Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M

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Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M Page 7

by Jamie Lake

  Buck reared back and this time he hit him so hard blood sprayed out from his nose and mouth. Buck looked at me for a second with sympathy in his eyes.

  I was against the wall, tucked into a corner and out of both of their reach. My eyes were wild from fear, moving from Buck, back to Japheth, then back to Buck. I wanted to be anywhere but there.

  “Are you okay, baby? Are you all-?” But before he could finish his sentence Japeth leaped up and pushed him with full force into what was left of the closet. They spun around like a tornado of chaotic fighting. They looked so similar, so identical I could hardly tell them apart.

  Japheth had obviously taken more wounds in here than Buck had. But Buck looked like he was in rougher shape from what had happened outside. I could only imagine how many wolves he had been fighting off this whole time.

  Japheth took a wide right swing into Buck’s temple. Buck had just recovered from a stomach shot, so he couldn’t get his arm up in enough time to block himself. The blow made him stumble across the floor and crash into the wall across from me.

  The room was already in a disarray. Alex had destroyed the bed when he tossed it off me. The frame has leaning against the door to the bathroom, blocking anyways entry there. That’s where I would have hidden if I could have gotten to it.

  Japheth hit his again, this time right under the chin. the blow knocked Buck onto his back and gave him several shallow slices.

  Soap still covered the floor, so any sudden movement proved treacherous. Now that there was splintered wood and broken glass strewn everywhere, every uncareful step was dangerous.

  I shuddered and cowered into the corner. I wanted to run away but I couldn’t leave Buck. I would stay to watch this play out, one way or another.

  Every time he got hit, I flinched as if I was getting hit too.

  Japheth circled around Buck slowly, and that was his mistake. The few extra seconds allowed Buck to jump to his feet and slam into Japheth’s knees.

  The force landed Japheth on his back with Buck straddling him. Buck pummeled his head and chest from one side, then the other. His strikes were lightning fast and brutally strong.

  The debris moved out from underneath them. Both of the were covered in light scratches and cuts from all of the wood and glass that they were fighting over.

  I could tell Japheth was losing momentum and starting to go limp. Buck wouldn’t stop hitting him though. The scene horrified me. I hated Japheth, I had every right to, but I didn’t want to watch my Buck kill him with his bare hands right in front of me.

  Once Buck was sure that Japheth was done for, his blows lightened up.

  Buck’s eyes were wild with the adrenaline. He had to break free of his fighting trance to even look at me. It took a few seconds for his sight to come into focus and see me there in the corner, scared for my life, trembling like a leaf in a tornado. Instantly his anger melted into pity.

  He slid off Japheth and crawled to me. His big arms wrapped around my shoulders, and he let me finally sob into his bare chest. I squirmed and maneuvered until I was as close to him as possible, and he was holding me tight.

  We could have stayed like that for a long time, but I saw a flash of skin from under Buck’s arm. Suddenly, Buck was aloft over me. Japheth had gotten up and yanked Buck away from me.

  “Stay away from him, he’s going to be mine when I’m done with you,” Japheth snarled.

  Buck swung his hair out of his face and returned to his fighting stance. He struggled to get his footing on the slippery floor. I could see his feet bleeding from tiny glass shards.

  Japheth had gone over to the window. At first I thought he was going to try and flee out of it. Instead, he smashed the window with his left fist and grabbed one of the jagged pieces of glass. Now he was armed and Buck wasn’t.

  He swung it at Buck like a sword. Buck flinched back and deflected the first strike. Buck tried to pick up a plank from the broken headboard, but Japheth kicked his hand out of the way.

  Japheth was faster with the second strike and that blow it sliced across Buck’s chest and down to his belly hard enough to draw blood.

  Buck slumped forward and cradled his wound with his right arm. I lurched forward out of the corner, no longer worried about my safety and only concerned for Buck.

