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Josie the Jewelry Fairy

Page 2

by Daisy Meadows

  “Come on,” said Rachel. “Let’s find those boys!”

  The three fairies flew out from behind the umbrella and over the beach. Right away, Kirsty spotted lots of big footprints in the sand.

  “Those almost look like goblin footprints!” said Rachel.

  The fairies followed the trail until they found the group of boys. They were still wearing their green sun hats and beaded jewelry, but now they were building sandcastles. From above, the fairies could see something amazing — the boys had green feet!

  “The boys are making the footprints,” said Josie. “How is that possible?”

  “Those aren’t boys,” said Rachel. “They’re goblins!”

  At that moment, one of the goblins started shouting and waving his arms. Then he pushed the goblin next to him, who fell over and squished a sandcastle. Soon, all the goblins were arguing, pushing one another, and kicking the sandcastles.

  “Let’s fly down,” said Kirsty. “They’re arguing too much to notice us!”

  The three fairies hid behind the tower of a nearby sandcastle. A goblin with a splotchy face picked up a red plastic shovel and started digging. Then another goblin elbowed him in the ribs and snatched the shovel.

  “My turn!” he squawked.

  He started digging, too, but soon a third goblin grabbed the shovel from him!

  “Why do they only have one shovel?” asked Rachel. “And what are they digging for? They’re not picking up shells anymore.”

  “Maybe they think they’ll find buried treasure,” said Kirsty with a wink.

  Suddenly there was a loud squawk, and a seagull landed next to them on the sandcastle.

  “Hello!” said Rachel with a smile. “Kirsty, this is the same seagull we saw earlier — the one who scared the goblins away.”

  The seagull squawked again, and Josie smiled. The girls remembered that all fairies could speak to animals.

  “He says hello,” Josie told them. “Seagull, do you know what the goblins are doing here on the beach?”

  The seagull gave a few more squawks, and Josie turned to the girls.

  “He thinks that the goblins have lost something,” she said. “They’ve been looking for a long time.”

  Just then, some beaded charms dropped off one goblin’s sun hat. Another goblin’s necklace snapped, and the beads scattered across the sand.

  “That’s strange,” said Rachel. “They have Josie’s ribbon, so their jewelry shouldn’t break.”

  “Oh!” exclaimed Kirsty, her eyes wide. “Maybe that’s what they’ve lost — Josie’s magic ribbon!”

  Hearts thumping with excitement, the three friends fluttered into the air and spread out.

  “Fly low over the beach and look carefully,” said Josie. “We have to find my magic ribbon before the goblins do!”

  Rachel saw a flash in the sunlight and zoomed toward it, but it was just a shiny pebble. Kirsty gasped when she saw something sparkling down by the water. But when she flew closer, she realized that it was just a piece of wet seaweed. Josie hovered near the goblins, in case they found the charm. She edged closer to try to see into the hole they were digging — and then one of the goblins gave an angry screech.

  “A fairy!” he yelled. “There’s a fairy spying on us!”

  He kicked sand at Josie, and some of it went in her eyes.

  Unable to see, she zigzagged through the air, trying to get away. Rachel and Kirsty zoomed to her side and pulled her to safety behind a plastic bucket.

  “More fairies!” the goblins squawked. “Get them!”

  But then the fairies heard one of the goblins yelp. The next thing they knew, the group of goblins was running away down the beach.

  “Why did they leave?” asked Kirsty. “What did they see?”

  While Josie wiped the sand out of her eyes, Kirsty and Rachel peeked around the side of the bucket. In the distance, close to the edge of the water, they could see a glow. It was obviously something magic!

  “That’s my ribbon, I’m sure of it!” said Josie over their shoulders.

  “But the goblins have a big head start,” Kirsty said with a groan. “We’ll never catch up to them.”

  “Then we just have to outsmart them,” said Rachel. “Quick, Josie — can you turn us back into humans and disguise us as ice-cream sellers? If there’s one thing we know about goblins, it’s that they’re very, very greedy!”

  The only thing on the beach was a striped awning, so the three fairies hid behind it. Josie waved her wand, and instantly, the girls were human-sized again! They were wearing white jackets and little white hats. Each of them held a tray of green ice-cream cups. They walked out from behind the awning, and Josie used her magic to play the sort of tinkly music that ice-cream trucks use.

  “Free ice cream!” called Rachel at the top of her lungs. “Get your free ice cream here!”

  The goblins stopped in their tracks and turned around. The splotchy one was already drooling.

  “We can get the ribbon in a minute,” the girls heard one of them say. “There’s time to grab some ice cream.”

