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Wolves Bloodlines

Page 6

by Girl, Breukelen

  “I’ve seen you fight.”

  “Not like this you haven’t.” Wiatt replied. “There’s a reason I’m pack enforcer Tay, because teenage years of fighting needed to be channeled into something to control the werewolf side of me.”

  “Oh.” Tatum said softly.

  “Stay close.”


  The night was as it should be, dark, the air was crisp and cold and in the curtained darkness of the Boston Common’s parkland, lurked things, un-natural, paranormal beings. The darkness and ill-lighting of the park, made it near impossible to see either corner from which both Wiatt and Tatum had picked up some form of scent. Wiatt was secretly impressed with Tatum’s use of her nose. But apparently it had improved a great deal since her pregnancy had been coming along. But he still couldn’t be sure it was shape-shifters and not lycans that she’s scented. Or weather it was one or more than one. Whilst he only got the hint of one werewolf as opposed to the over powering sensation of a pack of them.

  “The shape shifter scent, lycans, whatever,”

  “Yeah.” Wiatt asked stopping them in the middle of the graveyard plot.

  “It’s fading. It’s not as dominant to me as it was before.”

  “Maybe they’re bugging out and going home.” Wiatt said scanning their surroundings again. “Which leaves us with the werewolf in the corner.” They both turned to face the darkened corner. “Come on let’s take a walk in the night garden.” Tatum tightened her fingers in Wiatt’s hand. “Don’t worry baby, I’m not going to let anything happen to you, nothing at all.” They fell into step and walked towards the blackened area of parkland and kept walking until they were in it, past the silent tombstone heads that looked like they’d seen better days and lots of past history. Wiatt stilled and sniffed the air.

  “We just want to ask a question.” He said out loud to the darkness. “That’s all?”

  “Who wants to know?”

  “I’m Wiatt and this is my pack mate Tatum.”

  “You’re not from around here.” The voice in the darkness said back at him. “I can smell it on you. Scent of other places.”

  Tatum kept looking into the darkness and eventually her eyes adjusted to it and she made out the shape of the werewolf they were speaking too. He was shorter than Wiatt but bigger in mass. “Right, we’re not local.” Wiatt replied as the darkness seemed to slip away and the paranormal became more visible to them both and anyone else around the park. He was a black male with pearly white teeth and blue eyes. Wiatt knew right away he wasn’t a werewolf. Wiatt’s eyes sharpened in on the other male. “We’re from the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack, and we’re not after you’re trust. We just want information.”

  The black male lifted his head and snorted. “Why should I either believe you or help you?”

  “We’ve given you our names, our pack name and demanded nothing of you other than some information. We don’t even know your name of your pack, surely there’s some trust in that anonymity that we’ve allowed you to hold over us.” Tatum replied quickly.

  He looked at her and laughed, his mouth widening to a large smile as he let out a heart felt laugh. “I’m not local either.” He smirked back at Tatum. “And my name is Trinh Fitzgerald, whoops,” He mocked putting a hand to his mouth “Gave away my full name.” His face slipped back into seriousness. “Now what have you got to bargain with, other than anonymity.”

  Wiatt sighed heavily. “We could do this the old fashioned way.”

  Trinh smiled brightly at Wiatt. “Think you can take me hey?” Wiatt watched the smaller man unfurl his fists and tighten is body in readiness for a lunging attack. Wiatt pulled out his wallet and slapped it in his hand.

  “I was talking about currency rather than breaking both your arms, if I could. But either works for me.”

  Trinh eyed the wallet and looked from Tatum to Wiatt again. “Sure.” He said relaxing. “What do you want to know?”

  “Is there a local pack around these parts?” Tatum blurted out before Wiatt could take the lead. Trinh looked at Tatum.

  “Uh yeah, their territory stops at the edge of the common, it’s why me and all the assorted homeless paranormal types are allowed to be here. They’re not allowed in.”

  “By decree of who?” Wiatt asked him.

  “Bowen.” Tatum stilled immediately it was like the breath she had in her just left her body and her body froze tight.

  “Bowen did you say?”

