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The Forbidden City

Page 6

by Ian Page


  By sustaining a trance, you will be able to predict the location of the bogs and quicksand before you come across them. A prolonged trance will cost you 4 WILLPOWER points. If, for some reason, you have to break your trance before you have crossed the swamps, and you wish to use the spell again in order to continue, you will need to use a further 4 WILLPOWER points.

  If you wish to use the Power of Prophecy, turn to 79.

  If you do not, turn to 89.


  You draw more energy into the Shield, restoring it to is former strength at a cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, but there is no third volley, only an unnerving silence. The Eijalfish is joined by another, and together they begin to circle the islet.

  You are trapped without food or supplies and the Shadakine seem content to wait it out. As the sun begins to set, you hear the sound of movement from the direction of the Shadakine.

  If you wish to fire in the direction of the movement, turn to 223.

  If you would prefer to attack the Eijalfish, turn to 258.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 147.

  If you would prefer to wait for nightfall, turn to 102.


  Uselessly, it begins to rain. The use of the Magical Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  If you wish to try again, return to 290 and choose a different Element.

  If you have the Power of Enchantment and would prefer to use it, turn to 139.


  The water is poisonous and the shock, as the poison runs swiftly through your system, throws you into confusion. You are already weak from your exertions and unable to resist the strong current. Before Samu is able to swim back and attempt to rescue you, you have sunk to the bottom of the river.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  The atmosphere is heavy and humid, and it is hard to breathe. The effort of walking causes you to lose 1 ENDURANCE point as your lungs labour against the damp, cloying air. The sun begins to set and the exhausted state of your body requires that you stop to rest for the night even though you are still within the confines of the swamp. Urik locates a bare, dry hillock and you stop there for the night. The air is alive with nocturnal insects and among them, to your dismay, you notice the distinct vermilion bodies of winged Blood Nymphs.

  If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy, turn to 121.

  If you do not, turn to 28.


  The Deathgaunt looks on as you usher your three companions within the protection of the pentacle. You possess no Magical Power capable of damaging this creature, for its body is not of the real world; your Wizard's Staff cannot help you here. You remain within the pentacle and continue to chant the warding words of Evocation. Eventually, with a whispered cry of frustration, the Deathgaunt dematerializes.

  You press on through the barren wilderness, more anxious than ever to reach your goal. The Deathgaunt has given up its attack for now but it is not destroyed and could return at any time. That night, with the black Mountains of Morn looming above you, you stop to make camp.

  If you possess the Magical Power of Alchemy and have an Azawood Leaf or a portion from a Bundle of Azawood Leaves in your Herb Pouch, turn to 299.

  If not, turn to 265.


  Walking along the dusty street, a sudden prickling sensation at the back of your neck warns you that danger lurks nearby. You feel as if a hundred pairs of eyes are watching your every move.

  If you possess the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 231.

  If you do not possess this Power, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 116.


  You give Urik a nod and then dive into the water, swimming with all your might away from the Shadakine. A flurry of quarrels slices the water around you. Unharmed, you splash to the water's edge, grateful to be moving into the cover of the tall reeds that line the bank.

  Panting for breath, both you and Urik run, half-crouched, through the undergrowth. A desperate chase begins as the Shadakine leave their hiding places and start to run after you. Urik leads the way, running along a shallow waterway that cuts through the tall marsh grass like a path. From behind, the chilling howl of hounds reaches your ears. Urik stops briefly and turns to you. ‘They have hunting dogs, terrible Magdi Hounds. We move slow and quiet now — keep to water — hide scent. I am old Kundi — cannot run,’ he wheezes, the hint of an apology in his voice.

  Stealthily, you both creep away with all the speed you can muster.

  Turn to 25.


  You leave the city by the north gate. Here the Suhni River and the Belzar River meet. By following the Belzar River west, you will come directly to the Mountains of Morn and the Forbidden City of Gyanima. You set off.

  You have travelled only a short way when you see a tall figure running towards you at great speed. It is Samu and you stop to wait for him.

  ‘You go to the Mountains?’ he asks, pointing to the west. You tell him that this is so. ‘Once, I was king of a great tribe — the Masbaté nomads of the Great Lissan Plain. Now, I am the only survivor. The Wytch-king saw the end of my people. The Shadakine fought and hounded us across the plains in their great chariots, led by the evil Wytch-king. Long we resisted him, but what use are swords and spears and brave warriors against the black arts? A great plague of demons sealed our doom. Shasarak has deprived me of my family and my people.’

  He looks at you with smouldering eyes. ‘I will come with you. You will have need of strength as well as bravery. You have mine.’

  Turn to 81.


