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Obsession 2.5: Loving An Alpha Male

Page 10

by S. K. Lessly

  Hell, I was becoming attached and I knew it.

  Misty had my damp hair in a death grip; her lips close to my ear, whispering to me just how good I was making her feel, telling me how she wanted it.

  “Piùduro, Shane. Piùveloce, baby. Oh yessss…”

  Being the giving man that I was, I did what she asked. I moved harder and faster, grinding against her clit, fondling her G-spot as my hips moved. Her nails started to scrape deeper along the dampened skin of my back, my ass, proving just how much I was driving her insane; showing me how good I felt to her.

  I reached for the hand in my hair and fitted my fingers with hers. She followed suit and laced her other hand with mine as if she was giving herself to me fully. I moved our hands above her head, the closeness driving another level of intimacy all through our bodies. She arched into me; the quick pants leaving her dampened body drove me to stroke her harder, deeper. She was coming to that climatic ending; I could feel her tightening against me.

  “Ahhh, baby, come on,” I whispered in her ear and sat up to meet her eyes. “Let me feel you… just like that… Come for me Grace… fuck baby…”

  She arched her back then cried out in utter ecstasy. “I’m comin…I’m…”

  Damn, I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she came apart underneath my body. I loved seeing her go over the edge. The avidity in her eyes, the veracity of need she held for me warmed my entire body. Misty traveled her legs higher up my sides, her hips keeping in sync with mine. Our breaths began to pick up their pace. I could feel my release building just as her pussy walls squeezed the hell out of my dick. Damn, she climaxed with a force so strong I couldn’t hold on for shit.

  We screamed each other’s name just as I exploded inside her.

  “Shit, baby,” I breathed out against her neck; my hips rocking against her a few more times and damn if she didn’t cry out another orgasm before my hips stopped moving.

  I’m in fucking love… Did I say that already?

  As she and I came down from our erotic high, I slowly pulled out of her and collapsed next to her. I pulled her body on top of me, and let out a content sigh, my eyes involuntarily closing as she trailed kisses down the center of my chest. She finally collapsed on top of me. I kissed her forehead, hugged her to me and breathed out a contented sigh.

  I held back a knowing smile, thankful as shit she let me through the door earlier. Things may have ended the way I wanted, balls deep inside my woman, however it sure as hell didn’t start out that way.

  Tonight, we had dinner at Malcolm’s place. It was his birthday and instead of waiting until tomorrow, we got together tonight to celebrate. My brother protested having the celebration at his house, but Amanda had stressed she wanted to host and my brother couldn’t say no.

  On the whole drive to his house, I was thinking about what I would do when I saw Misty. I thought about how much restraint I would have, this being the first time we’d be around my family after our “arrangement” was made.

  I knew I wouldn’t be able to be near her and not touch her; that wasn’t an option. As an alternative, I thought about ways to get creative in order to satisfy my cravings. First things first, I needed to make sure she sat next to me at the dinner table. This would enable me to fondle her without anyone knowing. If that turned out to be impossible, I could get her alone somewhere in the house or outside and properly greet her with my tongue down her throat, or in her pussy; which ever worked for me.

  With my plan set, I entered the house with a huge smile on my face. Unfortunately, I had arrived late to dinner. The promise of an amazing and thrilling night quickly died when my eyes fell on Casey.

  I didn’t expect to see her at all. The countless times her calls and text messages went unanswered should have been hint enough that I didn’t want to talk to her. It wasn’t.

  I knew the run in with her father outside of BLT’s would come back in a vicious way. The fucking bastard called her the second we pulled off or the second he dropped off his date. The next day, Casey started blowing me up.

  She left me messages to call her and even texted a few things that I shall not repeat when I wasn’t answering her calls. Honestly, I didn’t feel the need to pick up or return her calls. We were no longer together. I didn’t have to explain my actions to anyone; and I wasn’t going to.

  However, I should have known she would escalate this situation. I was surprised she waited this long. I wasn’t sure if she knew that the woman her father saw me with was Misty. It didn’t matter one way or another. She and I were no longer together. Whom I dated wasn’t any of her business.

  Since I was late coming to dinner, my plan to have Misty sit next to me was blown. There were two seats left, one between Josh and my father and the other between my mom and Casey. My mother greeted me when I got to the table and told me to sit next to her. I had thought about getting Josh to move down one so I could sit next to Misty, but I didn’t. I sat next to a triumphant smiling Casey and faced a very unhappy, no, a very pissed off Misty.

  As you probably could imagine, dinner was painful for me. The question of whether Casey knew I had been out with Misty was answered by the catty way she was acting. She did her best to put on a show for Misty’s benefit by doing a lot of smiling in my face or finding reasons to touch me; shit like that. I was doing my best to be respectful of my mother, but that was starting to wear thin. I even leaned in a few times and whispered in Casey’s ear, “Cut the shit,” but she ignored me.

  When Misty’s beautiful smart-ass mouth did its dirt and almost started a riot at my mother’s dinner table, I couldn’t stop the huge shit-eating grin on my face. Casey however didn’t like my smile and she pointed at Misty and said to me, “Oh, so that’s funny to you. I can’t believe you’re fucking that whore and you’re flaunting her around for all to see.”

