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Man and Master

Page 9

by Jason Luke

  “Tell me what you have been thinking since you left me last night?” Joshua asked. He began to prowl around the room, putting space between them. Gabriele knew better than to turn to follow him with her eyes. She stood without moving and spoke calmly to the wall she was facing.

  “I thought about everything you said,” she admitted. “And those thoughts have troubled me… because I’ve seen how difficult I have made my own training by my refusal to follow your instructions.”

  Joshua grunted. He was standing on the far side of the room, where Gabriele had left her red dress.

  “And I want to apologize to you, Master,” Gabriele said. She felt no humiliation, no shame for saying she was sorry. In fact, she found the moment liberating. It was the unburdening of all her sins and failings; shrugging them off like a dark heavy cloak that had weighed her down. It was cathartic. “I should have understood what you were trying to teach me last night. I should have known because your instructions and explanations have always been precise. But I let my pride get in the way. I couldn’t get past my own self-image and see myself for who I want to be… and what being that person means in real life.”

  “Do you feel you are now ready to move forward?” Joshua’s voice had become more relaxed; his own inner-tension resolved… for the moment at least.

  “I think so,” Gabriele wanted to sound more definite but the truth was that she still felt uncertain. “I have thought back on everything you told me, and every warning you gave before we started. You were right. I was emotionally unprepared. I did struggle with trust issues. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to understand those feelings.”

  At last Joshua came quietly back into Gabriele’s view, appearing in the corner of her eye. He was standing near the closed door of the training room, leaning against the wall by the light switch. He had his arms folded across his chest, his head titled to the side, thoughtful and pensive.

  “There are no more chances, Gabriele.”

  “I realize that, Master.”

  “I won’t be disobeyed or defied ever again.”

  “No Master. I promise.”

  Still Joshua did not move. Gabriele began to feel awkward under his gaze. She felt like he was peeling away the layers of her persona, peering past the pretty feminine exterior as if he could see her heart.

  That thought troubled Gabriele deeply, for if he could see her heart, he would see that she was becoming infatuated with him.

  “So you want to continue the course?” Joshua’s voice brought her back from her thoughts.

  “Yes. Definitely, Master.”

  “And you will obey my every instruction?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Regardless of your instincts?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Joshua pushed himself off the wall and came quietly to stand before her. He studied Gabriele’s expression carefully.

  “Will you trust me implicitly?”

  “Yes, Master.” That was a significant moment. They both realized it.


  Gabriele drew a breath. Her eyes were still lowered, but she felt the need to inflect her next words with all the truth she could. She looked up into Joshua’s ruggedly handsome face.

  “Because you’re a good man.”

  Joshua’s stern features seemed to waver and soften. It was just for a second; so fleeting that if Gabriele had not been gazing into his eyes she might have missed the reaction entirely. She lowered her eyes again.

  Joshua cleared the gruffness from his throat. “Tell me again, why you want to learn to sexually submit.”

  Gabriele’s answer came back without the need for thought. “I want to learn to please my Master’s every desire and satisfying him sexually like no other woman can.”

  Joshua’s tone turned wry, tinged with bitterness. “You mean your boyfriend?”

  Gabriele shook her head. “No. I mean you. You’re my Master while I am being trained, and you are the focus of all my energy. I want you to be pleased with me. I want to make you proud. Only when my training is complete will I think about how to win Randall back.”

  Joshua frowned. Just the mention of her ex-boyfriend’s name seemed to taint the atmosphere in the room, but he knew it wasn’t yet the time to confront and slay that particular beast.

  He sighed and blew out a long breath. For a few more moments he was silent in thought. Then suddenly he was the Joshua that Gabriele had come to know again; commanding, resolute and sexily confident.

