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The UnFolding Collection Three

Page 66

by S. K. Randolph

  "You are the bearer of the Star of Truth, Brielle AsTar. You know I speak the truth as you knew you were dreaming only moments ago."

  Instinct carried her hand to her neck. The Star, cool to the touch, tingled. "And what is this secret?"

  A quick mind touch left her dazed and the room empty.

  Brie rubbed her forehead and straightened her tunic. "What a turning! I can't wait to go home tomorrow. I hope you are still in Myrrh, Esán Efre. "

  Relevart pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. When he looked up, Almiralyn's sympathetic gaze searched his face.

  "I think you need some time alone. We'll take a walk and come back in a quarter chron circle." She pushed her chair back and followed Corvus into the hall.

  Relevart withdrew the black lacquer box and with shaking hands tipped the contents onto his palm. Quieting his racing thoughts, he contemplated the silky fineness of the sable brown curl, raised it to his nose, and breathed in the subtle scent of his son. Rethson . A soft sigh gave the curl the illusion of life. Relevart cradled it between his palms and tried to envision a child carrying his genes and Rayn's. What do you look like? Are you tall or short? You are about the same age as Torgin and the twins…almost sixteen sun cycles . He opened his hand and narrowed his eyes. The real question is: how do I find you?

  Shutting his eyes, he allowed solitude to sooth his frazzled nerves. An answer emerged; a plan took shape. He tucked the curl in the box and murmured, "How to make it happen is the question."

  A knock followed by a respectful pause alerted him that Almiralyn and Corvus had returned.

  "Come in."

  Almiralyn stuck her head around the door. "Are you ready for us?"

  "Yes. Please join me."

  Corvus followed her into the room and sat down. "I hope we gave you enough time."

  Relevart set the box on the table. "Solitude helped. Thank you. I never imagined having a son. Life has kept me too busy for a family. This news has left me shaken."

  Corvus scooted his chair closer to Almiralyn. "Tell us what you need us to do."

  "My first thought was to ask you to discover the whereabouts of Penseret El Stroma. Now I am in a quandary." He tapped the box. "I have a son. Which is more pressing…finding Elf's birth-mate or finding Rethson?"

  Almiralyn traced the weave of her long braid. "I believe they are of equal importance, Relevart."

  Corvus nodded. "I agree. Both young people can be used against you―us―to gain control of The MasTer's wealth and of El Stroma. If the Pheet Adole have Penee, as I suspect, that leaves you with one hand tied behind your back, and if they find Elf―"

  Almiralyn straightened. "You are trapped between the young people and the Galactic Guardians' wish to restore El Stroma and bring about a peaceful settlement between the planet's two warring factions." Her tone became more urgent. "Relevart, I believe my parents would bring an informed perspective to this conversation. They have, after all, spent much of their adult lives in the secret pursuit of The MasTer."

  Corvus's dimple deepened. "They might have stumbled on important information that would help us."

  Relevart brushed thick, white hair off his forehead and turned toward the door. "It just so happens they are―"

  A knock and Mairin stepped into the room ahead of her mate. "Did you call us, Relevart?"

  "I did." He indicated chairs across from Almiralyn and Corvus. "Mira, will bring you up to date."

  Corvus observed the exchange between Almiralyn and her parents with interest. He remembered meeting them the first time at their estate in KcernFensia soon after Almiralyn's birth. Their disappearance when she was fifteen sun cycles and Allynae was ten had been devastating for both. Rayn was responsible for bringing them back together.

  Almiralyn's narrative reached its conclusion. Mairin's eyes, the same sapphire blue as her daughter's, narrowed when Almiralyn explained that Vygel had taken Rethson and secreted him somewhere out of reach. Lanli's expression, unchanging throughout the presentation of facts, grew thoughtful.

  Relevart sat back. "I imagine you have already guessed why I asked you here. Did you on your travels to uncover The MasTer's identity hear any rumors that might have pertained to either Penee or Rethson?"

  Lanli glanced at his life-companion, received an affirmation in the form of a nod, and began. "Over the course of our travels, we met a group of younger Pheet Adole rebels. Unlike their parents and older relatives, their desire was to reestablish contact with the Eleo Preda and try to mend the rift. They had heard about a girl child who had been kidnapped from TreBlaya, stolen right from under the nose of The MasTer."

