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The Forbidden City

Page 13

by Ian Page

  He looks, a searching gaze on his face, with an intensity that almost crackles with energy.

  If you have the Chaksu Pipes, turn to 101.

  If you do not have the Chaksu Pipes, or if you do not wish to use them, turn to 53.


  Samu engages the first of the guards and you are both surprised at his ability to match Samu's fighting skill, for the guard looks so ill and pale. However, he is a trained soldier and he fights with the preternatural strength of a madman.

  You are distracted from Samu's confrontation as the second guard charges at you.


  If you win the combat, turn to 134.


  The evening is drawing in. Suddenly, Urik stops and bids you listen. Just off the waterway, you can hear the quiet whimpering of a creature in distress.

  If you wish to investigate the sound, turn to 225.

  If you prefer to ignore the sound, turn to 249.


  Jaws clamped together with grim determination, you increase the power of your attack. Your nerves scream and your body protests at the concentration of life-force that you are transmitting through the incandescence of your Staff.

  The Kazim light is faltering to a jaundiced glow in the sky. The Shadakine Wytch is weakening.

  ‘Now I've got you!’ you whisper, hoarsely, clinging to your power with every fibre of your being.

  Turn to 286.


  You pass through the archway and into the main street. Immediately, the gatekeeper rings a cracked bell and hurries down the stairs of his guardroom to charge at you in a raging fury. He wields his broken sword with little skill but he seems possessed of unnatural strength and savagery.

  If you choose to fight, you must fight the Gatekeeper to the death.

  Gatekeeper: COMBAT SKILL 10 ENDURANCE 28

  If you wish to avoid the combat completely, turn to 92.

  If you win the combat, turn to 158.


  A missile whistles past your shoulder and embeds itself in the throat of the deadly Scree Wyrm. It is a razor-edged boomerang — Urik's weapon. The Scree Wyrm convulses violently, hurling Hugi to the ground close by your feet. The little Kundi man waits patiently for the creature's death-throes to cease before daring to retrieve his weapon. With a swift tug, he wrenches it free and kicks the lifeless carcass into the crevice from which it emerged.

  Turn to 85.


  The creature floats towards you across the Belzar River, its tattered robe shimmering with a silvery light. You can see the dim outline of an eyeless face locked in torment.

  You send your thoughts racing out to the Elemental Plane in a desperate plea for help but the Elementals do not answer your plea, for this is a Deathgaunt, one of the undead raised by the Wytch-king Shasarak, and against it the Elemental powers cannot prevail. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 169.


  You soon realize that Urik's eccentric, shambling gait is not due to senility, but is one that he has adapted to suit his environment: his bow legs, the rolling rhythm of his stride, and his long tail enable him to trot along the narrowest of branches with ease. Meanwhile, you are left tottering along, your back bent in a curious balancing act, and your eyes averted from the ground, far below.

  By mid-morning, you have reached the edge of the rain forest of the Azanam and are overlooking the Azagad Gorge. Far below, you can make out the sharp pinnacles of rock known as the ‘Dragon's Teeth’ which cover the canyon floor. It was through this gorge that you came in search of the Azanam, and the lost Kundi tribe. There it was that your friend and guide, Shan Li the merchant, died so terribly, devoured by poisonous Quoku, the flying amphibians that inhabit the desolate land. Your silent reverie is interrupted by the sound of Urik calling to you from above. ‘Azagad hold sad memories for Grey Star?’ he enquires sympathetically. You nod your head, not thinking to ask how he knew what was on your mind. ‘No time for sorrow now … time fly! Catch.’ He throws you a length of vine cut from the tree on which he stands. You take up the creeper and look at it in puzzlement. ‘Make yourself a harness and tie it on — good and tight,’ he orders. You do as he suggests and before you can question his purpose, he produces a carved flute. He places it to his lips and begins to play a strange melody quite unlike any music you have ever heard before.

  The music lasts for some time. Eventually, Urik puts down his pipe and looks expectantly at the sky. ‘What now?’ you ask, a hint of cynicism in your voice.

  ‘Look … see!’ he replies. Far away you can see a tiny speck on the skyline. ‘Ooslo bird … love Kundi music.’ The dark speck grows larger and soon you are able to make out the awkward, disproportionate shape of an Ooslo bird. Long-necked and small bodied, the bird's great wings flap without rhythm or grace. It is a strange creature.

  Illustration XVI—You make out the awkward shape of an Ooslo bird, a strange creature.

  As the bird draws nearer, Urik takes up his pipe once more and plays. Eventually, the bird settles on a nearby branch, craning its neck and twisting its head, an expression of rapt fascination in its big, saucer-like eyes. Urik ties the other end of the vine into a lasso. He stops playing and, with amazing accuracy, throws the lasso over the Ooslo's head. As the loop of the vine falls and tightens around the bird's neck, it gives a squawk of alarm. Only now does the nature of Urik's plan to ‘cover many miles in just one day’ dawn on you.