  They all ran up to Rachel and Kirsty, stumbling over their own feet and pushing one another out of the way.

  “Give us our free ice cream now!” they shouted.

  While Rachel and Kirsty handed out the ice cream, Josie flew down to get her magic ribbon. But just then, the splotchy goblin turned around and saw her flying toward the ribbon.

  “STOP!” he shouted.

  He kicked wildly, and his enormous foot scooped up a ton of sand. It hit Josie and knocked her sideways!

  Another goblin sprinted over to the ribbon and grabbed it.

  “Got it!” he squawked, holding it above his head like a trophy. “Ha ha, little fairy, you’re too slow!”

  The goblins cheered and snickered, their faces now covered in green ice cream. Josie flew back to the girls, wings drooping.

  “I’m never going to get my ribbon back now,” she said sadly.

  Kirsty looked up and saw the seagull circling high overhead.

  “Maybe we could ask the nice seagull for help,” she said.

  “I have one cup of ice cream left,” said Rachel. “I wonder if he’d like some.”

  They waved at the seagull and he landed beside them. Rachel offered him the ice cream. While he ate it, Josie explained what had happened.

  “Will you help me get my magic ribbon back?” she asked hopefully.

  The girls couldn’t understand the seagull’s reply, but he nodded his head and Josie smiled.

  “He says yes,” she said. “The goblins have been messing up the beach, so he wants them to go home, too.”

  The goblins were skipping down the beach, tossing the ribbon between them.


  The seagull swooped at the goblins, flying so low that he could have pecked their ears. The goblins cowered and squealed.

  “Get away!” they wailed. “Leave us alone!”

  The seagull squawked again. He was so loud that the goblins clapped their hands over their big ears and ran.

  “Look!” cried Rachel, pointing and jumping up and down.

  In their fright, the goblins had dropped the magic ribbon!

  The seagull grabbed the magic ribbon in his beak and flew back to Josie. The beads on the ribbon twinkled as he handed it to her. It immediately shrank to fairy-size.

  “Thank you!” said Josie, glowing. “Now I can fix everything!”

  With a wave of Josie’s wand, the shells from the goblins’ bucket were returned to the beach where they belonged. Rachel’s and Kirsty’s disguises disappeared, too — they were back in their normal clothes and sun hats again.

  “You’ve all been so wonderful,” said Josie, smiling at Rachel, Kirsty, and the seagull. “Thank you for everything you’ve done. Jewelry is safe a
gain because of you!”

  “We were happy to help,” said Kirsty.

  Rachel nodded, and the seagull squawked in agreement.

  “I hope we’ll meet again one day,” said Josie.

  She waved good-bye and disappeared in a twinkling flash. The seagull hopped away across the sand, and Rachel and Kirsty smiled at each other.

  “That’s another one of the Magical Crafts Fairies’ objects that Jack Frost can’t use,” said Rachel. “Now there are only three more to find!”

  “But first we have to make our presents for your mom,” Kirsty reminded her. “Come on!”

  They ran back to the jewelry store. This time, it seemed like a very different place. There was a lot of laughter and a buzz of excitement in the workshop. Carrie was walking slowly around the tables, checking to make sure that everyone was doing OK. She smiled as the girls sat at an empty table, and came over to see them.

  “Things have really calmed down here,” she said. “It was a bit of a crazy morning, but now the jewelry-making is going very well. I even had time to fix your mom’s earrings.”

  She handed Rachel the little velvet box. Inside, the golden seashell earrings were perfect again.

  “Thank you so much,” said Rachel. “Mom will love them!”

  Artie joined them and showed the girls that she was wearing her pearl necklace.

  “Carrie fixed it perfectly,” she said. “She’s like a magic fairy, fixing all the jewelry so fast!”

  The girls exchanged a secret smile. Little did Artie know that magic really was involved in jewelry-making!

  “The trays in front of you have all sorts of beads, wires, threads, and clasps for your jewelry,” Carrie told the girls. “You can make whatever you want, and I’ll help you if you get stuck. Have fun!”

  Looking through the little trays, Rachel found some beautiful wooden beads. Each one had a different type of seashell painted on it.

  “I think I’ll make Mom a necklace with these beads,” she said.

  “I’ll make a bracelet to match,” said Kirsty, excited. “Then she’ll have a whole matching set, because the earrings are seashells, too!”

  The girls put their heads down and got to work.

