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Wolves Bloodlines

Page 10

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Yes m’am.” He replied slipping off his jeans.

  He followed her into the shower and under the warm spray of water that began to relax her instantly. Tatum reached up to cup his face and kiss his lips, demandingly. “Wiatt I don’t want to wait any longer.”

  Wiatt sighed heavily. She turned him on so much, but he knew he couldn’t rush their lovemaking on a lunar night. “Patience beautiful.” He replied, his breath ghosting across her mouth.

  “Can’t you just,” Her hands were on him and she was sliding her leg up the side of his, causing Wiatt to grab it as her other hand went to his rock hard cock and positioned him directly underneath her. “Slowly slide inside me and we can take it slow. You can move back and forth, feeling the body heat between us as I feel your cock pulsating inside me.”

  Wiatt blinked. “When did you get such a dirty mouth?” He was tempted very tempted to do just that which she wanted.

  “I’m horny.” She pouted at him, as he put her leg back down on the shower floor.

  “I can’t just fuck you into a shift like I would normally Tay.”

  “You don’t know that.” She pointed out to him as he brushed the water down her hair.

  “I don’t want to risk your body reacting in a bad manner to being fucked hard, into a shape shift.” He replied back at her.

  She pouted back at him and one look at her bottom lip, plump and inviting, and Wiatt growled biting down on it before licking it with his tongue. Tatum’s eyes went wide and she moaned as he moved her leg back down to the ground and slid his tongue deep within her mouth and pressed their bodies together as he kissed her lovingly.

  They parted, both panting. Wiatt stepped back from her one step. “We’re going to do this slowly, no matter how temptress you get on me.” He said firmly, even though he didn’t believe his own words completely.

  “Help me wash my hair?” She asked arching an eyebrow back at him with a smile. Wiatt sighed heavily shaking his head.

  “You’re just not going to play fair are you?” He said moving closer to her again and looking around them for some shampoo.

  “What do you think?” Tatum chuckled asked slicking her hair back with water.

  “I think you should turn around.” Wiatt replied as Tatum gave him one last cute look over her shoulder and did as he asked of her. Wiatt rubbed the shampoo between his hands and started slicking it in her hair and gathering it up to massage her scalp. When she started moaning, he deliberately chose that time to press his erection against her backside and give her real reason to moan.

  A small sigh escaped Tatum and she remained still in Wiatt’s capable hands as he washed her hair clean. The rest of the shower went without incident as Tatum seemed to have decided to be a good girl and wait for her pack mate to help her with her shape shift.

  Wiatt was drying her hair in a towel as she bent her head forward when they both stiffened and heard the knock at the door. Tatum straightened up and looked at Wiatt silently.

  “Stay in here, until you hear from me.” He muttered and reaching down to the floor slid on his jeans quickly before walking out of the bathroom and closing the door behind him. Another knock and Wiatt picked up his pace and strode to the hotel room door. He didn’t bother with the peep hole, what was the point to that when you had all the abilities afforded to him of being an Alpha werewolf. But the thought that it might be the police, did cross his mind as he put his hand on the door handle and hesitated. He couldn’t be arrested now and leave Tatum vulnerable to the Boston wolves taking her, before he had her safety assured. Wiatt glanced through the peep hole and saw a lone male standing outside his room. The guy was in a grey suit, with white shirt and was running his hand through a floppy bit of fringe, coming it out of his face.

  “My name is Mike Basinger,” The guy stated looking at the door and rocking back and forth on his feet. “I’m a friend of Bg Sommers, she sent me to check on you and your girlfriend, make sure you’re okay.” He continued, standing with hands in his pocket, looking at the door.

  Wiatt opened the door and looked at the other male. They were the same height, and he seemed to have a medium build and he looked more like an investment banker than a paranormal being. Wiatt’s nostrils flared but it wasn’t lycan he picked up. It was a lot of things, mixed into one. Which meant only one thing.

