Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M

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Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M Page 6

by Jamie Lake

  “Yeah, Elijah. Maybe we’ll just make you take it.” Alex and Andrew stopped searching and perked up at the idea. Their jaws widened, giving each other menacing smiles. The two of them could easily do whatever they wanted to the small wolf.

  “N-n-no,” Elijah’s voice said. I could see two sets of feet turn and walk toward him. His feet kept backing away until he was trapped in the corner across from the bed. The black wolf rounded around to block the door, I could see his eyes shining from the reflection from the broken glass. His pants were growing stronger and deeper with anticipation.

  “It’s not me you want,” Elijah begged. “It’s the human. That’s what you came here for.”

  “I don’t care. I need a little appetizer beforehand.”

  “So do I,” the other responded.

  I could see the whole scene playing before me. The werewolves transformed into human form again, coming up on two feet instead of four. Each of them more handsome than the next, all stark naked. The one they called Elijah was blonde and smaller than the rest, built sort of like me. The two others were mountains of men. Both were brunnette. The black furred wolf transformed into a thick muscled black man. His backside and shoulders were tensed and ready to pounce. The redhead that they called Alex was much more slender, but still tall and muscular. You could see the power flexing in his arms. Each of their thick cocks dangled between their legs, getting harder and harder as they converged on the small boy.

  I could see the fright in his eyes as they cornered him against the wall, but I also recognized the thrill and the incomparable thirst for cock. Had it been another time, another place, another situation, I might have joined them. But things were different now. Ever since I met Buck, something changed inside me, something I couldn’t explain. I felt a loyalty, no, a belonging as if he owned me and my desire to be with anyone else seemed to evaporate in thin air.

  “Get on your knees,” Alex barked “Do it now and we’ll take it easy on you,” he cackled from the sound of it, it didn’t sound like he meant it. It looked like Elijah had been in this position before.

  Without hesitation, Elijah did what he was told, each of them getting closer. He must have feared the consequence of disobedience even more than what was happening.

  Before Buck, I’d never seen bigger cocks in my life. They were massive, most dripping in anticipation like ice cream cones in August.

  I could smell their lustful urges to get off. They were growling, staring down at Elijah on his knees, each hornier than the next.

  “Now, you’re going to do it right this time. You hear? Or I’m really going to tear your ass apart.”

  “You hear?!” one barked so hard it made Elijah jump.

  “Yes, Sir.” Elijah said.

  “And when I say swallow all of it, this time, I mean all.”

  “Get on all fours,” they told him and Elijah obeyed. He crouched down so low that for a second I was worried he might see where I was hiding but alas he lifted himself up a bit.

  “Now, open your mouth,” the black one told him.

  “Yes, sir.” he answered as he opened his mouth wider.

  “Now ….” the redhead told him, “Open your other mouth … spread your legs.”

  Elijah did what he was told as he allowed his knees to slide across the floor, spreading from east to west.

  The red head circled around Elijah until he was behind him. He dropped down on his knees with a thud as he started eating Elijah’s ass out. His long tongue flicked in Elijah’s hole, pushing his way past his sphincter. Alex was growling, licking and biting at Elijah’s ass. He slapped his cheeks with an open palm until Eljiah moaned on Andrew’s cock. Alex kept sucking his hole until it had to be swollen and soaking. Elijah whimpered from the treatment. That’s when the black one stuck his massive cock through Elijah’s lips with such force, he must have scraped his cock with his teeth but he didn’t seem to mind.

  “Eat it,” he demanded. He grabbed Elijah by the hair and rocked his hips back and forth, the head and stem of his cock slipping and sliding through his pink thick lips.

  “Mmmm….” Elijah said the sensation of the one behind him eating him out while the other’s cock stirred in his wet mouth must have been unbelieveable. Alex was fucking him now, pounding in and out rapidly. Each thrust caused Elijah to move across the floor and jerked Jason’s cock further down his throat.

  Had I not been so terrified, the whole scene would have been a huge turn-on.