  Mairin continued the story. "Those responsible had hoped to kidnap twins, a girl and a boy. Although there was discussion about another attempt, for some reason unknown to our source, it appears one opportunity was all they would get. Our source thought whoever had helped―someone on the inside―must be out of the picture."

  Relevart asked, "Did either of you hear anything that might tell us where Penee was taken?"

  Lanli shook his head. "Not that I recall. Mairin?"

  "There was a boy who worked in the stables in Soputto. We became friends. He hinted at something, but I didn't pursue it. If we could find him, he might be able to help."

  "I know you want to go to El Stroma―"

  "Relevart, we understand the importance of finding Penee." Lanli put an arm around Mairin. "The resettling of El Stroma is dependent on all factions working together. We will find her."

  Almiralyn stiffened. "But Maman―"

  Mairin stopped her with reassuring smile. "This has become our way of life, Mira. We're good at what we do; we'll be fine. We would like to see Allynae and meet Sparrow, Relevart. How do you feel about us leaving from Myrrh?"

  "I believe it's a splendid idea. No one will suspect you are off on an errand for me. We can meet after evening meal to discuss details and avenues of contact."

  Lanli pushed back his chair. "Good. That will give us time to make some decisions and put a plan in place." With an air of purpose, he followed Mairin from the room.

  Corvus observed the satisfaction in Relevart's shrewd gaze. "So, one problem down and one to go, VarTerel. What are your plans for us?"

  "I need you to find Rethson, which means you must track down Vygel and Thorlu."

  Almiralyn grimaced. "My two favorite people. Do you know where they ended up when you dispatched them from Mittkeer?"

  "In another dimension, one that parallels Thera prior to its connection to Myrrh."

  Corvus frowned. "Which means you sent them through Time and Dimension. We would need to travel through Mittkeer, and we are neither one VarTerels."

  A blaze of white-blue light flared by the windows. CharElgan Chealim, a flash flood of power and ethereal beauty, smiled down at the room's occupants. "That can be remedied, Corvus Karrew Castilym. The Galactic Council has declared it is time to replace the VarTerels destroyed by the Pheet Adole." He beckoned Almiralyn forward. "And that it is time we had a female VarTerel. Avlin Enus, your staff please."

  Relevart passed it to Chealim.

  The Guardian peered down at Almiralyn. "You are hesitant, Almiralyn Nadrugia?"

  "I made a personal vow not to become a member of the Order of Esprow. I understand the majority of its members do good work, but I am still reticent to join the ranks."

  Chealim's blue eyes twinkled. "Knowing you as I do, I have obtained permission to provide you and Corvus with the required initiation independent of the Order. You will be answerable directly to Avlin Enus, the Universal VarTerel. Will that suit your desire for personal autonomy?"

  Sapphire eyes widened with surprise and pleasure. "Yes, Chealim, it will."

  "And you, Corvus? Will this arrangement work for you?"

  Corvus moved to Almiralyn's side. "I would be honored to accept the initiation under your stated conditions."

  Froetise began to glow. "VarTerel, stand between them. We do this work together."

  The crystal's
dazzling light moved toward them. Corvus closed his eyes. Energy immersing him in color and light, left him breathless. His body ceased to be solid. Molecules danced, spun, streaked through all time.

  Almiralyn gasped. Pulsing energy became all she knew. Relevart's hand in hers kept her steady. Colors she had never seen infused her mind. Power greater than she had ever known saturated her body from marrow to bone to muscle to skin. Every molecule vibrated with an intensity that sent tears streaming down her cheeks. Her brain thrummed. Her blood rushed. Her pounding heart beat against her ribs with so much force that she thought it might burst through. At last, the flood of effervescence withdrew until only the soft hum of Froetise remained.

  Relevart squeezed her hand. "Open your eyes, girl."

  Chealim smiled down at her. "We knew you had more talent to develop; but as always, Almiralyn Nadrugia, you surprise us. As do you, Corvus." He returned the rowan wood staff to Relevart. "They will serve us well, Avlin." A corona of light surrounded him. "Be safe and be successful. The peace and prosperity of the Outer Universe depends on what you accomplish." The light imploded, leaving the spot where he had stood empty.