  That evening, the girls took Mrs. Walker for a walk along the cliffs while her surprise party was being set up. When they came back to the campsite, Mrs. Walker’s mouth fell open. Strings of twinkly lights were draped from tent to tent. Mr. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Tate were standing around a glowing campfire, and there was a little pile of presents on a nearby table. There was even a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY banner! Mrs. Tate had baked a cake, and Mr. Tate was busy toasting marshmallows. Mrs. Walker couldn’t believe her eyes.

  “Happy birthday!” shouted the girls.

  Everyone laughed and hugged Mrs. Walker, who was too surprised to speak. She blew out the candles on her cake and then sat down to open her presents.

  “What beautiful earrings!” she cried, putting them on right away. “And a necklace and bracelet to match? I’ve never had such pretty jewelry!”

  The girls told her all about making the necklace and the bracelet. Then Mrs. Tate asked to see the earrings, and Kirsty and Rachel slipped away to eat their toasted marshmallows.

  “I have an extra surprise for you,” said Rachel. “While we were in the shop, I made you something.”

  She gave Kirsty a little friendship bracelet in blue, pink, and lilac. Kirsty hugged her and laughed.

  “I have a surprise for you, too,” she said — pulling out a red, gold, and orange friendship bracelet!

  “I guess that shows that we were made to be best friends!” Rachel giggled.

  They tied the bracelets around each other’s wrists. Then Kirsty gasped. On each of the friendship bracelets, a tiny, sparkling bead had appeared.

  “They must be a thank-you gift from Josie,” said Rachel. “What a wonderful way to end a surprise-filled day!”

  Rachel and Kirsty have found Kayla, Annabelle, Zadie, and Josie’s missing magic objects. Now it’s time for them to help

  Join their next adventure in this special sneak peek. . . .

  “We’re not far from the lighthouse now, Kirsty,” said Rachel Walker. The best friends were walking along the cliff toward the Rainspell Island Lighthouse. “Dad said we can’t miss it! I wonder what he meant?”

  “We’ll find out soon!” Kirsty Tate replied. “I’m so glad we came to Rainspell for another vacation, Rachel. There’s no other place like it in the whole world!”

  The girls were spending their spring break on Rainspell Island. They were taking turns staying with Kirsty’s mom and dad at their bed and breakfast one night, and then with Rachel’s parents at the campsite the next night.

  “Plus, it’s an extra-special vacation because it’s Rainspell Crafts Week,” Rachel pointed out. “And because of our adventures with the Magical Crafts Fairies!”

  When the girls arrived on Rainspell Island a few days earlier, Kayla the Pottery Fairy had invited them to Fairyland, where a Crafts Week was also taking place. Kayla and the other Magical Crafts Fairies were organizing the event. Kayla told the girls that King Oberon and Queen Titania would choose the most beautiful crafts, and use them to decorate their royal palace.

  But as the queen welcomed everyone to Crafts Week, Jack Frost and his goblins had hurled paint-filled balloons into the crowd! The Magical Crafts Fairies and even Queen Titania herself had been splattered with bright green paint. In all the chaos and confusion, Jack Frost and his goblins had stolen the Magical Crafts Fairies’ special objects. They were the source of the fairies’ powerful magic!

  Jack Frost had declared that he was the best artist ever, and he’d taken the magic objects to ensure that no one else could ever outdo him. As everyone watched helplessly, Jack Frost had magically whisked himself and the goblins away, to hide the objects in the human world. The fairies had been horribly upset, but Rachel and Kirsty stepped forward right away to offer their help. The girls were determined to prevent crafts everywhere from turning into complete disasters!

  “Thank goodness we already found Kayla’s vase, Annabelle’s pencil sharpener, Zadie’s thimble, and Josie’s ribbon,” Kirsty said. “I really enjoyed our pottery, drawing, sewing, and jewelry-making workshops.”

  “Me, too,” Rachel agreed. “But they would have been totally ruined if the fairies hadn’t gotten their magic objects back just in time!”

  Kirsty nodded. “I can’t wait to try Polly Painterly’s class at the lighthouse today,” she said eagerly. “Painting is one of my favorite things!”

  “But what do you think the class will be like, now that Violet the Painting Fairy’s magic paintbrush is missing?” Rachel asked anxiously.

  “Well, as Queen Titania always says, we have to wait for the magic to come to us and see!” Kirsty reminded her.

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  e-ISBN 978-0-545-72320-6

  Copyright © 2014 by Rainbow Magic Limited.

  Previously published as Magical Crafts Fairies #4: Josie the Jewellery-Making Fairy by Orchard U.K. in 2014.

  All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012, by arrangement with Rainbow Magic Limited.

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  First Scholastic printing, March 2015




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