had no idea how I got through the day. My thoughts were totally consumed by Casey taking her exams, which morphed into Casey walking into my office naked and perching on my desk in front of me. And all that fantasy did was give me a painful hard-on for the rest of the day. When Laura buzzed, letting me know Casey was outside my office door, I thought my luck had changed. It might have if it wasn’t for her reminding me that Chance was likely crapping on the floor upstairs in the penthouse, and she needed to take him out.

  That last revelation was more than enough to put a downer on my carnal thoughts involving her, although when we got home that night, I made good on my promise of licking and stroking her all over, which I had to say was worth my day of some painful blue balls. When I woke in the morning, her side of the bed was empty. Running my hand across the sheet and feeling that it was cold, I pulled myself up to sit on the side of the bed. Running my hands down my face, scratching at the scruff on my chin, I took a quick glance at the time on my phone, seeing that it was just after 7 a.m. I headed to the bathroom for a shower and a shave.

  Once dressed in my usual office attire—jeans, boots and a navy blue, silk dress shirt—I opened the bedroom door to the smell of fresh coffee and something fried. Filling a mug with the hot liquid, I looked around for my girl, and I saw movement out on the sand. Walking out onto the back deck, I saw her dressed in only a pair of shorts and an almost see-through white shirt that had slid down, exposing her shoulders. Leaning a hip against the deck rail, I sipped my coffee and watched as she tossed the ball for the dog and laughed when he brought it back and dropped it at her feet. The morning sun was warm, but the ocean breeze was cool. Still, she ran with the dog, her long, blonde hair flying around carelessly in the breeze, her cheeks slightly pink with delight. I loved seeing her like this. She looked so happy, elated, and so free.

  “Morning,” I shouted out, making her turn and then run up the beach and up the stairs to me.

  “Morning,” she said, placing a hand on my chest and leaning in for a kiss, which I obliged by stooping down to catch her lips with mine.

  “Mmm, you smell good,” she moaned, running a hand over my freshly shaven cheek.

  “You always smell good, baby.”

  “You want some breakfast? I cooked you some bacon and eggs and put them in the oven to keep them warm,” she said, going into the kitchen. Grabbing a glove and pulling out the plate from the oven, I placed it on the table before grabbing some utensils from the drawer. Sitting down, I inhaled the wonderful smell of bacon befo
re starting to eat.

  “You know you don’t have to cook for me all the time, right?” I said around a mouthful of fluffy scrambled eggs.

  “I like to cook for you, but I can stop if you want me to.”

  “No, no not at all. I just don’t want you to think it’s something you’re expected to do, you know?”

  “Relax, Nate, I’m messing with you. I have always loved to cook, but now I really love to cook for you,” she said, giving me that beautiful smile of hers.

  “So, how would you feel about a house guest this weekend?”

  “A house guest? Who?” she asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

  “Remember how I told you that Paxton and I have to fly to Washington, D.C. for the day on Monday?” I asked, and she gave me a nod. “Well, I want Jax there as well, so I thought I might see if he wants to come over on the weekend so you two can catch up before we leave. What do you think?”

  “What do I think? Are you kidding me?” she said, jumping up and kissing me on the cheek. “I say get that cowboy here, so I can turn him into a beach bum,” she said excitedly. It should have pissed me off at how happy she was at the idea of seeing Jax, but it didn’t because I knew they had formed a close brother/sister bond. It took me a while to realize that Jax would protect her with his life and that Casey loved me and only me.

  As soon as I got into my office, I pulled up the contact list on my phone and pressed Jax’s name. It took several rings before he answered. “Hey, buddy, how the hell are you?”

  “I’m good, what about you? You enjoying some well-earned time off?” I asked him, relaxing in my chair, turning it toward the windows.

  “Hell yeah! I’m enjoying it while it lasts, but considering you’re calling me right now, it seems my enjoyment might be coming to an end,” he chuckled into the phone.

  “Yeah, sorry, man, but Paxton and I need you with us in Washington, D.C. on Monday for the West Bank contract,” I said apologetically.

  “Not a problem. Where and what time?”

  “Well, I was thinking you could fly in here on Friday and stay for the weekend before we head out on Monday. That is, if you’re not busy?”

  “Sounds good. So, I get to see your new place, huh?”

  “Of course.”

  “And that sweet little woman of yours, too? Maybe in a swimsuit?” I could almost see the evil bastard grinning on the other end of the phone.

  “You’re pushing your luck now, Jax, but yes, Casey is very excited to see you.”

  “Ah, what can I say? I am an expert at getting women excited,” he said, laughing.

  “Yeah, yeah. And on that note, I will say goodbye. Call me when you land, and I’ll pick you up on the way home.” Jax was still laughing when I ended the call.

  The West Bank deal was one of the biggest contracts King Security had ever taken on. It covered every branch of their banks throughout the United States with an upgrade to their security protocols and included installing all new, state-of-the-art cameras and equipment. After this trip to D.C. to finalize the contract with the board, King Security was going to become the biggest security company in the country. Not bad, considering it started with a retired cop, a rundown building, and a dream. My father’s dream was becoming a reality.

  I pulled up outside arrivals at PDX on Friday afternoon. Jax ambled out and over to the SUV dressed in jeans, a black t-shirt, and his favorite black Stetson. Pulling open the door, he threw his duffle bag into the back seat and slid into the passenger side. “Jesus, Jax, when are you going to buy yourself a new duffle? That thing stinks of horse shit,” I said, watching as he pulled his seatbelt on.

