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The Wells Brothers: Aaron

Page 11

by Angela Verdenius

  Almost lethal, almost poised on the brink of something that both took her breath away and made it hitch in her throat.

  Made her blood sizzle a little.

  Before she could process anything further, the phone rang again.

  Glad of the excuse to tear her gaze from his, she turned her back on him, moving quickly to the phone and picking it up. Her hands trembled the tiniest bit as she forced herself to focus. “The Mystic Room, Stella speaking.” She was so unnerved she forgot to speak with a soft, throaty tone.

  “It’s you.”


  The phone went dead once more.

  Hanging it up, she drew a deep breath, mentally preparing herself to face the man in the room, only to turn and find him standing close behind her.

  Expecting - well, who knew, really, sure as hell she didn’t - Shea sidled to the side.

  Aaron simply placed one hand on the wall by her neck, effectively stopping her manoeuvre.

  For a second she thought he was going to try something on her. Instead, he reached out to the answering machine and rewound it.

  “What are you doing?” Puzzled, she looked up at him.

  His attention was on the answering machine. “Checking something.”

  “Checking what?”

  He didn’t answer.

  Man, he was close. She was tall, the top of her head coming to Aaron’s chin, but the way he stood in front of her with long legs braced slightly apart as he stood easily with that leashed control - God, she wasn’t going to be able to get that particular description out of her head in regards to him - his big hand on the wall beside her neck, she could feel the warmth of his body. He stood so close, surrounding her with his presence, the scent of plain soap and deodorant faint and pleasant. No aftershave, nothing fancy.

  The only thing she couldn’t fathom was why he kept her pinned against the wall when he could just as easily stand to the side and listen to her messages.

  Wait a minute… They were her messages he was listening to! “Do you mind?”

  He didn’t answer.

  “Aaron! What the-”


  The nerve of the man. She reached for the answering machine with every intention of turning it off. “I won’t-umf!”

  Shea didn’t even get to touch the machine for he moved with calm, quick efficiency. Before she knew it her back was against his chest with one of her arms pinned across her waist and his hand holding hers securely, gently but firmly restraining her while his other hand was close to her face with his finger lightly held against her lips.

  “Listen.” The deepness of his voice rumbled through his chest against her back.

  Unnerved, her lips moving against his finger, she began, “Aaron, I don’t-”

  “Stop.” One word, his breath stirring against her temple as he leaned forward over her, gathering her closer back against him.

  Instinctively, she stilled.

  Removing his finger from against her mouth, he pressed the ‘rewind’ button followed by ‘play’. He didn’t touch her mouth, his hand coming down to rest on her upper sternum, thumb and forefinger loosely cupped around the base of her throat.

  “Listen.” His breath whispered warmly across her temple.

  So intensely aware of him, his thighs behind hers, his hips cradling her bottom, his hand on her chest, Shea nervously licked her lips. “I - I don’t hear anything.”


  “I don’t u-understand.”

  “Your machine has recorded calls but each time no message was left. Three calls, all silent and all hanging up within seconds.”

  Finally his words penetrated the bemused haze surrounding her and she turned her head to look at the answering machine. “What?”

  “Someone called you three times and hung up.”

  “It was probably someone too shy or wary to leave a message.”

  “Five calls in total, Shea.” Releasing her suddenly, placing his hands on her hips to ease her aside, Aaron reached for the phone.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Finding out the last number that called you.”

  “What?” Alarmed, she grabbed his wrist. “Stop!”

  He looked down at her. “Shea, this is the only way.”

  “For what? So someone is too shy to leave a message, so what?”

  “They had you on the phone twice and both times they didn’t speak.” He picked up the phone. “Three times no word on the answering machine.”

  Frowning, Shea placed her palm over the buttons. “No.”

  “We need to know.”

  Annoyed, she glared at him. “No, we don’t.”