  My eyebrows shot up to my forehead and I braced myself for the force on the other side of the table to attack. However, Misty must not have heard Casey, which was a good thing. Unfortunately, I heard her and I had had enough of the petty bullshit. I grabbed Casey by her arm and pulled her away from the table toward the back door.

  “Come with me,” I growled as I escorted her through the sliding glass door onto the back patio. Leading from the house were wooden steps and a walkway that lead to the beach. I started heading that way when Casey snatched her arm from my grip. I let her go and watched impatiently as she bent down and took off her shoes, leaving them on the porch then followed me toward the beach.

  We walked in silence for a few minutes. The sound of the ocean crashing against the surf filled the night air. A clear dark sky coupled with a full brilliant moon floated above us. It’s what I loved about being close to the water. On a clear night, the scene was breathtaking.

  As we continued to walk, I had hoped the beautiful atmosphere would ease the irrational rage boiling inside me. It didn’t. It only aided in pissing me off even more because I wasn’t out here with the woman I loved. I was out here dealing with my past, dealing with bullshit.

  Walking far enough from the house, I stopped and turned to face Casey. She stood in front of me guarded, her beautiful face full of anger and hurt. She looked up at me expectantly, her arms folded protectively in front of her. I knew what she wanted and I gave it to her without hesitation.

  “You get to ask three questions and that’s it.” I told her and she didn’t hesitate. She pounced.

  “Were you with her when you were with me?”

  “No.” I replied, my voice cold, my eyes hard as stone. I knew who she was referring to without giving her the satisfaction of asking. I gave her my best bored, indifferent glare.

  “Next question.”

  Casey sighed, her features softening just a fraction before she went on.

  “My father saw you with another woman a few weeks ago. He said you two were very acquainted with each other and that you were practically fondling her in public. Is that true?”

  “Is that your question?” I asked i

  A heavy frown marred her beautiful face. She ran her hands through her hair; frustration evident on her features.

  “Dammit, Shane, why must you be such an asshole about this?”

  “Casey, I’m holding on by a thin fucking thread here. Me giving you this time is going far and beyond what you deserve. To be quite honest, you standing here questioning me is bullshit. We are no longer together. That means you don’t get to question what I do with my time or who I spend it with and why. You sure as shit don’t get to call me multiple times a day and you don’t get to show up here acting as if we’re still together.”

  Casey gave me a monstrous glare before she spat, as if she completely ignored what I had just said, “So, you’re fucking that bitch, aren’t you?”

  I moved closer to her, getting into her face. “None of your fucking business. That was your last question. Say goodbye to my mother and get the fuck out of my brother's house.”

  I stayed in her face for another second, just so she could see that I wasn’t playing games with her, before I turned and started back to my parent’s house.

  “Shane, what do you want from me?” I heard her yell behind me and I turned around and headed back in her direction.

  “I want you to stop acting like everything between us is good when you know it’s not. I want you to stop pretending and move on with your life,” I said to her, my voice raised over the surf. “Casey, it’s over between us. It’s been like that for months. Why can’t you let it go?”

  Casey closed the distance, her eyes boring into mine. “Because I can’t help it, Shane. I’ve wanted this, wanting us, for so long. I’ve sacrificed so much for the promise of a life together.”

  A deep scowl creased my face as she spoke. “Sacrificed?”

  She nodded. “Yes, sacrificed. Do you have any idea the opportunities I squandered because of you? The men I said no to that were lining up to have me. Except, I turned them all down for you. I wanted you. I waited around while you played hero, went on missions that were dangerous and stupid and not your fight. I even agreed to see other people just so you could get all of that out of your system. You think I wanted that. I didn’t.”

  Well, fuck me stupid.

  “Wow,” I countered, my eyebrows raised. "If you felt this way, Casey, why did you put up with my shit for so long? Why did you stick around waiting when you had so many suitors pining after you? And why wait for me to get done with playing fucking “hero” and go live your life.”

  “Because I was in love with you!” she cried out, her voice borderline screeching. She took a breath and continued, minus the tantrum.

  “I thought you would change. I had invested so much time to our future and I saw the potential in you that it was worth the wait. I believed once you saw just how much you and I belonged together, saw that I was the only one for you; you’d pick me. That’s all I wanted was for you to pick me over them.” She pointed back at my house. “The so-called ultimatums and the threats you claimed I gave you; I did all of that just so you would see me. See that I love you. See that I’m the only woman for you.”

  Casey was right. She and I had history. When I was overseas, she wrote to me all the time, sent care packages, and called me when I wasn’t on a mission. The reason why I hadn’t reciprocated her actions was Misty. We had been on quite a few missions together by then and I couldn’t stop thinking about her or comparing the women in my life with her. Hell, even the few times I came home for visits; I had looked heavily into Casey’s blue eyes and searched for something in my heart. I had searched for a grain of emotion for this woman, but all I felt, all I could see was Misty.