  Suddenly, you are dragged up into the air by the Ooslo bird. Urik gives an excited whoop of delight, leaping into the air and grabbing at your legs, dangling there as the bird flies higher. ‘What do we do now?’ you shout, swinging wildly in the air, the old Kundi man clinging to your legs and grinning maniacally.

  ‘Ooslo bird fly home now … back to Gurlu Marshes. Ooslo — strong flier. Take us far … and good fun, eh?’ The Ooslo bird squawks loudly and Urik hoots back with a howl of wild laughter.

  Despite the discomfort of the vine that chafes under your arms and the dizzying heights of your aerial journey away from the Azanam, you finally admit to yourself that Urik's dangerous and eccentric plan has saved you many miles of walking and perhaps days of wandering. Far below, the landscape rushes by and by late afternoon the scenery has completely changed. Ahead lie the marshy wastes of the Gurlu swamplands, the nesting place of the Ooslo bird.

  The Ooslo bird begins to fly lower, its voluminous wings flapping erratically as it checks its speed. You are wondering how you are to land safely when Urik shouts up to you. He is pointing ahead. ‘Big trouble. Hunters,’ he says. Sure enough, you can see a party of men armed with crossbows. With horror, you recognize the party to be comprised of Shadakine warriors, soldier slaves of the Wytch-king, Shasarak. It is evident that you have been spotted, as the warriors are running this way and that, shouting and busily priming their weapons. The ground speeds by over twenty feet below.

  If you wish to untie the vine and risk the fall, turn to 78.

  If you prefer to attack the party of hunters with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 188.

  If you possess the Power of Sorcery and prefer to create a magical shield about yourself, turn to 278.


  Before you are able to fire your Wizard's Staff, you must drop your Shield of Sorcery. Taking careful aim, you hurl the might of your Staff at the Eijalfish. Immediately, a sheet of flame blankets the water of the lake, throwing the charred body of the Eijalfish into the air atop a great waterspout. Radiant droplets of fire and water are flung in all directions across the boiling lake. The use of your Staff has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  ‘Time to go?’ asks Urik.

  If you wish to swim away, turn to 74.

  If you prefer to recall your Shield of Sorcery, turn to 263.


  At the sight of your Wizard's Staff and in the light of the damage it has inflicted on their fellows the wildmen rise up in fear a
nd make a run for the door.

  If you wish to stop them from leaving by attacking them, turn to 176.

  If you wish to conserve your energy and let them go, turn to 77.


  The wretches break down the door. Many fall dead before they are able to reach you; however, the overwhelming press of numbers is too much, even for the might of the Wizard's Staff. You are taken prisoner and kept in a dark room for many days before you are killed by the wretches of the Forbidden City.

  You have failed in your quest.


  ‘Fire!’ you shout in the language of the Elementals. Suddenly the lake erupts into one gigantic fireball that engulfs both you and Urik in searing flame.

  Your life and your mission have come to a fatal end here.


  Staff raised above your head, you wait for your chance to strike. Samu's defence against the Scree Wyrm is a dizzying blur of sword strokes. The Wyrm's attack weakens and, as it does, you strike out with the might of your Staff. A bolt of power shudders through the fearful creature as its body tenses before flopping lifelessly to the ground.17 Disdainfully, Samu gives the carcass a kick and the creature disappears through one of the pot-holes that litter the desolate plain.

  Turn to 85.

  [17] As you are using your Wizard's Staff against the Scree Wyrm, you should deduct 1 WILLPOWER point.

  If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of WILLPOWER points. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in Section 175 of War of the Wizards for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).


  You begin to call up your Shield of Sorcery as before. Then suddenly you realize the reason for the movement amongst the Shadakine. The realization comes too late: a crossbow bolt thuds into your back, fired by a soldier who has crept behind you. With a shout of pain you fall, face forwards, into the water of the lake.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You point the Rod at the Kleasá and its yellow beam of light strikes its body. You watch as the light is absorbed by the darkness of the creature; the Black Rod begins to feel warm.

  If you wish to stop your attack, turn to 229.

  If you wish to continue with your attack, turn to 193.


  You are alerted by the cries of your companions. The Deathgaunt has returned! It ignores the efforts of the company to block its advance and speeds towards you.

  If you have the Magical Power of Evocation and wish to use it, turn to 80.

  If you do not have this Power, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 171.


