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Fall of the Cities_A Mercedes for Soldier Boy

Page 31

by Vance Huxley

  Mercedes pulled up the covers and snuggled up. Harolddidn’t have a chance to go to sleep this time, because a hot tongue started drawing patterns on his neck. Moments later he felther slow, careful wriggle as the buttons came undone, so Harold helped to slide her shirt clear. “Mmm, a gentleman,” breathed gently into his neck so Harold kept going, tucking all the shirt out of the way behind Mercedes. He knew he’d got it all because Mercedes plastered herself against his back.

  Mercedes moved up as he pushed the shirt clear so Harold reached the Holy Grail of the Hot Rods. He gave the smooth curve a firm squeeze, and then several slow, appreciative strokes. “Mmm, nice,” preceded a slow writhe that massaged most of his back. Soft breath tickled his neck asMercedes sighed contentedly. “I’ve been dreaming about this.”Shelifted her knee over Harold’s leg beforesliding her hand onto his six-pack and heading south.

  Her soft chuckle when Mercedes found the boxers gone tickled Harold’s neck.He concentrated on not making any noise, while sliding his hand over her hip and down. “Oh God, yes.”Despite being thoroughly distracted, Harold worried about the amount of shuddering and writhingthat followed. Mercedes eventually calmed down a bit, gently kissing his neck and stroking his belly so Harold returned the stroking. He would have loved to return to the kissing.

  It wasn’t long before her tongue started up againand she breathed,”More, please?” A lot more wriggling and shuddering and muffled noises later Harold felt Mercedes’ breath panting against his neck. “Mmm, lovely. Thank you, kind sir.”Harold retrieved his hand while Mercedes cuddled in to get every possible inch in contact. Her hand rested on Harold’s six pack again asthey slept.

  Harold’s early morning call included an extra surprise towards the end of the action behind him. He stifled his exclamation at a sharp pain on top of his shoulder. After her breathing had settled down Mercedes kissed it better. “Don’t worry, ‘Arold, nobody saw your shoulder last night. They’ll blame your woman.” Her snigger felt wonderful as it worked downwards. Mercedes kissed Harold’s shoulder again. “This is cheaper than biting through pillows.” She’d bitten him!

  While Harold worried about hiding that from the cameras, Mercedes kissed his shoulder again. “Look at it another way, ‘Arold. What I actually wanted to do was roll you over and straddle you,then ride you into screaming ecstasy.” A long sigh rippled down Harold’s back and he stifled a murmur of appreciation. “But then we would have to kill everyone in the Mansion to get clear.” Harold appreciated her giggle even more than the sigh. “We’d probably be too tired to manage that, which would be a terrible shame.”

  Mercedes snuggled in close againwhile Harold continued stroking whatever he could reach behind him.Her hand, much gentler now, wandered slowly over the muscles of Harold’s chest and belly. “Mmm, that’s nice.” Harold could take a hint and kept stroking. While they were still calming down again,gently and very enjoyably, the door rattled. Harold tensed but a muttered “No!” from Mercedes kept him under the covers.

  The cursing outside stopped and someone called out. “There’s a problem. I’ve been sent to tell you about it.”

  Mercedes turned away from Harold. From the volume of her reply she must have put her head out of the covers, and wasn’t happy. “So what is it? Just bear in mind that you’re disturbing my fun. If it’s sod l somebody is losing body parts.” It went dead quiet outside. Harold felt the covers being pulled back up and over, and Mercedes snuggled up again.

  “I’ll find out in the morning,” her soft voice breathed. “Meanwhile, will you repeat that stroking? Please? Just to get relaxed again.” The giggle at the end wasn’t necessary to encourage Harold. Eventually he heard the young woman’s breathing calm down, and Harold drifted off with her warm body up against him and soft breath on his shoulder.


  The usual cheerful rousing rattle and call roused them. Mercedes quickly did her shirt buttons upwhile Harold passed her the knife, then under cover of Mercedes getting out of bed Harold retrieved his boxers. As he sat up Mercedes gasped. “Your shoulder!” Her hands went onto her hips. “You came here from some other woman’s bed! Have you been unfaithful to me ‘Arold, when I’ve saved myself?” Mercedes should have been on the stage.