  I knew that was fucked up. In actuality, it was unfair to drag her along as I sorted my shit. But in my defense, I had laid all my cards on the table for Casey. I had told her I wasn’t looking for anything but casual companionship. Malcolm called it code for a fuck buddy, whatever. Point was, I had been as honest as I could with Casey, however, I wasn’t honest with myself.

  Misty had always been unattainable, untouchable. It was why I held back from pursuing more with Casey. But as time went on, I wondered if Misty was just one of those grass not greener situations and the woman for me was indeed right in front of me. It was also why I began entertaining being exclusive with Casey. Boy, was I wrong. Well, no, I had been right, the woman of my dreams was right under my nose, I was just looking in the wrong direction.

  Casey closed the distance between us and placed her cold clammy hands on my biceps. She got even bolder and lightly touched the side of my face.

  “I deserve a second chance, Shane,” Casey exclaimed, her words bringing me out of my thoughts. Her touch felt like ice. I didn’t like it. “We deserve a second chance,” she went on. We…” she began to say, but stopped talking in mid-sentence when I reached up to the side of my face and removed her hand. I then stepped back from her, ignoring the shock on her face that quickly morphed into anger.

  “Casey, let me ask you a few questions.” I didn’t wait for her reply. I plowed on. “First, did I or did I not tell you up front that I wasn’t looking for anything more than sex?”

  I waited for a response, but when none came, I pushed.

  “Answer the question, Casey. Did I tell you—”

  “Yes, Shane.” She breathed and rolled her eyes. “You told me, but—”

  I shook my head. “No! There is no, buts. I specifically told you that I’ve had a string of bad relationships and I was done with tying myself down to meaningless relationships. I told you that I enjoyed talking to you and enjoyed hanging out with you, but that was all I could give you. Not to mention, I was deployed overseas. I knew what dangers my life held. Dedicating my life to anyone wasn’t something I wanted to do.” I moved closer to her. “Do you remember us having that conversation when we first met and when I finally came back home for good?”

  I looked expectantly at her and she reluctantly nodded.

  I continued. “I have been completely honest with you Casey, since the beginning. I knew my shit. I knew the baggage I had on me, but you said you could handle it. You told me I wasn’t the only one you were seeing anyway. You even told me this worked out for—”

  “I know what I said!” she yelled bitterly, cutting me off. She then closed her eyes and pushed out a heavy sigh. I stopped talking and waited for her to open her eyes. Waiting to see what she was going to say or do.

  Look, I understood how she felt. She figured if she hung around me long enough, I would eventually want to settle down and she would be there for the taking. She was right, of course. I had finally come to the point where I was ready to settle down. I wanted to find that woman to spend the rest of my life with, especially since I couldn’t have the one I truly wanted.

  However, I hadn’t been one hundred percent convinced that Casey was it for me. I had mentioned before that something was off with her. I could never put my finger on it; I just had that feeling. Well, now I knew why I was so hesitant. She wasn’t the one for me.

  I loved being in this man’s army. It wasn’t because I wanted to be a hero; that wasn’t why I joined. It was my calling and I did it well. I loved protecting this country from our enemies. I loved fighting for our way of life. It was a high for me. I got high off hunting terrorists down and eliminating them. I would never do anything different with my life if I were given a do over.

  The fact that she didn’t know that, the attitude she had about me serving my country was a sign that she and I didn’t belong together. Hell, if that wasn’t a telltale sign, her thinking that giving me an ultimatum between her and my family was a good idea and that I would choose her, was the nail in the coffin.

  When Casey finally opened her eyes, she said to me, “If you didn’t want this or me, why did we start talking about being in a relationship?”

  “That’s just it, Casey. I wanted to explore being with you. I wanted to see if we could make it, if you truly were the one for me. I hesitated making that full commitment fo
r a few reasons; one was the feeling that something just wasn’t right between us. Then you gave me that ultimatum, and I knew you and I wouldn’t work.”

  “It wasn’t that serious, Shane.”

  “You wanted me to choose you over the safety of my baby brother. Do you have any idea what that means?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh please, don’t be so dramatic. You were going with him to some hostile territory for his benefit. So, he could have revenge on what happened to his wife. That wasn’t your fight that…”

  I moved closer to her, essentially cutting her off in mid-sentence, anger now spilling over the surface of my calm.

  “Do you fucking hear what you’re saying to me? You’re telling me that my brother’s fight wasn’t mine to fight. Let me tell you something. His fight will always be my fight. If any of my siblings are in trouble, if they need me for anything and I mean any gotdamn thing, I’m there. There is no hesitation. There is no question. I would give my life for them and I know each and every one of them would do the same for me. The only reason why Malcolm wasn’t with us was because Josh needed him to keep an eye on his family, otherwise he would’ve been right beside us. And just so you know, I didn’t go with Josh for his revenge; I went for my own. No one fucks with my family and Sweets became family the second my brother fell for her. That’s how close we are, Casey. And any woman who doesn’t know that shit isn’t the woman for me.

  “Now, I’m sorry you wasted your time being with the “hero” and squandered all of the opportunities you had. Considering all of the shit you just said to me, I am happy to disappoint you. Stop calling and texting me. We’re done. You have your closure. I know I have mine. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to say goodbye to my family and get home. You can find your way back to the house on your own, yeah?”


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