  Urik gives you a look of bewilderment. You nod confidently, as if you know exactly what you are doing. The bizarre procession of madmen and mad women moves at a stately pace through the wide archway that leads from the throne room. Samu looks as solemn as ever but Hugi's face wears an expression of astonishment. You enter a dim, candlelit hall dominated by a long table. Rats scuttle across the table, running for their bolt-holes as the assemblage enters the room. You sit down and wait to see what happens next. ‘Dinner is served,’ announces a gaunt, grey-faced servant. A limping, squeaking, three-wheeled trolley is pushed into the room. At the far end of the table, the deranged king moistens his lips with his coated tongue and tucks the table cloth into the top of his torn silk shirt. The tarnished silver dish is uncovered and a wave of revulsion churns your stomach: on the silver platter is a hideous array of human limbs.

  Illustration VII—The deranged king prepares to dine.

  The king stands up, brandishing a rusty carving knife. ‘Would you like an arm or a leg?’ he enquires innocently.

  If you wish to accept, turn to 108.

  If you wish to refuse, turn to 220.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it to help you make your choice, turn to 281.


  The wretches fight with each other in a contest to be the first to leave. Once they have slain one of their kind they rush through the door. Outside, the street is now full of wretches and you scour the room to try to find another exit.

  Turn to 246.


  Hurriedly, you unfasten the knotted vine. Urik lets out a yell as you both plummet towards the ground at frightening speed. Your fall is broken by the sucking ooze of the marshy ground below, but you are still bruised and must lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

  Nearby, you can hear the shouts of the Shadakine Warriors as they search for you. You are surrounded by tall reeds and rushes and, for the moment, you are out of sight. You keep very still. The Shadakine are beating at the marsh reeds with large sticks, trying to flush you out. Just as a booted foot passes inches from your face, you suddenly realize that you are sinking.

  Illustration VIII—You hide in the tall reeds as the Shadakine seek you out.

  If you wish to struggle out of the quicksand into which you are being drawn, turn to 115.

  If you would prefe
r to keep still, at least until the Shadakine have passed, turn to 235.


  Carefully, Urik leads you along while you sustain a trance state. Your mind is full of a thousand images of future events and you are able to discern which is solid land and which is not until suddenly, a disturbing vision forms in your mind. You see yourself in combat with a terrible monster that has risen from a dark pit.

  If you wish to break your trance, turn to 13.

  If you wish to continue as you are, turn to 4.


  You begin to chant, scratching the shape of the pentacle into the ground. The Deathgaunt gives a cry of frustration and surges towards you. You feel its frozen touch before the pentacle is fully formed and you lose 4 ENDURANCE points. The deadly chill fever drags you into unconsciousness as the Deathgaunt's spell takes effect.

  Turn to 66.


  Samu sets the pace, reaching forward with great strides to lead you across the gently undulating plain that lies between Karnali and the mountains of the west. The Belzar Hills on the far side of the river cast a shadow across the waters, as though disapproving of your choice of destination.

  As the miles slip by, a growing feeling of uneasiness nags at your mind. You notice that Urik is constantly looking over his shoulder, his face clouded with uncertainty. In the afternoon, you stop to rest and you voice your doubts to Samu and Urik. ‘Ah! So you, too, have noticed!’ says Samu. ‘I felt this just after we set out. I fear we are being followed.’ Startled, you flash a look at Urik.

  ‘Me think it true,’ he says.

  If you wish to lie in wait to ambush whoever is following you, turn to 22.

  If you wish to continue, turn to 16.


  Although you have defeated the Shadakine warriors, the clearing is now full of raging soldiers. Wary of the power of your Staff they avoid further risk to themselves and send in a Magdi. The beast lunges at you, its claws and fangs thirsting for your blood. Due to the magical powers of their maker, Shasarak, the Magdi have a natural resistance to magic and you must subtract 2 from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat.


  If you win the combat, turn to 247.


  Stunned by the swiftness of your evasion, the wretch stands back, immobile, as you charge into the attack. Add 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat, due to the speed of your manoeuvre.

  Dead City Wretch: COMBAT SKILL 15 ENDURANCE 25

  If you win the combat, turn to 197.


  Soon, you are lost in a maze of alleys and side streets, all lined with small buildings. Above are a confusion of criss-crossing walkways.

  If you wish to climb a wooden stair that leads up to one of the walkways, turn to 221.

  If you wish to enter one of the small dwellings, turn to 166.


  Urik points to a place directly below him. ‘Here,’ he says. ‘It is here!’ There is no way down, other than via the pot-holes. Another Scree Wyrm slithers out of one of the holes and crawls towards you from out of its shadowy lair.