  “Tonight’s lesson is about positioning,” Joshua said. “These are the poses you should learn because they are intrinsic to your success as a submissive. Most Masters will want you waiting for them in one of two positions. Both of these postures are reflective of your willingness to submit and satisfy your Master’s sexual needs. But,” he held up a warning finger, “even though their basis is in sexual submission, these positions are fundamental poses that you should practice and perfect, whether your Master might want to use you for sex, or any other conventional domestic task.”

  Gabriele nodded her silent understanding. Behind her blank-faced façade she felt a small thrill of arousal begin to seep through her body, triggered by Joshua’s deep baritone voice and the way he looked at her as he spoke. The lust in his eyes was thinly veiled; it was a look Gabriele had seen in the gaze of a thousand men before. But with Joshua, the phenomenal discipline of his restraint was just enough to dam back his temptation. Gabriele wished secretly that the man had a little less willpower. The sexual yearning she felt slowly began to uncoil itself and writhe around in the molten pit of her stomach as she fantasized about his hands roaming over her body and the feel of his cock sliding deep inside her clenching pussy.

  “Get down on your knees.”

  Gabriele obeyed, still in the misted daze of her fantasies. She was on automatic, and she had to force her erotic hunger for Joshua’s cock out of her mind to focus.

  “Clasp your hands behind your back,” Joshua instructed.

  Gabriele obeyed. Kneeling with her hands behind her back forced her back straight in order to keep her balance. She had her eyes on the grey-carpeted floor.

  “Shuffle your knees apart,” Joshua corrected her position. “They’re too close together. They need to be the same width as your shoulders.”

  Gabriele did as she was told. Joshua walked a slow circle around her, noting the enticing gap between her thighs and the clench of lingerie that was creased in the trap of her tightly clenched bottom. He could see the knuckled mound of Gabriele’s spine and the soft shadow of her ribs through the lean smooth flesh of her torso.

  “Good,” he nodded. Her hands were clasped loosely at the small of her back. He noticed abstractly that her fingernails were painted the same blood-red color of her dress.

  He came back to stand close in front of Gabriele. “Now open your mouth wide.”

  Gabriele parted her lips and formed her mouth into a red lipsticked ‘O’.

  Joshua got down on his haunches beside where Gabriele knelt. Her eyes were dutifully averted, staring at some point on the floor. She was breathing quietly and comfortably. He rested one hand on her thigh like he owned it. Gabriele blinked.

  “This is the first submissive position I want you to practice. Don’t just do it here when we are training. Spend time alone at your home and practice it. You will need to patiently hold this pose for many minutes, sometimes longer, until your Master has a use for you. Don’t think it’s easy. It’s not. It takes rehearsal to be able to wait like this and remain comfortable. The last thing you want to do is constantly fidget. That will annoy your Master and probably get you punished. Practice makes you prepared.”

  To Gabriele that last line of Joshua’s sounded like something that had been drummed into him during his Naval service. She nodded her head, understanding the position, its purpose, and the need to practice.

  Joshua got back to his feet and came up onto the balls of his feet. With a small thrust, he pressed his crotch against Gab
riele’s face. She felt her heart leap, thrilled with excitement, into her throat. She inhaled the sent of him like it was an addictive drug and felt the unmistakable hardness of his restrained cock against her chin.

  “When you are in this position, you are making yourself available to your Master and welcoming him to use your mouth for his pleasure,” Joshua said. “That means you need to be at the height to accommodate him and to accept him between your lips without delay. Don’t position yourself so high or so low that adjustments need to be made. That defeats the purpose of all your hours practicing. After the first couple of times with your mouth open and your Master’s cock deep down your throat, you will know how to set yourself.”

  Joshua stepped back just a pace, and went on. “Relaxation is critical when you are in this position. You need to be able to hold your place effortlessly while your Master is fucking your mouth, and you also need to accept him without choking or gagging.”

  He came forward again, and the uncoiling serpent of desire in the pit of Gabriele’s stomach lashed it’s wicked wanton tail so that she felt her pussy throb with a burning need. Joshua rubbed himself across her open lips, and she heard herself making small mewling sounds of desperate wanting.