  But I was scared. I knew it was only a matter of time before they found me. What I didn’t know was the mattress’s wood frame that was supporting me was tearing so rapidly that in two seconds flat, I would find myself landing on the floor with such a thud that there was no way I could hide it.


  All three heads whipped around toward the sound as I landed with a thunderous thump on the floor. There was no doubt, I was under the bed.

  They yanked their cocks out of Elijah’s orephuses and landed on their feet.

  Alex tore the bed up off the floor with such force and threw it aside so hard that it nearly smashed through the wall, exposing poor, defenseless and frightened me. I had fallen from the frame and was splayed out on my back, my cock and balls just dangling out. They all looked down at me, enjoying my defenseless position, thinking about what they could do to me from there.

  My eyes widened and a wicked smile curved on their lips.

  “Well, well, well … what do we have here?” he taunted.

  “Looks like we will be having some fun after all…” Jason’s cock swung back and forth, taunting and terrifying me at the same time.

  “Leave me alone!” I demanded, grabbing the broken bed frame and hopping to my feet. I swung my makeshift weapon at them and they merely laughed.

  “What are you going to do with that? Scratch us?”

  They chuckled wickedly as they tried to corner me. Their cocks were still dripping, hanging between their legs but getting increasingly hard again and full. I was surrounded by wall to wall cocks. Jason’s cock was thick, not as long as Alex’s, but much wider. His cock stuck straight forward and his balls swung to either side of it, back and forth with his steps. Alex’s cock was longer, but thinner than Jason’s. It was still thick enough for me to wrap my hand all the way around and my fingers to barely touch. Elijah was the smallest of the three. His cock was just as hard, but it curved a little to the left and he wasn’t circumcised like Alex and Jason were.

  The moonlight cast a light across their ripped bodies, the perfect human specimen of a man -- only they were more than just men.

  They formed a three pronged crescent, keeping me from escaping from any angle. They each stepped forward, a little at a time, to close the gap. Around them I could see the tatters of Buck’s room. The bedframe was on its side, the wood shattered and splintered. The headboard had come apart and was spread out in planks across the floor. I was standing on the only uncovered piece of ground, up against the wall that the bed had jut out from.

  “Now, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way,” Andrew said, taking charge and stepping forward. It was obvious by the way the other two fell behind him that he was going to get the first piece. His face was hauntingly beautiful, illuminated in the moonlight. The light gave him a lighter complexion that he had in the shadows and it made his deep brown eyes sparkle.

  They moved in closer and my hands were shaking partly from fear, the other from a feeling I couldn’t pinpoint, was it anticipation, was I being turned on by these strong men whose animalistic pheromones were so strong, their desires so ravenous, I could smell it? Alex reached out to me, his fingertips traced down my neckline over my well-built chest, his elongated fingernail flicked my pink nipples. The touch caused them to harden, involuntarily, and that caused him to chuckle. He enjoyed the effect he was having. He had an interesting set of features. Attractive for sure, but not in the same elegant way Andrew was. He had a rough face that looked like it had taken some beatings, sharp e
yes and thick eyebrows.

  My neck arched back and I panted a sigh of I didn’t know relief from him not cutting me open or perhaps it was the electric sexual shock I felt running through my body. Everything was happening so fast that I couldn’t tell. My body was responding to things my heart didn’t want it to.

  I pulled away from the wall but Andrew shoved me against the wall by my throat. Buck! I wanted to scream out for his help, but Andrew was cutting my air off.

  Andrew’s eyebrows curved up with delight and his dark intense mysterious eyes peered into me. A wicked smile curved along his chiseled face. He had short cropped hair, with light streaks of gray running through it. He kept a closely shaved beard that really accentuated his jaw line. He was a striking man. I’d never been with a black man before. I’d heard the rumors about them and how great they were in bed, the rhythm of their motion and how they took control and treated you as their own. And then of course were the stereotypes of the size of their memberment and by the looks of him, those rumors were true.

