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The UnFolding Collection Three

Page 61

by S. K. Randolph

  "And what of your fellow Astican? Are you willing to leave them behind?"

  "They will oversee the care of Soasi and the husbandry and regeneration of TreBlaya."

  Relevart searched the creature's face for any sign of treachery. He found none. "I have much to consider before I make final decisions about El Stroma. We will discuss your request again at a later time."

  Abarax bowed. "I have a final document, one she asked me to deliver to you last."

  Relevart's gaze swept over the scarred landscape and back to the Astican. "Please bring it to her quarters. I will meet you there."

  S tanding at the entrance to the darkened chamber, Relevart drew in a sharp breath. Not for the first time, a pulsing sadness pierced his heart. He inhaled the waning scents of sulfur and musk, walked to the black throne at the room's center, and sank onto the seat. Rayn spent her final turnings here. He pictured her masculine form sitting where he now sat, a hood shadowing the ravaged face. She shifted to her male form one last time to fight the Pheet Adole Mocendi. He gripped the arm of the throne. Traitors from within her own ranks, a group determined to rid the Universe of her people―my people―the Eleo Preda.

  The ruby in the hilt of a curved, black sword winked in the dim light. He crossed to the bed where it lay and tugged the half-opened curtains aside. The recollection of Rayn's rapid decline following the battle brought another stab of emotion. Henrietta's potion had given her a short reprieve, one that had allowed them to take the form of the magnificent El Stroman galee and fly as adults for the first and last time together.

  Henrietta. Thoughts of his old friend eased the heaviness, the longing.

  He picked up the sword, hefted its weight, and tested its balance. Rayn had given it to him to return it to their home planet Beyond the Rim, the planet where he and she had been conceived in test tubes and implanted in the womb of the same woman. Overwhelming regret left him shaken. Perhaps that is why I feel such empathy and such loss.

  A soft knock reminded him of the responsibilities he carried. Replacing the sword on the bed, he stationed himself by a paper-cluttered table. "Enter."

  Clawed talons clicked a rhythmic cadence on the ice-black floor, then ceased. Abarax studied him, its cherubic features at the moment inscrutable. Seeming to be satisfied with what it saw, it passed him a document with The MasTer's seal imprinted on the folded edge.

  Relevart flipped the document over and read the words scripted there. For Rethdun's Eyes Only . He glanced at the Astican. "You know what this contains?"

  A soft chorus of leather on leather susurrated around it. "Only what my mistress shared."

  "I see. Please ask my companions to join me in the meeting chamber in a full chron circle. Thank you, Abarax."

  It bowed and left.

  He reread the words in Rayn's careful hand and murmured, "For Rethdun's Eyes Only." Rethdun, his given name, the Eleo Predan word for thunder, brought another wave of sadness. Shaking himself, he sat down, pressed his thumb to the seal, and whispered, "Dubinn Stersec."

  The document fell open, showing a clutter of unrelated text. A tap and the command "Enferi" initiated a scurry of letters that reordered themselves into a handwritten missive. A careful study of the contents left Relevart's brow furrowed and his thoughts in a whirlwind. Laying the document on the table, he steepled his fingers and tapped his chin. "My, my, dear Rayn, what a conundrum you have created."

  Down the hall in a small study off the meeting chamber, Henrietta Avetlire let the stone silence of Soasi seep into her bones. The death of Relevart's birth-mate had left its mark in the furtive glances of servants, the unspoken concern of the staff on El Aperdisa, and the shocked disquiet of those Rayn had gathered together on this planet at the Outer Rim.

  Henri tapped her large-rimmed spectacles against her palm and sighed. "All of us are Eleo Predan." Tap, tap, tap. "The Pheet Adole pursue us." Tap, tap. "They will not stop until we are eliminated from the Universe." Tap. She returned her spectacles to a hidden pocket and tottered into the hall. "We have plans to make and work to do."

  Knocking lightly on the door to The MasTer's chamber, she listened for the deep voice of the Universal VarTerel.

  "Please come in, Henri."

  The weight of sadness lay as heavy as a thunder cloud in the darkened room. The glow of a single oil lamp illuminated a pile of books, stacks of papers, and the man she sought. Wading through both the emotions and the gloom, she arrived at the table and frowned.

