Wolves Bloodlines

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Wolves Bloodlines Page 15

by Girl, Breukelen

  “What was that, a sigh of relief that I didn’t come out in battle gear?” She joked at Wiatt as Mike and her pulled apart. Wiatt looked a little surprised at her comment.

  “Well, actually, remembering the last time I was here…” He trailed off, letting the meaning hang. It was Bg’s turn to look a little surprised by the comment.

  “I’m not the alpha of the pack Wiatt.” She said back at him unhappily that he should try to place some sort of unhappy blame on her for his last visit there.

  “But you have a voice at the table.” He pointed out in a low voice not sure why he was starting to aggravate Bg. He did honestly like his brother’s pack mate. Always had. Paris walked out into the room with his second in command Addison and Wiatt looked away from Bg and straightened up to see his brother. Bg seemed to let the comment slide as Paris greeted his brother in a quick hug.

  “Wiatt,” he growled at his younger brother, as they parted. In warning. Of course he’d heard the comment directed at his pack mate. “If you want to blame anyone for your relationship being scrutinized, then you should blame me and you know it.” After a busy seventy two hours, Wiatt was not having any of it. Toeing the line be damned, if anything the Boston trip had shown him how much he wanted his relationship with Tatum and how much he would ensure he could protect it. He wasn’t having a repeat of last time he’d been at the apartment. That was when Paris, Bg and Addison had all assembled to decide the Tatum could in fact stay with their pack, but under her current conditions.

  “I thought I was perfectly clear on the whole endangering Tatum aspect.” Paris said softly to his brother.

  “We had no idea what we were stepping into up there. No one does. The lycans own that city. It’s like lockdown. They have it all under control.” Wiatt answered his brother as he directed Tatum to the sofa.

  Bg followed Tatum to the sofa. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” She said hugging Tatum before she sat down. “We’ve got a doctor on the way if you want to get checked out, and some food on the way too.” Bg said at her friend. Wiatt frowned at Bg as she looked back at Wiatt, looking over Tatum’s shoulder as she hugged her.

  “And you’re in the inner sanctum why again?” Wiatt fired at her with annoyance. The door buzzer sounded capturing all their attention.

  “Food’s here.” Julian interjected as he pressed the button to the buzzer. Bg straightened up and still holding Wiatt’s eye contact said “Thought she could probably do with something for her and the pup. As well as female company. You know, too much testerone and all that.”

  “Thank you.” Tatum replied smiling politely. Wiatt saw the hunger in his pack mate’s eyes and wondered why he hadn’t thought to get her food first. Above his own need to have sex with her immediately after his shape shift. His eyes narrowed on Bg annoyed with her forethought. It was his role to play, looking after Tatum.

  “The perfect hostess.” Wiatt muttered ungraciously. “Just what we need.”

  Paris moved towards him. “Wiatt,” Paris growled in warning. “You do not speak to my pack mate like that.” Wiatt’s eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open.

  “No, you don’t get to dictate to me how to run my relationship. When Bg sits at this table and has sat at this table and had a voice that impacts a relationship that isn’t her own.” Wiatt threw back at his brother angrily. “My relationship is my relationship with Tatum and it’s between us,” Wiatt said reaching for Tatum’s hand. “No one else gets a say unless we say otherwise.” All eyes flicked between Wiatt and Paris. Paris face was stony and angry at his sibling’s outburst and attack at him.

  Paris stepped towards his brother again, tall, and hard, his chest out in an aggressive gesture. Bg put a hand on Paris’s bicep , wrapping her fingers around his arm slowly and deliberately. He turned his head to look at her as she looked back at him silently. They shared a look, her gesture was to say “I got this.” She removed her hand from Paris and putting her hands on her hips, turned back to Wiatt.

