Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones

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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones Page 7

by Shelley Kaehr

  Programming Crystals

  Speaking of Atlantis, the programmed crystals caused a disaster there, according to the Source. Cayce described the power of crystals and how you can put your intentions into them. I want to discuss that activity here so that you can focus your intentions into crystals yourself.

  Several years ago, I worked with a group of students in a long-term crystal-healing course over several months’ time. Each week I covered a different topic, one of which was the art of programming crystals.

  I conducted an experiment to show everyone how powerful crystals can be, why thoughts are things, and that consciousness is tangible. To demonstrate these ideas, I divided the class into three groups. I provided three sets of crystals, one for each team.

  The first group received crystals charged with the frequency of bloodstone from India, which I programmed to bring them health.

  The second group received crystals programmed with rose quartz to bring feelings of love into their awareness.

  The third group tried crystals infused with Apache Tear (a volcanic material found in dormant craters). I introduced the energy of protection into that set.

  Keep in mind that all of these crystals looked exactly the same. Only the unseen thought forms set them apart.

  The class meditated with the crystals for five minutes. Then I passed around some paper and had everyone write down his or her individual first impressions. Once the students recorded their own private thoughts on paper, each group of students discussed their crystals among themselves. After a few more minutes, I asked a team leader from each group to present the findings to the class.

  Interesting but not at all surprising, for the most part, everyone perceived the underlying intentions of each set of crystals. Some people actually named the specific stones I used, such as bloodstone, while others were more attuned to the underlying energy in the crystals.

  The exercise proved what metaphysicians have known for years—that our thoughts create real energy and it is important to monitor our thinking.

  To clarify, when I talk about “programming” a crystal, all I really mean is setting an intention and then infusing it into your crystal.

  How to Program Crystals for a Specific Purpose

  Next we will discuss how you can easily program your own crystals. Instead of listening and allowing the stone to tell you what it has for you, this time you will clear your piece and ask it to go to work for you. The Atlanteans did something similar. They had a vast network of complex equipment powered by crystals on which they imposed their will.

  In this instance, we are merely going to ask the crystal for help with a mundane task in our daily life.

  First, find the crystal you want to use, or more importantly, the one that agrees to participate and co-create with you in this way. Select the first stone that comes to your mind.

  As with all things in the natural world, once the stone appears in your mind’s eye, bless it, and thank it for allowing you to use it for whatever purpose you choose. Realize that both you and this particular crystal have agreed at a soul level—and yes, the stones do indeed have souls—to complete this task together.

  Once your stone selection has been decided, clear your crystal using Reiki or any other method that you choose. This clearing could consist of holding the piece in your hand and asking for the stone to set aside memories in order to assist you as a clear channel for further new information. Keep the stone in your hands or on your body until you sense a shift or until you are guided to move forward. Once your crystal is clear of all that has influenced it before, including memories of the past, then you can proceed.

  You might even want to try the exercise in this section first, allowing the stone you chose to enlighten you with its wisdom before you then erase its memory to do your bidding. That way you are getting all the stone has to give. Again, ask for the stone’s permission. Hold the question in your mind or say aloud, “Do you wish to work with me at this time?”

  Notice a yes or no answer. Or you can use a pendulum or perform muscle testing to see whether this activity is what the stone would like.

  Once you finish the clearing, you will have an opportunity to decide what energy you want to put into your crystal. Since you took some energy out of it in the clearing, you can now replace it with the proper intentions needed to complete your task.

  So what do you want this crystal to do?

  Do you want it to make your computer work better or clear up the picture of your TV? Do you want it to give you a good night’s sleep or rid you of unwanted allergies? Would you like it to give you the courage to stand up to a bully? Would you like for your crystal to infuse you with passion, strength, peace, joy, happiness, or some other kind of well-being?

  Take some time to think about what you need at this time. What do you want for your highest and best good at this moment? Use your innate wisdom to answer the question. Only you can decide what you want the crystal to do for you. Once your decision has been made, you will do the following:

  1) Decide in advance what intention you will program into the crystal.

  2) Hold it in one of your hands while touching it with the fingers of your other hand as you think about what you are programming it to do. For example, if you want it to bring joy, hold it in the right hand while touching the stone with the left fingers.

  3) Imagine that you are sending joy through the fingers of your left hand (or vice versa) into the crystal.

  4) Imagine that you can feel the joy moving into the crystal. Close your eyes and hold this sensation until you feel the energy shift.

  5) Now, carry the crystal with you, and allow the intention of joy to fill your energy field as it helps you to feel more joyful.

  Why Would You Want to Program

  Stones in the First Place?

  Can you see how programming crystals and stones might help you?

