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Wolves Bloodlines

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by Girl, Breukelen

  Wolves Bloodlines

  By Breukelen Girl

  Smashwords Edition

  © Copyright 2016

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may contain violent and sexual content. By reading and purchasing this book and downloading it, you consent to being of legal age for such material.

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  You can find more of Bg’s free writing on her blog “A Werewolf Blog in Brooklyn”


  “Hello, My name is Tatum Lee and I’m a lycan.” Tatum looked around at the faces of those around here. “I was attacked by a werewolf.” She continued on as her hands began to shake. “One I knew.” She’d never thought saying those words out loud would be so emotionally terrifying. But then again, every single face in the support group was a stranger to her, and her subject matter was about as personal as it got. “I’ve had trouble adjusting to my new life as a wolf. I was lucky that a few months ago I met a werewolf who has helped me.” She felt the intensity of eyes sharpen their focus on her. She knew to expect it, given the relationship and thinking between the current generations of werewolves and lycans. It was not good, they hated each other.

  “We’re soon to be married and are expecting our first child together.” She said noting the expression of those in the group. Raging from surprise to anger, disgust, indifference and offense. Judgment was judgment no matter how you dressed it or who was staring you down. It was just never comfortable. “There are many things about being a lycan that I still don’t understand, especially when it comes to cultural interactions between werewolves and lycans, but that’s why I created this support service.” She said ensuring she kept her voice steady, even though she felt insanely nervous.

  “I know some of you will be familiar with Grace Ortiz who sadly passed away awhile ago and the support group she was trying to get going for our kind.” Movement from the back of the room caught her attention and she noted a late walk in casually, as he leaned against the doorway frame. Her eyes met with his and she looked back at the group before her again of twenty lycans of varying age, height, shape and race. What she wanted to tell her captive audience that Grace Ortiz was dead because the bitch had foolishly tried to kill Tatum and her future mother in law, an alpha werewolf from the Manhattan Maen Werewolf pack. But she had enough sense about her to know better. These wolves knew Grace were familiar with Grace, not her. Tatum was far too new to this group and this neighborhood, it was already going to be a struggle to get herself accepted let alone her radical idea for lycans.

  “I am hoping with your participation in Haven, together we can figure out how we live as lycans in this world and in doing so, that perhaps we can’t better relations between the werewolves of New York and us in the process. I look forward to seeing more of each of you from now on and hope we can’t both help each other through the wilds of this wolf orientated world we find ourselves in. So thank you for attending today.” She noted a few lycans nodded their head, or bowed their head temporarily, there was a light clapping of hands. She knew it wouldn’t get any warmer than that.

  “For those interested, the first group therapy session details are on the flyers by the coffee and tea area.” The small gathering broke up and slowly, ambled towards the free tea and coffee, a small murmur amongst them. As suspected, the tea and coffee was downed and eaten quickly and no one approached Tatum for more information or to talk to her. She wasn’t surprised.

  Tatum’s eyes went back to the late straggler. Another lycan, but this one she knew. She smiled brightly at him as he walked over to her and she met him half way. “You came.” She said as Hooper Parish shrugged his shoulders before bending forward to kiss her on both cheeks.

  “Of course.” He replied aloof. “I though you were incredibly brave sharing that much of yourself with a bunch of strangers, especially the stuff about Wiatt and you.”

  “Well, I need to. Not just for me, but for them.” Hooper looked at her in puzzlement. “If I’m going to give this idea any real value, then I’ve got to be honest with them and myself. Besides, they’re going to smell his scent on me, constantly. And we both know what happens when they figure out you’re dating a werewolf and your supposed own community doesn’t like that, don’t we?” She said smiling even as she remembered the actions of other lycans, as unpleasant as they were, that had brought her to this new development in her life. “And eventually I’ll really start showing.” She said putting a hand to her stomach.

  Hooper looked down at her hand placement. “Better to get on the front foot. On the upside, you now have me.” Hooper replied back at her firmly.

