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The UnFolding Collection Three

Page 98

by S. K. Randolph

  Gateway of Kao (oak) - portal in the foothills of Myrrh

  Gemlucky – coal black stallion belonging to Almiralyn

  Geran Island (anger) – a province on the planet of DerTah

  Gerolyn AsTar – SparrowLyn’s mother, grandmother of Ari and Brie

  Gidtuss (disgust) – Dreela of the province of Fera Finnero on DerTah

  Giest (from poltergeist) - mass of colored plasma, the remains of evil humans who haunt the deepest caverns in the Dojanack Mountains

  Gnitsy (stingy) – one of the Five Fathers of the City of Idronatti

  Gothraw (warthog) – giant, boar-like herbivore in the Tinga Forest in the province of Trinuge

  Granier (angrier) – a RewFaaran officer with the rank of Tinpaca

  Grantese (sergeant) – RewFaaran military rank

  Gregos Senndi (Rogers Dennis) – captain of the sailing vessels Melback and SeaBella ; brother of Tamosh and Marji

  Grove of Mehloc (hemlock) - grove of ancient and mystical hemlock trees in the Terces Wood

  Harshad – one hundred

  HeLew od Metis (wheel of time) – found in the Temple of Nesune, exemplifies the four stages of life: childhood, youth and young adult, middle age, and old age

  Henrietta - The elderly woman who lives across the hall from the twins

  High DiMensioner – second of three initiated levels in the Order of Esprow, trained dimensional traveler and shape shifter

  Holistic Healer Zarron - Esán’s physician in Idronatti

  Homelanders - citizens of Myrrh

  Humanesque – Human-like

  Idronatti (tradition) – Theran city in which Myrrh is hidden within another dimension

  Idronattian – citizen of Idronatti

  Inev (vein) – capital of the province of DoOlb on DerTah

  Intrigant – somebody who devises secret plots or schemes

  Ira Raast (Ari AsTar) – Ari’s shifted form

  Jarel – one of the Five Fathers of the City of Idronatti

  Jeet – carnelian Pentharian warrior from the planet of ReTaw au Qu

  Jolendula - Myrrhinian herb similar to calendula

  Jonn Menalow - Allynae’s alias as provided by Dom

  Karrew – raven protector of Almiralyn

  Kcalo (cloak) – full-length DerTahan robe; protects wearer from desert heat and cold; conceals wearer from the Fire ConDra

  KcernFensia (frankincense) – third planet from the Clenaba Rolas suns; Almiralyn and Allynae’s home planet

  Kieel – Matrés of the Terces Wood Nyti on Myrrh

  Koewin Farlow – Seyes Nomed’s father

  Koos – DeoNyte apprentice of Owae

  LaChett – title given to women on RewFaar who are claimed by one man

  Lake of Rorret (terror) - lake in the caverns of the Dojanack Mountains

  Largeen Joram (general major) – ranking officer and leader of the planet of RewFaar

  Laridae – DerTahan seagull

  Latdus (adults) – on the planet of Tao Spirian, the age when betrothed partners are joined for life

  LaTenge Famele (elegant female) – the women’s domicile on the planet of RewFaar

  LaTiru (ritual) – a savage tribe of Dansmen who reside in Fera Finnero on the planet of DerTah and who believe in blood sacrifice

  Laverian (valerian) – herb used for calming and pain control

  Lavir (rival) – Jordett’s rival in the PPP

  LeCur (cruel) – capital of Fera Finnero on DerTah

  Lenadi (Daniel) – KcernFensian warrior, brother and protector of Teva Rivan, companion of Akeri

  Lite-stick - “stick” that gives off light

  LlEh (hell) - DerTahan version of hell

  Loeen - unremembered/Now Remembered woman

  Lornton (control) – avenue in the City of Idronatti

  Lorsedi Telisnoe (soldier elite son) – Largeen Joram of the planet of RewFaar; biological father of SparrowLyn AsTar, father of Nissasa Rattori and Desirol Telisnoe, grandfather of Ari and Brie

  Los Deeta (desolate) – forbidden area on the planet of TreBlaya; claimed by The MasTer and his followers

  Lunule – DerTah’s crescent moon

  Mahyinaeh – goddess of the planet of KcernFensia

  Majeska – Almiralyn’s smoky gray cat

  Major Domo – assistant and confidant to Wolloh Espyro

  Major Jordett – Theran PPP officer; loyal to the Guardian of Myrrh

  Mamman – WoNadahem Mardree’s mother

  Manitullie (illuminate) – one of the four Statues of Sinnttee; represents youth and young adult

  Matrés (master) – leader of the Terces Wood Nyti on Myrrh

  Melback (from Ca mel ot and Fin back ) – ketch rig sailboat owned by Gregos and Tamosh Senndi