  If you have a Rope, turn to 157.

  If you do not have a Rope, turn to 304.


  You point towards the Water Elemental and it rolls forward, cascading towards the earth. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  You open your eyes to see that the water of the lake is starting to boil with activity. The Eijalfish begins to circle in confusion, distressed at the buffeting it is receiving. Urik regards the bubbling water with interest. ‘You want to swim?’ he asks.

  Turn to 74.


  You tell your companions of your intention and, at your word, and praying that your bravado will discourage attack, all four of you run down the stairs, yelling and shouting. It is an ill-founded hope. The dancers stop and stare at you with crazed expressions.

  The mad guards of the insane king are the first to countercharge, with the raving courtiers at their back.

  Turn to 251.


  The Shadakine falls, his body a smouldering ruin and, under the command of their tall, ferocious-looking leader, the Shadakine warriors fall back into the cover of the tall grass. A fearsome howl alerts you to a further danger. Two large hounds, each with two monstrous horned heads, come bounding out of the grass towards you. They are Magdi, hideous creations of the Wytch-king, Shasarak.

  Your nerve almost fails you at the sight of these terrifying beasts and you stand transfixed. Then, you hear Urik shout at you: ‘We must flee.’

  If you wish to stay and fight the Magdi, turn to 123.

  If you would prefer to run, turn to 156.


  You labour through the mud and slime, gingerly probing ahead with your Staff as you pass among the rancid pools and dark, sluggish streams.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magic Talisman of the Shianti, add 2 to this number.

  If your total is 0–4, turn to 110.

  If your total is 5–11, turn to 100.


  ‘Air!’ you shout in the sibilant tongue of the Elementals. At once, a host of Gale Wraiths sweeps across the lake, fanning the flames to white-hot. Eventually they blow out the fire, but the massive rise in temperature has burnt both you and Urik to cinders.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  ‘I have great need for haste, Sado,’ you say, ‘but I will help you this night. What must I do?’

  A fire lights in Sado's eyes. ‘I thank you, Grey Star, in the name of the people of Karnali.’

  He tells you of his need for a diversion that will lure the bulk of the Shadakine force outside their walled city-fortress. You consider your Magical Powers, trying to decide which would best accomplish this.9

  If you have the Magical Power of Enchantment and wish to use it, turn to 139.

  If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 290.

  If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 208.

  [9] You are forced to choose to use a Magical Power, even though all the Powers that are available to you may require you to use more WILLPOWER points than you currently possess. If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose to simply subtract the number of WILLPOWER points required to use the Power you select. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in Section 175 of War of the Wizards for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).


  You run forward along the main street as fast as your legs will carry you. The deserted street is full of old buildings, many of which are still intact. Their strange designs prevent you from guessing their original purpose.

  If you wish to enter one of these buildings, turn to 175.

  If you wish to leave the main street in case the summons of the Gatekeeper is answered, turn to 84.


  You wake to the sound of exotic bird song. You resume your journey and, by late afternoon, have left the peril of the swamplands far behind. When you reach the northern edges of the Gurlu Marshes, you see, gleaming in the distance, the city of Karnali and the bright waters of the Suhni River.

  Turn to 204.


  All you find in the banqueting room is a pile of human bones and some rats that are gnawing on them.

  If you wish to look for Hugi in the throne room, turn to 306.

  If you wish to leave the palace without Hugi, turn to 127.


  All is silent once more. A third volley of bolts does not appear. Fortunately, the Shadakine are unaware that their attacks are weakening your Shield of Sorcery a
nd have decided that further assaults are useless.

  An hour passes. Then, from out of the reeds, a large barrel arcs through the air, a dark liquid spurting from holes drilled into the sides. It splashes into the lake. ‘What are they up to?’ you murmur.

  ‘Who can say?’ replies Urik. ‘Shadakine have much cunning.’ More barrels are thrown into the lake. Gradually, the thick liquid they contain forms a film on the water, reflecting the light of the setting sun, and soon the entire lake is polluted by the black liquid.

  Suddenly, a lighted torch sails through the air and, as it hits the water, ignites the oily surface, transforming the lake into a raging inferno. You are surrounded by flames and soon your clothes begin to smoulder; you wince as the intense heat sears your flesh. Urik fixes you with a panicked stare, primeval fear of fire twisting his features.

  If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 210.

  If you wish to attempt to swim underwater, turn to 297.


  As you remove the Black Rod from the pocket of your robe, you feel the latent energy that it contains. This was Shasarak's master key, an instrument of his power when Taklakot was his domain. Your skill enables you to detect that it will open the door.


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