  Almiralyn sank onto a chair and accepted a glass of water from Corvus. "My legs feel as wobbly as a colt's."

  Relevart laughed. "It's no wonder, my dear. You have assimilated more energy in the past few minutes than most DiMensioners experience in their entire careers." Relevart fingered his staff. "On this trip a staff could be more trouble than it's worth. When you return, yours will be waiting."

  Almiralyn finished her water. "I imagine there are things we need to learn prior to using MittKeer on our own."

  The VarTerel whispered a word, waved a hand, and the doorway into the place of All Time and No Time opened. He motioned them through, and their lessons began.




  S parrow had left Wolloh to rest and Allynae to confer with Race and Feela about what needed to be done to prepare for company. The boys sprawled in the loft, reminiscing about their adventures. Alone for the first time since their return, she wandered the cottage, looking into each room and marveling at how it had already begun to take on her personality. She picked up a small framed picture from the mantel in the front room. Standin and her mother, smiled back at her. In another frame, a portrait of the twins made her heart ache. "You have grown up much too fast. Sometimes I wish we were a normal family." She laughed out loud and returned it to the mantel. "There is definitely nothing normal about any of us."

  In her studio, she placed a clean canvas on the easel, arranged her paints, and picked up a brush. Allowing her artist's trance to enclose her, she began to paint. Shape and color, highlight and texture created a collage of memories. The step drag of Wolloh's limped gait heralded his appearance in the doorway. Brush in hand, she turned.

  With none of the posturing for affect she had observed so often in the fountain, his straightforward gaze met hers. "I believe it is time to bring Elcaro back to size. Company will arrive sooner than we expected. Do you need my help?"

  "I don't believe so. Almiralyn taught me what to do." With deft movements, she cleaned her brush and secured her paints.

  Wolloh accompanied her to the foot of the stairs. "I think I will take a quiet stroll through the garden while I can. Call if you have need of me." He left her alone to ponder the fact that the VarTerel of the Inner Universe trusted her to do what must be done.

  Mounting the stairs, she noted the creak of the fourth step, made a mental note to keep it, and continued to the sanctuary. Once in the room, she paused to absorb a few monumental truths: "I am the Guardian of Myrrh. This is my cottage and my sanctuary. A full Myrrhinian sun cycle has passed since Almiralyn took Merrilea and me to hide in the Dojanack Caverns. Several moon cycles have passed since she left for TreBlaya with Relevart and I assumed the role of acting Guardian." Walking slowly around the room, she stopped to study the map painted on the wall. "I am now the steward of this land. I certainly didn't see that coming when I returned to Myrrh to help my daughters."

  Withdrawing the miniature fountain from her pocket, she held it up and watched tiny rainbows glint in the white alabaster, KcernFensian alabaster, the purest in the Inner Universe. "It's time to bring you home, Elcaro's Eye." Placing it on the floor at the room's center, she positioned it with the statue on the rim facing the windows. After a quick review of Almiralyn's instructions, she began to recite:

  "Elcaro, the All-Seeing-Eye,

  Grow to size that I may spy

  Within your depths the heart of things

  And all that coalescence brings.

  Expand your width and height to be

  My eyes that I may know and see.

  I clap my hands to call you forth.

  Spring to size from your true north.”

  Three brisk claps snapped through the sanctuary. The miniature fountain trembled. Quick as the flick of a cat's tail, it achieved its normal size and sat glistening in the late turning sun.

  Oscillating between astonishment and delight, Sparrow paced its circumference, stopped with her hands on her hips, and announced, "I did it! You are beautiful, Elcaro's Eye." She touched the tip of the Vesen crystal embedded in the pedestal. "Rappae."

  Water surged up from the bottom of the alabaster bowl, swirled, and calmed, reflecting her face on the mirror-like surface. Another clap brought water to the upturned palms of the statue. The song of water's drip, drop, drip filled the room.

  Entering MittKeer always left Brie's senses reeling. A glance at her companions told her she was not alone. Only Relevart seemed unfazed. A wave of nausea gripped her. Squeezing her eyes shut, she thought it back through time. Surprise at the swiftness of its departure left her smiling.