  Japheth saw my naked body out of the corner of his eye and was momentarily stopped in his tracks. He had a choice now: take me the way he wanted to, or continue finishing off Buck. But Buck was looking worse than ever before. He was still bent over and blood was splashing around his arm. There was no way to tell how deep the cut was.

  Japheth’s lust overtook him and he started towards me. I coward back against the wall, trying to press myself into it hard enough to break through the other side. I had no kind of animal strength, though, so it was a lost cause.

  As Japeth moved toward me, Buck looked up and saw what his intentions were. Anger, more anger than he’d shown the whole night, washed his features in red fury. He wasn’t going to let Japheth win so easily. Buck lurched forward and tripped Japheth. He had been so focused on coming to me that he hadn’t even noticed Buck moving. Japheth stumbled, he should have fallen to the side of Buck and the bare wood floor. But the shampooed slippery planks caused Japheth to twist sideways and he landed chest first into the long piece of broken glass lodged in the window above me. His body hung there and blood sprayed down where I was crouched. His didn’t fall, his body was held there by the shard, It had pierced clear through to the other side of him. His fight was gone, he collapsed.


  We both stood in shock. Buck kicked him out the window and we heard him land with a thud. He looked outside just make sure he truly was gone then turned toward me and embraced me, holding me, letting me know everything was safe and I was home now in his arms.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry,” Buck said, kissing me on the forehead and holding me tight. “I didn’t mean for him to hurt you.” Buck was dripping with sweat. Blood was coming from his stomach and other various wounds, but it wasn’t gushing like it would on a normal person. I wondered if wolves healed differently.

  “No, I’m … I’m all right. Now that you’re here.” I pulled myself close to him so that he couldn’t see me shaking. I didn’t want him to know how truly terrified I was.

  “I’m going to take you away from here tonight.”

  “Where will we go?” I asked, ready to get far away from this place, no matter where that took us.

  “I know somewhere safe, somewhere we can be together forever and we’ll never have to worry about him or any of the other pack again.” He wrapped his arm around me and absent mindedly kissed the top of my head, already thinking about our next move.

  Buck led me through the ruined house, down to his garage. We were careful to sidestep the wreckage as we made our way out of the room and down the stairs. I looked back and saw that the door to the other room was swinging precariously. The whole inside of it was destroyed. I turned back around to catch up with Buck. There was no way that I was going to get left behind here.

  “What was all of that about?” I tried to ask as we kept moving. Buck avoided my question, just kept us moving through the house. When we got to the first floor, we saw the wolf that had fallen through the roof. But now he was in the form of a man. He was naked and crippled over, laying on the floor on his side. It looked like his neck was pressed into an odd angle and his chest wasn’t moving with the rhythm of breathing.

  Apparently none of the pack had stopped to take him while they were fleeing.

  We were down the basement stairs before I asked again. “Buck, what happened tonight? Why were they all here? How did they know I was here?”

  He ignored me again, until we had exited the garage and were clambering up into his old truck. He revved the engine alive and the same radio station that had been playing on our way here came on again. The soft tunes were starkly out of place in this nightmare.

  Buck looked at me sideways and took a deep breath
. It didn’t look like he wanted to explain this whole night to me. But I wouldn’t break eye contact and made him start talking.

  “I think you were set up Nathan. Who did you come here with?”

  I balked. “You! You brought me here Buck, what do you mean?”

  “No, no,” Buck shook his head impatiently. “I mean, who brought you out here? Where were you walking from when I picked you up? You see, I think Japheth was around, watching you while you were trying to hitch a ride. Didn’t you feel something near you?”

  I trembled at the memory. I had felt something’s eyes on me. I thought I was just being paranoid. I hate the woods, always had, since those times my dad took me camping. “Well, I mean, I was trying to get a ride into the city with my friend, Max…”

  Buck’s ears perked up at the name. “Tell me more about Max. How long have you been friends?”

