Book Read Free

His Every Desire

Page 6

by Ashley Blake

  “Come Eva, we have a lot of work to do.”

  I didn’t protest, I didn’t say a word, I just followed him to his office, painfully aware of all eyes on me as we walked down the hall.

  “Close the door behind you.”

  I closed the door and walked over to his desk, my tablet in hand ready to take notes.

  “Before we get started I have something for you to look over.”

  He handed me a piece of paper with the word ‘CONTRACT’ emblazoned across the top and I was a bit confused. I already had the job so I didn’t understand why I had to sign something new. I looked up at him completely confused.

  “I don’t understand. What is this?”

  He crossed his arms as his eyes held mine and I began to squirm a bit under his stare.

  “That is a proposition. You can either accept or decline the offer, and whatever you decide your employment status with us will not be affected. I think you are so bright and talented, you have an amazing future ahead of you, and I want to offer you an opportunity that no one else has ever received.”

  “Okay…” My words trailed off as I began to read the contract. When I finished reading I slowly looked up at him.

  “So, I see you’ve read everything. Any questions?”

  “Um, yes. Is this real?”

  His gaze was unwavering. “Yes, it is. I have a high-end shopping center in Paris that is scheduled to be completed in two weeks and I am offering you the opportunity to possibly design one of the stores. I will show you the renderings and I want a sample portfolio on my desk by Friday so that mother can give the final okay. If she approves your ideas, you will have one month to complete the task. We will be working out of the Paris office and you will work with the senior designer there, but you will be responsible for the design. If your design is successful, meaning mother approves, you will be promoted to senior designer. Now, during that time you also have to do whatever I ask - anything I desire - no questions asked. If you agree you can sign the contract and my secretary will make your travel arrangements.”

  I sat there, staring at him in disbelief. It was all so much to take in; my brain had a hard time comprehending everything.

  “What happens if Mrs. Locke doesn’t like my ideas?”

  His words were firm. “Then the offer is off the table and you will just continue to work your way up in this office.”

  “And if she approves and I am promoted won’t I get a lot of backlash from the other employees here? I am sure there are people who are much more deserving than me to be promoted. I mean, I just started here and I don’t want to make enemies.”

  He looked at me intently. “Eva, if anyone deserved a promotion, they would have been promoted by now. Don’t worry about your co-workers. Everyone who works here is generously compensated and should not have one complaint. If anyone ever gives you any trouble I want you to come to me and only me. Okay?”


  “Good. I want your designs on my desk by Friday. We will revisit this opportunity next Monday. For now, we have a lot of work to do so let’s get started.” There he went, right back into work mode. It was amazing the way he was able to do that and it was something I was going to work on perfecting myself.

  We worked tirelessly the rest of the morning, with Christian going over every detail of the company and his mother’s vision of where she wanted it to go. He was all business and I kept hoping I would see a glimmer of the feelings he claimed to have for me, but it was as if work turned him into a robot. I had never met a more focused man in my life and it turned me on more than I could have imagined. I found myself forcing myself to concentrate as I listened to him, wanting to do nothing but wrap my arms around him. His words kept running through my mind, ‘do whatever I ask’, and a shiver ran down my spine every time I thought about what that could mean. We broke for lunch around 1:00 and Evan was at my office door five minutes later. He was a welcome relief from the sexual tension I found myself wrapped in and I couldn’t wait to get some fresh air.

  “Ready to go?”

  “Yes, let me just grab my purse.”

  We went to a cute restaurant right around the corner and I barely had time to take my seat before Evan started in with the office gossip. He told me who was hooking up with whom and who was on the verge of being fired. It was all pure gold.

  We had been chatting for about 30 minutes and I got a really good vibe from him. I felt that he was someone I could trust so I had to ask about the bitchy girl who showed me to my office.

  “Hey, what is the deal with Kelly? She was giving me major attitude this morning.”

  He rolled his eyes and it was obvious he couldn’t stand her.

  “She’s probably pissed that you got the assistant position. She has been trying to work for Christian forever but for all the wrong reasons. Two years ago she made a huge fool of herself at the Christmas party, got sloppy drunk and tried to kiss Christian in front of everyone. I was really surprised he didn’t fire her but I guess his father knows her father and he agreed to let her stay as a favor to him.”

  “Oh, so that explains why she was so…aloof.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t give her a second thought. You have hit the jackpot and if you really want to be a designer, there is no better place for you to be. My Aunt is a design genius and I am sure you know she has designed for many celebrities, kings and sheiks. Her talent is in demand all over the world. Even though she is publicly retired, she is always available to those in the know.”

  “I was going to ask you about the cousin connection. So you really are Christian’s cousin?”

  He raised an eyebrow at me giving me a curious look. “Christian? Are we on a first name basis already? Is there something I should know?”