  "Oh my." She indicated an open journal. "May I?"

  Relevart nodded.

  Henri scanned the first several pages and sank onto a chair. "Are they all this detailed?"

  Another nod. He handed her a document with The MasTer's seal.

  She skimmed it once before withdrawing her spectacles and rereading it. A startled exhale left a soft mist on her lenses. Taking them off, she tapped the document, watched the words reshuffle, then placed it on the table.

  "Well now, that certainly complicates things. Does Elf know?"

  "No one knows except you and me and perhaps Abarax, although it may have been telling me the truth when it told me it didn't know the contents."

  Returning the spectacles to their pocket, Henri massaged her aching knees. "When do you plan to tell the boy?"

  He stood, offered his hand, and assisted her to her feet. "First, I will require your help to restore his voice and his memory. Then I must share other important news with our companions. We have much to do and many decisions to make before we leave for El Stroma."

  Henri cocked her head. "We?"

  He raised his brows. "Of course, we. You would never let me leave you behind."

  She peered up at him, her violet eyes alight with laughter. "I will consider that the unbreakable promise of an old friend."

  Brie stood beside a gothic-style window in the assembly chamber of Soasi. Staring through the clear dome protecting The MasTer's home, she scanned the heavens. I wonder where you are, El Aperdisa. I miss you. She sighed. Imagine a living, breathing ship! A ship that pulses with life. In stark contrast, the decimated landscape of TreBlaya presented her with a view of blacks and grays, of death and decay. I wonder if El Stroma looks as bad as this?

  Another sigh lifted a curl and let it fall. She brushed it aside and turned to observe those gathered to hear Rayn's last will and testament and to learn more of what might lay ahead. Without thinking, she searched for Esán, frowned, and reminded herself that Wolloh, Somay, and Torgin had taken him to Tao Spirian right after the battle in Rayn's chamber. His illness had reached a critical stage, one that could end his life. Only healers on his home planet had the means to cure him. I hope you're better, Esán.

  At the end of the table, Ari sat with Elf, fingers intertwined in his and a softness in her expression Brie had rarely seen. I do believe you are in love, Arienh AsTar Nadrugia.

  Ari caught her eye and smiled, then said something to the young man at her side. He laughed a silent laugh, shot a twinkling look Brie's direction, and winked.

  Henri appeared at the door. All heads turned. She raised a hand clutching her spectacles. Conversation ceased.

  "Relevart asked me to inform you that he will be a bit longer." Perching her spectacles on her nose, she let magnified eyes roam the room. "Please Ari, Brie, and Elf, come with me."

  Once in the hall, Henri laid a hand on Elf's arm. "Are you ready to regain your speech and memory?"

  Hope, fear, then hope again played tag on his face. "I'm ready to get my voice back, but I fear what the memories might reveal."

  Ari squeezed his hand. "I'll be with you, Elf. We'll remember together."

  Relevart met them at the door to Rayn's chambers and guided Elf to the bed. "I believe you will discover much good in your memories, young Elf." He looked from one twin to the other. "For the safety of all concerned, please keep what we learn to yourselves. Understood?"

  Ari moved to Brie's side. Both nodded.

  Relevart's gaze shifted. "Elf?"

  "I understand, and I promise to keep secret what occurs here." He touched his heart. The bed sighed under his weight. He smiled at Ari and closed his eyes.

  Henri took charge. "This is a two-step process. We will attempt to return Elf's voice and then his memories. Ari, you will, at Relevart's command, placed Efillaeh on Elf's throat and step away."

  Ari withdrew the sacred knife from its scabbard. Relevart gave the command. She place it carefully and retreated.

  Henri drew a symbol in the air and began to chant:

  "Efillaeh, return to Elf

  That which lets him speak of self.

  Heal what's been torn by choice;

  Give Elf back his words, his voice.”

  The words faded and the silence intensified. Elf's eyes flew open. He gripped Efillaeh's jeweled handle. Rising slowly, he stared in surprised astonishment from it to Ari.

  Removing the knife from his trembling fingers, she sat down beside him. "What happened?"