  “Yeah, Harness, that’s right, he runs the wolves from Commonwealth Avenue to Albany Street area, I think.”

  “Bowen Harkness?” Tatum seeked to clarify. Wiatt looked down at her and saw the upset on her normally happy and beautiful face.

  “Yeah, Bowen Harkness.” Wiatt pulled out a wad of greenback notes and handed them over to the paranormal before nodding his chin at him.


  “You got issues with Harkness?” Trinh asked curiously as he tucked his money away.

  “Yeah we got issues.” Tatum whispered her hand shaking as Wiatt pulled her into him.


  “Bowen Harkness, is Robbie’s older brother.” Tatum said in a low whisper back at him.

  “Well I hear his old man looks after a different section though, so if you’re going for the leader, it’s not Bowen you want.” Trinh added on. Tatum and Wiatt’s eyes snapped back on him.

  “What do you mean looks after different sections”

  “The Boston wolves, they’re spread out, each section is ruled by one of the inner sanctum. The closet to us is Bowen Harness’s territory.”

  “How many sections are there, for this werewolf pack?”

  “There’s lots of those fuckers.” Trinh muttered angrily.

  “Do you know of Bowen’s brother, Robert Harkness, where we could find him?” Tatum forced herself to ask. “What section does he control?”

  “From what I can make out, Charles Street to the University, around about that area. But I haven’t got the full lay of the land yet, only been here two days.”

  Wiatt’s eyes narrowed in on the other male even more. Studying him. He alone had figured out at a local pack’s werewolf hierarchy and territory and was an astute tracker by scent. And he was offering up information to strangers. “And you already got that much information on the local werewolf pack? Must’ve got into some shit with them already.” Wiatt replied.

  “Suffolk University?” Tatum muttered shivering as Wiatt wrapped a hand around her.

  “Yeah, that’s right.” Trinh agreed before walking off on them throwing Wiatt a look. He commented before turning and walking away.

  As soon as Trinh was out of sight, Wiatt returned his focus to Tatum who was shivering in the eternally cold night air. “Come on, enough for now, I’m taking you back to the hotel.”

  “This isn’t good, is it?” Tatum replied as she let Wiatt walk her back the way they’d come through the public grounds. “There policing werewolves, which means, there’s a good chance there werewolves, right?”

  “Let’s just get you out of the cold and talk about it later.” Wiatt said as they walked back onto the park’s foot path.

  “Don’t you get it Wiatt?” Tatum said looking at him as they walked arms around each other back through the sleeping park. “The Harnkness’s have land, surrounding either side of The Common. That’s half of Boston, right there.”

  “Which implies, they’re more than a big pack.” Wiatt uttered as they fell into synchronized step together.

  “Then what are they?”

  “My guess, either gangsters, criminals or all of the above in being a menace to society. The way werewolf packs work, is not by becoming so large that they can not be contained or controlled. ”

  “Oh.” Tatum muttered softly. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “No, it surely does not.” Wiatt agreed as they walked quickly back out of the parkland. Keeping to himself that the knowledge that a werewolf pack did not just grow by werewolves alone thes
e days. Declining fertility numbers had meant, many packs had to adapt to keep up numbers. And a werewolf pack left unchecked, meant, they didn’t necessarily follow established rule patterns for their kind. Which meant one of a few things, either the werewolf pack was accepting other wolves, such as lone wolves or lycans. Or the werewolf pack was attacking humans and turning them into lycans. Wiatt feared it might be the second option. And there was generally one reason for building numbers in that manner. To build an army.


  Wiatt had Tatum order them room service for dinner while he made a call back home. “What do you want?” Tatum asked him waving a room menu at Wiatt as he paced around on the cordless phone.

  “Meat” He replied simply.

  “So pretty much anything. Thank you mister descriptive and helpful.” Tatum muttered wandering over to the table and sitting down to peruse the menu selection. Wiatt turned his back on her and walked back into the bedroom.

  “Wiatt,” Paris’s voice greeted him with on the other end of the line.


  “How’s it going in Boston?” Paris asked him. Wiatt turned away from Tatum and walked over to the hotel room window, looking out of it as he spoke.