  “I’m a shifter.” Mike answered his questioning look. “Bg asked for a favor, to check you and your missus were okay. Said it was somewhat of a delicate situation.” Mike said holding out his hand. Wiatt glanced down the hallway. “I’m by myself. Although I believe you might have meat an associate of mine, Trinah, earlier on. I don’t tend to do the whole pack thing by nature. Nice work on getting a room by a fire exit too. Smart thinking, given the circumstances.” Mike continued to talk nodding to the fire exit door that was close by Wiatt and Tatum’s room.

  “Wiatt D’arenberg, come in.” Wiatt said reaching for Mike’s hand and shaking it. “So how do you know Bg?” Wiatt asked opening the door and standing to the side to let Mike through it.

  “We met years ago when we were both teenagers, gave her lift home one night when she needed to get away from her friends and we’ve been friends ever since. Catch up once a year usually.” Mike answered honestly, looking around the hotel room before looking back at Wiatt’s face. “Do you want to call Bg or Paris to check me out for real?” Mike asked offering his cell phone to Wiatt. “But the way I understand it, we’re on a time limit here. And as I was informed, the Manhattan Maen werewolves who were supposed to back you up, are being held up at the airport and without causing a scene that will draw too much attention to both you’re pack and the Harkness pack, they’re trapped, so to speak and can’t make it to you. So I’m it.”

  “Yeah, well, still going to make the call though.” Wiatt replied walking over to the room phone and dialing his brother’s cell phone number.

  “Fair enough. Man’s word isn’t worth much these days is it?” Mike commented watching Wiatt make the phone call as they stood eyeing each other.

  “Hey it’s Wiatt, do you know a Mike Basinger, claims Bg sent him. Yeah, okay, okay, thanks.” Wiatt said and hung up the phone. “Can’t take a risk when it comes to my pack mate, you understand.”

  “Of course, so the way I understand it, time is of the essence here and I am here to help you depart Boston safely. It’s a bit of specialty of mine, exit strategies.” Mike said at him.

  “What did they brief you on?” Wiatt asked.

  “That you probably have half if not all of the Boston Harkness pack after you and your missus. For reasons unknown to me. But I was informed you would probably fill me on that information so I could properly assess your situation and figure out the best way for you all to leave unharmed.”

  “You’ve done this before?”

  “Ex military. And I’ve had a few run in with the Harkness brothers before. They’re brute’s.” Mike replied.

  “Well it’s just Harkness as in solo now. No brother, unless there’s a third one I don’t yet know about.” Wiatt replied watching Mike’s mouth drop open.

  “Oh-kay. I take it that means there’s been a decrease in the pack and that means our timeline needs to step up significantly. It won’t take them too long to figure out where you are. They know this town, like the back of their hand. It’s an advantage they’ll be counting on in capturing you.” Mike replied. “Just out of curiosity, which Harkness brother am I not going to miss seeing around here?”

  “Robbie.” Wiatt replied.

  “Good for you, okay, well, let’s get you uh, dressed, it’s cold outside and grab your pack mate and”

  “We can’t go tonight.” Wiatt said stopping Mike as he picked up a scattered piece of clothing.

  “Why not?”

  Wiatt pointed to the roof of the room. “It’s lunar week. Tatum needs to shape shift.”

  “Sure, I get it but she could hold on for another hour or so, right?” Mike asked.

  “No. I need to ass
ist her in an easy, shape shift.” Mike nodded his head and wiped a hand over his mouth. “Besides which, after the shift, she will need to rest. She’s carrying and the shift tends to wipe her out straight away.”

  “Carrying? Do you mean she’s?”

  “Pregnant.” Wiatt said watching Mike try and re-asses what he’d so clearly worked out for Wiatt and Tatum.

  “Okay.” Mike said letting out a breath. “Well, you’re brother gave me very specific instructions, that will lead to me getting a bonus in my pay check if I do not leave you two alone.”

  Wiatt’s hands went onto his hips. “Well you’re not going to stand around and watch me have sex with my pack mate.”

  Mike tilted his head to the side. “Mind, do you?”

  “She would.” Wiatt answered him solemnly.