  “If you’re being threatened-”

  “Threatened?” She stared at him. “This isn’t some spy game, Aaron! This is a business that is so far from your security stuff it’s laughable! In the past I’ve had customers that have rung and cancelled readings several times over before finally getting the nerve to actually keep an appointment. People get a little freaked out at times about this, I bet this is one of those people. So no.”

  He just looked at her.

  “No, Aaron.”

  The pale-eyed gaze didn’t shift an inch, but hell, it started to bore into her. Sure as shit she could handle it right now, especially with her dander getting good and fluffed up at his high-handedness.

  Beat the hell out of that delicious, nervous, tingling haze of earlier.

  “You are not going to get a number, ring it back and scare the crap out of a potential customer that could bring in money. This is my business. Mine.”

  His eyes narrowed.

  She met his gaze unflinchingly.

  The clock in the room ticking away the seconds was the only sound.

  Aaron didn’t blink.

  She did. A lot. But Shea refused to give in, refused to look away.

  More seconds ticked past.

  The air between them grew hotter, intensified, a lick of danger that rode the currents as they battled wills.

  Standing mere inches apart, her hand still covering the phone buttons, his holding the receiver, she could feel the heat of his body, see the slight dilation of his pupils, feel the change in the atmosphere. The battle of wills faded, became something much earthier, rawer. Intensely aware of him, his stillness as he looked down at her with eyes that held a sudden flame, a darkening.

  She couldn’t help it, an answering faint flicker deep inside slowly but surely crawling up through her, reaching out with little hot pin-pricking sparks as she started to lose herself in the icy hot glow of his eyes.

  Slowly, deliberately, Aaron placed the phone back onto the holder while reaching out to wrap his other hand around her nape, drawing her towards him the last few inches while leaning down to meet her.

  Breath hitching, heart stuttering, there wasn’t a single damn thing Shea wanted to do to stop him.

  Chapter 5

  Her lips were as soft as butterfly wings, and when Aaron deepened the kiss it was to find she tasted as sweet as ripe strawberries.

  Her essence was fresh as he delved further inside her mouth, the honeyed depths drawing him in as he slanted his mouth over hers, demanded she open to him with gentle ruthlessness, delving in so deep when she obeyed.

  If her kiss was sweeter than he’d expected, her body was warmer, softer, melting against him as he slid an arm around her waist to pull her close. The generous breasts pressed snugly to his chest, the curves of her hips cradling his leaner ones.

  The women he’d been with had been shorter, the tops of their heads barely grazing his shoulder, but Shea’s head brushed his chin which meant he didn’t have far to lean down to kiss her.

  They fit together perfectly.

  It was like heaven in his arms.

  Her hands settled on his biceps, moving up to grip his shoulders as she met him kiss for kiss, her taste filling him, flowing through him in a sudden hot wave of de
sire that spiked deep, flowed outward, pooled hotly in his groin.

  He could have kissed her forever, lost himself in all her curves and lush lips, but the ringing of the phone cut through the desire-filled haze, drawing their lips apart as they blinked at each other.

  The phone peeled insistently, forcing the memory back of what had happened. Holding Shea close with one arm, Aaron reached out to grab the phone, his every protective instinct on alert.

  Beating him to it she snatched the phone, placing it to her ear, looking up at him with those hot, whiskey-coloured eyes as she said huskily, “The Mystic Room, Stella speaking.”

  Silently he waited, gauging her expression.

  The heat in the depths of her eyes tempered a little. “Yes, I’m open for readings at five.” She glanced upwards over his shoulder. “Half an hour, that’s right.” Her gaze dropped back to his, the breath she took swelling her breasts deliciously against his chest. “I’m glad you called. I was expecting you.”

  Those last four words rang in the air between them. I was expecting you. A blatant lie to lure a client.

  Normally he’d have backed away at the reminder that Shea Winters was a fake through and through - a lair, a deceiver, so many words to describe what she did for a living. But he kept holding her, watching as she hung up the phone, waiting as she returned her attention to him.