  Awe-widened eyes sought her face. "I felt―"

  Ari shook her head. "Not telepathy. Speak the words. Share your story out loud." She secured the knife in its scabbard and clasped his hands in hers. "Look at me. Tell me what happened."

  Elf glanced at Relevart.

  The Universal VarTerel nodded.

  Elf's expression changed from fear to determination. He squeezed his eyes shut, swallowed, and then looked straight into Ari's eyes. "I haven't―" Surprise registered. He exhaled a long, emotional breath. "I…haven't…spoken…aloud…" Wiping a tear from his cheek, he continued. "For five of my seventeen sun cycles, I have known only the words in my head. When you placed the knife, it began to tingle." He touched his throat. "Something stirred here. In my mind, I saw my vocal cords hanging limp and atrophied; and then they, too, began to tingle and then to quiver! The next thing I knew, they had returned to their natural form." He released Ari's hand and pulled her into his arms. "Thank you, Arienh. Thank you!"

  Relevart cleared his throat. "We have another goal to accomplish, Troms el Shiv. Please lie down."

  When Ari tried to leave his embrace, an inner shiver shook him from head to foot. "I'm afraid to know what has been taken from me." He lowered his arms and ran a shaking hand through his hair. "What if…"

  Ari faced him square on. "Elf, even I know what-ifs are a waste of time. All of us care about you. We're all here to help. Let's get this over with."

  Shooting the VarTerel and Henri a sheepish look, Elf lay down and closed his eyes. Ari rested her hand on his arm.

  Relevart moved to the end of the bed. "Brielle, at Henri's command, place the Remembering Stone on his brow. Both of you will remain by his head, but do not touch him. Ari, once the stone is in place, join me. We do not want to color his memories with our thoughts. Please, Henri."

  At a nod from her great aunt, Brie placed the stone and stepped back. Blue light flowing from the stone's center formed a halo-like haze around Elf's body.

  Henri donned her spectacles and began.

  "Remembering Stone, do your work.

  Pull back memories from where they lurk.

  Bring them from those hidden places,

  Clarifying all names and faces.

  Let each returning fill a gap;

  Sharpen memory with a snap;

  Heal all loss and hurt and trauma

  End Elf's long and tortured drama.”

  Elf's body twitched and grew still.

  Brie held her breath, her gaze fixed on the boy lying on the bed.

  The return of his memories reminded Elf of a water pump building pressure as the handle moved up and down. A dribble at first, images dripped into his mind one at a time, then two, then a gush of color and sound, faces and voices, laughter and tears. The pulsing of the Remembering Stone grew more insistent. A final rush of images left him gasping for breath. A hand gripped his. The stone was removed. He lay motionless, bathed in the return of what felt like a life's worth of memories.

  A finger tapped his brow. Relevart's voice filled his head. "Open your eyes Troms el Shiv. Your memories will not disappear."

  His eyes fluttered open. Ari filled his line of vision. He drank in her familiar features and clasped her hand tighter. Standing behind her, Henri, Relevart, and Brie observed him with patient interest. Releasing Ari's hand, he pushed himself to sitting, hugged his bent legs to his chest, and rested his forehead on his knees. Memories once again held him motionless. A quick shake of his head cleared them. Scooting to the edge of the bed, he planted his feet firmly on the smooth, black floor. "There is so much…" He blew out a long breath. "I need time to digest what I have learned, to understand all that happened in those early years."

  Relevart sat beside him. "Tell us the most important thing you have discovered thus far."

  Elf studied his hand, rubbed the palm against his pant leg, and sighed. "I was cared for by a woman named YanaLoma. I called her Yanni. She lavished her love and attention on me and…" Puzzlement creased his brow. He tipped his head to one side, then the other. "I remember a little girl about my age." Again his brow furrowed in thought. "Ahhh. Her name was Penee. She spent all her time with us. Yanni loved her as much as she loved me. Then one day The MasTer hid me in a secret place and told me not to make a sound. Much later, when he came for me, I could feel the anger and sadness battling in his heart. I never saw Penee or Yanni again."

  Relevart leaned closer. "And?"

  Elf straightened. "I now know that Yanni and Rayn were the same person. Rayn did love me. And so did Penee. I loved them both. Who was Penee, Relevart? When I think of her, my heart aches."