  “So far so good. We went for a walk through the common and found out that that’s the free zone for anyone who’s not with the wolf packs run by a guy who appears to be possible leader, Bowen Harkness. apparently,” Wiatt said, looking over his shoulder at Tatum, as she picked up the hotel room phone. “is Robbie, the guy who….he’s the older brother.”

  “So family running a wolf pack,” Paris replied back at him. “It doesn’t run proper that they’d allow what happened to Tatum to go unpunished.”

  “Maybe, he’s locked up, I mean, we don’t know,” Wiatt said turning back around and looking out the window. “When Tay was attacked, she ran out, so we don’t really know what happened after the attack.” Wiatt said lowering his voice significantly.

  “But this shape shifter we met tonight in the common seemed to think that Harness’s ran the show up here. Trinh seemed to think there were lots of them. Like whole neighborhoods organized by packs.”

  “Who’s this Trinh shape shifter?”

  “I don’t know, he said he was a tourist passing through and I had to pay him some money to get any information.” Wiatt replied.

  “Doesn’t mean he isn’t a snitch or informer that regularly circulates down there, working for Harkness.”

  “Could be.” Wiatt said softly. “But he had a real anger towards the guy.”

  “Foods here,” Tatum called out to him as she walked towards the hotel room door.

  “I got to go.” Wiatt said down the phone line.

  “Alright, well, don’t bite off more than you can chew and be careful and check in regularly for both of you.” Paris said back at him before disconnecting the call. Wiatt pocketed his phone and turned around, walking over to the table that the food was being laid out on by the room service staff. He handed the guys some notes and lifted the silver covers off the food.

  “What do we have here?”

  “I ordered you the hotels own take on a roast beef one thousand roll. You got shredded roast beef, on a brioche bun with tangy cheddar sauce and pickles with a hint on chilli.”

  “Look at the size of that thing. Is my mouth watering? Cause, that looks delicious.” Wiatt smiled at Tatum as he sat down opposite her.

  “Whilst I on the other hand, am sticking to a fairly standard Boston beans dish and some roast chicken with garlic, lemon and parsley.” Wiatt’s eyes diverted to Tatum’s dinner dishes.

  “Can I get some of that too?” He asked reaching across with his fork as she laughed at him. “I’m glad to see you’ve got meat on the menu. You know the pup is going to demand it from you.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes for our girl to grow up strong.” Tatum replied back at him picking up her own cutlery as Wiatt spooned up beans on a fork. He stopped and put the fork down.

  “And so will I Tay. For both of you.” He said putting his hand over hers. She smiled weakly back at him and looked away. Wiatt thought for a moment, it was like she was chasing her blues away again. He hated seeing her do that. He hated her being there and doing that. He wanted so much more for her.

  “So should we start a betting pool on how much weight I’m going put on during this pregnancy or what?” She joked looking back at her food.

  “I don’t care how much you put on. I care about you.” Wiatt said trying to look in her eyes. Tatum sighed and looked back up at Wiatt. “I want you to remember that when you feel like this.” He picked up her hand and kissed the back of it.


  Awaking the next morning, Wiatt was startled to find himself, alone in a hotel bed the left side of the bed, was vacant and without the naked heat of Tatum. “Tatum!” He called out loudly sitting up and rubbing his hands over his face.

  The bedroom door opened and Tatum stood in it, in a hotel robe. “Morning,” She greeted him with holding what looked like a large tourist map in her hands if Wiatt’s senses has kicked in properly.

  “It’s not morning until I wake up and kiss my pack mate.” Wiatt said letting out a sigh of relief and flopping back against the pillows of the bed. Tatum walked over to him and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Come here,” Wiatt uttered waving her over to him. Tatum crawled back under the bed cover, even as the map crinkled with her movement as she gripped it in one hand. “Hope I didn’t freak you out. But I just couldn’t sleep. Been up for two hours.” She said softly leaning into Wiatt as his hands came up to cup her face. Tatum melted into the kiss that greeted her and touched her right down to her naked toes. Forgetting entirely about the map she’d carried over.