  Because crystals are pure, clear silicon dioxide, they can hold the energy of what you need in your life. Although you may intend to be joyful, difficult people and situations might surround you, making it more challenging for you to maintain the energy you really want. Crystals assist the energy bodies in remaining tuned into your highest good.

  Experiment with programming your stones, and have some fun with this intuitive process. Believe me, it works! Remember to set your intentions, ask for what you want, allow the crystal to help you amplify that energy, and then watch your heart’s desire manifest in the physical world!


  Found in: Asia, Australia, Borneo, Brazil, India, South Africa

  Named for: Diamond is derived from the Greek word adámas, which means “unbreakable or unconquerable.”

  Birthstone: April

  Vedic astrology: Venus = diamond

  • Bible •

  And the second row shall be . . . a diamond. Exodus 28:18

  And the second row . . . a diamond. Exodus 39:11

  The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of their heart, and upon the horns of your altars; Jeremiah 17:1

  Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond . . . Ezekiel 28:13

  • Cayce Readings •

  The diamond was mentioned seventy-five times in fifty-six documents.

  . . . Yet an entire mine may contain one precious diamond, and a million people produce but one genius.

  849-1, Report #11

  Q: What do the diamond pieces mean . . . ?

  A: Rather the diamond represents to the entity the great truth and lesson the entity in self may gain from the study of the vision . . .


  The entity was among those . . . a carver of stones . . . diamonds . . .

  As each stone indeed has the spirit—as the spirit . . . of the diamond—it is the fire that may be in a little different vibration, burned—so in its oppression it may bring that which fires the imagi
nation of those who are very selfish or it may bring peace to the wearer. The diamond is selfish in its very nature . . . the diamond . . . set down during those periods of activity in Egypt as Ark-uen.


  Many readings came from people who lost diamonds and asked Cayce for help:

  Q. Is the diamond brooch, crescent shaped, in my home . . . ?

  . . . Hence we find there has been in the employ . . . one who has overstepped moral law . . . and has removed from the immediate surroundings not only the brooch but coverings, clothing, and many minor things.


  And as always, many readings came from people seeking buried treasure:

  . . . Do you find diamonds on or under this land in Clair County, Alabama? . . .

  . . . diamonds . . . to be found rather to the north and east . . .


  Source also described past lives in Egypt:

  . . . in the land now known as Abyssinia . . . diamond . . .

  294-153, Report #2

  . . . in the upper lands of the river Nile . . . diamond . . .


  Another member wrote to the A.R.E. in 1954 about trip to Ankor Wat and Ankor Tom in Cambodia:

  . . . diamonds and rubies that had been buried in the pillars either in or around the temples (this was between the 9th and 13th centuries). Stones had occasionally been found and of course they didn’t want strangers walking off with them! Our guide said that the reason for placing the stones in the foundations of the temple pillars had to do with the vibration and power . . .

  1298-1, Report #8

  Regarding a study compiled for Stephen N. Green, a gem collector, in 1946, the A.R.E. sent a letter to client 1847:

  Your reading says ‘Pearls and diamonds are the stones that bring vibratory reactions . . .’ . . . Will you therefore tell us what effects or experiences you have had from these gems?

  1847-1, Report #3

  Edgar Cayce gave a reading for himself about a dream he had.

  . . . There was actually a string on me . . . At times it was a cord, other times a heavy rope or chain. Others it was a rope of . . . diamonds . . .

  Q: What was the significance of the different cords?

  A: . . . Sometimes in cords, other times in beautiful manners, other times in dread.


  At the top put the cornucopia—this in bright colors, with the fruit of the spirit poured from same. Here these figures would be twelve in number. Take these different shapes, mostly as of triangles, however, or not fully round as rolled from same. These would be indicated as brilliants, or as diamonds, or as precious stones . . .


  Gladys Davis wrote a letter to someone who had received a reading and subsequently told her about her personal efforts to use symbolism to become more selfless:

  . . . the diamond expresses the mirror and the blue background my effort to become one—my desire to be selfless.

  954-5, Report #1

  . . . seven virtues—hence seven stones . . . the diamond . . .


  Q: Is there any particular stone or stones I should wear?

  A: Gold in the forms of circles or of many bangles, and the like are greater to the entity than stones; save diamonds.


  Here are some additional references to diamonds from readings on Egyptian life:

  . . . diamonds . . . and all those things that made for adornment . . .


  In Mercury also we find the inclinations for definite divisions of application of the mental self to material things—minerals and their attributes; that is the emotions that arise in the experience from individuals in the variations, as might be said, of carbon; in its variations between coal and a diamond—they are the same, but one is under pressure, the other is with water!


  . . . diamonds are the stones that bring the vibratory reactions and the experiences in the environs of the entity.