  A growl seemed to thunder from the base of his diaphragm up through his nose as the scruff of his face rubbed against mine. He ran his nose down along my skin and knelt down beside me, taking in one long inhale from from my neck down my sides to my crotch.

  “Mmmm,” he grumbled, his long thick tongue licked his lips. He brought himself back up and towered over me. I shook in fear. Anything he wanted, there was nothing I was going to be able to do to stop him. I could only beg him to fuck me with mercy. “I want to come inside you,” he crooned with such a malicious snarl that I doubted begging would do me much good.

  Where the fuck is Buck? I wondered. I glanced out the window, there was no longer anyone there fighting. I could see bodies on the ground and my heart stopped and a cold shiver ran up my body wondering if one of them could be his. Guilt washed over me like a flood of water but something else bubbled up too, not fear as I might have thought but anger, a power within me that I had not experienced in a long time. This man, werewolf or not, who had been there by my side protecting me in secrets like my shadow all these years had laid his life down for me and I’d be damn if I were going to let these men get to me.

  “Gentlemen, let’s have it,” the redhead said each of them salivating as they approached me. I started to scream, when all of a sudden there was a loud commotion behind them. It was so loud in fact, that they forget about fucking me and all turned around, growling at someone who stood behind them. Between parted naked bodies, I could barely make out a man, a strong tall man, a man I immediately recognized as my Buck.

  “Back away,” he said. Their eyes followed the bloody machete he gripped in his hand.

  “He’s ours,” they said with a hint of fear in their eyes and a step or two backwards.

  “I’m only going to say this once again. Back. Away,” Buck said. They circled backwards like a clock until they had backed away, although reluctantly, into the dark corners of the room. The grip he had on the bloody machete in his hand lessened until he dropped it on the floor and it rang a clang that echoed across the dismantled room that looked like a cyclone hit it.

  My eyes started to water, I’d never seen a more beautiful site in all my life. He was alive, my Buck was alive and he’d survived somehow whatever the hell happened outside to return to me.


  I ran to him and embraced him tight. He felt like a stiff brick as a rumble bubbled up from his chest. Then he backed me into the wall. His intense eyes searching mine.

  “Did they touch you?” he asked.

  “N-n-no,” I stuttered, afraid of how he’d react if I gave him any details.

  “You’re mine now,” he said, shoving me against the wall by the neck. It was a force I wasn’t prepared for and I scrambled to catch my breath from the impact. He had a rage in his eyes, something I hadn’t noticed before, an aggressiveness that seemed to seep from his pores. Maybe it was from pent up adrenaline from the battle he waged outside, maybe it was just from the relief he had that I was all right and nobody else had tried anything on me whatever it was, he practically devoured my lips as he gripped both of my ears in his palms and pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

  “You taste better than I imagined,” he said, which I found odd because we had just gone through hours of fucking.

  “Shouldn’t we get out of here before they come back-?” I started to ask.

  “Shut up.” he commanded, harsher than I was used to.

  “But-” I tried to protest but that made Buck go back to handling me roughly.

  “Shut the fuck up,” and with that his claws came out behind me and shredded my underwear until it dropped on the floor and I stood in front of him buck naked. He looked at me in all my glory.

  “Goddamn,” he said, licking his chops. In the light, his eyes seemed greyer than before. He seemed different and I couldn’t pinpoint why because he looked physically the same as before only dirtied and bruised and-

  But before I could look and further, he’d turned me around and slammed me against the wall so that my bare ass cheeks faced him.

  Buck wasn’t acting like himself. He was handling me with much more callous than he had before. I liked it when he got me so worked up that I was begging for it, not like this where he was just taking it. I’d had the fright of my life and he was just trying to fuck me. His callousness made me horribly uncomfortable.