  Meos – seat of government for the DeoNyte realm

  Mamman – WoNadahem Mardree’s mother

  Meosian - citizen of Meos; the ways of Meos

  Merrilea – blood-bonded sister of Esán’s Tao Spirian mother Tianna Efre

  Metto (totem) – small fishing village on the northern shore of ZaltRaca Island

  Mindeco (demonic) – seven-foot, skeletal creature with a central eye; from the Trutore Mountains on RewFaar; stealer of the Human body and mind

  Mite Skil Wren (time wrinkle) – the Key to open the portal in the Tower of Nemttachenn on Myrrh

  Mittkeer (time trek) – place from which all time travel occurs; place of all time and no time

  Mocendi League (demonic) – confederation founded by The MasTer; members use the Arts of DiMensionery for evil and personal gain

  Mondago (goodman) – RewFaaran platoon commander who captures Almiralyn’s acreage on Myrrh

  Moon Cycle – one month on Myrrh; forty-two Myrrhinian days

  Mound of Ginori (origin) – where all life on the planet of Treblaya began

  Mount GetiNar (granite) - granite mountain in the Dojanack range

  Mountain of Niar (rain) - crystal mountain in the Dojanack range

  Mumshu – Nyti boy; friend of Reana and Ashor

  Myrrh – last remaining piece of Old Earth; concealed within a hidden dimension in Idronatti

  Myrrhinian – citizen of Myrrh; the ways of Myrrh

  Myrrhnica - Myrrhinian healing herb similar to arnica

  Nagry (angry) – a RewFaaran soldier

  NaiDisbo Canyon (obsidian) - black canyon in the Dojanack Mountains

  NaiDisbo Peak - obsidian mountain in the Dojanack range

  Nans - vendor in The Borderlands open market; wife of Saaul

  Narrtep (partner) – Dansman who guards WoNadahem Mardree, the Atrilaasu Oracle

  NavaDec (advance) – CheeTrann’s command to send Teva and Lenadi into Mittkeer.

  Nema (mean) – one of the Five Fathers of the City of Idronatti

  Nep Rin Tese (serpentine) – Yaro’s Pentharian birth sign

  Nervac Gateway (cavern) –portal in the Dojanack Caverns on Myrrh

  Nesune Ruins (unseen) – temple ruins buried beneath the Desert of Fera Finnero; houses the HeLew od Metis, the Statues of Sinnttee, and the Realm of SeDah

  NeTols (stolen) – adopted son of the Sebborran leader Dahe Terah

  Neuros - Water Witch of the Grotto of Forgetting in the Dojanack Caverns

  Nervac Gateway (cavern) – the portal in the Dojanack Caverns on Myrrh

  NesDu (dunes) – god of the sands

  Nevah Efas (safe haven) - tiny planet near one of Thera’s moons where only the true of heart may go

  Nichook (Chinook) – an Atrilaasu Dansgirl known as Nichi

  Nigat (giant) – capital of the province of TheDa on DerTah

  Nissasa Rattori (assassin traitor) – eldest son of Lorsedi Telisnoe and LaChett Roween Rattori

  Noorgnaak (kangaroo) – an animal found in the Desert of Fera Finnero

  Norio (Orion) – one of Thera’s two moons

  Nyti (tiny) – little people of the Terces Wood on Myrrh

  Oath of SegoSond (goodness) – s
acred oath taken by trainees at the Temple of Mahyinaeh on KcernFensia; part of their initiation from childhood to womanhood

  Omudi (odium) – Dreela of the province of Geran on the planet of DerTah

  Ondix Crossing (Dixon Crossing) – open stretch of water between Von Baar Peninsula and Aksala

  One Man – Somay Efre, Esán’s father

  Oragasu (saguaro) – a type of cactus found in the Desert of Fera Finnero on the planet of DerTah

  Order of Esprow (power) – an organization which provides training and initiation into three levels of DiMensionery: DiMensioner, High DiMensioner, and VarTerel

  Orittra (traitor) – commander of Nissasa’s troops in the City of Idronatti

  Owae - DeoNyte healer; Elae’s grandmother

  Paisley James Tobinette – Myrrhinian friend of Almiralyn and Allynae

  Pendant of ReDaelship (leadership)- sapphire pendant worn by the leader of the DeoNytes

  Pentharian – half reptilian, half human shape shifters from the planet the ReTaw au Qa; loyal to Almiralyn

  Penthary - Pentharian youngsters

  Persow (powers) – a small planet found at the outer rim of the Inner Universe, home of Wolloh’s mentor, Relevart