  Cayce also described past lives in early America and China:

  For the entity was among those who had come from portions of Alabama and settled into what is now Arkansas . . . the entity was among those who panned for gold and found diamonds.


  . . . Indo-China, yea the diamonds . . .


  . . . Ye should find the diamond . . . close to your body oft, for their vibrations will keep the vibrations of the body in better attune with infinity and not with purely mental or material things in life.


  . . . Ye would not give thy diamonds to children . . .


  More on Diamonds

  First used by Manlius (AD 16) and Pliny (AD 100), diamonds have captured our imagination for ages.

  One of the most entertaining aspects of revisiting the Life Readings was perusing the section on diamonds. Many readings were given to people who were coming to the Source because they wanted Cayce to tell them where they could find a lost piece of jewelry. The Source did describe many of these answers with accuracy, but I believe that the extraordinary wisdom from the Source would have been better used to pursue spiritual requests rather than mundane or materialistic appeals. Nevertheless, Source faithfully delivered a considerable amount of interesting information.

  Diamonds have profound uses for healing. In fact, there are some energy healers who use nothing but diamonds in their sessions, placing these rarest and toughest of gems on the bodies of clients with very successful results.

  Diamonds are the mineral answer to carbon. Powerful tools for redefining our DNA and awakening dormant strands from past lives and other realms, diamonds help us to fully experience the wisdom of the ages. Whether the knowledge comes from this world or other universes, our guides and helpers are attempting to work with us to improve the quality of life for everyone here on earth—if we will merely listen.

  The trouble with pure diamonds is the cost. There are many ways around their expense. Years ago, I found a ring made of synthetic diamond and started wearing it around with amazing results. The stones energized me, even though they were grown in a lab. I continue to wear the ring from time to time when I need to create an energy of abundance or whenever I feel I am a little out of alignment on the etheric level.

  Another way to use diamond energy without going to a jewelry store is by using Herkimer diamonds, which are beautiful and hail from the town with the same name in New York.

  Herkimer diamonds are called diamonds but are actually quartz crystal, packed with a punch! Found only in and around Herkimer County and the Mohawk River Valley, they were once very prevalent. These days, more people value their significance, and Herkimer diamonds are becoming rare and hard to find. I have a favorite piece that I work with daily, especially since my Vedic astrologer prescribed diamond to me as a useful remedy.

  The other reason I like diamonds is that, as an Aries, diamond is my birthstone. Does that matter? I don’t think so. I find the most important aspect to consider when dealing with stones is to choose what attracts you. That said, there is much written about birthstones, and they are a big part of the collective consciousness right now. For that reason, I have included them in this book. Each stone mentioned in these pages has played a significant role in humanity since anyone can recall. Regarding birthstones, there must be some validity to the list, even if it is outside of conscious awareness. I believe we learn about our birthstones as children and are expected to resonate with them because people have told us that they are special. If you are drawn to your birthstone, regardless of the reason, you should use it.

  I also enjoyed the reading the Source’s statement that diamond is selfish by its very nature. Selfishness is often an attribute of Aries.

  Speaking of love, once you have allowed diamonds to realign you for your highest good, they can assist in strengthening any love you have in your life. The traditional symbol of marriage, the diamond is the toughest ge
m on earth and believed to withstand any challenge. Diamonds will help bring that steadfast energy to any relationships you may have. Diamonds are magnificent, so what’s not to love? I certainly do!


  Found in: Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Columbia, Russia, South Africa, Zimbabwe

  Named for: Originally from the Greek word smaragdos, which means “green gem,” it was a term that was used by ancient peoples to describe any green stone. Emerald is a gemstone variety of the mineral beryl.

  Birthstone: May

  Vedic astrology: Mercury = emerald

  Chinese astrology: Rat = emerald

  • Bible •

  And the second row shall be an emerald . . . Exodus 28:18

  And the second row, an emerald . . . Exodus 39:11

  . . . they occupied in thy fairs with emeralds . . . Ezekiel 27:16

  Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering . . . the emerald . . . Ezekiel 28:13

  . . . and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. Revelation 4:3

  . . . and the fourth, an emerald; Revelation 21:19

  • Cayce Readings •

  Emeralds are mentioned eight times in eight documents.

  The highest vibration he has ever tested is radium at 181—the next lowest is emerald at 80. He knows of nothing between 80 and 81.

  2431-1, Background #1

  . . . All I know that the green of the emerald reflected the same hopes I have had for years to become of real value to broad minded men, and to make for myself a moderate success for the sake of my family . . .

  531-9, Report #11

  Cayce described someone’s life in Egypt:

  . . . emeralds . . . and all those things that made for adornment . . .


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