  “Guess I’m not used to waking up alone anymore.” Wiatt said as they pulled apart and Tatum snuggled in closer to his side. “I love the way you feel against me, the softness, the warmth, the little noises you make in your sleep when you snore.”

  “I do not snore!” Tatum replied quickly.

  Wiatt chuckled at her. “I said noises, not snoring.”

  Tatum wrinkled up her nose. “Noises like what?”

  “Mumbles, breathing, moans, all of that stuff.” Wiatt said sinking further down into the bed again and ensuring Tatum’s side was pressed up against his, as his tongue darted out to flick her nipple, fingers pushing her robe out of the way so he could find his prize.

  Tatum moaned and dug her fingers into Wiatt’s arm. “Like that?”

  “Like that.” Wiatt replied, before suckling on her breast. Tatum’s moaning got louder and Wiatt’s hand moved the robe from her shoulders, pushing it down and out of his way. Tatum slid down and rolled onto her back as Wiatt, worked disrobing her. “God Tay,” Wiatt muttered heatedly. “I’ll never get enough of you.” He said looking down at her sprawled out before him. Tatum parted her legs, either side of Wiatt’s hips. Forgetting entirely about the map that had crumpled and fallen off the bed at some point, she reached her hand down, underneath Wiatt. Grabbing his cock, she ran her hand up his length.

  “I don’t have a problem with that.” She said softly, smiling when he paused to moan and look up at her, a look of utter bliss on his face.

  Wiatt moved to the corner of the bed, and pulled Tatum by her hips towards him, till she was on the edge of the bed. “Good.” He muttered moaning and looking down his own body at their impending connection as he crawled off the bed and stood before her. Cock erect and ready, hands sliding up and down Tatum’s smooth legs. His eyes kept taking her in, the small swell of her stomach, the curves of her hips, her breasts, till his brought his eyes up to hers. Seeing the expression of happiness and lust on her face, Wiatt moaned once more and slowly thrust into Tatum, giving her time to adjust to him as he stilled. “Show me how those hips work.” Tatum husked at him with a cheeky grin.

  Wiatt’s fingers gripped her hips and he started slowly thrusting and finding a rhythm for them. Tatum let out a gasp, Wiatt stopped. “Tay, i
s it okay?”

  “Yes, more than okay.” She moaned back at him. Wiatt felt a swell of pride in his chest. Shallow thrusting was working Tatum up and in turn, watching her get worked up was making him work harder for his control and desire not to drive into her, hard. “More.” Tatum instructed him. Wiatt picked up his pace as he held her legs, behind her knees, encouraging Tatum to lock her ankles behind his back.


  “I’m only going to ask this one more time. Because its always good to review these things and have choice. Are you sure you want to do this, find Robbie and speak to, alert him to the fact that you’re here?” Wiatt asked Tatum as he bite into an apple.

  “It’s not about doing the right thing or reconnecting with Robbie in anyway,” Tatum replied her hand reaching out for him. “It’s about It’s about closure so I can stop feeling like a victim.”

  Wiatt chewed on his apple, nodding his head, before replying. “Alright then, I’ve been thinking about it and here’s the plan. We find Robbie, we make sure he’s alone, and then you get payback on him. Simple and elegantly violent.”

  “I know you’re not happy about this,” Tatum said watching Wiatt’s body language tighten and become defensive. “But I’m not looking to do damage back to him. I just want, him to know.”

  “About the baby?” Wiatt said softly before holding back a curse. “You said you didn’t want him involved with the baby in our lives Tay! And let me tell you something about werewolves, once we get a notion in our head that we like, we don’t let it go. You tell this bastard about the baby and you will never get rid of him from your life, I mean, ever.” Wiatt put his hands on his hips.

  “Calm down. That’s not what I’m saying and in no way what I meant. I mean, I just want him to know I survived. That he didn’t kill me. You know, some being more powerful than me, a werewolf, with all this ferocious supernatural ability tried to tear me apart and kill me and he failed. I want to see that in his face. I need to see that in his face. When I haunt his ego with my survival, like he ghosts my life with what he did to me.” Tatum said fiercely crossing her arms over her breasts.


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