Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones Page 6

by Shelley Kaehr

I found this reading to be particularly fascinating based on my work with clients over the years. Many people I work with cannot feel any actual buzzing or healing occurring from the stones they carry, and yet they continue to use the stones. It is true that some of us are more sensitive to energy than others are. Just because you cannot feel anything happening with the stones does not mean that the healing is not taking place. There must have been some influence from the stone on Cayce’s client identified as 2285 since the stone brought him a feeling of happiness. That is healing energy, if you ask me.

  Q: Will I develop any psychic power by looking into a crystal ball?

  A: If there is ever held that only that which is of the Christ-making may be presented there. The crystal offers rather the concentration of the physical powers, and thus offers many channels for the entering in of many an influence; however if it is held only in His name . . . much may be received there.

  Q: Give guidance that will help me to develop this.

  A: Rather presumptuous is this to take this means first, but rather before know that there has been the still small voice from within that He will guide. Then, if it is chosen for a more perfect way, place the crystal upon a background of royal purple and with subdued lights that would come from over the left shoulder—and not from the front. Then passing the hands over the ball or crystal, in such a manner as to cover the surface with the emanations of the power that is raised from the physical body by deep meditation, then look—look—and behold His face may appear, His directing spirit may lead thee; and again may there be opened the vistas of light that may guide others. And ever, when such is done, in the recesses of the heart give glory to the Father—and not to self.


  Q: What is the significance of the crystal ball sent Mr. Cayce from India . . . ?

  A: A means of concentration for those that allow themselves either to be possessed or to centralize their own spiritual activity through the raising of those activative forces in the physical body known as the centers through which concentration and meditation is accentuated by the concentrated effort on anything that will crystallize same into activity. A means for some. Rather, as has been given, let the proof come from that as may be visioned in the self.


  Later in another reading, someone asked about a curse on Cayce’s crystal:

  Q: Is the crystal ball sent Edgar Cayce from India really carrying a curse . . . ?

  A: Only that that may be accredited as for one laying on of hands, or that may be blessed or may be cursed by those . . . May not a curse be turned into a blessing if it is taken in the name of the Father and the Son? . . . know the blessings of the face of the Christ as He would come into thine experience and cast away all doubt and fear; for He is nigh unto this house . . .


  Here Cayce recommends that someone do crystal gazing to see visions of his past lives in India and Egypt:

  . . . Gaze into a crystal, in thine own conscious moments—thou may see many of the spheres through which you, thyself, have passed. Possibly not the first, but before the fifth time they will begin to appear; for these are a portion of those same forces studied. Used—not abused—in India, as well as in Egypt.


  Several readings mention “clear as crystal,” as in the following when group members wanted to know what a vision meant:

  Q: . . . clear as a crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

  A: As the river, the water, the life represents the active flow of the purpose of the souls of men made pure in same. Then they flow with that purpose from the throne of God itself, made pure in the blood of the Lamb—which is in Jesus, the Christ, to those who seek to know His ways.


  The Source offered symbols that included crystal:

  . . . an obelisk with the crystal on the top . . .


  Several readings for former Atlanteans mentioned crystals:

  . . . the entity was in the Atlantean land when there were the preparations of those things that had pertained to the ability for the application of appliances to the various elements known as electrical forces in the present day . . . there was the overcoming of the forces of gravity itself; and the preparations through the crystal, the mighty, the terrible crystal that made for the active principles in these . . .


  Interesting to note in the last passage is the phrase “the terrible crystal,” which is mentioned verbatim in Ezekiel 1:22 (see previous Bible reference).

  . . . in the Atlantean land . . .

  . . . high influences of the radial activity from the rays of the sun that were turned upon the crystals into the pits that made for the connections with the internal influences of the earth, the entity through turmoil again joined with those of the Law of One . . .


  . . . when the upheavals began that made for the egress of many from that city of the Poseidon land . . . the entity dwelt among those where there was the storage, as it were, of the motivative forces in nature from the great crystals that so condensed the lights, the forms, the activities, as to guide not only the ship upon the bosom of the sea but in the air and in many of those now known conveniences for man as in the transmission of the body, as in the transmission of the voice, as in the recording of those activities in what is soon to become a practical thing in so creating the vibrations as to make for television—as it is termed in the present.


  . . . within the entity’s inner self often that have almost found expression in what might be made for the crystallizing of the influences of the sun through the crystal that then controlled the motivative forces in the experience of the entity.


  There are references to clients who had past lives as crystal gazers:

  The entity was among those that interpreted messages that were received through the crystals and the fires that were to be the eternal fires of nature, and made for helpful forces in the experience of groups during that period.