  “It’s my lucky duffle,” he said, smiling. “And hello to you, too.”

  Pulling the SUV out into traffic, we spent the drive catching up, and I filled him in on our trip to Australia. I also brought him up to speed on the bank contract.

  “So, how is she?” he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

  “She’s good. Really good, surprisingly,” I told him.

  “Sounds like she’s been through hell,” Jax said, looking out of the window.

  “I know, but she’s back. You’ll see,” I said, pulling into the long driveway that led up to the white house at the top and coming to a stop. Before our feet hit the gravel, the front door opened, and Casey ran down the stairs toward us with Chance barking behind. Jax caught hold of Casey in his arms, lifting her up and spinning her around.

  “Hey, little lady! Well, look at you,” he said, putting her down and taking a step back to look her over. Walking over, I put an arm around her waist, pulling her into my side.

  “Not for too long,” I said to Jax.

  “Come on in,” Casey said, motioning to the front door. Jax bent down to pat Chance.

  “I can’t believe you bought a dog,” he said, looking at Casey with a chuckle.

  “I didn’t, Nate bought him,” she said, making Jax turn to me with a raised brow.

  “What? I wanted a guard dog,” I said, shrugging.

  “Okay, what did you do with my buddy, Nate? Because this guy here is just too domesticated and homely. I mean, a house with a white picket fence and a dog?” Jax said with his hands spread out at his sides.

  “Fuck you, I’m not domesticated,” I said, walking into the house.

  “Almost,” Casey said, giving me a cheeky grin.

  “I’ll deal with you later,” I said to her over my shoulder in a warning tone.

  Jax walked through to the living area and stood in front of the open glass doors that led out onto the back deck. He pulled off his hat and dropped it on a chair outside while he was taking in the view. “Holy shit, this is amazing,” he said, his words filled with awe at the sight. Casey came from the kitchen with a couple of beers, handing one to Jax then the other to me. We enjoyed some time catching up while taking in the magnificent ocean view.

  The weekend was full of cookouts on the beach and lots of swimming, and I had to admit, I did insist that Casey wear the ugliest one-piece swimsuit she could find in the closet. Which, in all honesty, made no difference whatsoever because she was beautiful regardless of what she wore, but I was much more interested in limiting the amount of her skin Jax got to see. Paxton came over on Sunday with Lynda and the baby, and Casey called Mrs. Winters and invited her over to join us. We all enjoyed the evening talking over a wonderful meal cooked by the ladies. It was pure delight to watch my girl laugh, smile, and look more comfortable than I had ever seen her before.

  Chapter Twenty-seven


  What a weekend! It was so good having everyone over on Sunday, and I absolutely loved having Jax here for the weekend. I loved hearing stories from their time in the Marines and their travels. These were things Nate never really talked about much. I had tried to get him to talk about it before, but he just shrugged it off and said it held more bad memories than good, so I didn’t want to push him on the subject. But while Jax was here, he seemed a lot more relaxed and open, as though it helped to think about those memories with the support of someone else who was there with him, to help buffer the painful ones.

  On Monday morning, after a kiss and hug from Jax with a promise that we had to do this more often and a long, lingering, hot kiss from Nate, they left to pick up Paxton to head to the airport for the flight to D.C. I settled in for a long day of study and revision for my next medical board exam. Later that afternoon, I was down on the beach playing with Chance when I heard my phone ringing. Running up the stairs, I picked it up, looking at the screen that read “Unknown caller,” and answering it with a “Hello?” I waited for a voice, but there was nothing, just silence. “Hello?” I said again, but the line was blank. “Damn telemarketers can find you anywhere,” I said to myself, cutting off the call and going inside.

  After making a sandwich, I took it into the living room along with a glass of m
ilk and got comfy on the couch with a plan of finding a movie to get engrossed in until Nate got back. He texted me when he arrived in D.C., and he also sent me a text letting me know their flight had been delayed and that he should be home around 11 that night. After polishing off the sandwich and milk, I found an old horror movie to watch and curled up on the couch with a blanket and Chance’s warm body covering my feet. I must have dozed off because I was woken by him sitting up and growling.

  “What’s up, boy?” I said, patting the top of his head. His body was stiff, and I noticed a small line of hair along his back sticking up. His eyes were pinned to the front door, and a low growl persisted to roll through his body. Thinking it might be Nate coming up the driveway, I went to the front door to make sure the lights were turned on and looked through the small window next to it, but there was nothing. Walking around the house, I went to every window, looking through them and checking if they were locked with Chance at my side, still not happy. Once I was sure everything was locked up, I sat back on the couch, picked up the remote, and changed the channel, giving Chance another pat. “No more spooky movies for us tonight, hey, boy?” I said to him, convinced he must have heard an animal outside that spooked him.

  I climbed into bed just after 11 p.m. that night, unable to stay awake any longer, and fell asleep with the comfortable knowledge that Chance was laying right next to me. The next morning, he was curled up on his bed in the corner of the bedroom, and I had a large, warm body wrapped around my own. I could feel Nate’s heavy breathing behind me, telling me he was still asleep. I reached up behind me and stroked my hand through his hair, causing a low moan to rumble in his chest. “What time did you get in?” I asked him.

  “Around 1 a.m. Not sure what you got up to yesterday, but you were so out of it, you didn’t even stir when I got into bed. Not even when your guard dog over there started growling at me.”


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