  Joshua reached for her hair with his hands and held her head very still.

  “Remember that this is not a position from which you can give a usual blowjob,” Joshua’s voice was thicker than Gabriele remembered it. “This is not about you giving pleasure. This position is about you being used for pleasure.” With his hands he began to move her head, tugging gently at her hair and using it as a grip to position her mouth. He could feel the aching hardness of his cock, straining. Gabriele’s hot breath through the fabric was maddening him.

  He let her hair go at last and stepped back, breathing deeply, as if he had run a great distance. Gabriele knelt unmoving, her mouth still open. Her lipstick was smudged, and her panties were a pool of seeping wetness. In her eyes was a silent pleading desire for more.

  Joshua’s tone turned brusque. “Very good,” he gruffed. “But there is more to the position I have shown you than merely the way you should settle yourself. In fact, the pose is both a position and a place.”

  Gabriele looked up uncertainly. “I don’t understand, Master.” Her lips felt numb, and her jaw ached a little. There was a small twinge of cramp in her calf. She would practice diligently when she returned home.

  “As well as making yourself sexually available for your Master’s cock, you should also adopt the pose when you want to center yourself mentally and emotionally,” Joshua advised. “Get into the habit of using the submissive position to free your mind from whatever is happening in your daily life and train your thoughts on your role to give pleasure. Kneeling should be a chance to find peace.”

  That idea struck Gabriele as particularly profound; the concept of training her mind to peace and stillness at the same time she was preparing her body for a Master’s pleasurable use. She nodded her head only after a long thoughtful moment of reflection.

  Joshua was heartened. Gabriele’s attitude reflected a deeper desire to not only obey, but to comprehend the philosophy of submission.

  “The second position starts at the same point,” Joshua fondled one of Gabriele’s breasts with gentle authority as he spoke. It was passionless, but expressly possessive and he did it deliberately, constantly drawing her mind deeper into submission.

  “In this position you adopt the kneeling pose but there is no need to open your mouth. Instead, you lean forward and rest your head on the floor. Do it now.”

  Gabriele dutifully leaned her upper body forward and had to use her hands to get the position right. Her head was turned to the side facing Joshua so that she could see his shoes. Once she was comfortable she re-clasped her hands in the small of her back. Gabriele understood the position immediately; she was unmistakably exposed, with her pussy lifted into the air like an open invitation.

  “Let your back bow,” Joshua offered. “You’re too rigid. And bending your back will elevate your pussy a little more.”

  Gabriele obeyed. With her knees parted, a man need only pull aside the wisp of lace covering her pussy and he could take her unresisted. Joshua circled the floor, studying her position from both sides and then finally from behind her.

  Gabriele felt her pussy clench. She was highly aroused, and she knew instinctively that her panties were a damp hot mess of desire. Surely her arousal had soaked through the flimsy lace.

  She heard Joshua moving, then a scuffle of indistinct sound. Too late she realized he was on his knees behind her. She had no time to brace herself. Suddenly she felt the arrogant thrust of his hips and the bulge of his cock as it prodded against her open body. She swayed on her knees like a spring in response.

  “In this position you are utterly open to your Master’s cock,” Joshua explained the obvious. It is the ideal position in which to fuck a submissive because her body is available without hindrance. Provided she is wet, she can be taken with little effort, and used specifically for personal pleasure because the Master can pin her at the hips with his hands to hold her still, or control her by gripping her wrists,” he demonstrated, seizing Gabriele’s clasped hands. The pressure of his pulling elevated her face off the carpet and drew her body tense. The change to the position of her pussy was subtle but significant. “Remember,” Joshua went on, still grinding his restrained bulging cock hard against her panty-clad pussy. “As much as this is a position of dominance for a Master and complete surrender for the submissive, the pose is also about power. The Master has the ability to move the submissive and manipulate her body to derive the greatest amount of pleasure from her. Restrained at the hips, or pulling back on her wrists; both methods offer different types of control… but control nonetheless.”