  Buck didn’t pause for a second, though, to check on me. With my ass facing him, he shoved me down to my knees. Maybe he was trying to prove to them that I was his and his alone. I didn’t know. But even when I was holding myself up on all fours, he wouldn’t release the pressure until my cheek was pressed firmly to the hardwood and my back arched up with my ass dangling in the air. How rough he was being was starting to turn me on. I liked this kind of possessive.

  “That’s right, that’s a good boy. Get down there,” Buck barked at me. I thought he was going to eat me out, I would have even enjoyed that, but he didn’t. Instead he looked around us and found a glass beer bottle. It was probably the only thing that hadn’t been pulverized in the wolves’ search.

  Buck held my head down with his right palm. “Open your mouth, boy.” He’d never talked to me like that. Maybe the fighting had driven him over the edge. I obeyed, afraid of what he could do if I didn’t. “Now you’re going to suck this bottle good, because that’s the only lubrication you’re getting before I shove it in your ass.”

  I whimpered from the threat and that made him laugh. He took the smooth, bigger end of the bottle and pushed it through my lips. I gave no protest and allowed him to put the bottle in my mouth. He pulled it out again, then shoved it back in.

  “Alright, I’m ready.” He took the bottle out and moved behind me. His right hand moved to my ass and he gave it a sharp slap. Another, until I was moaning from the pain. He laughed harder, “Take it,” he ordered. Then he spread my cheeks with his massive hands and shoved the big end of the bottle inside me. I howled from the pain.

  “Ow. Buck, that hurts.” I said but he continued getting even more aggressive. “Buck seriously, you’re hurting me. Stop.” He hadn’t gotten me wet or excited. I continued to scream and begged him to stop with each shove. He didn’t stop, he just kept giving it to me. I tried to fall down away from him but he gave my ass another slap and held me up, making me take it until he wanted to be done.

  It become even more aggressive. What was happening? At first it was hot but now he was taking it too far. He seemed enraged, possessed almost and worst of all, selfish. It was as if he didn’t even care how I felt or what pain I was in. I just wanted him to stop, to get off me.

  I was a blubbering crying mess by the time he let me slump down. My ass was raw from his rough treatment. I looked up and that’s when I noticed, the scar above his eyebrow was gone and his eyes were not the beautiful emerald green like before, no, they were definitely grey and turning red, so bright red, they looked like they were glowing like the figure I saw staring into the
window before.

  This. Was. Not. Buck.

  “Who the hell are you?” I screamed and tried to squirm out of his grasp. I was still lying on the floor, helpless under his might. His cock was long and hard now, dripping precum down on me. I could tell he was getting excited for another round. I couldn’t stop him from rolling me onto my back and spreading my legs apart. He brought his cock down to my ass and pulled me up onto his lap.

  A wicked, devious smile curved on his lips, “Japeth. The one who should have marked you long ago.”

  And with that his teeth grew into salivating fangs that protruded from his snout. He was quickly transforming into a werewolf right on top of me. His animal eyes focused on my neck and shoulders.

  “No!” I said, and with all my strength jerked free of him. From my position on the floor all I could do was knee him in the balls and kick at his face. Surprisingly, luckily I made contact in at least one place. He screeched in pain and doubled over at the waist. He was still between me and the door, though. I got up on my feet, slipped across the slick hardwood, and almost got my footing until he regained his composure and pinned me down.

  He was on top of me, his body weight holding me down. He splayed my arms out from my sides so that I had no leverage to move. I could feel his cock hardening again against my cheeks.

  “I was just going to fuck you but now I’m going to make you pay. You’re scrawny, you’re small, you’re not even worthy of me looking at, let alone gifting you with my cock. I don’t see what the fuck my brother saw in you.”


  “I’ll tell you what I saw ….” a voice said behind him. I looked around Japeth, it was Buck, my Buck, bloody cut up but standing strong. “I saw love.”

  And with that he lunged across the room and kicked Japheth in the face so hard he busted through the bathroom wall. Before he could get up, Buck grabbed him by the collar and punched him in the face. “He said no! and no ….” he said punching him again, “Means fucking ‘no!’”


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