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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

Page 4

by Shelley Kaehr


  In one reading, Cayce described how Spirit affected material reality:

  . . . the ceilings are beryl, the doors are beryl . . .


  In the temple were to be found enormous semi-circular columns of . . . beryl . . .

  364-13, Report #3

  . . . Wear, ever, a beryl, or scarab which would make for safety in the entity’s present experience.

  1719-1, Report #1

  . . . Also in the land now known as Abyssinia . . . there were those mines of the precious stones . . . beryl . . .


  . . . and inlaid with beryl . . .


  . . . there were uprisings in the land now known as the Egyptian . . . the entity’s activities, in the tomb or the small granary, or obelisks yet to be uncovered in the small or first pyramids of beryl.


  . . . the beryl—if it is kept about the body would be well.


  . . . beryl . . . and all those things that made for adornment . . .


  . . . the beryl . . . should be a portion of the entity’s dress, ever, either worn as an amulet, the ring, or such, will make for a safety in the entity’s present experience.


  More on Beryl

  Emerald is the most widely known variety of beryl. Because of its significance throughout history, we will discuss it in an upcoming section of the book.

  Pure beryl is actually colorless, but various impurities give this gem a variety of colors. Other beryl varieties are significant and interesting also. We’ll explore some of these briefly.


  The name of this gorgeous pale blue variety of beryl comes from the Latin words aqua and marinus, which mean “water of the sea.”

  Legend says aquamarines belonged to the treasure chests of mermaids. Sailors believed aquamarines would protect them from shipwrecks and even went so far as to carve statuettes of Neptune and Poseidon from aquamarine stones.

  The aquamarine has been a favorite of psychics and intuitives, assisting them in hearing messages from other realms and effectively communicating the information to clients. The blue color ties into the water element, as mentioned earlier with the blue agate. Aquamarine cleanses the emotional body and assists in releasing and expressing emotions.

  For those drawn to the sea, aquamarines will help you tap into past lives at sea. Once you recall those experiences, either you will heal from phobias of the water or gain a remembrance of activities and skills acquired during those aquatic lifetimes that will benefit your current incarnation.


  Named for the Greek words helios and doron, which mean “gift from the sun,” this greenish-yellow variety of beryl will connect you with solar energies. Heliodor strengthens the solar plexus chakra, making abundance, wealth, and power available to you.

  Sometimes confused with golden beryl, the heliodor refers to the greenish-yellow variety, while the pure golden beryl has a yellower color. The healing green hues support you to open your heart and stand in your power.

  If you need to garner strength or courage for any endeavor or project, heliodor is an excellent stone to use. Primarily found in Namibia, this stone also occurs in Brazil. The yellow color comes from iron, which is a grounding metal. Grounding is one of the reasons why the greenish-yellow beryl will strengthen your resolve to follow your heart and complete your projects in a timely manner.

  Lucid Beryl

  White lucid beryl, a colorless variety, does exactly what the name implies by assisting with lucid dreaming and tapping into the wellspring of information available in the unified field during sleep.


  Pink beryl, named after the famous banker J. P. Morgan, will connect you to the faerie realm and help you communicate with unseen helpers from that world. The pink color comes from the element manganese, a trace mineral.

  Epsom salts, or magnesium sulfate, is comprised of the essential element magnesium, which is often confused with manganese. I have long believed magnesium to be essential to healing. Epsom salts cleanses unwanted or negative energy from your field and leaves you feeling refreshed.

  Similarly, morganite lifts your energy above normal reality, giving you higher vision. Morganite also removes unwanted vibrations and attunes your inner hearing to higher realms.

  Red Beryl

  Extremely rare, red beryl from Utah and New Mexico gets its red color from manganese. A powerful energy for opening up to intuitive information, the red beryl will help you to connect with the spirit energies of the desert. Red beryl will also connect you to past lives lived as a Native American. If you have not yet experienced Native American powers in other incarnations, this beryl will allow you to connect with the wisdom of the elders in order to use that knowledge in your current life.


  Heliotrope, a.k.a. bloodstone, is the mineral and is a form of chalcedony.

  Found in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Scotland, USA

  Named for: Heliotrope is derived from Greek words meaning “to turn toward the sun.”

  Birthstone: Bloodstone is the traditional birthstone for March.

  • Bible •

  Bloodstone is not mentioned in any versions of the Bible.

  • Cayce Readings •

  Bloodstone is mentioned sixteen times in fourteen documents.

  The A.R.E. asked for feedback about the effects of individual stones and received the following information regarding bloodstone:

  . . . She has worn a bloodstone but at the moment the ring has to be repaired so it has not been worn for some time. While she did wear the bloodstone she noticed no particular effect. Was not aware of any vibrations.