  Again, all eyes, watched, in anticipation or invitation to join in. Tatum didn’t know what to make of it. “You want a piece of me?” She said back at him. “Well I’m right here loup-garou. Come and get me.” Bg said moving away from Paris and stepping up to Wiatt. “Don’t worry, I’ll call off the dogs, we’ll just go one on one, right here, right now, you and me.” She said stepping up close to him. “Oh what, you don’t want to fight me? You just want my credentials for being part of the hierarchy and decision making process here?” She said loudly back at him as Wiatt’s jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed on her.

  “Okay,” Bg said walking past Wiatt and beginning to pace. “Just so we’re all clear,” Bg says turning to face the group. “I don’t officially have a title here. But I do work,” Bg said turning and looking over at Wiatt again. “In an unofficial capacity for your pack, the Manhattan Maen. I am the liaison between the Manhattan Maen and the Breukelen werewolf pack.” She shrugged her shoulders and kept pacing again.

  “You’re right, that’s not enough is it? Because you think you could handle relations between packs without me. But what you’d be failing to see is that I am the reason the Manhattan Maen has a good relationship with the fiercest fighting pack in New York. I am the reason that that there is a network of friendly medics rotating throughout the boroughs. I am the only werewolf that the Breukelen Pack is willing to negotiate with the Manhattan Maen pack hierarchy about allowing Manhattan Maen werewolves to cross over into the Breukelen territory during lunar week nights without accompanying, me or Paris. Because I negotiated the terms of that agreement between packs. I am the reason I am the female face of this pack, the liaison to a north Canadian werewolf pack that could potentially offer the Manhattan Maen valuable resources. I am the connector this pack has, to other werewolf packs that would otherwise want nothing to do with them.” Bg said her voice raising as she again faced off against Wiatt. “Because despite what you think of me Wiatt, I am the werewolf who swallowed a hurricane whole and that is a door opener that you can not ignore, and that you do not have.”

  “She can back that up.” Addison chimed in. Wiatt stood still watching Bg, feeling her anger and power flare out at him. It was hot and pressed into him, biting into his skin like an invisible swarm of insects stinging him. It was deliberate what she was doing. Wiatt looked around him, unable to see if anyone else was affected. Nobody else was visibly reacting.

  “Tay are you okay?” Wiatt asked his lover. “Can you feel that?” Wiatt asked his eyes going back to Bg’s face, as she stared intently at him. He knew exactly how he would respond if Tatum answered that she could feel Bg’s anger directed at them. He’d fight her alright, in front of all of them.

  Tatum frowned “Feel what?”

  “You’re fine?” Wiatt asked seeking clarification.

  “Yes, Wiatt what’s happening?” Tatum answered him softly, confused by the confrontation at hand.

  “I forgot, I should probably mention I have a couple of skills, no other werewolf in this room, let alone your pack has.” Bg fired back at Wiatt dropping her power so fast Wiatt actually staggered forward from the release of it.


  “They always underestimate you.” Mike said with a half smile back at Bg as she calmed down and moved away from Wiatt again. “But not me.”

  “Never you.” Bg smirked at him.

  “The other thing you might want to remember Wiatt, is the reason you are standing here, is because of Mike Basinger, who I knew could get you out of Boston. A thanks to Mike would be in order.”

  “Show my pack mate respect while you’re at it little brother.” Paris said at his brother and standing up beside Bg along with Mike Basinger by the other side of her, Addison behind them. Wiatt looked at their line up. “We’re not you’re enemies. And she is the one that makes me see reason when I don’t want to.”

  Wiatt knew when he was beat when it came to power and Bg. He rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. “I’m wired. We’ve done nothing b
ut run since we arrived in Boston till we got back here. And we wouldn’t have made it without you’re help.” Wiatt said leaning forward and putting his hand out to Mike. “Sincerely, thank you for your help in getting us home in one piece.” Everyone watched the interaction.

  Paris waited for Wiatt to continue with the apologies and when none other were forthcoming he said “Now tell us about what we can expect from the Boston wolves.” Paris said to Wiatt.