  Phalacro – DerTahan cormorant

  Plain of DoOlb (blood) - vast plain on the planet of DerTah

  Pheet Adole (death people) – industrial population on the planet of El Stroma; lived on the continent of El SyrTundi; supporters of the RomPeer

  Pogrom – genocide; organized massacre of an ethnic group

  Pommeletta - red, apple-like fruit grown on Myrrh

  PPP – Peoples Plan Protectors; a police/military force in the City of Idronatti on Thera

  Primavers (vampires) – five-inch tall humanesque creatures with bat wings and cat-like tails and ears that reside in Vascorrie

  Protariflee (proliferate) – harvesting of the eggs and sperm from the adolescents of wealthy Pheet Adolian families and freezing them for fertilization at a later time; process by which birthmates are created

  Quipe (pique) – owner of the Esccery Inn near TheLise’s estate in Trinuge

  Quwee - type of fruit used in Idronatti for juices and teas

  Radec (cedar) – KcernFensian comrade/fellow warrior of Lenadi Rivan

  Ratcholet (charlotte) – name of a Trinugian gothraw

  Ratee Tree (eater) – carnivorous trees in the Tinga Forest in Trinuge

  Rayn – leader of the Eleo Predian rebels on the planet of El Stroma

  Realm of SeDah (hades) – area to either side of the marble walkway in the Temple of Nesune; also known as the Abyss of the Dead

  Reana – Nyti girl; granddaughter of Kieel: friend of Ashor and Mumshu

  Reda - unremembered/Now Remembered woman

  ReDael (leader) – leader of the DeoNytes

  ReDaelum - sapphire of leadership

  Redart Sector (trader) - district for blue-collar workers in Idronatti

  Remmihs (shimmer) - lake in Oche Cavern in the Dojanack Mountains

  RemMus Lake (summer) - lake in the Central Mountains of Thera

  ReNin RepPosu (Inner Purpose) – throne of destiny in a sacred amethyst cavern in the Dojanacks

  Repoc/repocs (from copper) - coins used in Myrrh and in The Borderlands

  ReTaw au Qu (water aqua) – fifth planet from the Clenaba Rolas sun

  Rethdun (thunder) – Relevart’s birth name

  Retu Erath (true heart) – stairway in the Cavern of Tennisca in the Dojanack Caverns on Myrrh

  RewFaar (warfare) – fourth planet from planet from the Clenaba Rolas sun

  RiaTrain (air train) - subway train in Idronatti that floats on air

  Ria Transport (air) - taxi or limo that moves over the streets on a cushion of air

  Rikell (killer) – Mindeco brought from the planet of RewFaar by Nissasa Rattori

  Rimu Minthum (urim thummin) – round, domed crystal used for translating ancient languages; known as the Eye of the Gods or the Scholars’ Kristl

  Roahymn (harmony) – smallest planet in solar system Clenaba Rolas, seventh planet from the sun

  Rohes (horse) – camel-like horse ridden by the Sebborr in the desert of Fera Finnero

  RomPeer (emperor) – leader of the Pheet Adole on the planet of El Stroma; responsible for the pogrom of the Eleo Preda

  Roscipon (scorpion) – a DerTahan desert insect whose sting is deadly

  Roween Rattori (traitor) – Nissasa Rattori’s mother

  RyPhez (zephyr) – goddess of the wind for which the Temple of Nesune was built Saaul - vendor who lives in The Borderlands; husband of Nans

  Saaul – man in The Borderlands between Thera and Myrrh

  Saila (alias) – name used by Major Jordett

  Sajud (judas) – insulting Sebborran title given to Nissasa Rattori

  Sancia Ovel – the Tao Spirian mother of Seyes Nomed

  Saylo - chestnut mare belonging to Almiralyn

  SeaBella – sailboat provided by Relevart to replace Melback

  Sea of Fire – sea of the coast of Shu Chenaro and Trinuge

  Sea of Minusa (animus) – the Geranian sea surrounding the Island of ZaltRaca

  Sea of Trinuge (intrigue) – the sea off the Trinugian coast

  Sebborr (robbers) – tribe of nomadic desert dwellers; know for their harsh and cruel treatment of slaves

  Seed of Carsilem (miracles) – birth gift of a chosen few from the planet of Tao Spirian; grants the bearer powers to serve mankind

  Sekan Rive r (snake) - river that runs through the grasslands of Myrrh

  Semalf Erutamini (flames miniature) – Henrietta’s spell to shrink a Fire ConDra

  Senar – KcernFensian comrade/fellow warrior of Teva and Lenadi Rivan

  Seval (slave) – a servant at Shu Chenaro befriended by Esán, Desirol Telisnoe’s name before he regained his memory