  "Ah, Brielle, you have learned the way of MittKeer." The VarTerel's dark eyes sparkled. "I believe Arienh would like to know it."

  Brie hurried to where her sister stood with Elf. Neither looked happy. "Think the pain and nausea into the past. It will be gone in an instant."

  Ari groaned. "I'm not you, Brielle."

  Brie winked at Elf, who already looked better. "But you are my twin, and you have every bit as much talent."

  Her sister groaned, shut her eyes, and clasped Elf's hand. A soft guffaw and she placed a kiss on Brie's cheek. "Thanks, sis. That's a trick I'll be sure to remember."

  Elf's quick hug expressed his thanks. He took stock of his surroundings and his fellow travelers. "I believe we have all discovered the secret."

  Relevart raised his staff. "Please form a tighter group."

  Henrietta, Nomed, Mairin, and Lanli formed a snug circle with Ari and Elf. Brie clasped her Aunt Henri's hand on one side and Ari's on the other. Froetise's glowing light encircled them. A soft word from the VarTerel and a gateway opened. Relevart led the way into the alley between stalls in a barn.

  "Look who's here!" Torgin scrambled down the ladder from the loft, helped Zugo down the last rungs, and met them midway to the open double doors into the garden.

  Brie's welcome caught in her throat. She stepped to one side, her eyes fixed on Esán, the one person she had been afraid would already be gone. Relevart had told her Evolsefil was back in the caverns. There was no reason for Esán to stay.

  He stood as though suspended in time, one hand gripping the rung of the ladder, a big smile on his face.

  Ari gave him a hug, threw a glance over her shoulder, and grinned. Elf herded her ahead of him. Still Esán did not move.

  Nomed paused to look him up and down. "You look much better, nephew." He winked and strode into the garden.

  To Brie, a world of space stretched between them―held them apart, their eyes fastened on each other. Esán took a step. The next instant his arms wrapped around her. He lifted her up, put her down, and buried his face in her hair. "I have missed you so much, Brielle AsTar!"

  Her delight bubbled up and burst into laughter. She touched his cheek. "You look great! Your hair has grown. You don't look si
ck anymore. You are better, aren't you?"

  He released her and cupped her face in his hands. "I still have a ways to go, but I am better."

  His gentle kiss left her grinning like a fool. "He loves me!"

  He kissed her again. "Yes, Brielle, I love you." He clasped her hand. "We should go and say hi to your parents before they start to wonder―"

  Her quick kiss cut him short. Fighting to regain her equilibrium, she blurted out, "Did you know that Father has not seen his parents since he was ten."

  Grinning, he grabbed her hand. "I've never seen you flustered before, Brielle AsTar."

  The laughter filling Esán's eyes as they walked from the barn made her heart sing.

  Excited voices drew Sparrow to the window. A glint of red hair sent her jogging down the stairs, through the kitchen, and out the backdoor. Ari waved, grabbed the hand of the boy next to her, and together they sprinted across the garden. Tears streamed down her face as she hugged her daughter. "Where's Brie?"

  Ari gave a deep guffaw. "She and Esán are discovering how much they missed each other." She nudged the boy forward. "Mother, this is Troms el Shiv. Elf, this is my mother, the Guardian of Myrrh."

  Sparrow observed him with a touch of relief. She like what she saw. "Welcome to Myrrh, Elf. I was hoping to meet you."

  "I wanted to meet you and Ari's father."

  Allynae strode around the end of the pond and gathered Ari into a bear hug. "I'm so glad to see you, Arienh."

  Her happy laugh made him hug her again before extending a hand to Elf. "It is good to meet you in person, Elf. Thank you for taking care of our daughter."

  "It has been my pleasure, sir."

  Ari cocked her head to the side. "I didn't know you used telepathy, Father."

  He put an arm around Sparrow's shoulders. "All in a turning's work. Right, Guardian of Myrrh?"

  Brie and Esán exited the barn and hurried toward them. Nomed and Somay finished their conversation by the maple tree and followed. Sounds of greetings and laughter filled the back garden.


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