  “Yeah, we left a bit of destruction behind us.” Mikey spoke up. “The kind that doesn’t go unnoticed.”

  Wiatt looked around the room at everyone. “The body count is high and that means we expect some sort of trouble in return for us getting out of Boston alive. We’re going to need to plan for retaliation.” Wiatt said addressing the group. He sat down next to Tatum on the sofa and laced a hand in hers as everyone looked at them.

  Bruekelen Girl Novels

  Wolves Bloodlines

  Claw Marks

  Wolves at The Door

  Wolves Love


  Red White and Werewolf

  Werewolf Storm

  Wild Life

  Lunar Night Stand

  The Pack




  Of Wolf and Male

  Beasts of Burden

  Nature of the Beast


  Lycan La Vida Loca

  Lycan Life


  Growing up Werewolf

  Other werewolf novels

  Lunar Nights

  Bleeding Hearts

  The Shadow trilogy:

  Shadow Aspect – Book 1

  Shadow Games – Book 2

  Shadow Boxing – Book 3


  Claw Marks

  Jules Teehlan’s job is specific but not necessarily simple. Keep the pack mate of the Manhattan Maen werewolf leader safe. That’s it. But becoming overly familiar with Bg Sommers, the pack mate in question, means Jules is going to get more than the riot act. It mean’s a scarring that goes beyond the physical and borders on breaking an assumed trust. For him and another werewolf.

  Wanton Werewolf

  Conall Wakely has a problem. He wants everything and he doesn’t do well when he doesn’t get it. So when Bg Sommers comes onto his radar, he has to have her. When Conall first meets Bg Sommers, that want he has for everything, goes into overdrive and in usual Conall style, he goes with it and for it. But hindsight into himself and his wanting needs as a werewolf is earned when ignoring the rules of wanting, means regardless breaking of a heart one to many times.

  Wanton Werewolf offers a glimpse at Bg and Conall’s relationship.


  All it takes is one bad day to bring out the Bitch in Gabby Colton. But does that excuse her from constantly being a Bitch to the rest of her fellow werewolves? One bad day, gives us a glimpse from Gabby's point of view, of her pack life and fellow pack mates in the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack.

  Lycan Life

  All it takes is a week out of this world to wake up a lycan and for everything you've ever known, to change, completely. Booker Parish wakes up in a Brooklyn hospital bed as a lycan and finds there is more than difficulty in adjusting to his new life as a wolf. And her name is Bg Sommers.

  Red White and Werewolf

  A podcast series and novel

  The free prequel podcast can be found on www.itunes.com and www.sticherradio.com and www.talkshoe.com

  The day before her twenty ninth birthday Bg Sommers is kidnapped before the eyes of her pack mate lover Paris D’arenberg. Awaking far from her home in Brooklyn New York, Bg finds herself in unfamiliar surroundings two other kidnapped werewolves, Phelan and Thane Cavello, alpha werewolf males. Together with the werewolves, must work together to escape being hunted, by a powerfully terrifying, relentless enemy. Even if it means, disobeying werewolf pack laws and territory lines.

  Together Phelan, Thane and Bg try to work through their differences. But Bg finds the risks of being around the Cavello’s is far greater than first thought. A connection between the three werewolves, threatens to do more damage to Bg and her life, than she could have ever imagined.

  Uncovering the meaning of the three werewolves connection will mean confronting her past, to reclaim her future especially if she is to have one with Paris.

  Wolves Bloodlines

  Wiatt D’arenberg a Manhattan Maen werewolf and Tatum Lee, a pregnant lycan are in love. They’re beginning to prepare for their future life together in the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack, as man and wife, and pack mates with a pup along the way. But for Tatum Lee, she can only truly achieve the life her and Wiatt want together, if she lets go of the ghosts of her past life. Which means acknowledging she’s now a lycan by confronting the wolf who made her one. Wiatt’s none to happy about it but agrees to accompany Tatum to Boston so she can settle her past pain, and find out about the bloodlines running through her now, so they can build their future together informed and aware. But that means making the wolf who turned Tatum into a lycan, aware that he’s the father of her pup and trying to leave Boston, once he knows might just not be an option.