  With your Magical Power of Sorcery, you are able to free the giant's mind of the control that the slavemaster has over him. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you extinguish the light of the jewel around his neck. It is a Mind Gem and, with the fading of its power, the giant returns to true consciousness. As he does, he turns and deals the slavemaster a killing blow. In turn, you raise your Staff and shear through the master link that holds the other slaves in chains. With a cheer, they break away from the battle.

  If you wish to take the Mind Gem from the slavemaster's dead body, mark it as a Special Item on your Action Chart. The Mind Gem is worn around your neck. The giant offers you his thanks before turning to charge into the battle. You follow close behind.

  Turn to 276.


  You climb the steeply sloping passage. An hour passes and Urik begins to sniff the air. ‘Shadow Gate drawing near,’ he says. You increase your pace to match the quickening beat of your heart. At last, the passage opens on to a small, circular cavern: exits lead north, east, and west.

  If you wish to take the passage leading north, turn to 23.

  If you wish to take the passage leading west, turn to 37.

  If you wish to take the passage leading east, turn to 46.

  If you possess the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 64.


  You decide to conserve your WILLPOWER in case you are required to face greater perils in the future. Now pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–6, turn to 44.

  If the number you have picked is 7 or higher, turn to 118.


  You can see the dim outline of an eyeless, tormented face. The shimmering, silvery creature is a Deathgaunt, an undead spirit freed by Shasarak, the Wytch-king, to roam the world of the living.

  You attempt to cast the illusion of a warrior moving to attack it but the Deathgaunt is not fooled. It passes through the illusion and dispels it. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 169.


  He throws open the door and you slip inside. Panting, Urik slams the door shut behind him. Within moments it seems that the whole of the mad court of the king is hammering on the door. You survey the interior of the room with dismay for there is no other exit. Samu is trying to keep the baying crowd from forcing the door but even his great strength cannot hold it shut for long.

  ‘There must be another way out,’ says Hugi, calmly, as if he has all the time in the world. He begins to run his hands along the walls of the small room, knocking with his knuckle against the smooth stone. Then he hears a hollow tone. ‘Here!’ he exclaims.

  A wooden panel falls away in Hugi's hand to reveal the latch of a hidden door. It is locked but Hugi produces a wallet full of small knives and pieces of wire and selects a length of fine copper with which to pick the lock. ‘Hurry!’ says Samu. ‘This door will not hold.’

  Skilfully, Hugi opens the door to reveal a passage leading downwards. You run down into its darkness, little knowing what lies ahead.

  Turn to 168.


  No sooner have you slain the Magdi than the second hound comes charging towards you. Without hesitation, you turn and run, the Magdi in hot pursuit.

  Turn to 185.


  ‘There!’ says Urik, pointing. Beneath the opalescent light you see a great pool of darkness.

  ‘Where?’ you say. ‘I see only a dark … ’ You stop abruptly in the middle of your sentence as a vast, looming shadow ripples and takes shape. Standing guard over the site of the Shadow Gate is a creature of shadow — a Kleasá, sent by Shasarak to thwart your final attempt to step through the door and into the Daziarn plane. These servants of evil feed on the energy of human souls, draining their being like a vampire drinking of life's blood.

  Cowering within the black light of the Kleasá, you see Tanith — tormented prisoner of Shasarak and victim of the Kleasá.

  If you wish to fire a blast from your Staff at the creature, turn to 113.

  If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and wish to use it, turn to 122.

  If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and the Mind Gem, and wish to use them both against the Kleasá, turn to 143.

  If you wish to use the Black Rod, turn to 229.


  The slithering Scree Wyrm snakes towards you, the bones of its opaque body clacking as they pass through the cinders and dust of the valley. You raise your Wizard's Staff and prepare for combat.


  If you win the combat in 3 rounds or less, turn to 85.

  If the fight lasts for more than 3 rounds, do not continue with the combat but turn immediately to 182.


  Taking careful aim, you hurl the might of your Wizard's Staff at the Eijalfish. A sheet of flame blankets the water of the lake, throwing the charred body of the Eijalfish high into the air atop a great waterspout. Radiant droplets of fire and water are flung in al
l directions across the boiling lake. The distant cries of the Shadakine warn you that they have seen the conflagration and now know your position. The use of your Staff has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  If you wish to use this chance to swim away, turn to 74.

  If you wish to wait and do battle with the Shadakine, turn to 180.


  The following day, you, Urik, and the fighters of the Freedom Guild are ensconced in the tall grass at the edge of the marsh. In the distance gleams the city of Karnali overlooking the Suhni and Belzar Rivers. Along the Great Suhn Road that leads east away from Karnali, you see a long line of men, women, and children: slaves of the Shadakine. Warriors walk up and down the line, brandishing flails with needless ferocity. Suddenly, the charge is sounded and a wave of men pours out of the brush and runs towards the column of slaves.


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