  Tatum shook off the feeling of unpleasantness creeping into her mind, that reminded her why she now knew Hooper. Tatum had met Hooper through circumstance and she was grateful for it. When she’d first arrived in New York she’d found herself in another unwanted situation, which seemed to be the only situations she found herself in since being turned into a lycan. Having been chased as unmated lycan by a pack of lycans intent on claiming her through Van Cordtland park, Hooper had been called in to play cavalry to her. Tatum has learned very quickly that werewolves hated lycans, generally speaking, on sight. Which was ironic really, since it was werewolves who created lycans in the first place. Or was that just understandable?

  “So you’ve been here the whole time then?” Tatum asked, surprised by Hooper’s revelation. She hadn’t known him long. But Hooper was the first lycan Tatum had met and become friends with. What she had come to know about him, was that Hooper, was unhappy and had been for some time, due to his lycanthropy.

  “Thought I might see if there were any good looking sorts here.” He said the corner of his mouth turning up into a smirk as he looked over at the participants mingling by the tea and coffee station. “He’s not bad.” Wiatt said pointing out to a male lycan who looked like he might be in his late twenties, early thirties.

  Tatum smiled back at him. “Well, thank you. For using my first business endeavor and the most meaningful job I’ve ever held in my life as a pick-up joint, all the same.”

  Hooper smiled widely back at her “You’re welcome.”

  Tatum sighed and shook her head “Is your brother like this?”

  Hooper looked surprised as his eyes widened. “Like what? Completely perfect? Oh that’s right,” He said as she tilted her head giving him a hard stare. “You still haven’t met Booker yet have you?”

  “No, you keep avoiding introducing us.” She replied back at him. Hooper sighed and scratched his head. Tatum knew he had no real reason to keep her from ever meeting his older brother, Booker. But she also thought she understood somewhat, why he’d kept them from running into each other. “So Booker’s an alpha lycan with the Breukelen werewolf pack and you’re not. So what?” Lycans being part of werewolf packs, from what Tatum had come to understand was rare if not highly unexpected.

  The Parish brothers story intrigued Tatum, but Hooper was a fairly shut book on the matter and rarely offered up any insight into his situation. Tatum knew better than to push. She liked Hooper and she wanted to continue to be friends with him.

  “You know,” Tatum said breaking the silence between them. “After meeting my fiancé a Manhattan Maen pack werewolf and his scary as
s big brother, and his brother’s pack mate Bg Sommers, a female werewolf from another New York pack, thus my only female friend in this world, I have become educated on the differences between werewolves and lycans.” She looked over at Hooper. “There are plenty and it is my opinion, something that has created an uneasy divide between the two races of wolves.”

  Werewolves were essentially humans who were born with the werewolf gene. In having this advantage over the human race and lycans, werewolves therefore considered themselves natural werewolves and therefore far superior to everyone else. This wide held belief, also made werewolves incredibly arrogant and exceptionally hard to deal with on a personal level, as had been Tatum’s experience. Hooper looked at her and nodded his head.

  Lycans were humans who had been infected with lycanthropy, from a werewolf. This usually incurred through deep scratching and or, biting. Although from what Tatum had heard from lycans, a “bite” was understating the sheer violence of what happened to a person when at the paws and jaws of a werewolf. A bite was nothing dainty, neat, or like a hickey mark. Most lycans, she had come to realize, were more often than not, attacked by a werewolf. Just like she had been.

  Tatum shivered quickly shaking off the feeling as it crept down her spine. Her attack had been worse than most, it’d been a one night stand gone as wrong as can be. And now, she was pregnant as a result of the attack. Luckily, her pack mate, Wiatt, had accepted her and her cub as his own.

  “You okay?” Hooper asked her, looking at her with concern. Tatum snapped her attention back to him and smiled softly.

  “Yes. Now that you’re here to make me feel brave and strong.” She said slipping her arm through Hooper’s and walking him towards the break out area.