  Harold had forgotten about hiding the bite, but now he realised Mercedes hadn’t expected to anyway. “I promise, I swear, my mind was only thinking of you when that happened. How could it not be? I mean, a night with you is so utterly unforgettable.” Harold got a snort in reply.

  “You can take your boxers home this time, because I can’t keep bloody trophies. The knicker sniffers grabbed the last pair.They were hung up where all the perverts couldsee them.”Mercedes glared at the sound and vision, then suddenly beamed. “There again, it might be a good thing if you take them home. If your other woman has to wash your sweaty undies it might tire her out a bit. Quieten her down enough that she keeps her bloody teeth to herself.” She was blaming Tessa! Mercedes looked Harold up and down. “Mmm, you do look tasty, so perhaps you’d better nip off and get dressed. I’d be tempted to even up but she might be rabid.”

  Mercedes was on fire this morning, keeping up a constant stream of comments while he used the shower room. Harold realised that she would be in straight afterwards, which gave him a wonderful opportunity. When he came out clean and dressed, Harold felt relieved. When she went inside Mercedes would see the short lipstick message on loo paper,about Caddi losing patience and encouraging Harold to break the Deal.

  Mercedes came out of the bathroom in jeans and tee and a different pair of boots, treating Harold to a little pose in the doorway. A lovely twinkle showed in her eyes, just for a moment. “So you can check just how delectable everything is.” Harold, very obviously checked her toe to top, while wondering if Mercedes kept a knife in each pair of boots or moved the same weapon about.

  “I could be tempted into checking properly,if we find someplace private.” Harold meant it and it showed, as did the warmth in her eyeswhen Mercedes smiled back.

  Ayoung woman arrived for the bedding,and letting her into the bedroommeant showing Harold a big new bolt on the inside of the door. Mercedes must havebolted it while he was in the bathroom last night.”That’s new.” In fact, it was unique as far as Harold knew. The Mansion bedrooms where Harold usually slept had neither bolt nor lock.

  Mercedes gestured to a large square of slightly cleaner carpet,a new piece just inside the door. “Some idiot thought I fancied him, and came marching in as instructed.” Mercedes glanced back towards the bed. “I woke up and threw the knife inpure reaction. The cheeky little shit bled out before telling me who gave him the message. I had to replace the piece of carpet.” Harold looked at the distance to the other end of the bed, and made a mental note about Mercedes not needing a crossbow under twenty feet.

  “What gave him that idea, about you fancying him?” Harold would have asked about a lock, but the screw holes where one had been removed were obvious.

  “I’m supposed to have sent for the stupid bastard because I’m frustrated,orthat’s what he told the guards. They were right outside the door, waiting to see what happened. The incompetent bastards were probably disappointed that I had my nightshirt on.” Mercedes sniffed and glared at the sound and vision. “Since the guards were no bloody good, I found another way of getting some peace and quiet. I’ll see you later, at breakfast.” Harold headed downstairs,while Mercedes escorted the maid and her bedding off out of sight.

  All the Hot Rod lieutenants but Roller, still in Orchard Close as the hostage, were waiting at the table. Mercedes arrived, relaxed and putting on a lovely show, tweaking and teasing, butthroughout the whole performance everyone had the question on their lips. Eventually Caddi sighed, looking straight at Harold. “You’re not going to say, are you? Even when we saw her skirt and blouse land at your feet?” The gang boss gestured to the sideboard where thebundle of couponsnow had a twin. “The betting went crazy after last time. You might even be able to afford Mercedes with that lo
t, so I’ve got to ask. Harry, can you confirm the commando and bra bets for last night?”

  The totally honest answer wasn’t what everyone wanted to hear. “I can only confirm that Mercedes wasn’t naked in the bathroom when I looked in.”

  Most of them looked a bit disappointed and a couple muttered “towels,” but Dodge smiled and said “boots” loud and clear. The room went silent again as all eyes turned to Harold, then Mercedes.

  “So she was wearing just boots and stockings, or maybe just the stockings. That’s not naked but it means the bet’s still on. Come on Soldier Boy, look at the coupons, man!” ET was almost begging now.

  “I’ve said my piece.” Harold looked at Caddi and grinned. “Anyway, some women are priceless.” He waited a couple of moments. “Especially if you might get it for nothing if you ask right, and you might lose your nuts if you ask wrong.”