  Mike slapped his hands together and looked around them. “So, hallway or bathroom huh, they’re my options?”


  Mike was glad he’d grabbed the only armchair in the bedroom and dragged it into the bathroom to wait out Wiatt and Tatum’s love making session. It was far more comfortable sitting in the armchair hearing “oh god, oh god, yes, yes, yes” every few seconds, than sitting on the lid of the toilet in there. Tatum’s cries of pleasure were torturing him. Jesus, he was beginning to get hard just listening to the movement and occasional moans and admission of gods from those two.

  “How long has it been Mikey?” He asked himself pulling out his phone. It had been awhile, he realized glancing at the photo on his phone before him. Damn, that one had messed him up. He really did need to get back in the game again. He closed the photo down and dialed Bg Sommers instead, to get his head around what his current problem was and what Bg’s expectations of him would be now that the situation had changed. And the only thing Mike loved more than romance was money.

  “Bg, Mike Basinger.”

  “Mikey, have you caught up with Wiatt and his mate yet?”

  “Yes, I’m currently sitting in their hotel bathroom out of sight while they get reacquainted in the biblical sense with one another again, on a count of her need to safely shape shift because of the pup she’s carrying, that you didn’t tell me about.” Mike said finishing more aggressively than he intended to be with Bg. He liked her, because she always called him out on his own bullshit. And because he wouldn’t mind doing Bg either. He dropped his head back and looked at the bathroom roof.

  “We felt it would be better for them, that the less people who know of her pregnancy, the better.” Bg fired back at him specifically.

  “So you and Paris thought you’d leave a rather vital bit of information out of my brief, making my job harder?” Mike fired back and hated himself for suddenly feeling the need to fight with her.

  “Yes. Werewolf, or even wolf babies in our culture, they’re hard to come by these days due to various factors and well, this kind of news tend to bring out the freaks and trouble makers, when they find a female who can carry. We just thought, given the circumstance they were walking into, keeping this information low key might help their chances getting out of there easier.”

  Mike frowned. “Wait,” He said holding up a hand and looking back across the room again. “What circumstances did they walk into?”

  “They came to Boston to confront Harkness over Tatum’s pregnancy, which came from him attacking her.” Bg said back at him. “It was supposed to be a catharsis for her.”

  “Shit. And I’m guessing it was Robbie Harkness who was the one they were focusing their attention on?”


  “Well, life just got a little harder for them then. Robbie’s passed his time on earth with us and really, it’s Bowen Harkness we need to be worried about. He makes Robbie’s brutality look like he had all the manners. It’s only a matter of time till Bowen’s informed of Robbie’s death and that’s when the real trouble is going to start for these guys.”

  “Which is why I asked you to look after them. Mikey I know you can do this, I’ve seen you do this or do you forget?” Mike smiled at the memory she was referring too. “No offense, but I don’t put my loved ones in the hands of people who aren’t capable of looking after them.”

  “None taken, it just changes things, that’ all. Plus I’m getting horny listening to these two go at it.”Bg laughed down the line at him. “That is a sexy laugh, what are you wearing anyway?”

  “Same old Mikey,”

  “Give a dog a bone Bg.” Mike said adjusting his erection in his pants.

  “Mikey, I’m married.”

  “What? When did this happen and why wasn’t I invited to the big event?” He asked feigning indignity.

  “Because you’d have made a scene for no reason at all other than some attention and a need to kiss the bride on the lips.”

  “Admit it, I’m a good kisser.” Mike smirked. “Would’ve given the bride tongue too.”

  “You’re always pushing the limits of getting fresh with me Mikey.”

  “Hey I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t.”

  “That how I’ll know if alien ever takes over your body. The new Mikey will be all polite, hands free and manners around me.” Bg laughed at him. “Now, back to business, what can I do from here, what do you need to help Wiatt and Tatum out.”

  Mike let out a sigh. “Time and something like a miracle. They lycan packs run this town. That’s why there’s so damn many of them. Harkness has no regard for humans that are of no use to him. Eventually they’re going to circle the wagons and blockade Wiatt and Tatum from exiting Boston, they’ll be held accountable for Robbie’s death. Bowen likes making displays of these type of incidents to his pack. Fear helps strengthen their ruling.”