  “I have a reading in half an hour.” The slight defiant tilt of her chin wasn’t lost on him as her hand dropped from his shoulder to hang loosely by her side.

  “Cancel it,” he said quietly.

  “I don’t know the phone number. Besides, it’s my job.”

  Curiously he angled his head slightly. “Do you truly like doing this, Shea?”

  “I’m good at it.” Taking a step back, she stopped when he didn’t release her. “Let me go.”

  Loosening his hold, he kept his hand in the small of her back, trailing it around her waist as she retreated another step, immediately feeling the cooler air invade the space she’d previously occupied.


  “This is who I am, Aaron.” Folding her arms, she retreated until the backs of her thighs nudged the table. “I don’t have much time, I have to unpack and get ready.” Now her gaze dipped a little, thick lashes partially shielding her eyes. “Um…” A blush bloomed in her cheeks.

  Hands in the pockets of his jeans, Aaron studied her.

  Immediately she turned around and started to quickly unpack the last few grocery bags. “I’ll see you around.”

  Just like that? After what they’d just shared? Aaron’s eyebrows rose a fraction. “Is that right?”

  “Yes, it is.” She barely glanced at him as she strode across the room with a packet of dried biscuits, a jar of Vegemite, and various other packets in her arms, stowing them all in the pantry. “Look, I’m in a hurry, okay? I have a client coming and I need to get ready.”

  It was more than obvious she was embarrassed. Those cute cheeks were red, she avoided eye-contact, held herself stiffly. The angle of her chin was now a touch belligerent. “I’m not going to apologise.”

  “For what? Kissing me?”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Kissing you? You kissed me!”

  “I’d say we kissed each other.”

  With interest he watched her mouth open again, close, and then the mulish set of her lips that he now knew were so soft and sweet. But this was definitely not the time to talk, not when she kept darting glances at the clock on the wall and certainly not when he heard Cole’s voice floating down the driveway.

  Shea darted a look from Aaron to the window and back.

  Not hard to guess her thoughts.

  “I’ll go.” The relief on her face would have battered another man’s ego, but he simply added, “But I will be back.” With that, he strode to the back door.

  “What?” The sound of Shea’s quick steps pattered across the floor behind him. “There’s no need, it was a silly mistake, a spur of the moment-”

  “Cole.” Opening the door, Aaron greeted the teenager who leaped onto the veranda with youthful vigour.

  Surprised, Cole looked at him. “Hi.” His questioning glance flicked to Shea as she came up behind Aaron. “Everything okay?”

  Oh yes, there it was. Aaron’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully as the teenager suddenly swallowed, his gaze shooting rapidly between Aaron and Shea. The guilt in his eyes was clear to see.

  Shea smiled at her brother. “Everything’s fine. I have to get ready, I have a client coming in twenty minutes. Come on, Cole, come inside and shut the door, you’re letting in the flies.”

  That was a ‘push off’ if Aaron had ever heard one. He slanted Shea a wry look, but she barely glanced at him as she ushered her brother inside and followed him. However, before the door could swing completely shut behind her, Aaron stated firmly, “Later, Shea.”

  There was the briefest hesitation in her step before the security screen swung shut, cutting her off from sight.

  Stepping down off the veranda, Aaron walked around the corner of the building and up the driveway. As he passed the kitchen window he glanced in to see Cole patting Carrot, the teenager’s face seemingly untroubled as he talked to the cat.

  Nope, Aaron wasn’t finished with the Winters siblings, but right now wasn’t the time to pursue it. Firstly, he had a couple of things to do and Cole was a youth he planned on talking to in private.

  Returning to his building, Aaron flicked a glance at Ryan as he passed his friend’s desk. Without a word Ryan got up and followed him to the office, standing easily before the desk as Aaron sat down behind it.

  “I want a watch kept on the Winters’ home.”

  Not a flicker of surprise crossed Ryan’s face. “Static guard?”