  Caddi laughed, shaking his head. “If anyone is getting into her pants with permission, I reckon it’s you. That’s if she’s wearing any. Come and stay over any time because this is getting interesting.” Caddi wore another real smile, which widened when Mercedes didn’t interrupt.

  Harold knew only the camerahad stopped him last night, when he helped Mercedesopen her shirt. He’d lost count of how many times he almost turned over during the rest of the night. Now Harold justwanted to get Mercedes someplace private, face to face, even if it wasn’t for sex.”Maybe when you’ve finished the war, Caddi. You don’t want Mercedes distracted just now.” Harold wondered if Mercedes might not want his earsif she killed enough Murphies.He’d already accepted that if Mercedes said yes he’d risk it anyway!

  “Good point, if Mercedes is getting frustrated it’ll encourage her to kill the rest of the Murphies sharpish.” ET grinned at them all. “There won’t be enough left to shoot at us.” Theround of agreement ended when Mercedes moved the conversation on. She wanted to know who’d rattled her door last night, but nobody would answer.They all shut up when the bacon, eggs and fried bread arrived, because everyone had their mouths full.

  Eventually the bacon and eggs became grease smear and happy taste buds. “Since you haven’t bought any women this time, Harry, you can go straight home.” Caddi gave a knowing smile. “If your other woman is that keen, you’ll need to rest up today.” Mercedes scowled on cue.

  Dodge chipped in. “If she’s still biting like that, the last one has plenty of mileage left. Makes you wonder what’s made her so lively.”

  Mercedes concentrated her scowl on him. “But ‘Arold hasn’t had a really lively woman. Not yet.” She licked her lips, slowly with a wicked smile. “But when he does you’ll know, because you won’t need the microphone to hear us.” Everyone stared at her after that, even Harold, without a single comment or joke. Mercedes had just made it absolutely clear what she intended, without any tease at all.Nobody even tried to tweak her or Harold while they all finished their coffee, because she’d answered most questions. Most of the Hot Rods seemed stunned but Caddi looked hopeful, while Cooper darted occasional jealous looks at Harold.

  Harold couldn’t leave without a Mercedes goodbye of course, and this time a small collection of people sort of hung about near the vehicles. Word about last time had spread. Mercedes got a good grip on his ass in return for Harold’s grip on hers, but didn’t risk the tongue trick with the quick peck. Not with four lieutenants a matter of feet away, though her lip contact was firm. “Back to your other woman ‘Arold, and what can I do to keep you thinking of me?”

  “I told you there’s only one woman in my mind, Mercedes. Unfortunately, not in my bed. Yet?” Harold smiled right into her eyes and his reward came. That thaw, momentarybut definitely warmer and longer than a flicker.

  “Ambitious, I like that in a man.” Mercedes trailed her hands down Harold’s chest to his belt. “Among other things. Now, there must be something? Ah.” Mercedes lifted Harold’s hand away from her waist and twisted away from the hand on her ass, then patted her jeans. “Remember this? Now I said that last time and you seem to have strayed, so.” Mercedes took a step backwards and smoothly fitted her ass into Harold’s crotch. She bent a bit and rubbed it up and down once, firmly and slowly.

  “There.” The open-mouthed spectators got a real Killer Queen smile. “Bet he watches this all the way out of sight, and remembers it a lot longer.” Mercedes patted her ass again and set off, giving her hips a good bump and grind. Harold watched it out of sight as instructed. So did the other men,letting out a round of sighs when she turned the corner.

  “Bloody hell man, what did you do to her?” Cooper looked downright jealous even if he’d never even asked.

  “Nothing, yet, but I’m going to have some very interesting dreams once my mind is out of my boxers.” But they wouldn’t be about that ass,or not in jeans anyway.

  “You and the rest. Reckon she really fancies you?” Dodge thought he had the answer already.

  “Dunno. If she does, that might be even more frightening. After all, imagine waking up in bed every morning with Mercedes beside you.” Harold’s little smile remembered how she’d woken him up.

  “Too true.”

  “You should be so lucky.”

  “I wish.”

  “Yeah me too. But if she wakes up in a bad mood? PMT? Chipped nail varnish?” They all laughed at Harold, even Mack.