  “Tay, you don’t need me to make you strong, or brave. You’ve got that covered.” Hooper replied walking slowly with her.

  “Funny,” She said looking over at the lycans who had stayed behind and were mingling with one another. “I don’t feel that way.” Hooper kissed the top of her head. “Do me a favor?” She said glancing over at the stragglers.

  “Yeah, what’s that?”

  “Don’t hit on the clientele in here.”

  Hooper laughed at her. “You want a coffee, I know I do.” He said slipping free of her and giving her a wicked grin as he moved towards the young male he’d pointed out to her earlier on.


  After the last person had left, Tatum locked up the building and stepped out into the dusky Bronx evening. There was only one car in parking lot left and leaning against it, was a tall familiar figure of a werewolf. Tatum felt a smile tug at her lips. “Wiatt.” She uttered softly, drinking in the appearance of her fiancé. He was six three, and muscular, his presence was assuring. It made her think of strength and comfort in one package.

  He was leaning against the car, legs crossed over at the ankles and arms crossed over his chest. Waiting for her. That thought alone, made her feel girlishly happy like a school girl getting attention from the hot boy in her class. The chemistry they shared between them was undeniable, Tatum knew that now. She might have been attracted to males before or enjoyed being around them, but when it came to sexual chemistry, Wiatt it seemed, had be made especially for her. She knew he felt the same way about her, because he’d said it before.

  “Um, you’re right, so I’ll be off then.” Hooper said breaking into her thoughts.

  Tatum looked over at Hooper as he began to move away from her. “Why don’t we give you a lift home?” She said watching as Hooper kept backing away slowly. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was intimidated by Wiatt. Tatum couldn’t figure out why he would be. Hooper had helped her out and Wiatt had been very grateful for Hooper’s assistance on that. And yet, since then, despite speaking to one another over the phone when Wiatt had called to thank Hooper, they hadn’t actually met one another in person.

  Then again, as much as Tatum had gotten to slowly know Hooper, even she had to admit she didn’t know that much about him. She didn’t even know where he lived, other than it was somewhere in the Bronx.

  “I’m good, nice night for a stroll.” He said waving her off. Unlike his older brother Paris, Wiatt D’arenberg was not a completely physically imposing presence designed to scare off lesser wolves. At least, Tatum didn’t think so. Tatum saw Wiatt as all quiet strength and confidence. Everything Tatum wasn’t.

  “I’ll call you later.” Tatum promised as Hooper turned back around and walked off, head down, hands in his jacket pockets. Her focus returned back to the werewolf waiting for her and she felt her love for the male standing before her swell.

  He had wanted to be a part of her big day, launching the lycan support center. So had her financial backer and business partner, Wiatt’s mother, Marion D’arenberg. But after discussing the matter, they’d both decided that at this early a stage, it would do more damage than good to have a werewolf present at a lycan support service. Tatum had her work cut out for her, there was much to do in shifting the perception of how lycans feared and saw werewolves and vice versa from the werewolves in how they thought of and treated lycans. So they’d agreed that Wiatt would collect Tatum after the events launch were over for the day.

  “And he comes riding in at dusk, to sweep the poor lycan off her tired feet.” Tatum said smiling as she got closer to Wiatt.

  Blue eyes drilled on her and his arms laxed. “Damn right, don’t want any other wolf sweeping you up and away. You’re mine.” Tatum walked up to her pack mate and immediately raised her head to kiss him, her hands sliding up his hard chest around to the back of his neck and hair. Her lips molded to his and she opened to him as his tongue claimed her and his body pressed back into her own. His hands roaming over her back, down to her ass. Grabbing it and pushing her right up against his pressing erection.

  “Damn it, I need to get you home so I can make love to you.” Wiatt said as they broke for air. He kept her pressed against his body, the feel of her softness fitted him, just right.