  I instantly felt my cheeks get warm and knew they must have been bright red. I was mortified that I had said Christian’s first name to a virtual stranger. The last thing I needed was rumors being spread about me on my first day.

  “No, no, I meant to say Mr. Locke.” I stammered over my words.

  “Relax Eva, I was just teasing. But judging by the look on your face it looks like I hit a nerve. Let me give you some unsolicited advice. Tread very carefully with my cousin. He has a voracious appetite and you are just the type he will gobble up and toss aside when he is done. Don’t let him get too close; he is a master manipulator. I am not trying to trash my cousin; I love him and he is family. But I know him better than almost anyone and he has a reputation for loving them and leaving them. No one has ever truly captured his heart. When I said everyone is trying to land him, I meant it. His female contact list is long and he uses it quite often. I don’t want you to be just another conquest for him. I can tell you’ve got a good spirit and you deserve an amazing man. So just be careful there.”

  As his words sank in I thought about the past three times we had been together and yeah, Christian was arrogant, but I didn’t get all the other stuff Evan was saying about him. I thought about how sweet he was to me the night we went to dinner and then I remembered that he had lied to me for a couple of weeks and he seemed to be able to do it so easily. I was confused and didn’t know what to believe. My ears heard everything Evan said but my heart was a different story.

  I winked at him. “Got it, let’s change the subject.” Things were starting to get heavy and I needed a breather. “Tell me more about you. Where did you grow up, how did you choose design?”

  We chatted for a few more minutes and I learned that Evan grew up with Christian and Christian’s younger brother, Tyler, in his house. When Evan was five he moved in with his aunt and uncle after a drunk driver killed his mom and dad; so he and Christian and Tyler were really more like brothers. Evan had just started dating a new guy and so far things were going well. He said he had to be careful that people were not after him for his money. Apparently he had inherited a nice lump sum from his aunt and uncle when he turned 25.

  Before I knew it our lunch hour was over and it was time to get ba
ck to work. Christian had a stack of folders waiting for me on my desk that I needed to go through. They were samples of Mrs. Locke’s work so I could get a handle on what types of designs she liked. I pored over every detail trying my best to be a human sponge. A few hours later I started putting together vague ideas for my portfolio when Christian summoned me to his office. It was almost 7:00 so I was assuming he wanted to tell me I could go home for the day. He was sitting on his couch and he was so focused on what he was reading he didn’t even look up when I walked into his office.

  “Close the door behind you.”

  There was something different about his voice, something that made my core begin to throb. I closed the door and stood there waiting for him to tell me what to do next. He looked up at me and his eyes smoldered.

  “Come stand in front of me, Eva.”

  I didn’t question him, I just did as I was told.

  His eyes slowly traveled over my body.

  “Unbutton your shirt.”

  My eyes frantically searched his which were steady, and fixed on mine. I didn’t know what to do.

  “I, um…” My voice was shaky, but not with fear. The lust I was feeling was overwhelming.

  His sapphire blue eyes held mine and he didn’t flinch as he repeated his words, his voice firm.

  “Unbutton your shirt, Eva. I want to see you.”

  With trembling fingers I slowly unbuttoned my shirt, my eyes holding his, so happy I had worn a pretty bra that day. I felt sexy as hell as I watched him watch me. He was completely captivated and I was doing that to him. My blouse fell open and I put my hands on my hips as his eyes appreciated what they were seeing.

  “Is this what you wanted to see?”

  “No.” His voice was heavy with lust. “Come closer.”

  I stepped toward him and he reached up and slipped my blouse off of my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor next to me.

  “Take off your skirt.”

  I knew he wanted to see me naked and I was completely okay with it. I decided that I was not going to fight what was happening. I wanted him and I wasn’t making apologies for it.

  I slipped off my skirt and stood there in my bra, panties and heels and I thought Christian was literally about to start drooling.

  “Fuck, you’re sexy,” he whispered.

  I flipped my hair over my shoulder and cocked my head. “Thanks.”

  His eyes glazed over with lust as he reached for me, pulling me to him, his hands on my hips. He looked up at me and smiled as he slowly ran his hands over my ass.

  “Like I said before, you’re going to be trouble.”

  He leaned in toward me and his lips touched mine, gently at first and then with more passion. His tongue swept over mine and I raked my fingers through his thick hair pressing my body closer to his. He was easily the best kisser I had ever been with and I felt my core twitch and my nipples getting hard. A soft groan escaped his lips as I pressed my breasts against his chest, my arms wrapping around his neck. He slowly leaned against me and we ended up lying down on the couch.

  Christian tucked me underneath him and I wrapped my legs around him. His hands ran down my sides and under my ass, giving it a squeeze before lightly rubbing up my stomach to my breasts. I let out a soft moan as Christian pinched my nipples through the fabric.