  “You sound surprisingly like you know far too much about the Harkness’s.”

  “Yeah, but let’s stay focused on the problem, I need you to help me work the problem. Because the cries of oh god Wiatt, are beginning to distract my thinking abilities, big time and it’s just me up here, I don’t have a team or a pack or what have you.”

  “Is there anyone else up there, that you could trust to assist you on this, if there was, and it was needed, we’d of course offer financial compensation for ensuring the safe return of Wiatt and Tatum as well as her pup, to New York.”

  Mike thought about it for a moment. “Well, there is this kind of gathering of well, lets just call them miscreants that hang out in the park lands, that hate Harkness about as much as I do. I’ve dealt with them a little before, I might be able to get a little help from them, but honestly I’m not going to relay much on them. I don’t know how much fight they actually have in them, let alone enough to help out wolves, they don’t have any association with, or need to help out with unnecessarily.”

  “Okay, so you’re on your own but they’re a maybe.”

  “A very slim maybe.”

  “How big is Harkness’s pack?”

  Mike let out a heavy breath. “It has to number a couple hundred easily.”

  “Shit. Just lycans or does he include werewolves too?”

  “Just lycans I think. So when I say Bowen is going to bring down his pack on these two, and have them all out looking throughout Boston for them, you see what I mean when I say we’re screwed.”

  “Does he include humans in the pack? Like the Breukelen do with the non’s in Brooklyn, they’re all part of the same community that co-exist and for some are more aware of us than others.”

  “No, no humans. Other than his own family if they haven’t already been turned.”

  “Come on Mikey, I know you can do this. You’ve done harder, when you were in the military. I remember the somewhat generically censored, but memorable stories of escape you told me about. You got this.”

  “Wait, I think I got it. Need to think this one out loud, so listen to this. Boston is the largest state in New England. That’s just the city of Boston in Massachusetts, right? The greater Boston area has something like 7.5 million people in it’s population, it’s like the third densely populated
city area in the states.”

  “That’s scary when you think of how many hundred Harkness has already infected with lycanthropy in the capital city alone.”

  “Right, but,” Mikey said pausing as his brain ticked over. “We contain Harkness and his pack to the city limits and then they’re out of they’re territory and it’s an more even playing field for Wiatt and Tatum to then get out of the state. Thing is, they don’t head for Logan International Airport to fly back to New York. They head to The Hancock,”

  “What’s the Hancock?” Bg asked curiously.

  “It’s a sixty story skyscraper, with an observation deck, it has a helipad on the roof. A guy who works there owes me a favor. They board a helicopter back to New York. It’ll take them about an hour and half to get back there.”

  “See, I knew you could do it. It sounds simple, so where are the problems going to be with your plan?” Bg continued on.

  “Nothing really, we’re actually only 5 blocks away from the Hancock. The trick will be just, not alerting the packs to their presence. Which might be harder said then done, as Harkness likes to offer incentives for others to be his eyes and ears when needed. And there are two parks between us and The Hancock, where a lot of these snitches, tend to congregate around.”


  Wiatt opened the bathroom door, and indicated Mike could come out with a tilt of his head. “She’s sleeping now.” Wiatt said softly, pulling a t-shirt on over his otherwise naked chest as Mike’s nostrils flared to smell the sex in the room. Walking out, he looked at the king size bed, and saw a wolf laying atop of the bed, with a swollen belly. “I want us to get out of here in one piece, but she needs the rest. She needs to stay as long as she can in her tribal form.” Wiatt said as they both stood at the end of the bed looking back at Tatum’s lycan sleeping on the bed.

  “That’s okay, I’ve got an idea that we can do in the morning if we have to. Cover of darkness would be better if we could,”

  “I won’t risk the pup.” Wiatt said at him defensively.

  “Alright, so crack of dawn, we need to hustle. Can we agree on that?” Mike asked Wiatt.


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