  Joshua got to his feet and left Gabriele kneeling for several minutes while he disappeared into another part of the house. When he returned, he was holding a small video camera. He set it down on the armrest of the black leather chair. Then he ordered Gabriele to her feet.

  She felt a little stiff and cramped, but she also felt entirely aroused. Joshua grinding his hips against her pussy had just about tipped her over the edge, and the frustration of being denied the release of an orgasm for so long now was a constant jarring grate that clouded her every thought. Unprovoked, perhaps she could have forced her need to the back of her mind, but Joshua was constantly antagonizing her primal urge, scratching at an itch that just made the irritation worse.

  “You have done well,” Joshua said. “I am pleased.”

  The praise made Gabriele blush. “Thank you, Master.”

  Joshua was studying her closely, wondering at her thoughts. He watched her expression as he delivered his next words. “I’m so pleased with your change of attitude and your renewed commitment to completing this course that I’m going to give you a well earned surprise.”

  Gabriele’s eyes flashed curiosity and interest. “A surprise, Master?”

  “Yes,” Joshua let a small smile slip through his stern veneer. “I’m going to allow you an orgasm.”

  Gabriele was instantly wary. She had seen Joshua set a video camera down on the chair in the corner and she was cautious enough to take nothing for granted, though at the prospect of being allowed to finally cum, her pussy betrayed her by clenching with a tight cramp of acute need.

  “Really, Master?”

  Joshua nodded. “Orgasm denial as a method of punishment is theoretically limitless – I have known highly-sexed submissives who have been made to go for weeks and even months without release. But orgasm denial also presents a Master with the unique opportunity to grant rewards. This is one such moment. You can cum, Gabriele… but you will do it while I am watching and filming you.”

  “Filming?” Gabriele’s reluctance was not with the task, but being recorded. “Master… that makes me uncomfortable.”

  Joshua acknowledged her trepidation with a dismissive wave. “Relax,” he promised. �
�You will take the camera home with you and return it tomorrow night. This is not for some cheap thrill or to blackmail you on social media. It’s for your own reference only. I want you to be able to see your own face when you cum. Delete the footage yourself. That way you can be reassured.”

  Gabriele nodded, though now she was filled with the anxiety of an exotic performer about to go on stage. That was how she felt. Somehow just the knowledge that she would be filmed changed her whole mindset. She had masturbated herself in front of Joshua once before… but that fact did nothing to make this moment any more comfortable.

  Joshua picked up the camera and settled himself comfortably in the chair. Gabriele was standing by the table like a private dancer waiting for the music to start. Joshua inclined his head. “Begin,” he said, “and tell me everything you are fantasizing about.”

  Gabriele closed her eyes and rested her bottom against the edge of the desk, facing Joshua. She slid her hand down inside the elastic of her panties and felt the rising heat of her sex. She was very wet; the juices of her arousal coated her fingers as she slid them across the jutting button of her clit.


  “I am kneeling before you,” Gabriele said so softly that Joshua had to strain his ears in the acute silence to catch her words. “We’re in my bedroom, in the apartment. You have come to visit and I have been kneeling by the bed, waiting for you.”

  “What are you wearing?” the tight hoarseness is Joshua’s voice took him by surprise. He was hard. Gabriele had her legs apart, slowly swaying her hips from side to side as though dancing to an erotic beat of music that was playing inside her head.

  “I’m naked,” Gabriele answered. Her eyes were screwed shut with the power of her efforts to remain concentrated. Her lips were parted and glossy. The movement of her hand down the front of her panties caused her arm to brush against her breasts, pressing them together and forming a deep cleft of cleavage.

  “I am only wearing nipple clamps,” Gabriele said, and her tone was a little startled – as though the fact surprised even her.


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