  I raised my hips and wrapped my legs a little bit tighter around his legs, and I heard Christian suck in air as his hard length pressed against my core. I rubbed my hands over his ass pressing him into me as he kissed my neck. His tongue ran along my neck to my earlobe and he gently licked it sending chills down my arms. We were both panting as we explored each other and his lips crashed down onto mine. He squeezed my breasts through my bra and I started to slip my hand down to his belt when he broke away from the kiss and grabbed my wrist, panting heavily.

  “Are you okay on this couch?”

  I was not the kind of girl to sleep with someone so soon; that just wasn’t me. But there was something about Christian I couldn’t resist, and I didn’t want to.

  “Yes,” I panted. The couch was huge. It was plush and deep and we both easily fit with room to spare. He looked at me giving me a gentle smile.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  I gently held his face in my hands and looked him in the eye.

  “I am sure.”

  I pulled him down to me for a kiss and he ran his hands down my sides to my thighs, giving them a squeeze and then slid his hands back up to my panties. He hooked his thumbs under the thin band of my panties and I raised my hips as he slowly pulled them off of me. He lightly stroked my legs down to my shoes and then back up as he pushed my knees apart, exposing my sensitive flesh.

  I felt his tongue on my inner thigh making its way up and I held my breath as he got closer to my core. I could feel how wet I was as his tongue lightly stroked the soft sensitive skin inside my thigh causing me to quiver. My knees fell open giving him better access. His tongue delved into my most sacred place and I threw my head back in ecstasy, my hands buried in his hair.

  “Ah, Christian!”

  He licked in between the folds and slid his hands under my ass lifting my hips up a bit. His tongue slid over my clit giving it a little flick and then I felt a finger enter me as he licked my clit with his tongue. He flattened his tongue and rubbed it over my clit as he inserted another finger. A loud moan escaped my lips as he started to move his fingers in and out of me, his tongue rubbing over my clit. I started writhing around and Christian held my hips so I couldn't move, his tongue and fingers still pleasuring me.

  He turned his fingers, rubbing my inner front wall and it was what I needed to put me over the edge. Waves of pleasure washed over me as I let out a loud cry, my orgasm rocketing to the surface, my body shuddering uncontrollably. I collapsed back onto the couch, smiling and panting for air.

  "That was incredible, Christian. You have a magic tongue!"

  "The best is yet to come."

  He unhooked my bra and then I reached for his pants, unbuckled his belt, and unbuttoned his jeans. He stepped out of them leaving them in a crumpled ball on the floor, and then I sucked in a sharp breath as I saw the outline of his dick in his boxer briefs. I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off of him as I stared at the outline of his hard member, and what I could see was pure perfection. I reached forward and pulled them off of him, his cock springing free, and my mouth literally watered as I saw how big and thick he was. My pussy was twitching, aching to be filled and Christian must have read my mind.

  He pushed me down onto the couch and straddled me, running his hands over my breasts. His lips captured one nipple, flicking it with his tongue as he rolled the other one between his fingers. The wetness dripped down my inner thigh as I skimmed my fingernails over his taut back muscles and down over his ass, trying to pull him toward me as I opened my legs.

  "Not yet, baby," he whispered.

  He grabbed a condom from the pocket of his pants on the floor and slowly rolled it on as his piercing blue eyes locked with mine. I wrapped my legs around him and as he slowly entered me he leaned down and kissed me deeply. I tangled my fingers in his thick dark hair, as desperate for him as he seemed to be for me. He moved in and out of me, slowly at first and then his hips pumped faster as I moaned with each stroke, my cries echoing throughout his beautiful office.

  His thrusts grew faster, more forceful, and he began to pound me into the couch. His hips moved like a jackhammer and I could feel the release that I was so desperately craving building, when he quickly withdrew, and a loud gasp escaped my lips as I felt the abandonment. Christian flipped me over and pulled me up onto my knees. His fingers dug into my hips as he slid into my wet core. Guttural groans came from behind me and I felt his hand slide around between my legs, his fingers rubbing my slippery nub.

  Christian increased his strokes, his fingers digging into my hips, as his guttural cries got louder drowned out only by my moans.

  “Please!” I cried out. “I need
to come!”

  Christian’s fingers rubbed my clit harder as he rammed into me, pinching and rolling my nipples with his other hand. His dick reached places inside me I didn’t know existed, and with one last thrust my orgasm exploded throughout me. I cried out, my fingers clawing at his back, my body shaking uncontrollably. I felt Christian tense up and a guttural hoarse cry escaped his lips as he jerked inside me, and with a couple of sharp thrusts he collapsed against me. We lay there like that for a couple of minutes trying to catch our breath. He rolled off of me, tossed the condom in the trash, looked at me and gently caressed my cheek.

  We lay there for a few minutes not saying anything and it began to sink in that I had just slept with my boss. I glanced over at him and he was staring at the ceiling. A mini panic set in as I wondered if I had just ruined my career before it had even started.


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