  “Uh, I don’t know. Not long. You know...I was having a rough time, trying to find a place to stay and stuff.” I let my voice trail off so that Buck could fill in the missing pieces. I didn’t want to admit that I was pathetic enough to just sleep with men for a place to stay, but it was true.

  Buck winced at my confession. He came over to the bed and knelt down beside me, “You see, the thing is Nathan, that Japheth has been looking for you for a while. Ever since that day I protected you from a pack of wolves in the woods. You remember, right?” Of course I did. I had nightmares about it all the time. I just nodded my head mutely. “Well, Japheth may have hired Max to bring you to him. That’s not too far fetched. When we are in human form we are, what can I say? ...persuasive.” I had no doubts about that. Buck was rugged and gorgeous, much more than a normal man was. I bet he had no problem convincing other people to do what he wanted.

  “So,” Buck continued, “I ran into Japheth in the woods last night. We usually steer clear of each other, but he was so engrossed in hunting - probably you - that he didn’t notice me there. When I realized that it was you he was after, I tore him apart.” I winced, thinking about Buck using his full force on someone.

  “I mean, it was a fair fight. Japheth is strong. But I was furious and he lost badly. He probably cowered back with the rest of the pack to regroup.”

  We drove a little while longer in silence. Buck took us farther down the dirt road, past all the other Victorian houses. They were all beautiful and deadly silent. None of the woodland animals had returned since the fight.

  “You’re hurt,” I said looking at Buck’s deep cut and various bruises. “Where are we going?” All of a sudden I very much wanted answers.

  “I will heal fast. You don’t need to worry about me.” He sniffed me and his nostrils flared, “I can still smell him on you. I’m going to clean you up.”

  “Where?” I asked.

  “To the lake, where I can bathe him off of you.”


  The rumble of his truck stopped as it parked in the middle of the woods. A lake appeared almost out of nowhere from between the tree cover, lit only by the moonlight. We both got out and met around the front. Buck was as calm as usual, but I was still shaking. He wrapped his strong arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close.

  I rested my head on Buck’s chest. The warmth of his body and his strong embrace was getting me hot again. I felt myself stirring and growing. Looking down between us, Buck was getting excited to. I knew we weren’t going to be rough with each other tonight, though. Tonight what I needed was love.

  Buck grinned down at me and swept me up into his arms. I laughed out loud and nearly forgot what set of circumstances had gotten us here.

  “Now let’s wash you off, dirty boy.” He grinned and eyed me playfully.

  I laughed again and quipped back, “Don’t you think you’re a little dirty yourself, big man?” It was true. His whole body stunk of sweat. I didn’t mind that so much. His natural smell turned me on.

  But he was covered in bruises and cuts that had gotten dirty from fighting outside. The large gash on his stomach was much better now. He was right about healing fast. From up in his arms I ran my finger over the wound and he flinched.

  “Better be careful,” he teased. Buck carried me over the the water’s edge and set me down gently. He was obviously prepared to take his time. He had laid me so that me feet were just in the water, enjoying the small lapping of the waves against my calves. “Ok, baby, just relax and enjoy this. I have a lot to make up for. I’m so sorry that Japheth touched you, I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you.” Buck mumbled.

  Soon, I lost the ability to think straight. Buck knelt down at my feet and started washing them in the water. He took his hands in long strokes over my legs.

  He mumbled his apologies while kissing up and down my legs. His thick lips and chin hair moving over my skin brought me to ecstasy. My back arched back and my head rose off the shore. My eyes rolled back and my fist clenched at my sides. He wasn’t even touching me sexually, but I was going insane for him.

  Buck noticed my perked up cock and my shoulders thrown back and laughed lightly. “Do you like this, baby?”

  All I could do was moan my assent and that was enough encouragement for him to kiss harder. He gently carried me farther into the water, not it was up to my chest. He spent a lot of time running his hands all over me. Slowly and carefully he washed away the sweat and dirt that I had accumulated.

  “It’s ok, I’m going to protect you. Nothing can get to you.” He promised.

