Wolves Bloodlines

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Wolves Bloodlines Page 14

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Uh, sorry to interrupt a romantic moment and all but we’ve got a ride to catch.” Mike said waving his phone at Wiatt who pulled Tatum into his clothed chest closer, so her breasts flattened against his chest as his arms wrapped around her, hiding her naked chest form Mike’s view.

  “Let’s go home.” Tatum replied as Mike nodded at them and walked off again.


  Heading up to the hill and through the streets in need of reunification, they all moved quietly and quickly, focused on the need to reach the closed hospital base.

  “I feel like there are eyes everywhere, watching us.” Tatum whispered out of her mouth at Wiatt as she looked around them whilst moving forward.

  “That’s because there are.” Wiatt replied “I picked up on them a block ago. They’re subtle but they’re there. Question is weather they’re friendlies or not. Any idea Mike?” Wiatt asked his eyes scanning the empty window frames and darkened interiors that hid behind them.

  “Yeah, I have an idea.” Mike muttered as they all picked up their pace and began to jog lightly.

  “Meaning?” Tatum asked.

  “It’s a free zone, and free zones can be kind of dangerous when everyone follows no one and has their own wants and needs. Strangers usually aren’t welcome. We need to hustle” Mike replied as they rounded a corner and the hospital appeared down the end of the street’s horizon. “That’s it. Come on.”

  “You right?” Tatum nodded her head and the three of them started running towards the hospital. Mike’s phone range and he answered it as he ran.

  “Helicopter’s on the way.” He threw over his shoulder as he ran. The hospital loomed larger and larger as they ran towards it. Stopping before the wire fencing surrounding it, Mike looked for the opening in the fence line and pulled it back, as Tatum ducked and stepped through it, followed by Wiatt. Who reciprocated the action on the other side of the fence line for Mike.

  “Rooftop, find the stairway in the corridor and we climb to the top.” Mike said as they moved their way into the building and looked around the trashed and ruined interior. “This way,” Mike said running down the corridor in front of them and skidding to a stop at a double panel door and pushing one door open.

  Tatum coughed as a cloud of dust and musky air greeted them all heavily along with the smell of urine. “Ugh.” Wiatt took her hand and they started walking up the ruined and heavily graffited staircase, stepping on broken glass that had from the smashed windows on the walls. Tatum grimaced at the stains of bird poo on the broken and open windows and the other marks up the walls they passed.

  The echoing sound of glass breaking and footsteps entering into the corridor, made all three of them stop and turn to look back behind them. They stilled and the echo continued, Wiatt and Mike looked over the center railing, shadows moved underneath their staircase, and flickered along the concrete around them.

  “Go, go, go.” Mike said quickly, waving his hand at Wiatt and Tatum as they began to run up the stairs. Wiatt didn’t wait to scent who it was that was entering the stairwell after them. He didn’t need to, reality was no one but the locals had seen them go in there and it was like Mike had said, strangers weren’t welcomed in free zones. Hell, the locals had all probably been promised something if they could help the Harkness wolf pack out with detaining or doing worse, to Wiatt and Tatum.

  They took the stairs as fast as they could two at a time until they reached the last door on the last landing. Only to find it sturdy and locked.

  “Let me.” Wiatt said as Tatum stepped aside and Wiatt put his hand on the door handle and yanked downwards so hard, the entire thing broke off, but the door remained solid and in it’s frame. Tatum looked back behind them.


  “Yeah, I know.” He said stepping back from the door as the noises below them become louder and angrier and more obvious that it was a pack with a mob mentality rather than a couple of individuals.

  “Wiatt,” Tatum repeated. But he was focused on the door and turning side on he threw himself at the door, shoulder and hip together, cracking the door off it’s frame, enough to warp it open. Wiatt pushed the door open. He reached for Tatum the same time she reached for his hand and pulled her through the doorway and out onto the rooftop of the hospital.

  The helicopter sat on top of the roof. Still, the pilot standing beside it. “Start her up!” Wiatt yelled at the pilot who looked across at them as they ran towards it. The pilot stood stationery and pulled her helmet off. Looking past the couple running towards her.

  “Wiatt! Mike,”

  “I know,” Wiatt replied running with Tatum towards the helicopter.