  1770-2, Report #14

  The Source suggested that bloodstone would bring joy to one client:

  . . . might the entity bring a great deal of joy . . . bloodstone . . .


  The Source also referred to the amazing healing powers of bloodstone in several readings:

  . . . bloodstone to send out most healing vibrations for her body . . .

  275-11, Report #16

  Q: What precious stone sends out the most healing vibrations for my body?

  A: . . . the bloodstone.


  Q: What are the entity’s stone, mineral and metal?

  A: . . . and as the stone would be the bloodstone . . .


  Hence the bloodstone . . . should be as a stone that would be about the body . . .


  . . . the bloodstone, which is—with its vibrations—that element which from the etheronic energies of nature in itself creates the proper environs for vibratory forces about the entity.


  Do not lay aside the rosary! Have about the entity stones that are red; as the bloodstone . . .


  Hence the bloodstone . . . is well to ever be about the entity, upon its body; so that the very vibratory forces of same give—with that of thought in constructive force—creative environs or vibrations for the entity in its use or application.


  . . . Hence we would wear especially the bloodstone, cut in the form of a triangle, though ovaled on its edges. This about the body brings that vibration which will be beneficial; not merely as a good luck charm, not merely as something upon which to depend, but as an influence, a vibration about the entity.


  Keep the bloodstone close to the body . . .


  Q: In what part of the country will entity meet her second husband, and how will she recognize him?

  A: . . . He will wear a bloodstone on the third finger of the left hand . . .


  . . . the others have their varying vibrations as the blood-stone or the others, as the entity has indicated in the things set down during those periods of activity in Egypt as Ark-ue


  . . . There are those to whom the bloodstone brings harmony, and less of the tendencies for anger; and so with each.


  More on Bloodstone

  Bloodstone is a term used to describe the dark green variety of chalcedony with red spots. Europeans often refer to this stone as heliotrope, meaning sun turner. The heliotrope name came from the fact that people once believed the stone could turn the rays of the sun red and if placed in water, show the sun as a blood red image.

  Chlorite gives bloodstone its dark green color. Iron ore (more commonly known as hematite) causes the red specks to occur.

  Although the Bible does not mention bloodstone, legend says that bloodstone was present at the crucifixion of Jesus and that Christ’s blood caused the stone’s red spots. Just as Christ made his sacrifice on the cross, bloodstone allows people to take on its physical properties to heal. When someone holds a bloodstone, the red color is absorbed into the physical body and disappears. Many believe this healing property is yet another example of how Christ allows us to use his energy to transcend.

  I’ve seen this happen with my own eyes on more occasions than I can count. Both the red flecks and green chlorite disappeared from these stones after people used them for everything from cancers to blood disorders to heart problems. You name it; bloodstone can heal.

  I first saw this phenomenon while working with a very ill client who came to see me for hypnosis. He had a chronic lung condition and kept the bloodstones in his pocket for less than twenty-four hours when the green and red stones faded. One of them turned clear. Later, I told people about this occurrence and heard from people from all over the United States and abroad who wrote to report the fact that their stones had turned colors or had become completely clear.

  On a number of occasions I sent bloodstones to people with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or bone cancer. All of them reported some alleviation of symptoms, although as with all healing, sometimes this experience does not mean that the people survive. None of us will make it out of this life alive. We know that. In my opinion, if any vibrational remedy can alleviate pain and suffering—whether physical or emotional—then it is beneficial.

  To this day, I am still not sure why bloodstones react this way or which specific ailments they have helped. Our souls are complicated. We come here to learn lessons, many of which are brought to us through illness. I believe stones can assist with the body, mind, and spirit, making it difficult to pinpoint precisely which aspect of a person has received some healing. In the case of the man with the lung condition, I saw him a year later, and he felt better than ever. Whatever healing crisis he had experienced previously had passed.

  Bloodstone allows us to see these shifts physically, which contributes to the many reasons it works so well. All the minerals work to affect our energy systems, yet change is hard to believe without seeing it with our own two eyes. Trust is the foundation of faith, and we should be able to trust without requiring physical evidence. However, seeing something with your own eyes strengthens your belief, and that strength carries over into many areas of life. Once someone has that aha moment of seeing the work that bloodstones can achieve, he or she can suspend disbelief in a number of other therapies and benefit from knowing that there is great power in vibrational remedies.

  There is only one other stone I’ve ever seen fade in color from use, and that is the carnelian, which we will discuss in the next section.

  The idea of bloodstone’s connection to Christ originated during medieval times when people believed its special powers could stop a hemorrhage once the victim touched the stone.