  Seyes Nomed – the DiMensioner, Somay’s brother, Esán’s uncle

  Shu Chenaro (ranch house) – Wolloh’s home acreage on DerTah

  Sibee - a Wood Tiff youngster

  Sibine – female Wood Tiff, Tibin’s mate; Adin’s mother

  Singtil – small village in the Central Mountains on the planet of Thera; Sparrow’s family home

  Sitrio – male DeoNyte, assistant to the ReDael

  Skipt - a Enots youngster

  Somay Efre - Nomed’s brother; also know as One Man and the Hermit of Timreh Pass; Esán’s father

  Sorttince (introspect) – one of the four Statues of Sinnttee; represents middle age

  Soru (sour) – one of the Five Fathers of the City of Idronatti

  Soruch (chorus) – open expanse in Soprano Narrows on Aksala Island in the province of Trinuge

  Souvitrico (victorious) – Stone of Fire; the Oracle Stone renamed by Nissasa

  Spanilmen (plainsmen) – marauding band of cutthroats on the Plains of DoOlb

  SparrowLyn AsTar – companion of Allynae, mother of Ari and Brie, daughter of Gerolyn AsTar and Lorsedi Telisnoe; talented and prophetic artist

  Standin – SparrowLyn’s Myrrhinian adoptive father

  Star of Truth – small birthmark at the nape of Brie’s neck that warns of danger and makes it impossible for her to tell a lie

  Statues of Sinnttee (sentient) – four statues in the Temple of Nesune

  Steanpa (peasant) – RewFaaran word for peasant/slave; an insult

  Stebben Stol – Wolloh’s Major Domo and apprentice from the planet of Roahymn

  Stee – emerald Pentharian warrior from the small planet of ReTaw au Qu

  Stone of Remembering – small blue stone given to Brie by Myrrh’s Guardian in Book 1 of The Unfolding Trilogy; helps to restore and enliven memory and diffuse fear

  Steerro Fruit (restore) – desert fruit that restores and builds one’s nature energy levels

  Strait of Treeds (desert) – a strait on the western side of the Desert of Fera Finnero on the planet of DerTah

  Strom (storm) – the Atrilaasu Dansgirl Ni
chook’s father

  Stylacca (cataclysm) – time of destruction on the planet of TreBlaya

  SumnerTym e – small town in the Central Mountains of Thera; home of Seth and his Aunt Merrilea

  Sun Cycle – one year on Myrrh, thirteen Myrrhinian months, 546 turnings

  Sun Cycle Celebration - birthday

  Sun Turning/Turning (turning) – day on Myrrh, thirty-six earth hours

  SunRise Mountain - mountain in the Central Mountain range of Thera

  Surazal (Lazarus) – vast, empty plain between life and death

  Tabagie of Roec (core) – DerTahan creature composed of smoke from the planet’s core

  Tablat (battle) – Seat of Government on the planet of RewFaar

  Taccus Tree (cactus) – prickly trees which grow in the desert

  Tal Paci (capital) – village on TreBlaya prior to Stylacca

  Tamboreen - Tam, Almiralyn’s tan and cream pony

  Tamosh Senndi (Thomas Dennis) – brother of Gregos and Marji Senndi; first mate and navigator of the sailing vessels Melback and SeaBella

  Tansy - young girl from The Borderlands; daughter of Nans and Saaul

  Tao Spirian (aspiration) – medium-sized planet in solar system Clenaba Rolas, sixth from the sun

  Tarwish (wraiths) – slimy water creatures that live in mineral pools in Vascorrie and hunger to bond with Human women and feed on Human men

  Teeay - unremembered/Now Remembered girl who saves Brie

  Telisnoe (elite son) – name given to the son who is destine to inherit the position of Largeen Joram on the planet of RewFaar

  Temple of Mahyinaeh – KcernFensian temple where Almiralyn received her training as the Guardian of Myrrh

  Terces Wood (secret) – enchanted woods of Myrrh

  Tesi (site) – WoNa’s small snake

  Tesilend (enlisted) – RewFaaran Grantese; loyal to Lorsedi

  Teska (stake) – a foldable rod that has various uses in the desert, one of which is to help form a tent from a kcalo

  Thera (earth) - small, earth-like planet in the Clenaba Rolas solar system

  Thaer (hater) – Dreela from the province of the Plains of DoOlb

  The Borderlands – buffer zone between Myrrh and the City of Idronatti on Thera

  The MasTer – leader and founder of the Mocendi League

  The Strait of Echems (scheme) – bay in the Sea Trinuge

  The Strait of Treeds (desert) – bay on the western side of the Desert of Fera Finnero

  TheDa (death) – a mountainous province on the planet of DerTah


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