  “Where’s Mike?” The pilot yelled at him, glancing back at the disjointed doorway and back at Wiatt.

  “Get in.” Wiatt directed Tatum helping her step up into the helicopter.

  “Where’s Mike?” The pilot asked him again as he ignored her.

  Wiatt kissed the top of Tatum’s hand. “Wiatt, don’t you leave me!” She yelled back at him. He looked at her face and saw the anxiety in it and knew Tatum had reason to panic. The sounds below hadn’t sounded friendly or easy. They sounded ready to do whatever they had to and like they outnumbered Mike, who’d decided to hang back and stall for Wiatt and Tatum.

  “I’m not that easy to get rid of.” He smirked back at Tatum before turning to the pilot. “Get ready to go, anything but Mike or me comes back through that door, you take off immediately and take her to Manhattan New York.” He yelled running back towards the rooftop door. He dared not look back at Tatum who he could hear calling out to him. The idea of not returning back to her, was banished from his mind as he pulled open the wonky door and descended back into the dirty, dank and dangerous stairwell in search of Mike Basinger.


  Wiatt was six flights of stairs up from the commotion and could see the movement of what equated to a swarm pushing like a tidal wave down on Mike Basinger. Grabbing the railing with his hand, he took a breath and leaping up high, vaulted over the edge of it. He fell feet first, downwards, fast. Jumping onto the railing opposite his side, six flights down. Hands wrapping around the railing as he landed before releasing as again, growling, he leapt over the hand railing and directly onto the nearest part of the mob. Coming in over the top of them, he threw his arms out wide and collected as many bodies as he could landing on heads and shoulders.

  Wiatt’s landing pushed bodies down and he reached for them, throwing them far and wide into walls, even as he pressed his knee into the Adam’s apple of the male underneath him. His teeth, eyes and hands automatically shifting to his wolf self as he began throwing punches into every aggressor around him who wasn’t Mike Basinger and kept trying to grapple with him. He had caught sight of Mike being dragged down and under a number of hands and bodies as he’d landed. His plan had been to not fight unnecessarily. But to make his way to Mike, pull him up and give them enough of a head start to clear the mob and make the helicopter within relative safety.

  But there was far too many of them against Mike and him and moving meant, pushing against a force that was designed to wear him down and put him on the ground. The sounds of skin smacking, bones snapping and clothing tearing and panting and growling was like a stereo to his senses. The reality was, there was only one way out of the ruckus. But first he had to get to Mike. Ducking his head he managed to spy Mike coping a fist to the mouth.

  Wiatt let out a loud growl of anger and energy and propelled his arm straight out towards Mike’s exposed Bicep. Wiatt wrapped his half shifted paw around Mike and then unleashed the shape shifting power he’d been containing since joing the fighting. It had almost been complete unanticipated instinct that in a fight he would shape shift to his werewolf self. The werewolf was a better, more aggressive and efficient fighter than Wiatt the human could ever be, even when he was being amazing. Wiatt had felt the tug of his wolf clawing at his insides to come out and protect him and fight the enemy surrounding them. Wiatt was a werewolf who ha
d been schooled in control and had enough of it to contain his natural self when he had to. Like winding the werewolf up to spring out of himself, fast and furious and when absolutely needed to decimate his opponents.

  Now that Wiatt had a hold of Mike and began to dig his claws into the man’s flesh to keep it, he let go of the small bit of himself that he kept coiled with all the control he owned. The shape shift was instant, and explosively powerful. Knocking back all the brawling bodies around them, the force of the alpha werewolf in him throwing everyone else into walls and floors, the last noise he heard before his werewolf self took over was screams and bones breaking upon impact. Wiatt had no idea if what he was planning would work. But he had to believe, that werewolves, and alpha’s were far more powerful than shape shifters. He hoped that was the case, as the power of the shape shift rippled from Wiatt down to Mike triggering an automatic, unfightable reaction in the shape shifter. Causing him to rip into himself into his own shift.

  The process of both males shifting, threw all bodies clear of them as the power emanated and bounced around the closed walls around them, wounding for a second time their enemies around them as they tried to move and recover from the first invisible, sonic, throw out.