  Dodge shook his head. “Good point. Now if we’ve all finished drooling over Soldier Boy’s other woman?” Another flurry of good-natured obscenitiessent Harold off home with his escort.


  On the way home Harold puzzledover the reaction of Caddi’s lieutenants, until he realised they didn’t know the Deal. Maybe Caddi didn’t want his men to know he wasn’t holding off totally by choice? He also mulled over the news about the war. Caddi had won, taken his original objectives, but wasn’t settling for half as originally planned. If he could take their headquarters, a big old stone house with a high wall right round the grounds, the Hot Rods would almost cut the Murphy’s territory in half. After that, if Caddi took one more small estate with three streets, he could turn and crush one half or the other. At the moment, Mercedes spent much of her time probing the headquarters area for a weakness.

  The gate guard on Orchard Close went onto alert when the vehicles turned up the road towards the entrance. A convoy with two pickups and an estate car full of guards led by a Hot Rod, Dodge, might be a threat even with Harold’s pickup following. Harold parked next to Roller’s motor, not a Rolls Royce but the grille and the winged lady from one were fastened to the BMW. Harold would compliment the Orchard Close guards when he had chance. Their response to the alert looked smoother and muchquickerthan usual, so all the practice must be working.

  Harold hopped out, asking for barrows to bring in the trade goods andthe damaged machetes and crossbows. He sent the first barrow-load of charcoal off to the forge, for Liz to check in case Caddi had sent the cheaper crap. Liz would stay out of sight, but she’d send a message if Caddi had pulled a fast one. Dodge loaded a barrow with the firearms, carefully covered, and Harold sent them to his workshop. Within minutes Tessa arrived, to let Harold know the blacksmith had accepted the charcoal. Harold cursed silently as he saw Dodge’s eyes light up.

  “Hey, Tessa, you’d better be careful how you mark this man of yours. His other woman uses a knife you know, so teeth might not be enough next time.” Dodge sniggered, glancing to include the other Hot Rods in the joke. “You must be livelier now than you were with us.” Tessa blushed as the men laughed.

  Harold stopped it right there and then. “Oy, enough.” Dodge suddenly realised that Soldier Boy’s rules on his turf might not include someone teasing his woman. The senior Hot Rod and all the men with him stopped laughing, concentrating on unloading.

  Dodge glanced from Harold to Tessa. “Ah, sorry. Big mouth. No offence?”

  Tessa smiled at Dodge, a patently false one Caddi would have been proud of. “No offence taken as it’s true. I’m a lot happier and what was it, livelier, now
nobody is considering selling me.” No offence taken but Tessa put some bite in the last bit.

  “All business, nothing to do with me.” Dodge turned to Harold. “I’ll tell herself you arrived safely. You wouldn’t want her to worry. Come on you lot, get going!” Roller looked puzzled as Dodge hustled him to his car to get moving. As the last bits came off, the Hot Rod vehicles immediately turned round and the men scrambled aboard. They were gone while the Orchard Close residents were still getting the collection organised. Dodge wanted to get out sharpish, before someone actually took offence. Patty’s look would be encouragement all on its own.

  The Hot Rods were barely moving before Tessa started. “Marking, teeth, other women,” a pause, “livelier?” She still had a bit of her blush and definitely wanted answers.

  “Big mouth? No brain?” Harold tried, “Later?” because the other words weren’t stopping Tessa’s look.

  That got a smile. “Oh, yes, I think so.” Tessa relaxed a little.

  The small gang of helpers dragged everything inside the gates and split up to deliver it. Harold took the broken radios straight to Trev, to show him the pictures on the phone.


  Thandia,the mastiff,reluctantly moved aside to let Harold into Trev’s workshop, a modified garage. Elise unpacked the two-way radios, thenvery carefully and methodicallystartedstripping and cleaning them.Trev looked at the pictures of the alleged transmitter, and gave his first reaction. “This is a shocking mess, Harold. I can’t tell much from these.”

  “Caddi will send a hostage and pay for you to go and look.” Harold smiled reassuringly. “He’ll send Cooper so you’re safe, and pay top rate.”

  “Can I take Elise, to clean bits up and help sort through it all?” Behind Trev, Elise froze.

  “Nope. If Elise went to Beth’s, would you go as well?” Harold thought he’d made a mistake and given Trev a heart attack, because he went sheet white and staggered.


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