  “Or I could just take care of you right here, right now, when there is no one, around.” She muttered back at him, causing Wiatt’s eyebrows to shoot up in surprise.

  “Don’t say such things, its mean to tease.” Wiatt commented as Tatum began nibbling along his jaw line and he found himself angling his head for her.

  “I’d never be mean to you. And I prefer to keep my promises.” Tatum said softly.

  A moan caught in Wiatt’s throat. “And I would love you to do me right here, and now against this car. But I don’t think us having sex outside the front of your new business is a wise move, given we’re in the open and what you’re business is supposed to be for.” He said as her hands skimmed down his chest to the waist of his jeans. “Tay, baby, I’ve only got so much control when I’m around you.” He replied huskily. Tatum stopped nibbling on Wiatt’s jaw and looked back at him, even as her hands slid down the front of his jeans.

  “Oh hell.” He muttered as she undid he jeans and freed his cock.

  “You’re not going to be able to concentrate on driving if you’ve got this hard-on, it could get dangerous.” Tatum husked running her hand along the length of him. She loved the feel of his body against her, she loved that it was her, that made him react like this.

  Wiatt shuddered with pleasure at her touch. “You’re dangerous.” He muttered kissing her mouth again. Tatum kissed him back as she began pumping him quickly in her hand. “Well that’s a step up from trouble isn’t it?” She muttered between kisses as they remained close to one another.

  Wiatt panted and groaned. “I like trouble.” He muttered back at her.

  “And you live for danger.” She said

  “My god, you’re the perfect woman.” He said kissing her hungrily. “I’m going to come.” He groaned, shifting her to the side so he didn’t spurt himself out on to her. But before Wiatt could finish moving her, Tatum dropped down into a squat before him and took him in her mouth as Wiatt exploded inside of her. He grabbed her head and held it to
him, ensuring she took in the full length of his cock as she drank him down, quickly.

  Tatum worked her mouth quickly, relaxing so she could consume Wiatt’s come, as his shudders turned to a slow ebbing throb as his orgasm finished. She pulled back and cleaned the tip of his cock with a lick, before standing back up smiling up at him as he redressed himself, eyes looking at her, dark with desire.

  “You’re in so much trouble when we get home.” Wiatt said pushing off the car and walking around to open up the passenger side door for her. “Get in.” He commanded.


  Tatum was still smirking when she slid into the passenger seat of the car. Wiatt looked over at her. “Proud of yourself are you?” He said in a voice that made Tatum’s insides tighten with anticipation.

  “Not ashamed.” She replied cheekily back at him.

  Wiatt shook his head and started up the car. “I’ve created a monster.” He said reversing the car up. Tatum laughed with him and looked down at her engagement ring. “Maybe it’s lunar week.” He muttered straightening the car up and driving them out onto the street. “You know how you get.”

  “Probably. Oh and the fact that I’m highly attracted to my future husband to be.” She glanced at his profile as Wiatt smirked.

  “I like that.” He said cheerfully back at her. “Speaking of, my mother still wants to do something for us.” Tatum sighed. Marion D’arenberg was a new addition in her life and Tatum and her had only just recently managed to get their relationship on the right footing. Then Wiatt had proposed to Tatum and now Marion wanted to organize the whole wedding ceremony.

  “I don’t want a wedding ceremony. Can’t we just agree we’re married and wear the rings and that’s it.” Tatum said back at Wiatt.

  “I understand you’re reluctance for the ceremony. But given my standing in the pack, it’s a way of letting the pack know about you and that you and the pup,” He said glancing down at her stomach before looking back up at her face “Are protected by our pack and by me.” Tatum had wanted to get a pretty dress organized, grab Wiatt, his brother and his brother’s pack mate Bg, Tatum’s only other friend besides Hooper Parish in New York, and go to the town hall in Manhattan and have a simple civil ceremony, no frills, no fuss. Marion D’arenberg wanted the son to have a lavish wedding ceremony.


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