  The Universal VarTerel and Henri exchanged glances. The elderly woman turned to the twins. "I believe Elf and Relevart need some time alone. Come, my dears. Let's join the others."

  Ari moved closer to Elf. "I'm not leaving. Elf needs me."

  Elf rose and hugged her. "I'll be fine. Go with Henri. We'll join you soon."

  When Ari hesitated, Brie linked arms with her. "Come on. The sooner we go, the sooner Elf can tell us what he learns."

  Elf walked them to the door, closed it after them, and leaned his back against the hard wood. I want to know what Relevart knows but… Why do I feel so uneasy? He peered through the gloominess to where Relevart waited by a paper-cluttered table, a folded document in his hand. Come on, Elf. It can't be all that bad. Pushing away from the door, he marched to the table and sat down.

  Relevart took the seat opposite. "You've been through much today, Troms el Shiv." He offered the document. "This will answer some of your questions, although not all."

  Elf hesitated, accepted it with shaking hands, and turned it over. His brows drew together. "It says 'For Rethdun's Eyes Only'. Is it from my mother?"

  "Until you open it, Elf, you won't know what it says or who it is from."

  Pressing his lips together, Elf unfold the paper and stared at a mix of letters that made no sense.

  The VarTerel tapped it and whispered, "Enferi."

  Excitement replaced Elf's trepidation as the words on the page rearranged themselves into a clear message. Chills raised goosebumps on his arms and neck. Forcing himself to hold the paper steady, he read the missive written in his mother's hand.


  What I am about to reveal must remain a secret, one you may only share with those you trust with your life.

  When I decided I wanted a child and that as The MasTer I would not be able to maintain the masquerade, I made the decision to use the process of Protariflee. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that a solution to the battle between the Eleo Preda and the Pheet Adole lay within my reach. Elf is my child. Thorlu is his father. We are all full-blooded Eleo Preda. Elf has a birth-mate, Penesert el Stroma, who is full-blooded Pheet Adole. She was kidnapped at the age of five. Even with my many resources, I have been unable to discover who took her or where she was taken. I am leaving that in your capable hands.

  I am, Rethdun, entrusting you with the lives of my children and the fu
ture of El Stroma.

  I am your birth-mate. You are my heart, now and forever,

  Rayn el QuilTran

  PS: You will find the details you require in a journal hidden in a place only Elf knows.

  Elf pressed a hand to his hammering heart, drew in a deep breath, and placed the letter on the table. Racing thoughts and emotions left him bereft of speech. Fear that he had become mute brought a gurgling sound to his throat. He swallowed. "N-n-now w-what?"

  Relevart tapped the letter with a forefinger. "Do you know where this hiding place is?"

  Elf crossed to the throne, knelt behind it, and pressed his thumb into a small indent in the floor. The throne glided forward. Descending a flight of steep stairs, he felt his way along the rough stone wall, pressed another indent, and listened for the quiet rattle of a panel opening. At the back of a deep recess, he found what he was looking for, closed the panel, and returned to The MasTer's chamber. The pressure of his toe on the back of the throne returned it to its place. He handed a leather-bound journal to Relevart, who took it with a questioning glance at the throne.

  "A secret get-away. The place The MasTer hid me the day Penee disappeared―the last day I saw my mother." He sat down and dropped his head in his hands.

  The soft sound of pages turning, the inhale and exhale of Relevart's breath, and his own heart beating held him motionless.

  Relevart put the journal on the table. "What an interesting read."

  Elf raised his eyes to the VarTerel's face. "Is Thorlu truly my father?"

  "Only in the sense that his sperm fertilized your mother's egg. You may dislike him, but he is a highly intelligent and talented man. His ancestors were leaders on El QuilTran."

  Elf allowed himself a moment to gain control of his emotional response to Thorlu. "And what of Penee? Who are her parents?"

  Relevart pressed a palm against the leather cover. "Prior to leaving El Stroma and before the persona of The MasTer took over completely, Rayn asked friends in The Protariflee Center to steal samples of several different family lines, hide them in cryogenics flasks, and smuggle them from the laboratory. Your mother brought them to TreBlaya and set up a lab here. Penee's blood parents are the Rompeer's favorite daughter and his most trusted advisor."


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