  His words washed over me, healing my heart just as much as my body. Each time I moaned out in pain, he went slower and gentler. Each time I moaned in pleasure, he gave that spot more attention. My back was fully arched and my head was thrashing back and forth. He had to pause before I hurt myself.

  “Baby, what do you want me to do? What would make you happy?”

  I couldn’t focus long enough to give an intelligible answer. Buck came up and laid down right beside me. Our bodies were both half way in the water. He held himself up on one arm and used the other to caress my face, down my neck, and across my chest.

  I looked up at him and revelled in those glorious green eyes. He ducked him head down and met my lips with his. His lips and tongues moved with electrifying magic. He kneaded my lips until all the fear and tension was dissolved.

  He kept going, each kiss becoming more passionate. He dipped his tongue into my mouth gently, as if asking for permission to enter. I met him, our tongues intertwining and moving together.

  Buck broke free first and swooped me up again. “I want to give you the night of a lifetime.” He took us further into the water. We stayed close enough to the shore so that he could sit down and the water would come up to his chest. He cradled me there and continued to wash me off with the water.

  Now his hands were roaming everywhere and he was getting more excited. His tender touch turned passionate and wanting. He slid over my cock and gripped it tightly. His other arm pulled me up to kiss him again. His kisses sent sparks across my nerves.

  Our lips melded together and he kept playing with my cock. His thumb caresses me under water and his fingers moved nimbly around my balls. I loved the sensation and how hard he was working to please me, but I wanted more. I stopped him, much to his surprise.

  When I pulled away from his kiss, his eyes flew open in surprise. I stood up, looking down at him in my nakedness. He looked up and smiled at me in admiration. “You’re beautiful, Nathan. Sharp and muscled and gorgeous.”

  I smiled at the compliment and tugged his hand until he stood up. “Come on, Buck, there’s something I want you to do for me.” He jumped to his feet, willing and ready to give me whatever I asked.

  I lead him to the edge of the water, where I laid down in front of him again. I patted my crotch and he knelt down in between my legs. I didn’t even have to tell him what I wanted. He responded to my need immediately.

  Buck dipped his head down and took the tip of my shaft in between his lips. He held me there, prolonging the pleasure, and hummed across me.
The sound sent deep vibrations through my cock that threatened to make me cum.

  Then he engulfed me in his mouth. His slid all the way down my shaft until his lips were sucking the base. I felt the muscles in his throat swallowing at me, pulsing my shaft. He applied pressure from his tongue and lips and moved back up my cock.

  He paused for just a second to see how I liked it. “You like that baby, do you like the way I play with you?” My head was thrown back and I was moaning in pleasure, so he continued.

  Buck brought me right to the edge of climax, then stopped. “What?” My head snapped back up.

  He crawled over me and planted both hands beside my shoulders, stopping my protest with a kiss. “I know what you want baby. Let me give it to you.”

  His cock was huge and dripping; his eyes were expectant. It took me a second to realize that he was asking for permission. The thought drove me wild and I nodded my agreement. With that, he picked me up in his arms and slid me down onto his cock. He slid in easily from the water and his precum.

  Buck held me there with his strong arms and rocked me with his hips. It was much softer and deeper than the first time. This position gave him full access and allowed him to get himself in all the way to the hilt.

  “I want to breed you tonight,” Buck whispered in my ear, his hair slicked back from the water, his eyes tender and passionate.

  A smile spread across my face. “You want me to have your baby?”

  He laughed, “I didn’t mean like that. I’m not sure that that’s quite possible... But we can try.”

  Buck keeps rocking me, from side to side then back and forth until I’m panting and trying to match his motion. He moves faster and faster and I can’t keep up until I explode all over his chest. He doesn’t pause, though, and he quickly cums inside me. I can feel his cum shoot up in spurts, coating my insides. Buck moans a sigh of pleasure and lays me back on the ground and wipes himself off. He comes to me and kisses me deeply, cradling me in his arms and rocking me against his chest.


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