  “Camera surveillance of the back and front of the building.”

  Ryan nodded.

  “In the space of one day Shea has had five separate silent phone calls. I want to make sure it’s just a crank caller and nothing that could escalate.”

  “Her business can cause uneasiness,” Ryan said. “One random comment to the wrong person can make them think she knows more than she’s saying.”

  Leaning back in the chair, Aaron rested one ankle over the opposite knee, set his elbow on the armrest and smoothed his chin with his fingers before resting his mouth on the edge of his lightly cupped hand. There was that, or it could be that her persona had attracted a crank. Maybe someone was entranced by her mystic air. Or it could simply be prank calling. Regardless, he was going to take steps to prevent anyone breaking into Shea’s home. A simple surveillance camera would ensure that someone kept an eye on the comings and goings of The Mystic Room.

  No doubt Shea would have something scathing to say if she knew, but what that spirited woman didn’t know wouldn’t get her dander up - though she was damned cute when she got fiery. He had to admit that when she’d faced him down it had struck a match deep inside him, the way she stood up to him making him admire her spunk. Unfortunately, that kind of spunk could also get her hurt, especially when he’d noticed the sign on her front door announcing her business times. Some of her customers might not be the kind she wanted, particularly late at night when they could be drunk or worse, but then again in her chosen profession she had to take clients where she could, especially while trying to build a client base.

  He didn’t like it, couldn’t stop her, but he sure as hell could ensure she was monitored closely for safety by his team in Control Centre. One hint of trouble and Wells Security would be at her door.

  Now for her brother. “I want anyone associated with Cole looked into.”

  As usual Ryan didn’t ask questions, just nodded.

  “Monitor his computer.”

  “Already being done.”

  “That’s it. Thanks.”

  Ryan left to start on his boss’s orders.

  Thoughtfully, Aaron gazed unseeingly at the wall. Now that Shea’s safety and Cole’s dubious actions were being taken care of, he sat and
dissected what had happened between him and his neighbour.

  Kissing her had never really entered his head. Sure, he was attracted to her, had acknowledged that soon after meeting her, but he’d had no intention of taking it further. Certainly not kissing her. But somehow between her getting angry at him and defying him… Okay, to be truthful his mistake had been restraining her against him while checking the answering machine. The feel of that curvy body against his had lit a little spark. The way she struggled a little, had been unable to break his hold, had satisfied a darker, more predatory part of him, and the light scent drifting up from her had been tantalising. The method he’d used to keep her from stopping him hadn’t been necessary, but truth be told he’d wanted to feel her against him. It had been the perfect excuse to hold her close.

  Lightly he brushed his knuckle against his lip as he replayed the events in his mind, scrutinizing his reactions analytically.

  Always in charge of his emotions and actions, he’d centred on finding out the caller’s phone number and from there the identity, but he hadn’t expected Shea to stop him and continue to defy him. She’d stood up to him, gone from surprised at his hold on her to angry at his continued insistence on finding out what she considered her business.

  To be fair it was her business. But as he’d gazed down at her, met her stare for stare, seen the fire in those whiskey eyes, he’d made a split decision to make it his business as well. No need to ponder that, it was just fact.

  The other fact was that of his reaction to her, and hers to him even if she didn’t want to acknowledge it. One thing Aaron didn’t do was shy away from something he didn’t understand. Sure, he understood attraction, he’d met some attractive women in his lifetime, women both bad and good, but they’d never affected him if he didn’t choose.

  It sure as hell had affected him this time. That attraction had flared up between him and Shea and he had gone straight in for a kiss, wanting to taste her, to feel her against him, and yep, there was no denying it, that kiss had made his head spin, his gut clench, and his blood stir hotly. The sensation of that curvy body had his responding with a carnality he’d never felt before - and he’d been with some expert lovers. But Shea…one kiss, one press of her body, and every other lover he’d ever had had paled in comparison.


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