  Even in the Cayce readings, we find references to this concept. During one reading, the Source mentions a rosary, which for me further substantiates the connection between the spiritual Christ Consciousness and the bloodstone.

  Additionally, people often used bloodstones for carving images of the crucifixion.

  Ancient Greeks and Romans believed bloodstone helped strengthen athletes. In my opinion, the bloodstone is the most important of the healing stones for its ability to heal the physical body. The green color from chlorite is a powerful element for healing lungs and other respiratory conditions. Bloodstone can also assist with conditions having to do with blood such as leukemia, blood pressure, or strengthening the veins carrying blood through the body. When in doubt, if there is one stone you should have with you at all times, it is the bloodstone.


  Carnelian is also called the sardine stone since it is similar to sard, or sardius, which is a little harder and darker.

  Found in: Brazil, Germany, India, Madagascar, Namibia, Siberia, Uruguay, USA

  Named for: Carnelian, which used to be called cornelian, gets its name from the Latin word carneus meaning “of the flesh” or from the Cornel cherry, due to its color. Sardius is derived from the Latin word sarda meaning “Sardinian” and the Greek word sardios, which referred to the ancient capital of the city Lydia in what is now Turkey (formerly Asia Minor).

  • Bible •

  Carnelian is mentioned in the newer versions of the Bible.

  Then mount four rows of precious stones on it. The first row shall be carnelian . . . Exodus 28:17 (New International Version)

  Then they mounted four rows of precious stones on it. The first row was carnelian . . . Exodus 39:10 (NIV)

  You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: carnelian . . . Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. Ezekiel 28:13 (NIV)

  Sardius, which is a name for carnelian from antiquity, appears in Exodus and also in Ezekiel in the King James Version in the same place as carnelian is positioned in the breastplate of the high priest:

  And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, even four rows of stones: the first row shall be a sardius . . . this shall be the first row. Exodus 28:17 (KJV)

  And they set in it four rows of stones: the first row was a sardius . . . this was the first row. Exodus 39:10 (KJV)

  Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius . . . the workmanship of thy tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Ezekiel 28:13 (KJV)

  . . . the sixth, sardius . . . Revelation 21:20 (KJV)

  The Bible also mentions the sardine stone, which was another name that was used for carnelian:

  And he that sat was to look upon like . . . a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne. Revelation 4:3 (KJV)

  • Cayce Readings •

  Carnelian is not found in the readings, but sardius is mentioned in one document.

  . . . the stones the entity should have about same, is the sardius—for this gives for an influence as may be best made in the entity’s influence to understand those laws as apply to man’s relationships to the higher forces.


  More on Carnelian

  The oldest named form of silicon dioxide other than quartz, sardius—or carnelian—is an ancient stone that was referred to as sardon (from the Sardon Mountains) in the Middle Ages. Sard is similar to agate without banding, while carnelian, also called red-banded agate, is an orange stone with white bands.

  Orange Ray

  Color has a profound influence on people, and gems are an excellent way to work with color in your life.

  Several years ago, I started experimenting with color by painting the walls in my office outrageous colors, including bright orange and taxicab yellow. After several months, I finally settled on a bright purple.

  I happen to love the color purple because it resonates with the third eye and brings an ethereal feeling of relaxation to any space. The trouble with having purple walls was that I wasn’t getting any work accomplished! I was so relaxed that for a long time, I was not consciously aware of what was happening.

  The first “clue” I had that something was off was when I bought myself a bag of carnelia
n stones. I have always loved carnelian and have used it successfully to stimulate creativity.

  I put the stones in a container and placed them on my desk. I immediately noticed an increase in energy, which translated into several projects finally becoming completed.

  Carnelian vibrates at the frequency of the orange ray, opening up the sacral chakra and stimulating creativity.

  Creativity comes in many forms. You may not be an artist, singer, or writer, but you may have the energy for creating projects in business. You may be an inventor of some amazing new technology or an innovator whose brilliant ideas can transform an old industry into something for the twenty-first century. You may have a gift for working with people and bringing them together for a common cause. Whatever your talent and whatever makes your heart sing, carnelian will open up the necessary energetic channels, making life force available so that you will achieve completion on any project or higher calling.

  Once I became fully aware of the fact that my purple walls were causing me to lollygag around, I changed the color and transformed myself back into a productive state. I owe that positive change to the marvelous carnelian stone!

  Sard in Ancient Times

  Sard is an ancient stone that has been used for eons by many different cultures and civilizations. Persian carnelian adorned the Taj Mahal, and Roman soldiers believed the stone gave them courage in battle. Even the people in ancient times could sense the creative energy of sard.

  Allergy Relief


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