  Mike’s body twisted and turned and bent and heaved until he had shifted, to his fighting form. The animal he reverted to when the most when under threat. The sleek golden hues of a mountain lion emerged, scrambling to his feet and glancing back over the large werewolf beside him, that was clawing at the nearest, what passed as human, threats to them.

  Mike growled at Wiatt, and with a look from the werewolf, he began bolting up the stairway, taking almost one flight of stairs in one bound. Wiatt’s paws pushed off the bodies around them and he leapt, galloping up the stairs after Mike who moved faster than Wiatt could imagine was possible. Mountain lion Mike was without injury or hindrance of any kind. But Wiatt noted, he still seemed to retain memory of what was going on, instead of freaking out at seeing a werewolf beside him when he came to.

  Both werewolf and mountain lion ran, up the reaming flights of stairs to the top landing and barreled through the unsettled door. Bursting through the doorway onto the roof top and skidding to a halt, as they were greeted by the helicopter pilot, helmet on, in a solid stance, hand gun pointed straight at them.

  “Stop, that’s Wiatt!” Tatum called out.

  “And that’s Mike.” The pilot uttered, lowering the hand gun. “Come on, then.” She said at the two animals and turned running back to the helicopter. Wiatt and Mike didn’t need second invites or further incentives and without further hesitation, ran towards the open door side of the helicopter and jumped in. Tatum reached across them and pulled the door closed, slamming it shut hard.

  “Strap yourself in Tatum. The boys will just have to sit down best they can, I’ll try to keep it a smooth ride.” The pilot replied clipping in her seatbelt. “No shifting in the chopper boys.” She said over her shoulder loud enough at them as Tatum’s eyebrows shot up and she nodded her head.


  An hour later they were back in Manhattan and Wiatt and Mike had shifted back to their regular selves.

  “I need to fuck, feed and soak in a hot bath.” Wiatt said looking over at Tatum who looked at him with concern as he came out of his shift and was handed a blanket to wrap around his nudity. “Preferably in that order.” He muttered reaching for Tatum, his hand going behind the back of her head, and pulling her into his body. “But we can negotiate.” He said pressing his lips into hers and kissing her hard. Tatum melded into his embrace and allowed him to take all he needed from her with his kiss. It was fiercely hard and telling her so much more than the man himself would, when asked how he was feeling.

  Mike groaned as he straightened up and stretched and abruptly covered his own nakedness quickly upon realizing Tatum was with them.

  Wiatt and Tatum parted after awhile and looked into each other’s eyes. “You okay?” He asked softly kissing the tip of her nose. Tatum nodded her head. “Better cause you’re here with me now.” She said pulling on the blanket wrapped around him. “Come on, let’s find somewhere private.” She said.

  “Paris need’s to be debriefed on the situation.” Mike said watching the love struck couple move around him.

  “Paris can wait.” Wiatt replied as Tatum headed back out of the room they were in. “My wife, needs me.”

  They walked out of the warehouse room and looked into another abandoned room, Wiatt looked around them. “I don’t care.” Tatum said quickly seeing the mess on the floors and around them. “I want you inside me.” She husked. Wiatt dropped the blanket and clearing a table top with a sweep of his arm, laid the blanket down atop of it. Tatum watched and sat herself down atop of it when he was finished. Wiatt, slowly spread her legs apart, pushing her skirt up the top of her thighs till he revealed her nakedness underneath.

  “No underwear, all this time.”

  “There wasn’t time for it.” Tatum replied with a grin. Wiatt stroked his cock a few times before taking it in his hand and pulling Tatum closer to the edge of the table, towards him with his free hand. Positioning himself, he grabbed her hips as she clung to him and pushed, slowly into her wet heat. Tatum sighed with pleasure while Wiatt moaned at their reconnection.

  “I love you Tay,” Wiatt said kissing her deeply. “Love you so much.”

  “I love you too.” She said returning his kisses more feverishly than before. Causing Wiatt to moan and start thrusting back and forth within her. They’re lovemaking was fast and intense and they both welcomed the connection. Tatum put her hands back on the surface behind her and leaned back, raising her legs up further so Wiatt could deepen the angle of his thrusts.