  Wolves At The Door

  The werewolf across the hall from Hooper Parish’s place is hot. So damn hot that Hooper can’t help but pay attention to him so badly that all he wants to do is submit to the Alpha werewolf, Thane Cavello.

  But Hooper has issues. One; he hates werewolves, two; he hates werewolf packs, three; he hates lycans and four; he hates himself because he is a lycan. Made by a werewolf after an attack, seventeen years ago. Can he learn to love himself enough to be loved in return? Do you let the wolf that you are define you or the one you could be?

  Falling for Thane was always going to be a challenge and a complicating one at that for Hooper to work out.

  Add families from both sides of each male to the mix, and secrets are going to get exposed, and love will challenge loyalty because of it. Who do these wolves trust, when it can’t be their own kind and their hearts know no better? Leaving Hooper with another issue to add to his list; like what does he want out of his lycan life, a pack mate, love, or family?

  Wolves Love

  Werewolves are real. Tatum Lee knows that only too well. Ever since she was attacked by one and infected with lycanthropy. But werewolves do not like lycans. Humans who have been turned into wolves, not born a werewolf. Tatum has had more than her share of experiencing their dislike of her kind.

  There are many werewolves in New York City, pack werewolves. Luckily she has Wiatt D’arenberg, a more than friendly Manhattan Maen werewolf to help her out. As Tatum adjusts to life in Manhattan with Wiatt, she slowly glimpses more of the werewolf pack culture.

  She finds herself put in a position of expectation with their law and ways without little thought for herself. But if it means living and loving Wiatt, then she is willing to do that. Except, there are other wolves who do not believe lycans and werewolves should mix and will see to it that Wiatt and Tatum are torn apart. Literally if necessary.

  Tatum finds herself in a hard position that might just tear her and Wiatt apart first, before anyone else can get to them. How can they stay together with so many factors are trying to drive them apart?

  Werewolf love is hard. But werewolves love even harder.


  Tatum Lee is a lycan. She knows it. She can’t help but not know it, because it seems everyone is always reminding her of it. Being a lycan isn’t exactly a title you wear with pride, far from it. In New York City, home to the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack, it’s the last thing she wants to announce upon her arrival there. Tatum just wants to be left alone. But it seems that isn’t going to happen.

  Especially when she captures the attention of Wiatt D’arenberg, enforcer for the Manhattan Maen pack. It’s Wiatt’s job to ensure there are no lycan in the Manhattan Maen’s territory, including Tatum. But once she’s on his radar, he can’t seem to get her
off it.

  Having an untrained, lycan in his territory, on a lunar week means it’s up to Wiatt to ensure she’s not a danger to his pack or the public, and that means taming her. If he can tame his feelings towards the wolf he’s not supposed to want, first.

  Shadow Aspect - Book 1

  Katelyn Phoenix leads a low life. She’s never had a life full of privilege, prominence or affluence. But she’s always been able to see the truth in other people, it’s always been her gift.

  Because Katelyn’s not your average human female. She’s a truth-sayer and being one of those is rare and highly, valuable if you want to commit personal espionage on others. Katelyn’s never had a problem with what she does, it’s not for her to question the ethics of it. Because nobody ever questions her, when she gets them what they want to extort over others. If they’re willing to pay the right price for her services.

  Tarin Armadel is more than willing to pay the price for hiring Katelyn Phoenix. Because in the supernatural world of Melbourne, Australia, Tarin’s not what he seems at first glance either. He comes from the shadows of a cold Melbourne night, to make a proposition to Katelyn that’s too good to refuse. Especially when it involves the mysterious, Tarin in it.


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