  The entity then was a sand reader, or one who interpreted the sands in the capacity of what might be called a soothsayer, or a crystal gazer, or a star addict.


  Source described a past life in the Yucatan:

  The entity . . . chose to enter as leaders in what is now called Yucatan . . . listened to the oracles that came through the stones, the crystals that were prepared for communications in what ye now know as radio.



  As evidenced in the Life Readings, crystals played an important role in Atlantis.

  White Stone

  The White Stone is a major part of the Life Readings. Often used in the same sentence as the crystal, the terms may be synonymous. In my opinion, they are two different references entirely. From what the Source tells us, this White Stone seems to be a focal point of meditation, to keep the spiritual energy balanced.

  Source describes a White Stone in a ceremonial temple in Atlantis:

  In that sojourn the entity was an interpreter of those influences received from the White Stone in the Temple . . .


  Q: Describe in detail the entity’s work with the White Stone, and the present urges from this.

  A: . . . The entity as the high priestess was the interpreter of the messages received through the concentration of the group upon the stone from which the oracle spoke from the realm of the saints (as would be termed today), or impressed upon those of that period—the group—the messages of hope, encouragement, endearment, and the necessity of keeping the oneness of purpose.


  Before that, the entity was in Atlantis, a priestess, an aid to an Es-Se-Ne [?], and the keeper of the white stone or that through which many of those peoples before the first destructions in Atlantis kept their accord with the universal consciousness, through the speaking to and through those activities.

br />   Tuaoi Stone

  Cayce described another stone with ties to Atlantis, which has eluded scholars and researchers for years, the Tuaoi Stone.

  Mentioned seventeen times in seven documents, I include the discussion here because Cayce enthusiasts often refer to the Tuaoi as an Atlantean crystal.

  Source discussed the Tuaoi during a reading in March 1942:

  For this entity, then—in the center upon a board or paper—we would begin with the stone as the light of the activities in the temple in the Atlantean-Poseidon era. This might be termed the Tuaoi stone—T-u-a-o-i. This would be a six-facet stone of the height, as to proportion, with the rest of the chart as may be indicated. The stone of the Tuaoi would be opalescent while the light would be indicated from the top in the rays of the white light . . .


  And again on July 22, 1942:

  Q: Going back to the Atlantean incarnation—what was the Tuaoi stone? Of what shape or form was it?

  A: It was in the form of a six-sided figure, in which the light appeared as the means of communication between infinity and the finite; or the means whereby there were the communications with those forces from the outside. Later this came to mean that from which there were the radial activities guiding the various forms of transition or travel through those periods of activity of the Atlanteans.

  It was set as a crystal, though in quite a different form from that used there. Do not confuse these two, then, for there were many generations of difference. It was in those periods when there was the directing of aeroplanes, or means of travel, though these in that time would travel in the air, or on the water, or under the water, just the same. Yet the force from which these were directed was in this central power station, or Tuaoi stone; which was as the beam upon which it acted. . . .

  . . . First it was means and source or manner by which the powers that be made the centralization for making known to the children of men and the children of God, the directing forces or powers. Man eventually turned this into that channel for destructive forces—and it is growing towards this in the present.


  Client 2072 reflects on the reading about the Tuaoi stone:

  Regarding the Tuaoi stone: it does not seem to be a gem, in the sense of something to be worn or for ornamental purposes, but rather must have been a very large block of crystal used in the Atlantean sacred temple.

  . . . The Tuaoi stone was first mentioned as a symbol for my Atlantean incarnation.

  2072-16, Report #13

  More on Tuaoi

  In the Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More, I discussed the fact that geologically speaking, the Tuaoi stone may indeed be an opal. After further study, I cannot ignore the fact that the Source says it is a crystal. Source mentioned that this Tuaoi stone has many generations of itself, which leads me to believe this stone might have been some kind of laboratory-grown crystal. Intuitively, the Tuaoi may have been the inspiration or the beginning of reverse engineering for manmade gems, including crystals and sapphires and other stones to power our computers and lights in modern times. The hexagonally shaped crystal must have packed quite a punch. From the way Source describes this Tuaoi stone, I’m reminded of today’s modern medical laser technology.

  Regardless of whether we will ever know the true identity of the Tuaoi stone, I believe there is something to the idea that this stone was an inspiration to modern thinkers. We had to have received that information or inspiration from somewhere. Perhaps the engineers who currently design our modern power sources experienced past lives during those ancient times and are merely channeling memories of that advanced civilization.

  Cayce suggested that the Atlanteans relied heavily on programmed crystals to run their ancient cities and that a powerful, improperly used crystal eventually destroyed them. Apparently, people became greedy instead of focusing on love and harmony.