  “Oh yes,” Wiatt muttered watching himself slide in and out of Tatum. “Put your leg on my shoulder.” He muttered heatedly as she straightened her leg out and rested it against his shoulder. Gasping a the deepening of her pleasure. “Mine,” Wiatt panted softly as his hips moved back and forth and Tatum, balanced precariously on her torso and hands.

  ‘Yours.” She husked back at him, feeling the beginning of an orgasm swell inside her. Wiatt’s eyes snapped onto her gaze instantly. Immediately aware of the flush in her skin and what it meant.

  “Oh yeah,” He muttered keeping up the depth of his angle and his pace. “That’s it beautiful,” He panted biting his own lip. “Come with me Tay, please come with me.” Tatum bounced back and forth from his thrusting and moaned loudly. “Come with me.” He repeated, tightening his grip on her hips. “Oh fuck!” Wiatt cried out unable to help himself any longer in holding back, as he cock kept thrusting and spurting his seed into Tatum, as she cried out, reaching her precipice a few seconds later with him.


  Forty minutes, one clothing stop and one phone call later, a town car was sent to the warehouse address to pick the three of them up. The car ride uptown was silent as Tatum and Wiatt sat close to one another, holding hands. Stepping out of the town car outside an apartment block, Mike was greeted by another sharply dressed male with blonde hair and blue eyes.

  Mike moved aside as Tatum and Wiatt stepped out of the car also. “Jules,” Wiatt greeted the other male with.

  “Wiatt, Tatum.” Jules replied politely. “Thought you were going to be awhile ago.” Jules replies looking from Wiatt to Tatum and then across to Mike.

  “Uh this is Mike, Basinger.” Wiatt said introducing Jules to Mike and watching them shake hands. And offering no other explanation for their tardiness.

  “Come on, the Alpha is waiting.” Jules didn’t seem pressed by it and turned leading the way into the apartment building. Tatum looked at Wiatt as they stepped into the elevator and he reached across and kissed her forehead.

  “It’s okay, everything will be fine.” He said softly to her, looking at her worried face. Mike studied them in silence. The elevator opened and they again followed Julian out into the hallway and down to the door. Julian swiped into the apartment with a wrist band and they
walked into a large open space, that had floor to ceiling windows with a busy view of New York.

  “I hope you’re right.” Tatum muttered standing close to Wiatt’s side.


  “I remember the last time I was in this apartment and how heated it got.” Tatum replied up at Wiatt.

  “Feel free to get a drink, I’ll let the alpha know you’re here.” Jules said walking off in the direction of the study in the apartment.

  “Well this all terribly apprehensive, what exactly is happening?” Mike asked them both in a loud hushed voice.

  “We need to debrief the Alpha and explain uh, well, everything. Like why we had to escape Boston by helicopter.” Wiatt replied back at him wrapping an arm around Tatum’s waist and pulling her into his side. He turned his head to look at his fiancé and again left a light kiss on her lips. “My scent is all over you.” He muttered happily, causing her to smile back at him.

  “So uh, what happened the last time you were here?” Mike asked unable to help himself. Nerves were beginning to get to him or it was the adrenaline rush wearing off making him shaky.

  “I argued with the Alpha for the right to live amongst the Manhattan Maen werewolves and date Wiatt.” Tatum answered him back.

  “And you clearly won,” Mike said pointing to her and Wiatt. “Cause here you are engaged to be married together.”

  “It’s not quite that simple.” Tatum replied her eyes looking past Mike at the female figure entering the room behind Mike.

  Mike turned around quickly and broke into a smile upon seeing the other female. “Bg.” Mike said as she broke into a smile and moved towards him.

  “Mikey,” She greeted him with reaching out to him and kissing both his cheeks. His hands were on her biceps holding her out from him as he looked her over in an all too familiar greeting, Wiatt thought looking at the interaction. They looked familiar and Bg looked charming. Maybe that was just how she presented to people. Bg’s hair was drawn back in a pony tail. Her black hair hung straight and long and she wore a grey and orange flint floral dress crepe dress with flutter sleeves and brown cowgirl boots. Wiatt let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding, causing Tatum to look up at him. He shook his head and looked back over at Bg and Mike, but her eyes were already on Wiatt.


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