  The idea that too much of a good thing can be bad comes to mind here. Mankind has many plans to try to usurp the higher power, but in the end we will reap what we sow. Many believe the discussion regarding Atlantis should remind us to exercise better behavior in our current lives.

  Listening, Feeling, Knowing

  Prized since ancient times, crystals are so important that we could dedicate a whole book to this one topic. Imagine if you lived long ago and you were wandering in the middle of nowhere, and a bright, transparent object materialized. You would believe—and rightly so—that this crystal was a gift from God.

  Crystals are used in modern times to run watches, computers, and other electronics because they are excellent conduits or transmitters of frequency. It is not hard to imagine that this technology of knowing how to use crystals for our highest purpose may have originated from the deep past in Atlantis. Twenty-first-century programmers use crystals to make computers run faster by storing the “intention” in the stones.

  It should not come as any surprise that crystals from the earth can be programmed and used to create anything you desire in your life.

  All stones that we see today come embedded with information. Because minerals were here long before we were, they are already programmed to a certain extent with millions of memories from the past, going back to the dawn of creation. Perhaps we can learn from both the good and bad experiences in order to repeat our successes and avoid our failures. While we may not see or feel these memories physically, the energy is there to remind us at a soul level. Regardless of whether they hold pleasant or unpleasant memories, there is much to learn from the wisdom of the stones.


  Before this we find the entity was in that known as the Poseidon land, during those periods when the people had come from Muir, Ur, Lemuria . . .


  Thanks to Edgar Cayce and the Source, much more is now known about Lemuria and the peaceful civilization predating Atlantis, which is referred to as Mu by indigenous peoples from ancient Polynesia.

  Lemurian Seed Crystals

  Speaking of the art of crystal programming and the potential wisdom left behind from our past brings me to one of my favorite subjects, the Lemurian Seed Crystals. I first became aware of the Seed Crystals after writing my first book about Edgar Cayce. Once I learned more about the Lemurians, I also found out about these special stones and wound up writing an entire book about them.

  The Lemurian Seeds are special crystals that come pre-programmed by the ancient ones from Lemuria to transmit frequencies of healing, hope, and planetary abundance. You can also use them to draw health, love, or prosperity to you, as well.

  The crystals are easy to spot because many of them contain striations, or lines in the stones that are similar to rings on a tree trunk. As a tree holds the wisdom of the ages in each ring that represents a year of its life, the seed crystals hold keys of consciousness. When you work with them mindfully, they will unlock the energetic healing frequencies, allowing many benefits to extend out to mankind.

  Years ago, I was initiated into Transcendental Meditation. When enough people meditate together, the energy from that peaceful, prayerful space vibrates throughout the entire area where it is happening. The energy affects everyone in a positive way, even to the point of reducing crime.

  In Dallas where I live, there is a magnificent Krishna temple that is one of my favorite places on earth. The monks there make beautiful food and oversee a restaurant, a gift shop, and a holy temple where people can pray. The neighborhood is not the best, but in spite of that location, the constant prayer casts a protective energy shield over that entire area. When you go there, peaceful vibrations begin to affect you the moment you turn down the street.

  Lemurian Seeds are the same way. When you hold these particular crystals, they release a wonderful, peaceful kind of energy that has been left behind through the wisdom of the ages by our ancestors. I highly recommend that you try them!

  Exercise for Listening to Your Crystal

  Let’s try to listen to a crystal from your collection to see
if you can glean any information from it. If you don’t have a clear quartz crystal, use whatever stone you feel guided to use.

  To start, choose a crystal from your collection. It doesn’t matter which one. If you are already familiar with programming, be sure to select a piece that you have not already programmed.

  Listen to the stone itself in order to receive the wisdom it has for you. Crystals already have intention and programming within them. They are designed to help you understand what their programming is so that you can receive their higher information.

  Close your eyes while holding the crystal in your hands. Allow your mind to open, and then be willing to accept whatever thoughts, feelings, or images you happen to receive.

  Imagine that the intention set in the crystal is easily known to you. Imagine you can feel the energy of that intention, and then allow it to move into your field. Listen or allow an inner knowing about what the crystal is saying. Imagine that it is easy for you to know which parts of this information are useful for you.

  How does the stone feel?

  What did it tell you? You have either “heard,” have a gut feeling, or can see what the stone intends for you to know at this time.

  You may want to write down any information that you are receiving, especially if you are receiving directions or instructions that you might be able to use later.

  You may also want to keep a notepad beside your bed in case any further information comes to you in dreams or upon awakening from sleep.

  Once the desired period of time has passed, go back and review your journal. Were there any pieces of wisdom that you were able to use? If so, think about how that information helped you on your path. What lessons did you learn from your stone that you can apply to your current life?


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